Transcript – #519 Optimize Brain Power and Maximize Productivity to Become Superhuman

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#519 Optimize Brain Power and Maximize Productivity to Become Superhuman

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Mr. Noots  

It can be the most profound change in your whole physiology and neurology is getting rid of the toxins so that you’ve got a clean slate, and then building up building up your bowel flora, making your microbiome well, exercising, doing things like a cold plunge and a hot shower or sauna. But get rid of the crap that’s holding you back. Because the velocity of your life is dictated by that.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Hello, everyone, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox podcast where I bring you experts from around the world on you know, different topics related to detoxification, toxicity and how it contributes to our different health issues, anti aging bioenergetics and everything related to you know, biohacking and leveling up your health in numerous ways. And today, we have Mark Effinger, on the show, and he has so much information. He’s so brilliant. And you can just see his energy and his passion in the show. And he is going to be talking about nootropics and optimizing your brain performance, how to increase the number of brain cells you have and cognition and memory. And he’ll also talk about different substances you can take to optimize your hormone levels as well and your performance just generally in life and, you know, improve your neurotransmitter production and just he’s so interesting to talk to you. I know you’re gonna love this show. So tune in if you want to maximize your brain performance. And now a word from one of our sponsors. So imagine a world where we don’t actually fight cancer, we just tell our bodies to stop growing it. It sounds groundbreaking, right? Dr. Dana Flavin, who is a world renowned cancer specialist for over 40 years, warns we are swimming in toxins. They are in our daily products, our food, water and air. The real danger, these toxins signal our body to grow cancer. That’s why I urge you to join Dr. Flavin and Nathan Crane, an award winning health researcher in an eye opening web class. They’ll reveal the nine key toxins that could be triggering cancer in your body, and most importantly, how to eliminate them. Don’t just fight cancer, go right to its root cause. So join me by going to conquering Now to register for this free web class. It’s so important. Again, that’s conquering Make the change today. Mark, thanks so much for coming on the show.

Mr. Noots  
So glad to be here. Wendy. Thank you for the invite. 
Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah. So why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself and your history and how you got so interested in brain health?

Mr. Noots  
Oh, my God. Well, I was I was I was one of those brainy, geeky, nerdy kids when I was young. Before I got into athletics and women, I should say girls, right? As a as a teen. But I was so nerdy that the girls weren’t necessarily that interested me. If it wasn’t for a ’68 Mustang and a pretty good backhand in tennis, I don’t know that I would have had a date. But luckily those things prevailed. I built my first radio when I was five and a half from scratch by reading Scientific American magazine. And I bought my first laser when I was nine and a half. And in between there. I got my first chemistry set when I was six. And the guy who was my dad’s best friend, who eventually became a stepdad owned a clinical laboratory, and he was a PhD in microbiology. So he became my guide when it came to chemistry and understanding. And so I built vacuum extraction technologies, and I did a lot of high voltage electronics, and I did all kinds of weird stuff. I had an MIT Xerox PARC grad living at the end of the cul de sac where I lived. We’re very blue collar family. My dad was a hard working heating and air conditioning guy and mom was a homemaker to six. So I had this kind of really interesting, for some reason, I was attracted to and I attracted really cool mentors. The guy that taught me Transcendental Meditation, when I was eight years old, he saw me at school, noticed my Schwinn bicycle was really clean and, and invited me to learn TM. That you know, but again, that the neighbor at the end of the cul de sac who said hey, you can use my garage, I’ve got all the electronics you’ll ever need. And when I come home from work, and every literally five days a week when he came from from work, I was soldering and building electronics in his garage. But we fast forward a bit and I got into weight lifting, bodybuilding, and performance sports after doing tennis, playing junior tennis competitively. And then while I was in the military, I was in the Air Force in central California during the 80s. And I had cystic acne really bad cystic acne and I was working on jet aircraft at the time, which exacerbated that because I’m being drenched with oil and hydraulic fluid all day. And I would ride my bicycle, I had a really cool bike Bianchi and I would ride it like a banshee to and from the base to the little, little house I rented. And so again, I’m just I’m breaking out all over, just can’t control it. And so they, the Air Force says, “Hey, we’re doing a study on a drug called we’re being white rats for a drug called Accutane. And we’d like to enroll you in this program.” So I said, Okay, I think. And I don’t know if you know anything about Accutane, but it’s a extremely caustic substance. It does alleviate some of the external attributes of acne, but it does so at a cost to your liver, kidneys, muscle, tissue, bone, brain, and other factors. So because I was at the time I was 215, six foot three, I was 215, and pretty low body fat, because I was training pretty hardcore. They give me mega doses of this stuff. To the point where I was I was singing lead. I was the lead singer in a Jesus rock band for a very tiny amount of time. It had and it was singing a song by Triumph. There’s this Canadian band called triumph and they have a great tune called Fight the Good Fight, loved it. Excellent lyrics, I can sing it to a bunch of little Baptist kids. And, and as I’m raising the mic up, because it’s very high tenor, almost soprano, as I raise the mic like up to here and I crack from here, down to here, my collarbone from my ear to the collarbone, because my skin was so dry from the Accutane. And of course, you see a bunch of about 300 little Baptist kids going, he’s singing a secular song, right, a non Christian song. He’s on stage. This is this is definitely not cool.


It’s the work of the devil.


