Transcript #495 Top Tips to Reduce Histamine Reactions with Spencer Feldman


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  1. Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Spencer Feldman, who joins the show to talk about allergies, autoimmune histamine reactions, and what’s really happening during these reactions. He goes over why allergic reactions can be isolated to different parts of your body, including your brain and your bladder, and what those symptoms look like. Spencer then covers the different components of your histamine receptors and how they respond to different types of treatments; including different strategies, supplements, devices, and foods that can help stop your immune system from overreacting. If you or a loved one is dealing with allergies, histamine issues, autoimmune disorders, or mass cell activation syndrome, make sure to tune into this show!
  2. Learn about what histamines, their different receptors, are and how they can affect the body.
  3. Find out what can happen when you have brain inflammation, and the way histamine works in the brain.
  4. Learn about what happens when high histamine levels in your body trigger your H four receptor, which causes mast cells to infiltrate into your tissues.
  5. Find out why it is so important to address Lyme disease when looking to address histamine imbalances in the body.
  6. Learn why taking antihistamines don’t address the underlying root cause of dysfunctions.
  7. Learn about the steps you need to take in order to properly address allergies and histamine dysfunction.
  8. Find out why decreasing you dietary histamines is key for controlling your histamine levels.
  9. Find out how our mast cells are focusing on chemicals and toxins, causing chemical sensitivities.
  10. Learn why Spencer suggests testing by protocol, using protocols to find the source of your health issues.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Today we have Spencer Feldman on the show. I’ve had him many, many times. He’s a founder of and I just love his big fat juicy brain. I love doing downloads of that brain. And today we’re going to be talking about allergies, autoimmune histamine reactions, and what is going on in the phenomenon that many people are not aware of, that you can have allergic reactions in different body parts in your brain, in your bladder, and just many other body parts and what those symptoms look like and the different components of your histamine receptors and how they respond to different types of treatment, how to reduce your histamine sensitivity, have to stop your immune system from overreacting. We talk about all the different foods that you should avoid that are high in histamine.

And we also talk about some different solutions. I personally am a big fan of NES Health bioenergetics to calm your immune system, calm those histamine reactions, and give correct operating instructions to your immune system. I touch on that because it’s difficult to calm the immune system down from overreacting. How in the heck do you do that? And that’s something where NES Health bioenergetics shines. But you also need to take physical supplements as well. There are lots of things that you can take and supplement with that Spencer reviews to help to calm histamine reactions. And anyone out there who is dealing with allergies, histamine, autoimmune, mast cell activation syndrome, another big problem a lot of people are dealing with, anyone dealing with this or you have a loved one dealing with this, you want to listen to this show. Because I think a lot of conventional medical doctors are not really giving their patients any answers or relief because they’re not understanding what’s really going on in the body and how to address it.

Really, really important show for you guys suffering because autoimmune diseases are one of the fastest growing subsets of diseases today. And there are so many things working against our immune system functioning, we have chemicals, we have heavy metals, and lots of infections. People have low energy production, and people are overrun with different infections that are there to clean up their gut of heavy metals and toxins. And just a lot of different things that overload and interfere with our immune system functioning, which is why they are failing us. And also, another really interesting thing that we talk about is how multiple chemical sensitivity is actually an allergic reaction. You’re actually developing an allergic reaction, a histamine response to cigarette smoke or perfumes or the detergent aisle or what have you. And that’s really what’s going on there. I thought that was super, super interesting.

Lots of great stuff in this show today, dig in. I know you guys listening to this show, you are concerned about your heavy metal low, your toxic burden. And I developed a quiz called that takes two seconds to take, and then you get your results of the quiz. And taking the questionnaire, only takes a few minutes, and then you get a free video series that answers a lot of your frequently asked questions about how to detox, how long it takes, what kind of testing do I do, and what kind of supplements are best for detox? Just lots of your questions were answered in that free video series. Check it out at Our guest today is Spencer Feldman. He’s a multiple patent-holding inventor with more than 20 years of experience formulating and manufacturing detoxification products for doctors and their patients.

His trailblazing use of suppositories to deliver ingredients that would otherwise require intravenous therapy has changed the way many doctors do a detox. And the owner and formulator of the Remedylink brand of products, now in his fifties, lives with his partner completely off the grid on his 100-acre farm where he spends his time tending his orchard and garden while continuing to design new products that help detoxify people in our evermore toxic world. You can learn more about Spencer and his work and even consult with him at Spencer Feldman, thank you so much for coming to the show again.

