Transcript – #520 Detoxing With Essential Fatty Acids – Why You Need an Oil Change With Udo Erasmus

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#520 Detoxing With Essential Fatty Acids – Why You Need an Oil Change With Udo Erasmus

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Dr. Wendy Myers  

One of the most toxic things that you can eat are damaged fats. It takes about two years to do a fat detox.


So you take these oils and they got to be clean, because otherwise you’re bringing more toxicity into your system and you’re trying to get it out right and then what the best thing to do is to sweat so sauna with oil, how do you know how much oil you need to take? Well, if your skin is dry, you need more oil, because skin gets to blast and use it loses control. So we measure optimal intake by how skin feels, then you don’t need gunk on the outside. The best way to oil your skin is from within.


Our guest today is the legendary Udo Erasmus. He’s the co-founder of Budos choice wine, which can be found in Whole Foods and other health food stores worldwide. Udo design the machinery for making oils with health in mind and pioneered flax oil, which is a billion dollar industry. However, Udo walked in a difficult path to become the man he is today. Being a child of war widows life began with intense struggle. And as an adult, he got pesticide poisoning in 1980, leaving doctors at a loss regarding treatment, and decided to take his health into his own hands. It all began researching and his discoveries led him to a passion for finding the answer to life’s big questions. So which would hopefully one day bring him and the world peace. So today it is an acclaimed speaker and author of many books, including the best selling fats that heal fats that kill, which has sold over 250,000 copies. And he teaches at events hosted by Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, and his keynoted and international Brain Health Conference. And he’s also traveled to over 30 countries to conduct 1000s of live presentations, media interviews and staff trainings, impacting more than 25 million lives with his message on oils health, peace, nature and human nature. yoodo has an extensive education in biochemistry and genetics, biology and nutrition, including a master’s degree in counseling psychology, you can learn more about Udo and his amazing line of health products in his oils at the And now a word from one of our sponsors. So imagine a world where we don’t actually fight cancer, we just tell our bodies to stop growing. It sounds groundbreaking, right? Dr. Dana Flavin, who is a world renowned cancer specialist for over 40 years, warns we are swimming in toxins that are in our daily products, our food, water and air. The real danger, these toxins signal our body to grow cancer. That’s why I urge you to join Dr. Flavin and Nathan Crane, an award winning health researcher and an eye opening web class, they’ll reveal the nine key toxins that could be triggering cancer in your body, and most importantly, how to eliminate them. Don’t just fight cancer, go right to its root cause. So join me by going to m y e r s. Now to register for this free web class. It’s so important. Again, that’s make the change today. Thank you so much for joining the show.


Well, thanks for having me.


Yes. So why don’t you tell us a little bit about your background and how you started Udo’s oils?