Exactly. Yeah. So it was fine. But but not too many years later, a decade later, I was at a bed and breakfast I was really depressed, and I was feeling really crappy. I had no energy. And I couldn’t figure out why. I was still working out on two or three days a week, not hardcore anymore. I was building startups, startups are hard, as you know, they take everything you’ve got, and I went to a bed and breakfast and the guy that owned it happened to be an MD MD. So he was in your nose and throat, very well known physician nationwide. But his real passion was natural health, natural wellness. Everything they raised, you know, they raised their chickens to have have fresh eggs, free range on their property, they had free range goats and it was just fantastic. So the food was really healthy. All their wines came from South America at the time and just a really neat place. And he just kind of diagnosed me by holding my hand and saying, you know, asking me a handful of questions and he goes, I think he might be hyper hypothyroid. There’s no guarantee but he goes that fatigue and the depression and you know, all the other factors like cold hands on a warm day. You know, you’re not looking good. So that turned into getting on E watt, exercise with oxygen therapy. He put me on a treadmill, put an oxygen mask up to me and fed me, you know, almost pure oxygen 94% pure oxygen and within 20 minutes a big sore opened up in my lap, about the size of the silver dollar, it bled out a bunch of clear fluid. He sampled it, sent it to the lab and it was 80 plus percent Accutane. Yeah, this is after 10 years, 10 years since my last dose, and it was only on it for six months, full time. And so, and I had been again, I was an endurance athlete, I did the hood to coast race and from Portland to the to the Oregon Coast every year. I lived in a health club when I started my first company. So you know, I was living and breathing, fitness. And then of course continued to be an athlete. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  
It’s just amazing how the body releases certain toxins that how there’s so many medications and perms and different chemicals can be in our body and it’s strange how the body can release them. 


Mr. Noots  
Oh, it’s so unpredictable. I mean, and and so unexpected. I mean, who would think that just, you know, a fast walking pace on a treadmill with oxygen would act like a major detox event. And it wasn’t the first time. So that happened .So, seven years later, I’m in the middle of separation with my wife, a lot of stress building technology companies again, and and that same doctor says, Hey, I’ve got an extra oxygen machine you want it? And so I bought it from him and did the same thing. And again, I detox a different spot. I detox more Accutane. But the other side of it was I started feeling like a rock star. So having desiccated thyroid was the first boost that was the thing that like took me from depressed and low energy to being really feeling vital. Took about six months for it to fully take on but then it went from, I think I felt the best I had felt in 20 years, just from desiccated thyroid, getting back to exercising, breathing work, meditation, power naps, all the you know the simple things that we do compound really powerfully if we do them, right. And so that took off and I just became a real advocate for it. Started building more companies. And at one point in there, I decided that human growth hormone was the future and not injected human growth hormone, but precursors that you would take at night before you go to sleep, that would just basically a kind of a collection of amino acid free amino acids that would activate at during the deep sleep cycle, that 11 to 2am time when you typically have deep sleep. And it was incredible. I felt great on it. We did really well, that was my first ecommerce software venture. And then, when my former wife, we had separated, we divorced. And we were we were starting to date again. And we had three kids and we really liked each other and things were going well. And then she committed suicide on oxycodone Oxycontin, which she had on the last homebirth, we had all three homebirths, the last one was in front of the fireplace, and it was beautiful as a morning 10 o’clock in the morning birth and, and the the midwife gave her four oxycodone. She tore a little bit. They handed me shears and said you want to do an episiotomy? And I said, I really love my wife’s vagina, kind of just how it is. So if it’s okay, I’ll pass these back. So she tore a little bit. They give her four oxycodone, and she was in love, she found her muse. So yeah, that was, that was bad. So a decade later, after doing if you’ve ever seen any of the modern Netflix movies, on painkiller, or any of the other ones, it’s exactly what happens. It’s just this depth and depravity of doing anything you can to get the fix. And that doesn’t, it doesn’t just go for oxycodone, Oxycontin or any of those fentanyl it goes for every addictive substance in your biochemistry and the way that you you handle it. So she eventually committed suicide on that, my son discovered her and, and it was just a really, really, incredibly critical event in my life. It was you could go, you’ll either go create another technology company and you kind of like hope that the pain goes away, or you look at it and go, I think I need to do something really serious to help alleviate this pain for other people. And so I created a… it’s been three years and or four years and 3000 prototypes, building a nootropic solution that you had, at the time you would drink and take a capsule and it would give you a day’s worth of additional cognitive boost, while also creating a thing called neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells. So if you were in a learning mode, if you were doing things that were learning centric, whether it was as simple as meditation, and you were trying to get out of your head, or if you were trying to have cognitive performance before meeting or or just in work in general, or having focus when you were you were trying to move some iron plates. The solution I created was really powerful for doing it. And so that took off, it just so happened to be the 2011, the summer of 2011, when I got the last prototype done, and it started working really well. And this movie called Limitless came out. And I had a little over 1100 prototype clients that were taking this stuff and I said what do I call this stuff? And they said, Dude, you should call the thing from that movie. And I hadn’t seen the movie. So I went and saw the movie, I bought every domain around NZT and then it just took off like crazy. So we grew very fast and then at the same time we got, as you’re well aware, your client comes to you for a certain condition and they leave with a very unexpected solution because what they came for was maybe second or third level byproduct of what the real condition was, real heart of it. And so I started developing products for, to deal with mood, to deal with focus, to deal with hormone levels, hormone management, and eventually had a fairly expanded list of about 33 products. And then I met these really cool guys. Matt Glanton, Wade Light heart, and Andy Wilkinson of biooptimizers. And they said, Hey, we want to do what you’re doing. But we want to make it bigger than you can make it. And I said, Yeah, that sounds good.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Well, yeah, well, tell us tell us about nootropics. Like for anyone who’s not in the know, like, what are nootropics? And how can they help boost your your health and your performance and your brain function?