Spencer Feldman: Thanks for having me, Wendy.

Dr. Wendy Myers: We have a super interesting show today. You wanted to talk about different types of immune system overreactions and allergies that we can have in any part of the body. Why don’t you give us a little overview of what you want to talk about?

Spencer Feldman: Sure. I’d like to talk about what high histamine does in the body and how you detoxify it. And I got into this because I have a friend who we determined had a lot of mold sensitivities. And I’m looking into it and I’m like, “Okay, it’s a histamine response.” And then I find out that a lot of people have histamine responses that you wouldn’t think are allergies, but they are, a brain allergy, an allergy in the uterus, causing PMS, an allergy in the heart, causing arrhythmias and such. I want to get into this deep dive into what happens when you have high histamine and all the weird symptoms you can get and then how you can deal with it.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Let’s start with one of the most common issues that people have is they have a histamine issue. What are histamines? What are they doing in the body?

Spencer Feldman: Histamines are both a neurotransmitter and a hormone and they are one of the compounds the body uses to do a lot of things. It’s part of the immune response. It’s also part of the way we regulate our neurotransmitters. When most people think about histamine, they think about an allergic reaction in the skin, or the sinus, like an insect bite, a mosquito bite or welts or hives, or hay fever. That’s something. But what was news to me is you can have a histamine reaction in the brain, in the heart, the reproductive system, the bone marrow, the uterus, anywhere in the body, you can have it. And I wanted to understand more about what was going on and this is what I found out. There are histamine receptors all throughout the body and there are four classes of them, thankfully named H1, H2, H3, and H4. H1 and H2 receptors go to the skin, the gut, and the lungs. And that’s the classic allergy symptoms, itchy or painful skin and difficulty breathing, and gut allergies.

What’s less well known is that they also can go to the muscles. Sorry, the H1 and H2 receptors. You also find them in the muscles, the joints, the heart, the nerves, the reproductive system. What that plays out is someone can have an allergic heart or an allergic prostate or uterus or an allergic bladder. How does this manifest? If the allergic reaction happens, when an allergic reaction happens in the skin, we recognize it as itching, swelling, red, itchy, and painful, but there are no itch receptors once you get past the skin and the mucus membrane. It’s not itching, but it’s the same phenomenon going on and it’s an itch that your body is desperately asking you to scratch, but you can’t get to it.

It causes symptoms. In the case of the muscles and the joints, you get muscle and joint pain. If the histamine receptors in the heart get activated, you can get high or low blood pressure, dizziness, arrhythmias, and pots or postural or orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which we’re now seeing more of possibly from COVID. In the nerves, you can have chronic nerve pain or irritation or even peripheral neuropathy, in the prostate or uterus, you can have prostate enlargement, PMS. Now for women specifically, high histamine can cause infertility reversible, but infertility and miscarriages, one of the things that happen as a woman gets pregnant is she increases diamine oxidase 500 fold, which is the enzyme that breaks down histamine because if you have high histamine, the body is going to react against the fetus. You have a miscarriage. And a lot of women who think they’re infertile or having trouble conceiving, they’re just having miscarriages really quickly.

The way an IUD works, an IUD doesn’t stop pregnancy, it just basically causes very, very, very early miscarriages. Histamine can act like that. And there’s a lot of couples out there who are trying to get pregnant and they can’t because the woman’s histamine is up. If a woman feels better from her symptoms when she gets pregnant, that’s because the enzyme, the diamine oxidase that breaks down histamine is increasing and it is increasing specifically. She doesn’t have a miscarriage, but then she gets the corollary benefit of having all the other histamine in the body go down. In the case of the bladder, you could end up with interstitial cystitis or pain during urination, like a burning feeling. Now that’s just the H1 and H2 receptors.

There are two more. There are H3 and H4. Now the H3 receptor goes into the central nervous system, that’s the brain and the spinal cord. And here’s where it gets a little tricky. Hang on, high histamine in the brain, in the body’s inflammation, which is annoying, tissue swells and it either itches or hurts or just gives you other weird symptoms.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And I heard that when you have brain inflammation, you can have almost a buzzing feeling or feeling stimulated or ringing in your ears and things like that when you’re dealing with inflammation.