Udo Erasmus  

Well, the background was I was a science geek, I came out of the Second World War, I was trying to I was always I never felt safe. And I was always trying to figure out how things worked. Because when you know how things work, you get predictability. And predictability is good for safety. So I got into science to understand how things work. And then I got into Biosciences too, to figure out how creatures work. And then I got into psychology to figure out how thinking works. And then I got into medicine to figure out how health works. Of course, we only learned about disease there. So I went back into biochemistry and genetics. And I was still looking for other things that are more personal internal. Who am I? What is the meaning, you know, all that. And I wasn’t finding that at university. So I left and I spent some time doing all kinds of blue collar jobs because I wanted to know what it was like to be in the shoes of the people doing those jobs. I felt as a citizen, I should at least have some idea about it. And then I got married and we had three kids. And my marriage broke up and I was really upset. And I wanted to kill something and I took a job as a pesticide sprayer. Because pesticides are only made to kill things. Right? And they do it two ways. They do it either by poisoning the nervous system or by poisoning the respiratory system. So you either choke or you go nuts, basically right? And so I was really careless. And people said to me, aren’t you worried you’re gonna get poisoned? I said, Now I’m immune. Let’s call it testosterone poisoning that happens to men, until they have their first big disaster. And then somehow they were there. They don’t. Somehow they give up on the idea that they’re immune. And after three years of doing it very carelessly, I got poisoned for pesticides, and went to the doctor and should have known but didn’t until then said, What do you have for pesticide poisoning, and she said nothing. And so I realized, Oh, my God, I did that to myself. I’m on my own here. So what am I going to do? And so because I had the background, so I was very lucky. In that way, I had the background, I went into the journals and started reading about food. And the idea was, Look your body’s made out of food, water and air. And if something goes wrong with the body, then the first thing to do would be to raise your standard of input, eat better food, drink cleaner water, breathe cleaner air, you know how, however you make that happen. And, the idea is that the body turns over all the time. Like, there are people who say, 98% of the atoms in your body today will have been removed and replaced, by the time we get together this time next year. And you won’t even have noticed, because it’s so it’s so done so elegantly. But if 98% of your body turns over, then the moment that you set a higher standard, and you stick to that standard, you will have rebuilt 98% of your body to a higher standard within one year. That’s what healing is. That’s why healing is possible, because the body’s always turning over. Right. And so I was looking at that. And I said, Well, there’s essential nutrients. So there’s a cornerstone of body construction. And so I started working with that, and I got into fats, because that was the really most confusing area. Because I got, I had a study that said Omega six is an essential nutrient, which means you can’t make it but you have to have it and you have to get it from outside you. If you don’t get enough, your health deteriorates, and it gets worse with time. And if you don’t get enough, long enough, you die. This is all part of the definition of what is an essential nutrient. And the third part is that if you’re not getting enough of an essential nutrient, and you’re deteriorating, but before you die, you bring enough of that nutrient back into your diet, or back into your body really, then all of the symptoms that come from not getting enough are reversed. Because life knows what to do. If we take responsibility here at our mouth, to make sure that all of the building blocks land in the body in optimum quantities so that life can build an optimum body. So that’s different. So I saw this, the study says Omega six is an essential nutrient, by the definition. And the very next study I read said, Omega six gives you cancer and kills you. And my head exploded, it was like, you can have it both ways. Either they’re essential, and they keep you healthy. Or they could give you cancer and kill you. But you can’t do both. And it was that contradiction that drove me nuts. And I’m trying to figure out if there must be something. What am I missing here, there must be something else going on. And that got me looking into how oils are made. And it turns out that oils are our most sensitive nutrients. They’re damaged by light, oxygen and by heat. They need the most care. We give them the least care and more health problems, more toxicity going to your theme. More toxicity comes from damaged oils than any other part of nutrition. And more health benefits would come if you made an oil change, getting rid of all the damaged oils and replacing them with oils made with health in mind. And with that came the idea, then I then found out omega three is essential. I got poisoned in 1980. Omega three was established as essential in 1981. And I was there when he went and I was like and then they said people said well, somewhere between 95 and 99% of the population does not get enough omega threes for optimum health. And again, I was like oh my god, if we could make oils with house in mind, and we could bring you the missing omega threes back into the diet and replace the damaged Omega sixes, with Omega sixes also made with house in mind, oh my god, we could help almost everybody. And something just lit up here. You know, I mean, my head exploded on on, on the research, but something opened up you oh my god, we could help so many people and there’s something that feels really good when you help people you know if it doesn’t matter what it is, you know pick up literary pick, you know, help an old lady across the road or, you know, somebody’s got the map upside down, they’re trying to figure out where they’re trying to go. And if you’re local, helping them right doesn’t matter when you do something that helps somebody that just feels good. And that was the driver behind developing methods made a method for making oils was health rather than shelf life in mind. And out of that came flax oil as the richest source of Omega threes. And then I became Omega six deficient in flax oil, because it has a lot of Omega three and very little Omega six. And then I developed a blend that is better balanced that has everything good you need from oil in it. Nothing you should avoid, because there are my books called fats that heal fats that kill because they’re literally two opposite stories. And then And then so then I got into that, and then I got into digestion. And then I got into greens. So anyway, that’s how that happened. And then I What drove all of this, I had no business background. I had a good science background, but I had no business background, and we built an industry on the enthusiasm that was driven by oh my god, we could help so many people. Yeah,


Dr. Wendy Myers  

yeah. Yeah, I’ve taken your oils for years, I mean, they’re super high quality, they’re just beautiful packaging just looks like a very, very high quality product. And you can taste it, you can just sense the high quality of the oils, and it’s so important to do like an oil change, so to speak. Because one, we store fats, you know, fat soluble toxins in our fat. One reason that didn’t change, and most people have too much Omega six compared to Omega three, you know, we’ve sought a certain ratio to be healthy. But let’s first dig into the fat soluble toxins. Can you talk a little bit more about that and how to do that Fatty Fatty Acid detox?