Mr. Noots  
I love it. Great question. So there are compounds, there are natural compounds, like a thing called intellect tree seed, or, or Malkangani is the oil component of it. Celastrus paniculatus is the Latin name. And it’s this really beautiful Indian vine seed that is very deep in this oil, and you can you extract the soil from it. It’s high in Omega three. So it’s not a pro inflammatory. It’s an anti inflammatory oil. But more importantly, it increases the oxygen in the brain. And it promotes a thing called BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor, which is basically fertilizer for the brain to help you create new brain cells. 

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Now, we can all use some of that, I definitely killed off a lot, I need new ones.

Mr. Noots  
You know, I’m 62 now and the whole point is, is having that lightning fast brain, I used to run an incubator in Newport Beach, California, called And I constantly was having to deal with these super smart MBAs. And you either level up or you level out. And so it was great. And having these kind of collective ingredients that helps you to have systematically higher brain power, and to be able to rewire your brain for traumatic stress, any of those things. So I, you know, I have a therapist that I go to every three weeks, She’s incredible. And, and as we’re going through timeline therapy, and some of the other things dealing with, you know, traumatic issues that you may have had in your life, I will take a nootropic, we have one called Brain flow, it’s really great. It’s an oil and powder based capsule solutions, it’s really cool looking, and even cooler working. But as it’s creating this, this neurogenesis, these, these blooms of new brain cells, I’m going through this therapy, this therapeutic activity of going, let’s systematically go to that pain point, and let’s remove the negative emotion from it, let’s go find the positive things that happened. And let’s go look at it through a new lens. And so my brain is firing, it’s building these new neural pathways. So instead of me viewing that thing as a pain point, I could view it as a learning opportunity and a learning, you know, cool thing that may have happened, because if you look at the events that have occurred, you can either be bound by them, bound by the pain and the drama and the crap, or you can be using it as this kind of incredible, you know, jumping off point of greater success in your life, greater relationships, you know, greater love. And so nootropics though they’re kind of the, you know, the thing that we think of the core of them is brain enhancement, whether it’s, acetylcholine enhancement, or brain oxygen level, or mitochondrial energy enhancements, so basically shuttling short chain fatty acids in and out of the mitochondria to be able to improve your cognitive performance. Or maybe it’s helping to elevate ketone levels if you happen to be ketogenic. By the way my favorite cups ever, I’ve got full sets in my house and I live on those. Yeah, they’re the best. If you haven’t seen it, they’re a glass vacuum, two layer cup, so they don’t transfer heat. If you’re having a warm drink, it stays warm for everything. Cold drink, ice doesn’t even melt and they’re glass, so you’re not going to be leaching any kind of weird chemicals out of them.

For sure. Yeah. And so, let’s talk about, how people like you can optimize your brain function with nootropics. And so what about with hormones? Look, so how do we know like, what kind of substances can you take to optimize your hormones? Because a lot of people just think of like hormone replacement. You know, certainly women that are in menopause. There’s a lot of men taking testosterone. But there’s a lot of ways that you can optimize your testosterone levels as well.

Oh my gosh, yes. In fact, it’s really important. So I’m, again, I’m 62. And the last testosterone measure I had, I was idling at 750 combined testosterone, and I could peak at just under 1100. And those are the levels that you would, when I was, you know, lifting weights bodybuilding training, those were the levels I had in my 20s. And so they’re indicative of our aging process, they’re indicative of our performance. And they’re also indicative, if your hormone levels are good, your moods are going to be stable, your performance is going to be high, your natural energy level, and sensuality and sexuality are going to be higher, your ability to perform in every aspect of life are better. And your tolerance for bullshit is also higher, you can take more crap in your life without folding, without falling away without disappearing. And so really important stuff. So when we talk about hormones, let’s start at what the basis for hormones are. And that is primarily cholesterol. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  
So vegetarians and vegans, listen up. Because you need to, you have to eat cholesterol to make hormones. I mean, our liver makes cholesterol too. But you’d have to get it from your diet as well to give the liver the building blocks to make cholesterol.


Mr. Noots  
Yes, and for those of you that have decided to ascribe to statins, which I’m not gonna fault. But I would suggest that you find alternative methods. When you start blocking the enzymes that create cholesterol in the liver, which is what most statins do, you’re in big trouble. So here’s the deal, the hormones are made, primarily, most of the hormones in the body are made from cholesterol, there’s a thing called the cholesterol hormone, pyramid or cholesterol hormone chain, or cascade. And essentially, it starts with cholesterol. The thing under that is a form of pregnenolone, then there’s another form of pregnenolone, that’s more bioavailable. And then you have these branches that come off of it. One branch is for all of the androgens, the male hormones, and one is for the estrogens or the female hormones. And you want levels of both of those, you don’t want to be 100%, testosterone, those bodybuilders out there, you want to have enough estrogen in there to keeps skin elasticity and keep your brain clear, there’s a lot of factors in there, and you want to have a balance of those things. So aside from doing precursors, which are really important, taking all precursors, you can that work effectively, making sure your cholesterol levels are good, are healthy. There are things like for men, doing large muscle exercises, will promote testosterone in a big way. Using precursors like DHEA, and pregnenolone, those are very important and can be incredibly powerful. The right kinds micronized, or the precursors to those can be really helpful. And so essentially taking those is going to give you a lever up because they’re going to convert quickly into the metabolites that you need to be able to actually activate those in the bloodstream and have all the downstream hormones that are going to be effective. So pregnenolone DHEA ratios of those, like a woman five milligrams of pregnenolone can make an incredible difference in their performance overall. But you may go up to as much as 50 milligrams. If your adrenals are are completely trashed, you’ve had chronic stress for years on end, you’ve been raising children or you’ve been you’ve been in a high stress job, or you’re just trying to balance life, then basically replacing that component, or creating an environment for that component can be really, really valuable. And then DHEA. On the other side, I found ratios of 80-20 seems to be the most effective. If you’re male 80% DHEA to 20% pregnenolone can do, it can work wonders on your brain, in your body. And also, when you’re trying to activate the cognitive performance enhancement of nootropics or any other compounds that you normally might lean into to improve cognitive performance. If your hormone levels aren’t right, you’re not going to get the end result that you’re looking for. You might get a little boost, but it’s not going to last long enough. And it’s not going to be high enough for you to have that kind of holy crap experience that you want to have. You’ve done a lot of speaking, live speaking. You know how sharp you have to be Wendy. You know that when you’re having that connection with the group that you’re speaking to, which is the fruit you know, you can see somebody’s energy, you can see the way that they’re responding, you can see their engagement, you can see them leaning forward versus that blank 1000 Yard Stare. And a lot of that can be enhanced, dramatically enhanced, that lean forward, lean into learn curiosity can be enhanced by bringing hormone levels up. And then nootropics and other components like that can boost that even further. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and there’s so many things working against our hormones today. There are so many plasticizers in the BPA and the heavy metals and the chemicals. I just recently finished filming a heavy Docuseries talking about how heavy metals and chemicals impact our hormones and other aspects of our health. Yeah, it’s just shocking, you know, and I think it’s really important for people to do things to optimize their hormones, they can feel better. I mean, it’s just one of those basic things you can do. And I wish I’d started testing my hormones years ago, before I started. But so what kind of products do you have to optimize hormones? Like what kind of nutrients and other things what were what is your specific product that you made to optimize hormones?