Spencer Feldman: The thing about the brain is it has no nerve bending. Something’s happening in the brain, you can’t feel that, but you can feel the blood vessels in the skull and around that’s probably what someone’s feeling, or again, in the ears. Now there’s a reason why I say shoulder injuries take so long to heal. It’s very packed in tightly and there’s nowhere for the swelling to go. If someone gets a bruise on the forearm, it swells up, it goes through a healing process, and the swelling goes down. In the shoulder, there’s no place for the swelling to go. It stops, the blood flow gets disturbed, and it takes a long time to repair. And even more so in the brain, there’s no place, there’s no place in the brain for the brain to go when it swells and expands. It’s deadly.

The brain must be protected from swelling. Having high histamine in the brain is a deadly phenomenon. It’s very dangerous. The brain has this thing called the H3 receptor, and what it does is when the blood level of histamine goes up, the H3 receptor lowers histamine in the brain. You get this paradoxical thing, high histamine in the body, but then low histamine in the brain. And this is the issue. When you have the H three receptors get activated in the brain and the histamine in the brain goes down, that’s releasing your neurotransmitters. You can have a crash of all your neurotransmitters because there’s no histamine in the brain to release them. And you could be chasing supplements trying to boost your neurotransmitters till the end of time. It won’t matter if it doesn’t get released from the correct level of histamine.

Now there’s another issue and there’s something called a constitutive activity. And the way receptors are supposed to work is that they’re supposed to be off and then they get triggered and then they turn on and then they do their job and then they turn off. But there are some people who have a genetic flaw called constituent activity where the receptors are always on a little bit. Now some people have the H3 receptor that’s always on. It’s always dropping their brain histamine. They’re always having a low level of neurotransmitters in their brain. If a person has high blood histamine, maybe from the diet, and we can go into that, or their immune system is a little out of whack, we can go into that or they have this thing called constituent activity, then the H3 receptors are acting too much and you get what I would call an allergic brain.

Let’s just talk about what an allergic brain would cause. Histamine regulates the release of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and GABA. Now, how would this play out if these things start dropping? You have the general symptoms like headaches and brain fog and difficulty waking up in the morning, difficulty with hot or cold weather. You can’t regulate your temperature very well, and vertigo and nausea are general symptoms. And then you’ve got specific things. Low acetylcholine makes it hard to learn things or to remember, and low dopamine decreases motivation. And the extreme causes of Parkinson’s are low serotonin leaves to depression, low epinephrine leads to difficulty focusing, ADHD, and low GABA makes it hard to get to sleep. An allergic brain, Wendy, who would’ve thought you could have an allergic brain?

Dr. Wendy Myers: I know exactly. You don’t really think about these things. You think more of having sniffles and runny nose and sneezing and things like that and allergies to mold and pollens and things like that. But it’s one of those things. I think that’s why I wanted to have you on the show to illuminate what is really going on with people. Because I think there’s also because of so many stimulants to our immune system or say vaccines or also heavy metals and environmental toxins, all these things that improperly stimulate our immune system and suppress our immune system can contribute to this immunity chaos that so many people are dealing with today.

Spencer Feldman: Absolutely. There’s one more receptor we should talk about and that’s the H4 receptor. And this goes into the bone marrow and the immune cells. When the H4 receptor gets activated, you can get all sorts of immune issues. And this is the main receptor found on mast cells. Now, mast cells are the main producers of histamine in the body, and whereas most of us didn’t know what mast cells were a little while ago, mast cell activation system syndrome is now coming, something that more and more people are aware is an issue. Here’s what happens when there’s too much histamine in the body, the H4 receptors in the mast cell cause the mast cells to infiltrate into the tissue. You’ve got an amplifying cycle. Let’s say somebody has some gut histamine. The H4 receptors are going to make the mast cells enter into the gut tissue where they’re going to generate more histamine, which is then going to call in more mast cells, which is going to generate more histamine.

The body is trying to mount a defense against parasites, basically. That’s a lot of what this type of cell is aiming to deal with because historically in the wild, most wild animals are heavily parasitized. It’s trying to overcome a parasitic infection, but it’s not a parasite. What it is, it’s a food allergy or something. And since we’re constantly exposed to it, that cycle never ends and they just keep getting more and more mast cells infiltrating more and more histamine, more and more receptors in different parts of the body get activated and it just cascades from there. If we’re going to help this tissue and help the person with the symptoms, we’ve got to stop this allergic and inflammatory cycle. We’ve got to get the mast cells to leave. And to do that, we’ve got to stop triggering their H4 receptors with high histamine.

Now it’s not just histamine that triggers mast cells, like I said, parasites are also viruses, bacteria, mold, and insect venom. These are all triggers to the mast cells. If we have a chronic infection with any of these things, and remember the gut is not infected, it’s colonized, but if the microbiome is off, that colonization becomes an infection. A lot of people are walking around with guts full of bacteria that shouldn’t be there, and it’s a chronic infection that is dragging in and activating all the mast cells. Now here’s something else that’s crazy I didn’t know about. Injury will trigger mast cells including concussions, and that doesn’t mean a concussion that necessarily knocked you unconscious, just whiplash will do it. Now you could have someone who was in a motor vehicle accident and they got whiplash and that means that the head, the brain slammed back and forth in the skull and had some injury.

Now mast cells are part of the injury repair mechanism. There’s inflammation. As an example, in the initial part of the healing process, mast cells are what pull the cut wound edges together. When someone gets a cut on their skin, the mast cells actually stitch, they close it for you to the degree, can’t you get stitches. They’re pulling it together so they’re part of the natural healing mechanism, but it can become dysfunctional. In the brain, you can have somebody that gets a concussion or a head injury, the mast cells start going into the brain, and they cause a blood-brain barrier to start getting leaky.

And if that healing doesn’t resolve perfectly, especially if they get a second injury before the healing is done, that’s really bad news. A brain injury on top of an unhealed brain injury is really hard, it’s very challenging for the body to recover from it if it gets interrupted like that in the healing process. All these mast cells are infiltrating the brain from a whiplash injury and now the brain is hypersensitized because of the mast cells and then the histamine starts getting released and then the H3 receptors turn on and then all the neurotransmitters crash. And the person never quite figured out that the whiplash that they got is causing them all these psychological challenges they’re experiencing.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Really, really interesting. And I think so many people today have head injuries and just the doctors aren’t really looking at the after-effects of that and really not doing a lot for concussions or people that are having head injuries. They’re like, “Oh, let’s just keep an eye on it” and it’s just really a big problem. I have a lot of actual friends I’m treating right now to have head injuries and using various things to address that. What is the next step here? What is the next concept you want to talk about when it comes to allergic reactions and histamine reactions in the body?

Spencer Feldman: Before I get into how we can start to clear it as one other thing that I think we should address, and that’s Lyme disease. And some 14% of the world’s population has an active or chronic tick-borne disease and a lot of them have no idea it’s causing their problems. Now, Lyme is a particularly strange infection. It has three strategies, the white immune system can completely destroy alignment spirochete if it can catch it. What the Lyme spirochetes do, their strategy is they cloak themselves. The immune system can’t see it. And that’s why you need to get the microbiome online because it un-cloaks bacteria, it cloaks itself so they can’t see it. It has a dual propeller propulsion system, it’s 500 times faster than our own white blood cells, and it makes a beeline straight to immune-privileged tissue.

Now, immune-privileged tissue is a tissue that the body says, “Hey, I am not going to mount an immune response here because the collateral damage is worse than the infection.” If somebody gets an infection on their skin, the immune system goes after it because if the skin swells, no big deal. Skin cells replace themselves quickly. But take something like the brain. Swellings are very dangerous in the brain, and nerve cells take a long time to repair. The brain is what’s called immune-privileged tissue as are the testes in some other parts of the body. And the goal of the immune system in immune-privileged tissue is to say, “I’m not going to try to kill this infection, but I am going to try to make it go to sleep and it can have me when I’m dead.” My belief is that people who have chronic Lyme are those in whom immune-privileged tissue is unable to cause the infection to go to sleep.

And then you have a response there where you don’t want one. And what kind of response do you find in the immune system? You find histamine. I think what’s going on is people who have Lyme disease are dealing with the neurologic aspects of it that they’re dealing with from the histamine in the brain that the body is then generating as a response to the Lyme infection. There is a connection between dysregulated mast cells and Lyme disease. Now that I’ve expressed the nature of the problem, this elephant in the room that none of us were really able to deal with, what do we do? 