Mr. Noots  

So we did a number because that’s the way we operate. So we did a couple called DH-‘He’ A and DH-‘She’ A. So these are sublingual, meaning that you take them by basically it’s a capsule, you tap it, you pour it into your tongue, it dissolves, tastes great. It’s fine. And it’s really great. So let me go into, I’ve got my so DHEA by the way, you’re the common folks that listen to your podcast. What’s your makeup? Do you know what your male, female, age? 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, it’s about 40% Men, 60%. Women. About 40 to 60?


Mr. Noots  

Fantastic, younger, older middle age, what are they?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

 Yeah, like 40 to 60? Oh, probably roughly. Yeah.


Mr. Noots  

So let’s take DHEA as a component. And so we have a, you know, tiny amount of DHEA, we’ve got some pregnenolone, a little higher amount, methyl cobalamin, which is vitamin B 12, in the methylated form. So methylation factors happen to be a pretty major issue in people and cyano cobalamin. This, the Cyano part is, is contrary to a lot of people’s, the way their body might be able to do uptake. So pretty big. P5p, when you talk about vitamin B6. So what a lot of people don’t realize is the vitamin, the B vitamins are actually enzymatic precursors in all of these cellular processes that happen in the body. And so, when you’re taking a vitamin, when you’re taking a B vitamin, you’re not necessarily introducing this B vitamin into your system. And the B vitamin is just this thing you need as a B vitamin, it’s a thing you need as an enzymatic precursor to help your body start to generate all of these, you know, these cascade these downward metabolites and cofactors that your body is looking for, to be able to create all of that, you know, there’s 20,000 enzymatic activities in the body. And these are really key factors net. So think of it like that. So P5P, happens to be the B6 that is super bioavailable, it’s 400% more bioavailable than traditional B6. So this really cool compound called triacetyl uridine. So uridine is a naturally occurring compound, it’s typically made in the gut. And what it is, is a choline precursor. So choline is one of the primary neurotransmitters for thinking, for memory, for recall. And just for basically fast thinking, it’s the thing that crosses the synapse and says, this thing that I remember from 20 years ago, it brings it across the synaptic gap, and it brings it into view so that you can actually access that memory. Triacetyl uridine is really cool. It’s a super powerful form of uridine, where 20 to 50 milligrams is the equivalent of taking, you know, grams of choline. The challenge with taking choline directly, which you can and actually is pretty good, is that if you take too much, if you’re taking direct choline, your body doesn’t know how to regulate that. And so if you take too much, what happens is that this kind of overpopulation of choline in the brain causes brain fog and can even cause depression. So using precursors to choline, and signaling molecules that say, Hey, I’ve got this precursor, how much choline do you need for the cognitive performance that you need right now? You’re in a learning mode. So you need higher cognitive performance. You’re in sleep, you want lower cognitive performance. So those kinds of things and that’s what triacetyl uridine and then uridine monophosphate, it’s brother, as well. And then we have things like it, so we have CDP choline, which is a direct choline precursor, but again, very low dose. It’s one of the signaling molecules that say, Hey, let’s go create some more choline. And then theonine, l carnitine, l tartrate, glycine. And then there’s a form of grapeseed extract, that does a thing. It mitigates a thing called a CP 450 enzyme. So there’s this cytokine 450 enzyme in the gut, and that gut breaks things down quickly. And sometimes it breaks them down so quickly, that we don’t achieve the benefit of those things. It also keeps them from circulating in the bloodstream. You’ll see people say, Well, don’t take don’t drink grapefruit juice with your X med, with whatever medication you’re having. And the reason for that isn’t that it’s bad, it’s that that med will actually circulate in your bloodstream, far longer, it’s half life will be extended to three, four times what it would be otherwise. So literally, you could use it as a potentioter. And take one quarter of the amount of your Med. I’m not recommending this, I’m not a doctor, I just know how it works in the bloodstream. But in the same way, we can use it in our compounds to be able to extend the half life of these choline precursors or dopamine precursors, right. And so it’s a great way for your body to have the signaling molecule and the enzymatic blocker precursors so that you can get this extended performance. So that’s our DHEA breakdown. But yeah, it’s really amazing. What’s really amazing is that one, is it being sublingual, which means that you know, it’s being absorbed through these capillaries that are under your tongue and in your cheek. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