And the first thing you might think is, “Well, how about if we take some antihistamine drugs?” I remember taking Benadryl as a kid for a skin rash. I think I had some on me for chicken pox once.

There are four issues with the current medical model in relation to histamine. The first is a lot of doctors aren’t going to make the connection between some of these other tissues and histamine like the heart or the reproductive organs or the brain or the bladder. A lot of doctors don’t think that “Hey, that could be a histamine problem.” If you have a doctor that does know that that could be related then there are well-tolerated antihistamines for H1 and H2 receptors. We have things for acid reflux in the stomach, which is a histamine issue, and for hay fever and skin things, that’s H1 and H2. But for H3 and H4, that’s for the brain, the central nervous system, and the immune system. There are drugs, there are antihistamines, but they have a lot of side effects and they really require a specialist to oversee them.

Now, another issue is while antihistamines can be very effective at resolving symptoms, they don’t address the underlying cause of the dysfunction. And in one to three weeks, a person can start developing a tolerance to them and then you have to increase the dose. And fourth, even well-tolerated antihistamines have been shown to have side effects over time. There’s an increase in certain types of cancers and also infertility. What are other options that we have? First, what’s the person allergic to? If it’s food or if that’s one of the things you’re allergic to, avoiding the offending food is very helpful. 

An elimination diet can help you figure this out. But if you can afford it, there’s also a blood test that’ll measure your immunoglobulin response to two to 300 common foods. Turns out I’m allergic to figs, which is disappointing because I got six fig trees that I planted years ago and are very prolific.

But figs go on, the dried figs go in the holiday gift basket to people. Let me go back to the friend who had this mole allergy and where I went with her because she was patient zero. She’s how I figured out this stuff. These are the clues I had to work with. In Oregon, there’s a pretty bad smoke season. She would get worse during the smoke season. She would get worse if she cooked food on a propane stove, not an electric. She got worse when the weather was wet. And she got about 30% better when we addressed her microbiome. What do these things have in common? Three of them are airborne and then we’ll get to the microbiome in a minute, an airborne allergy. What’s in the air we can react to?

70% of homes have mold. That’s why it got worse than the wet weather. 80% of homes have dust mites. If she’d ever dusted the house, she would get sick. Propane, here’s an interesting one. Propane itself has no smell, but they have to put something in there if there’s a propane leak, you’ll know. They put something called mercaptan in. And mercaptan is a sulfur-based chemical. And what happens is when you burn propane, a little bit of sulfur dioxide is created and some people become allergic to sulfur dioxide. Pollen is an issue a quarter of the US population has such bad pollen reactions that they actually get diagnosed with pollen allergies every year. And then you’ve got pollution. And this is mostly industry and vehicle exhaust, volatile organic compounds, particulates, nitrogen oxides, especially diesel. And these all trigger histamines.

If you live in a city or someplace industrial or by a major highway that can do it. What can we do for this woman? She cooked with propane, and she was able to get a vented hood that would pull the combusted gas out of the kitchen for her. What about the dust mites? Have the filters in every room, and that’s the dust mites and mold. Now this helps, but it wasn’t enough. I did a bit of a deeper dive and I found that in addition to avoiding allergic foods and improving air quality, there are four things that I want to do to help somebody. And here they come. The first thing is you want to reprogram the immune system so the body stops reacting to allergies. And there’s a way to do this, but it takes some time. You also want to suppress the biochemical creation of histamine from the dietary amino acid histamine.

And there are ways to do that. But even so, some histamine will still be created. Then you want to stabilize the mast cells and basophils and other cells that are releasing the histamine. But some of that will still be released. Then you’ve still got some excess histamine in the bloodstream. And to do that, you want to raise the levels of diamine oxidase, which is the enzyme that breaks down histamine in the blood. And this is how I did it. To reprogram the immune system, you can actually use rosemary or more specifically rosmarinic acid. And there’s a study that showed that it would cause T-cells that had been inappropriately programmed to an allergic response to go through apoptosis or to self-destruct, but they’d leave the rest of the immune system alone. It wasn’t an across-the-board immune suppressant, which would be very dangerous.

And there are drugs that will do that. It was very selective at going after dysregulated T-cells, the ones that had the memory of the immunity. Another one is EGCg, which is a green tea extract. And what that does is it suppresses the enzyme, his histidine decarboxylase, which is what turns histidine into histamine. If you’re going to do green tea extract and get the decaffeinated one because normal green tea extract has a lot of caffeine and caffeine raises histamine. What else? Quercetin is something that will stabilize mast cells and basophils, they are less likely to release the histamine they’re storing. And then finally, you’ve got the enzyme I mentioned a few times, diamine oxidase. What diamine oxidase does is break down histamine and other toxic amines. And this is where the gut comes into play. If someone doesn’t have a good microbiome, they’re making toxic amines.

They’re making cadaverine and putrescine from the Clostridium bacteria. And not only do those toxic amines take up some of the use of the diamine oxidase to break them down, they actually make diamine oxidase less functional. They degrade its ability. That’s why it’s really important as part of this to, you could try our panacea product, but something to keep the microbiome happy and healthy. Now, the challenge is that quercetin and diamine oxidase aren’t very bioavailable. Now they’re great for taking orally if you have gut allergies and by all means, use them. But what happens if it’s an airborne allergy or what happens if the gut allergy triggers something histamine the gut triggers an allergy inside the bloodstream? If the histamine gets into the bloodstream, then swallowing it and having it in the gut won’t be that helpful. What you need is to get the quercetin and the diamine oxidase into the bloodstream.

I made them liposomal. And what was the result? If she takes a spoonful in the morning rather than sleeping till 10 o’clock and waking up groggy and then finally getting some energy around four o’clock in the day, she’ll take a spoonful. And when she wakes up in the morning and five, 10 minutes later she’s out of bed and she’s starting her day, it was actually surprising how fast that was. And if you want, we make a product that contains all those things called Tessamet. Because when I realized how useful it was for her and how many people probably have something similar, I wasn’t just going to help one person and nobody else. That’s where we’re at so far with this. In retrospect, what was going on for her is she probably had two genetic issues.

One, she probably doesn’t make enough diamine oxidase internally to break down the histamine she has. Two, she’s probably one of those people that has a constitutive activity which means that her receptors are in a constant low level of activity even when they shouldn’t be. Now, if any of this sounds like it might be something you’re going through in addition to the product we make, here are some things you could do. Have you ever tried lowering histamine in your diet? Wendy, have you ever played around with that?

Dr. Wendy Myers: I haven’t. I have a pretty solid immune system. Because I do NES Health bioenergetics, which modulates your immune system. I never really had problems with that.

Spencer Feldman: Nice. If someone’s listening and they’re like, “Hey, this is me,” here are some things you could do right off the bat. You have to decrease dietary histamine. Now refrigerators are wonderful, but they mean that most of us are eating leftovers a lot of times because the longer a food sits around, the more histamine is created for bacteria. The fresher the food, the better. Limit fish. Fish unless you just caught it right then and there turns in or creates histamine very quickly. Some fish are better than others, clearly. Limit canned food. Again, that’s a high-histamine food. Limit fermented food. The bacteria in the fermentation process will, in most ferments, raise histamine. And then there are things that will release histamine. They don’t have histamine in them, but they sensitize the mast cells for releasing it. They’re the opposite of quercetin. They cause the mast cells and the basophils to let go of histamine.

And that’ll be things like citrus and some other types of foods. You can go online and get a list of high-histamine and histamine-reducing foods. And the other thing is obviously to get good air filtration where you live and work. Some things that can trigger it would be cold weather can trigger a histamine reaction, so can physical vibration, and even excessive sun. Some people become allergic to the sun. The UV is triggering a histamine reaction. Getting control of histamine is a fun fundamental part of being able to improve our health. It’s something that isn’t really talked about much beyond gut, skin, and lungs.

But I hope now people listening to this understand that a lot of the symptoms that they may have may very well be histamine related. For instance, histamine goes up because diamine oxidase goes down during menses. If a woman is having difficulty during her menstrual cycle, she could have an allergic uterus, she might be having a histamine reaction in the uterus. There’s really no part of the body that can’t end up with an allergic reaction. And as you said before, because of the way we’ve insulted the immune system with all the chemicals, a lot of us are dealing with this now.