And that’s smart because so many people have digestive issues, they don’t absorb a lot of the supplements that they’re taking. Hey you guys listening to this show, I know that you’re worried about the level of toxins you have in your body, you’re worried about your toxic body burden, and what it’s doing to your health and to your brain, etc. So I created a quiz that you can check out at just takes a couple of seconds. And after you take the quiz you get your results and our free video series on everything related to detoxification. I answer a lot of your frequently asked questions about detox, you get a great video series totally free answering a lot of your questions. So check it out, take it at


Mr. Noots  

Oh, yeah, it’s crazy. And the other is because they don’t have a proper microbiome…and again, for somebody that was on really bad clinical products to get rid of acne when I was younger. And as a result, my whole bowel flora was just decimated. So I wasn’t creating my own B vitamins, which is are often created in the gut. And I also was not digesting food well, I wasn’t getting the right nutritional balance out of it. So I was going through these cycles of I’d feel great, because maybe I took you know, maybe I ate the right stuff and drank the right fluids that day and got good sleep the night before. And then the next day I’d be trashed. And I wouldn’t understand that it was all happening in my gut. So yeah, restoring microbiome is huge. And one of the things that our company of optimizers is really good at is: one is enzymes to help break down the food. So you can actually get the the nutritional content from the food into your body. And the other is basically restoring your microbiota so that you’re actually healthy and can create your own nutritional health.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

So yeah, you can create a lot of your own vitamins, and serotonin and whatnot just by fixing your gut bacteria. And then, what kind of supplements have you created for brain optimization? So the brain nootropics that you have, this is really interesting. 


Mr. Noots  

So a couple of things. One is…more than a couple of things, but we’ll go a couple of things on this one. So the branding of your site and your your business is around detoxification, which is huge. So when I started creating these solutions back in from 2008 to 2012, was kind of the first round of testing and beta testing and beta testing and beta testing, sending people test tubes of crappy tasting powder and saying how do they make you feel?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Not how does taste? How does it make you feel? 


Mr. Noots  

Yeah, exactly. They taste great now, but back then it was a crapshoot. The challenge was right about that time what came was the legalization of marijuana in the Pacific Northwest which is where I lived and in parts of California and of course, Denver, Colorado. So I have a lot of our nutritional supplement clients and also said, Hey, weeds legal, let me go try this stuff as either a, you know a sleep or an anti-anxiety, you know, an anxiolytic or something like that. They started doing that. And what I was finding was that their uptake of the nootropics, or their brain enhancing solutions was slower or was blunted. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, because they were smoking blunts. That’s why.


Mr. Noots  

Exactly. In fact, um, so I started smoking weed when I was in fifth grade. And I quit in seventh grade, because my big brother who’s a hero of mine, said he quit. And he just lied to me, but he hated seeing me… I used to have a gangster hat, a fedora, with a line of joints around the band, pulling out and smoking on the way home from school. Andso I quit smoking weed in seventh grade, and I started running, I started becoming a runner. And six months after running, and I ran every day, and I ran hardcore. I ran and I would put like, a positive mental thought my head, I would talk to myself with positive stuff, because I had some, some challenges some family challenges at the time. So I had to create the positive mental thought, because I was gonna go home to some not so positives. Right?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and five brothers and sisters.


Mr. Noots  

Exactly, yep. You know, the gig. So it was amazing. And what happened is six months into it, I woke up in a Saturday morning. And I finally, like I woke up, and it was crystal clear. And I realized that it took, and you know Iwas like what, 12 years old maybe, is it took six months of running every day. We used to run in gym class, we had gym class in school. So we’d run gym class, I ran hardcore then, but I also ran every day after school. And it took six months of running every day, at 12 years where you’re regenerating your body and your brain very fast, for me to wake up on a Saturday morning and finding my head clear. I’m not against weed. I’m not against THC and the benefits and a lot of the kind of in mushrooms and the rest. But I do know that there are certain things it’d be valuable to kind of do minimum viable dose, not who can clear the biggest, you know, bong hit?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Well, that’s what you do when you’re 12. Yeah, maybe not. 30, maybe like 40 year olds aren’t doing that. 


Mr. Noots  

We had a friend, his name was John Zimet, who was also an athlete, he was a soccer player. And he had a six foot bong. So to be cool, they would stand me up on a chair and have me clear a six foot bond, because they had good, you know, good breath control, right. Anyhow, yep. Good times. Good times. So, so I’m gonna, I’m gonna circle back on this. So what I did was I, I realized that I was getting this blunted performance. By the way,  our nootropics are customized, personalized and optimized. So they’re not just a one size fits all solution. So what I did was I started looking at what are the ways, what are the compounds, the organic, natural compounds that can pass the blood brain barrier, and which is a filter that’s right at the base of your skull. And it basically lets the blood go through, but it’s supposed to block, supposed to block, you know, poisons and chemicals and, and those elements. And then there are sneaky ones like mercury and a lot of heavy metals that can find their way through: Lead, right? Platinum, palladium. I mean, again, we can go on and on and on, we can go, right, the whole scale, but really, really bad for you. So what I did was created this thing called mental reboot, you have a mental reboot, pm and am. And the idea was, if at night… So there’s there’s a thing that happens at night that I think is really, really important for people to understand. Your brain is wanting to detox every night. So when Andrew Huberman says Get your sleep, what he’s saying is, during your sleep cycle, your brain is shrinking a slight amount and around each of the capillaries, and you’ve got miles and miles of capillaries in your brain. Around the capillary, cerebral spinal fluid is flowing, and it gives it a little bit more room to flow. And what it’s going to do is the membrane on those capillaries is very thin. So the cerebral spinal fluid will pull out the toxins, run them through your spinal column and out your body. That’s one function of sleep is to detoxify your brain. Hence if you’re sleep deprived, you’re probably going to have some cumulative toxicity issues in the brain. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah. And just imagine if you have, like five years or 10 or 20 years of sleep deprivation. Or trouble sleeping where you can’t figure out what’s going on. I mean, that definitely was one foot in the grave for my father who had sleep apnea and just woke up 70 times a night on a sleep study. And there’s a lot of people out there that aren’t sleeping for one reason or another, but it’s in the you know, reaching your 40s, 50s, and 60s, you’re one foot in the grave if you’re not sleeping for so many different reasons, including detoxification.


Mr. Noots  

Absolutely, it’s it’s key. In fact, of it’s the most, as I discovered doing exercise with oxygen therapy when I was younger, is it can be the most profound change in your whole physiology and neurology is getting rid of the toxins so that you’ve got a clean slate, and then building up your bowel flora, making your microbiome well, exercising, doing things like whether it’s a cold plunge, and a hot shower or sauna. But get rid of the crap that’s holding you back. Because the velocity of your life is dictated by that


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I’m not doing cold stuff. I’m just gonna have to die. No anti aging, burning fat. I’m not doing cold stuff. Just not me.


Mr. Noots  

I did a podcast tour in Austin of 10 different podcasters. And every one of them said, Hey, man, I’ve got a cold plunge here if you want to, before we get on the air. I’m going, That’s great for you go for it, bro. Yeah, so there’s simple stuff. But we make this, this mental reboot pm and then we make an am version as well. What it does is essentially it sets up, it accelerates the detoxification process that your body’s already going through at night. So that in the morning, you’re at a higher baseline level of cognitive performance. And we have a thing called mental reboot am that you can take in the morning, or you can replace it with one of our DH-SHE-A or DH-HE-A sublinguals. And that basically raises it up so that your hormone levels are now optimized, and your brain is detoxified. So now you can take a nootropic like a Brain Flow, which is an exceptionally cool capsule. You know, I got some here. Or you can take a dopa drops, we have a dopamine enhancer.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

There’s a lot of people that are dopamine deficient. Like if you have no motivation or drive, or you know, or you have addictions, you know, you might want to look at optimizing your dopamine, or if you’re smoking, smoking you’re just getting a dopamine hit, that’s all you’re looking for. You’re not looking for a cigarette. And so I think that’s it’s something to be aware of.


Mr. Noots  

It’s a big thing and, and even getting likes on Instagram and, and Facebook and Tik Tok. Yeah, so we don’t realize, I mean, I used to be hardcore Facebook, which I still love, I just don’t have the time. I don’t have as much time as I’d like to, to be social. And I would have four or five threads going at a time. And just the thrill of having a quick response. And, you know, keeping the thread going in and, you know, and collaborating with people is just a blast. And I found that when I wasn’t, it was almost like having this falling off the curve, the performance curve after you know, after cocaine or Molly or whatever, is, you know, you feel like crap for the next two or three days because you used up all your dopamine in that event. And you got your body used to this kind of elevated level of you know, jitter caffeine dopaminergic activity, and yeah, it just ruins you. So we created a three stage dopaminergic product called dopa drops. And what it does is it gives you precursors to dopamine and a little tiny bit of l-dopa with a signaling molecule to say, let’s restore your dopamine levels to what they need to be, what they should be. And then let’s give you the ability to create as much dopamine as you want without depleting all your dopamine so that you can go do high dopaminergic activities, whether that’s doing some hit some high intensity interval training, or having sex or doing something really cool you want to do and having that that surplus of dopamine that isn’t getting you into a hyper euphoric state like it might on a drug but enough that it fills in the gaps so that you don’t run out of dopamine at the end of it and feel like crawling into a corner and and escaping the world for two or three days while you recover.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

That’s a lot of people after they come in to Mexico right? Where I am. And I think a lot of people also just they don’t make enough serotonin and there’s a lot of things you can do. to boost your neurotransmitter levels, as well as you know, improving your gut flora as well. But yeah, you’re talking about another brain nootropic. Before.


Mr. Noots  

Yes, so we have a thing called Brain flow. And brain flow is, is acetylcholine dominant, a slight amount of these hormone precursors. And this malkaghani, or this Celastrus paniculatus oil that it really works great. It’s a capsule within a capsule. So you have a powder capsule, it’s highly compressed of these critical components with your oils. And it’s basically an oil substrate on the outside, and you take it and the oil dissolves, the outer capsule dissolves at essentially in the top of your gut. So at a 2.7 to 4.2 level of pH. So right there at the stomach acid level. And then the inner capsule dissolves at 6.7 to 7.2 level. And so it’s past the duodenum in your gut, and it slowly goes through the membrane of your gut in your bloodstream, the oil is now already circulating in your bloodstream, the oil picks up these nootropics brings it through the blood brain barrier. And then it goes into and creates the neurotransmitters that you’re looking for, to create this higher cognitive performance. It’s really, really cool. And then when you talk about serotonin, as you’re well aware, it’s 90 to 95% of the serotonin is made in the gut. The vagal nerve is the transfer unit that says hey, you should create some in your brain too, we got a bunch of serotonin down here. And so we created a product. Originally for me, where I wanted to get rid of seasonal depression type of thing I had going on. And so I was living in a Pacific Northwest and Portland, Oregon area just rains 9 months of the year. And I wasn’t getting out enough during during the sunny parts. And that really helped. Basically it’s a serotonin, a stack of serotonin, and B vitamin precursors, that basically increase the serotonin levels, while also increasing a little bit of dopamine, a little bit of acetylcholine, a significant amount of serotonin. And having that balance, think of it as a, you know, you’re putting a symphony together of these different neurotransmitters. And when you get those neurotransmitters in the right balance, you start feeling great, and you start operating well. And you start getting this enhanced benefit. And I don’t like to think of it as a crutch, it’s more of a performance boost that you can rely on. It’s really dependable. And, and the other thing is it starts to change the way your brain operates so that you operate in that state, more often, easier. So there comes a time when you don’t even all you do is you think of that state. And you’re able to go there because your neural pathways have been rethreaded to be able to get into that performance. And then neurotransmitters start releasing because they know what to do now.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, that’s fantastic. And I love that it’s very like your how people can choose their supplements so to speak as it’s very customizable because you have people fill out a form about what’s going on with them and just all kinds of information that help customize what it is that they need to be taking.