Dr. Wendy Myers: I think food sensitivities and allergies and autoimmune diseases, all these immune system malfunctions are absolutely on the rise. Autoimmune is the fastest-growing subset of diseases. So many people are dealing with this, which is why I wanted to have you on and talk about this in detail. And also one thing I wanted to just contribute to this conversation is that it’s difficult to maybe fix and direct the immune system. And again, I urge people to try bioenergetics. Specifically, a program that we offer called NES Health, N-E-S Health, there’s nothing I’ve ever seen that modulates your immune systems and calms food sensitivities, calms immune system reactions because it feeds correct operating instructions essentially to your immune system and stops these reactions. But you need to do stuff physically as well, like the product that you’re offering. Can you tell us a little bit more about it in detail?

Spencer Feldman: Sure. The product is called Tessamet, and it’s the four things that I made for this young lady. It’s the rosmarinic acid to selectively prune the dysfunctional T-cell that has got it in their minds that allergens are parasite’s core problems. It’s got the EGCg, which is there to support the body in minimizing the transition of dietary histidine into histamine. Then we have quercetin, which there are a number of things you can use to stabilize mast cells, but quercetin is the one I like. Some of the other ones have side effects and you have to be careful when you use them. Quercetin is great. Again, you have to make it liposomal, otherwise, it’s not going to get into the bloodstream or you want it. And then it’s the DAO enzyme. It’s that actual enzyme that the body should be making to break down histamine.

And in a lot of cases, people just don’t make enough of it. And you mentioned chemical sensitivity. Yes, there’s a connection there. And what histamine does is it increases the permeability. It allows things to move back and forth where maybe they shouldn’t. And one of the things I started realizing about chemical sensitivity is that histamine both can increase your sense of smell because they’re basically opening everything up. Someone who’s got chemical sensitivities that can make histamine reactions worse and histamine reactions can make chemical sensitivities worse. And you can get the two of them playing off on each other. Mast cells are very ancient. They predate antibodies in terms of evolution when they came into animals. They’re a very ancient part of our immune system. And they’re there to deal with these infections.

And a lot of it has to do with also parasites, which were until recently humanity, a huge problem still is a problem, but not like it used to be. And the mast cells, they’re very powerful but not necessarily really up-to-date, it hasn’t, like you said, reprogramming, the mast cells are running on an old programming system to protect the body from parasites. It hasn’t quite been figured out, we can mostly cook our food and have indoor plumbing and much better hygiene, and don’t walk around barefoot all the time anymore. It hasn’t gotten the message yet. It’s still dealing with the must-stop parasites single-mindedly. And that hypersensitivity to parasites plays out in the modern day as hypersensitivity to chemicals, getting the chemicals out of the body so that the immune system can focus on what needs to be important.

Dr. Wendy Myers: It’s really, really interesting that you mentioned that the mast cells are now after the chemicals. There are so many people listening, and this is me as well, where I could not stand cigarette smoke, I couldn’t stand perfume. I just felt like, “This perfume is secondhand smoke. It’s a new secondhand smoke.” And I think there’s a lot of people out there dealing with these reactions to cleaners and other things that they can’t walk through the detergent aisle, the laundry detergent aisle at the stores because they’re just reacting to everything.

Spencer Feldman: We make the Xenex product, which is the phase one and phase two detoxifier for chemicals. And I used to have multiple chemical sensitivities. I don’t know, I made the product originally for me. And I was always wondering, I’m like, “How is it that someone reacts to the chemicals that quickly?” I always think, “Wow, it’s almost like an allergy,” because if you get the chemical in you, yes it’s causing problems. But the inflammation, all of these things that happen when you have chemical sensitivity, it seemed like it was an allergic reaction. And now I realize, “It is exactly an allergic reaction” There’s a connection there between chemical toxicity and mast cell activation.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Exactly. Because I don’t have that anymore either. I think now that I’ve gotten a lot of these toxins out and I’ve calmed my immune system. I’m not sensitive to it anymore, it doesn’t bother me, it doesn’t give me the headaches and things like that that I used to get. Really, a really interesting conversation here. A lot of connections and a lot of dots being connected here. Anything else that you want to add to this conversation?

Spencer Feldman: I used to think that metals were the main cause of most people’s sickness. And I do still believe that metals play an enormous role. One of the things I would tell people about metal toxicity is unless you’re getting something like a Genova diagnostics test that’s going to test all of them, I mean even the weird ones like valium and uranium and gadolinium, you’re not really going to know if you have metal toxicity. And I’m a fan of testing by protocol. And what I mean by that is to take the protocol that would help you if you have the issue. Now, there’s a reason why modern medicine doesn’t test by protocol. It’s because the protocols are fraught with side effects. You’re not going to say, “Hey, let me give you this one really intense H3 receptor antagonist for your depression, maybe it’ll help.” Because if you’re wrong, you’ve just given someone something that can really throw their body off.