Mr. Noots  

Yeah, it’s it’s a big deal. When I was doing these prototypes.  I spent four years and built over over 3000 prototypes. And in the process of doing that, when I didn’t customize, when I didn’t select the right components for that particular customer based on their age, weight, sex, height, exercise routine, foods they ate, are the ketogenic ,are they not? Are they vegetarian? Are they not? Are they on certain meds, do they take certain vitamins too, do they take certain oils, those kinds of things…How’s their sleeping habits? Once I started taking that data into account, it went from a 32%, roughly performance increase to 97+ percent, meaning that instead of 30% of the people going, Hey, this rocks, and then the other 70% going man, it went meh…. it went to a 97% said, Hey, this is awesome, it’s great. And the cool thing about that is once you kind of dial in that client is they can use we have an app and integrated app and online forums. And we’ve got an incredible customer service team. Because you can say, hey, this is working for me. But I want a little bit more of I want to feel a little bit more like this, or I want more state change or state optimization like this. And then we know what to do, we go Oh cool. We know how to change the two or three neurochemical precursors in that or the stim level or some other factor to give you that performance you’re looking for. So it’s an infinite horizon, a performance increase, not just a one time you hit tolerance, you’re done. Which is typically happens with people when they take a super nutrient. And 90 days later they go, It’s just not doing anything for me anymore. We never want you to get into that state. We want you to constant We have the opportunity to increase your performance and keep going on that level. And I think, do you know Matt, or Wade? Or have you met them before? So these guys are the example of super performers. And they’ve just, every time Matt and I are on a phone call every night, every Tuesday, we have a full team in Bosnia, we basically sponsor a wing, the microbiology wing of the university, the Birch University in Bosnia. So we have 25, PhD, PhD candidates there. And they’re just doing scientific research for us. So we tell them on Tuesday, we’d like to see this, this and this, we want to go in this direction, and we’re interested in these compounds. And then the next week, they come back with 1000s of data points on that. Matt is one of the few people I’ve ever met, who can take that data, do something valuable with it, and in the middle of a conversation with these folks locate a really bizarre, extreme, unique edge molecule and go, Hey, that’s interesting to me. I read something about that in NCBI, or PubMed or in Nature, or one of these journals. What can we do with that? Or how does that affect that or, and it just an indicate indicative of the fact that he is on that infinite horizon performance curve. And also, it’s hopeful. If he can do it, anybody can do it, he’s, you know, he’s 45 or 46 years old now. He’s a badass in every way. Wade just three time, Mr. Universe, vegetarian, right, vegan. And, and after his last contest for Mr. Universe, he took two months, learned how to run and never been a runner, and ran a marathon.  Ran a Vancouver, BC marathon. And that’s, I mean, he’s not an edge case, he doesn’t have to be an edge case. You and I can do that. We can commit ourselves to that level of health and wellness and performance. And hopefully the solutions that we create these nootropics that help your brain perform at that level, and help your brain and body to be able to call up, to be able to articulate to have verbal fluency, to have the cognitive performance, to have a better memory, and a better way of actually working day to day as well as enhancing our moods so that we feel good. Because ultimately, right, you can be the smartest guy in the room. But if you’re the smartest person in the room, and you feel like shit, that’s not a real great place to be.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, yeah. And I think there’s, for me, I kind of struggle with memory at times, I’m definitely looking for something to boost my memory levels, for sure. And then who doesn’t want that, you know, and many people feel like they’ll even get into their 30s and I experienced this too maybe after I had my child, I had like mommy brain but after a year, like I still had mommy brain, I’m like, there’s no way and this is from having a baby still, there’s just something going on. And I think a lot of people can, you know, attribute different, like hormonal issues or neurotransmitter issues or gut health issues that oh, I’m just getting older or and it’s not true. There’s there’s a lot that you can do to optimize your memory and your cognition, your brand performance. 


Mr. Noots  

I was in business at one time with the founder of century 21 Real Estate. It was Marsh Fisher, I was living in Newport Beach, and I was running an incubator, a technology incubator where people bring you ideas and you help them to make that idea into a business. This is during the revolution. Marsh was 76 years old when I met him. This is in 2001.  I met him, we stayed out at a really great Italian restaurant till two in the morning, we closed the place down, the next morning at 7am he calls me and first thing he did was he told me a joke. And it was a good joke. He actually wrote it. And then he said I think you should run my company, it’s called Idea Fisher. It was a brainstorming software company and I took over his company. But I share that because at 76 years old, that guy was sharper than most of the MBAs I was dealing with every day. And the reason was at between four and five in the morning, he woke up every morning, he grabbed a massive… He didn’t he didn’t know how to use software. But he had our software printed out into a book of every word, word associate you can think up. And he would just go through the book. And he would find these word associations and he would write jokes around it. And just writing a joke every day, became his tonic for keeping his brain alive. And up until the day he died. He was as sharp as a whip and also gave me an idea of what cognitive performance was available to us as we age if we’ll just take care of our brains, if we will just take care of our bodies. And your body’s huge, if you want to get the the best cure for cognitive decline is exercise. Right? Great diet, detoxification. Making sure you’re drinking clean, clean fluids. And yeah, and it’ll, it’ll change your life. And then if you really want to go to the next level nootropics rock.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

yes, yes, yes. And yeah. So why don’t you tell us? What is your website? And where can we get some of your nootropics? 


Mr. Noots  

Well, first, I think you’ve probably got a coupon code somewhere Wendy for your clients. So make sure that they get that.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

It’s Wendy10. So just put in Wendy10 and you guys would get a 10% discount on any of the nootropics on your website.


Mr. Noots  

Dig it! And by the way, you have the correct spelling of Myers.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Exactly, exactly, that’s why I made the coupon code Wendy10 so you don’t have to worry about spelling Myers.


Mr. Noots  

Wendy10 and go to, and that will get you to tune nootopia. Here’s the deal, you go to the website, there’s a free neurochemical test that you’ll take, just click that button, only take you a few minutes. But the cool thing is, you’ll have a much better idea of what your neuro chemical balance is before you go anywhere, and it’s free, and it’s really fast. And then when you go from there, you can then go and take a look at what solutions we have for you. And from there, you’re going to fill out a basically a medical intake form, we want to know all the important characteristics of you, again, only takes five to eight, maybe 10 minutes if you’re verbose and you want to write us a, you know, a chapter of a book. But what it’s going to do is going to let our team in Vancouver Washington know exactly what your current condition is, what your biggest issues are, and what your goals are. And then we hand produce the solutions specifically for those conditions and your performance goals.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

That’s amazing. That’s a lot of hands on work. I mean, that’s not, most supplement companies are not, almost none are doing that.


Mr. Noots  

Yeah, it was one of the reasons that we got together with Bioptimizers is we had this really cool approach to personalized nutrition, and supplementation with nootropics being kind of a primary piece of that. The challenge was it’s hard to do. So guess what I did Wendy?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Created some AI software to…


Mr. Noots  

So we do have some integration of that. But more important is I hired this incredible guy, Charles Buckley, we call him Mr. Robot, and he’s developing robots for us that are going to help make that process faster and more accurate and at scale. And so he’s created these incredible robots for us that basically tie into our massive database of 20 million plus data points of these different customers we’ve had through the years and and then feeds it to a robot, the robot says these are the compounds, they need this much of this compound, this much of this compound, this much of this compound, and it blends it up and builds it into those capsules right then for you, as well as the powders and the sprays and the rest of it. So kind of cool stuff.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I’m really really cool. Yeah, really interesting. Yeah. I haven’t received your products yet. But they’re in the mail. Right. I got the notifications. I cannot wait to try them. I wish I could give a personal testimony right now. But yeah, I absolutely cannot wait to try them.


Mr. Noots  

So are you gonna play the part of a mule and get them from San Diego and then…


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I am going to, you know, import them from Mexico and like sneak them in and my backpack and hopefully I don’t get pulled over by customs. You’re not allowed to bring supplements to Mexico. But I always managed to do it. Even if I do get pulled over by customs. Like I had a suitcase full of supplements. And they were like, oh, yeah, so I’m not too worried about.


Mr. Noots  

I love it. That’s great. Awesome. Is there anything else that I can answer?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

No, I think we did it. I think we covered it all. But so Mark, thanks so much for coming on the Wendy Myers podcast. And everyone I’m Dr. Wendy Meyers. I just love doing the show every week and bringing you experts from around the world. Just give you those little pieces of the puzzle that you need to upgrade your health because you deserve to feel good. And just really, it’s my pleasure doing the show every week and to help you guys. So thanks for tuning in. And I’m also thrilled to announce my heavy Docuseries that is coming out in 2024. I’ve interviewed over 100 people about the topic of heavy metals and environmental toxins and how they are contributing to our obesity epidemic, how they’re causing resistant weight loss, how they are affecting our sex, thyroid and stress hormones, how they’re affecting our brain and contributing to the epidemic of dementia. We’re also going to be talking about you know, diabetes, how toxins are contributing to diabetes and contributing to the 40% of people that report digestive issues. We’re also going to touch on emotional trauma and how that contributes to weight as well, because I think that’s super, super important to touch on for anyone that’s struggling with weight. And we talk about, of course, the problem of toxins and detox solutions, how to detox your body, all from these experts from all walks of life, and I’m just so thrilled with the lineup, so you can check that out at



The Myers detox podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician


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Check out Nootopia’s exciting range of brain-enhancing (and hormone-enhancing) nootropic products. Nootopia products include:

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Dream Optimizer: Put an end to sleepless nights by reseting our circadian rhythm.

DopaDrops: Breakthrough Procrastination by increasing your Mental Energy and Motivation.


About the Guest:

Mark Alan Effinger | LinkedIn

Mark Effinger

Mark Effinger (aka Mr. Noots) is a business powerhouse with an unmatched background in technology product development and marketing. Having raised over $50 million in Angel and Venture Capital funding for startups, Mark’s expertise is second to none. His personal journey, from tragedy to triumph, led him to create groundbreaking nootropic supplements that have achieved a mind-boggling 11,700% growth in just five years. You can learn more about Mark’s amazing supplement line at


About the Host:

Dr. Wendy Myers, ND, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is a best-selling author, podcast host, and expert in detoxification, specializing in the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure. Wendy founded Myers Detox to share her research and support people in restoring wellness with natural detox solutions.

Myers Detox Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

The Myers Detox Podcast was created and hosted by Dr. Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained here-in. Opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to here-in. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.

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