But in the alternative community, I like the idea of testing by protocol because the things that we’re offering usually won’t cause any problems. There are some things that will push you out of balance if you have that particular imbalance. It still has to be done with a degree of sophistication. But for instance, if you think someone’s got chemical toxicity, you could just, rather than spend $500 on multiple chemical analyses, you could just give them something Xenex or whatever it is you choose as your protocol and see if they get better. And if they do, there’s your positive. If you think someone might have gadolinium poisoning, we make a product called Captima, which is, we spoke about it, I think it’ll be discussed in your September class, all the heavy metals, the ultra heavy metals at the bottom of the periodic table, the actinides, the lanthanides, and the radioactive, we are exposed to them.

They’re in well water, they’re in imaging and they cause all sorts of problems. But most people are never going to know if that’s it. If you give someone an ultra-heavy metal detox and they get better, testing by the protocol is a very valid way to go about doing things. One thing you can consider is if you think that histamine might be behind some of the symptoms you have if you take something that addresses the T-cell dysregulation, the conversion of the histidine to histamine, the stabilizing of the mast cells, and increasing the diamine oxidase. And if that helps within 5, 10, or 20 minutes, there are different timeframe words where things happen. Mast cells release things at different timescales. Some things would get released in minutes, some in seconds, some in minutes, some in hours.

But if you were to take something that would work at all four of those levels and within the day suddenly you are feeling a lot better, that’s probably a lot easier than finding an immunologist, not that one shouldn’t, but finding an immunologist, getting a referral, and then doing some very expensive time-consuming tests. And then what do you do with that information? You still got to work with it. I like testing my protocol, assuming you’ve got something that won’t harm you if you’re off-mark.

Dr. Wendy Myers: I agree. That’s why we stopped doing a lot of functional medical tests and just stuck to the heavy metals testing because I think that you can try things like that. You can try a supplement and see if it works based on your symptoms and that can reveal a lot of information about what’s going on with you. I totally agree. I think there are a lot of issues with accuracy, and functional medical tests as well that I think a lot of people don’t talk about. But Spencer, is there anything to add to that?

Spencer Feldman: I was just going to say that as a general rule, women tend to be more sensitive to test-like protocol than men. They’re more in touch with their body. Sicker people, more than healthy people. You could have someone who has an issue and you test my protocol and they just can’t tell because their symptom is they’re having issues, but they don’t have symptoms. The prerequisite for testing my protocol is that you are symptomatic. You’ve got a person who has joint pain, it goes away, the person has terrible PMS, it goes away, they have brain fog, headaches that go away. If you have the symptoms, that’s the time you can do it. It’s when you have these people, God bless them, and it’s an older generation typically, that are so genetically solid that they have all these things going on and they have no symptoms, you can’t do it with them. But unfortunately the modern generation, the testing by protocol, you could definitely do.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Spencer, thanks so much for joining us today for the show. And why don’t you tell the listeners what your website is and where they can find you and can they consult with you too?

Spencer Feldman: Sure. The website is The product we were discussing today was Tessamet. We do offer consultations and are happy to talk to anyone who thinks that this might be something that’s going on for them because nothing makes me happier than having a phone call from someone or an email saying, “Wow, sick for 20 years, and now we’re feeling better.” That’s just the best part of the day.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Absolutely. That’s why I love being in this detox space that has the capacity to help so many people. Because I believe it’s the root cause of so many health issues. It’s crazy. Like 20% of fatal cardiac events are due to lead toxicity and the majority of diabetes is caused by arsenic. And you can just go down the whole list of metals and toxins and list off the research that shows that these toxins are a huge underlying root cause of our chronic health issues and growing ones like allergies and autoimmune. Spencer, thanks for coming on the show, and everyone, thanks for tuning in to the Myers Detox Podcast. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers, and I am really just thrilled to do this work and so happy to have so many people tuning in every month and every week. And excuse the jackhammer out there, I really apologize, nothing I can do about it. But anyways, I’ll see you guys on the next podcast.