Yeah, since you since you’re in detox, you know, you have heavy metals, heavy metals are not that hard to get rid of, because you get key laters you know, and you add there certain nutrients that pick off certain heavy metals, the most difficult toxins to deal with are all soluble. So there are pesticides and plastics and PCBs, dioxins, and these are like super, super, super toxic, and they end up in the oil part of your diet. And one of the reasons why sometimes when people are obese and they go on a diet, and they start losing, they will start burning the fat, they’re getting rid of the fat, well, that releases some of these toxins, and they get so toxic that they can’t do the they can’t do the diet. So when you’re super overweight, then on your weight management program, you need a detox program as well. And deep deep, the detox goes like this: If you take more of the right kind of oils, then they will make their way out to your skin. And they will carry with them oil soluble toxins. And there was a guy in the 1980s that I that I learned from, uh, he was detoxing Vietnam veterans, from Agent Orange Agent Orange is to pesticides to 14 to four, five d. And, and they and what they did is they put them in a sauna for 15 to 30 minutes every day. And they literally were able to measure the agent orange in the oil part of their sweat, go sweat as water and oil, right. And they were able to monitor her decrease in the body. And he was going to franchise this operation because there were quite a few Vietnam veterans. And in that and that never happened. And so fundamentally what you can do is if you take oils and they have to be clean, because if you do it with the dirty oils that are part of your toxic load, because they’re like 1% damaged oils, when they’re made the way industry makes them. And they’re all kinds of different damage molecules. They end up in your fat deposits too. And what’s blamed on omega sixes and seed oil should be blamed on the damage done by processing. So people are saying yeah, you don’t use those oils. That’s a good idea, but it’s not because there’s something wrong with Omega sixes. They’re not there, they’re essential, every cell in your body has to have them, right. But they need to be made with a house in mind because they’re very sensitive. And the Omega threes are five times more sensitive to damage than omega sixes. So we’ve what we’ve done in our diet, we’ve doubled our omega six intake in the past 100 years. And we are down to one six of the Omega three we used to have 150 years ago. So we’ve really screwed up that ratio. And the problem is they both use the same mechanisms to do their work. If you get too much of one, it crowds out the other if you get too much of the other crabs at the one flax oil that made me omega 60 efficient. That’s why I developed a blend, because the balance is really important, right? So you take these oils, and they get to be clean. Because otherwise you’re bringing more toxicity into your system, and you’re trying to get it out, right. And then the best thing to do is to sweat. So sauna with oil, how do you know how much oil you need to take? Well, if your skin is dry, you need more oil, because skin gets them last and usually loses them first. So we measure intake, optimal intake by how skin feels, then you don’t need gunk on the outside. Because you’re actually oily, you know, the best way to oil your skin is from within. Right. So then you do that and you sweat, and the oil and the oil soluble Toxins will come out of your body. And it takes time. Obviously, you know, they don’t all jump out in one shot. But every time oil goes through your skin, toxins are carried oil soluble toxins are carried with it. So that’s how you do it. And then the other thing that some people do is you take a little niacin nice and make you flush. What it does is it opens up your capillaries. That’s why you get to read redness and itching on your skin. I flush on 50 milligrams. But I take about 600 a day, but I spread it out over the course of the day. So I flush it a little bit sometimes but that’s because that opens up your capillaries. And then if you’re sweating on top of that you’re literally making it easier for the oil to be removed through your skin and the tox. The OSI of toxins with it.


Yes. And do you have a protocol for people to take like how much oil to take? And how much sauna to do? What do you recommend? Yeah, so


Okay, so ballpark, we were talking about a tablespoon a US tablespoon per 50 pounds of body weight per day, mixed in food intake spread out over the course of the day. Because if you were to take like four tablespoons on an empty stomach, and if your body isn’t used to that, then your liver has to deal with them. And you might get tired, heavy or nauseous. And if you took more oil on top of being nauseous, you would throw up, that’s how your liver protects you from you overdoing it. Okay, so but it’s ballpark at tablespoon per 50. But more accurately, whatever makes your skin soft, smooth and velvet velvety. So it’s a ballpark that it could be a little more. Some of the athletes take twice that much. And they rant and rave, how much more energy they have. And what’s nice is that those oils because omega three and Omega six the essential fatty acids have negative charges, so they tend to repel each other. That’s why they’re liquid. That’s why they don’t get solid in the skin, you know, saturated fats that glom together because they all their chains line up and so you get, you know, they harden. So you want an oil that’s liquid that has negative charges, that pushes away from other oil molecules. So that tends to you put it in the middle of your body, right, and then it spreads out outward from there. Right. And so and so that is helpful to carry the oils out to carry the oil out and to carry the toxins with the oil out. So tablespoon per 50 and then the sauna, whatever is comfortable, you know I can go in a sauna I can sit there for an hour and a half in high temperature obviously taking lots of water with me. I’ve not done saunas drinking oil out of a bottle. Yeah. But lots of water and then you wash it off, right. And if you’re really toxic, then you can wash it off with soap so you make sure you get rid of the oil. But when you do that your skin starts to get dry. You’d then need to take more oil. So if you’re going to do saunas with oil and you’re doing it seriously, then you may need more than a tablespoon per 50 so it could be could be tablespoon for 25 Not that much more probably a tablespoon. How much oil where you get in a sweat maybe a tablespoon will come out of all of your all your skin surfaces, right? And then so so then you get rid of it with wear is soap. But then you gotta make sure that you take more oil so that the oil is replaced so your skin doesn’t get dry. And the worst that will happen, what’s what’s nice about this detox is, the worst that will happen is you might get a skin rash as toxins leave through through your skin. But if you push them through your liver, your kidneys, you can damage those organs. So sweating of all of the, you know, then you also get rid of some of them as your, the lining in your digestive tract sheds because it’s replaced every four days. So you get natural detox there, you’ve got to breathe out some of the, the volatiles through your breath. You’ll filter some of some of the water soluble ones through your kidneys. But the oil soluble oil saw you but it’s the hardest one. And there’s no, there’s no other way to do it that I know of then to push oil, like to literally, you know, take more oil to get more movement out to the skin. You


guys, listen to this show, I know that you’re worried about the level of toxins you have in your body, you’re worried about your toxic body burden, and what it’s doing to your health into your brain, etc. So I created a quiz that you can check out at just takes a couple of seconds. And after you take the quiz you get your results and our free video series on everything related to detoxification. I answer a lot of your frequently asked questions about detox, you get a great video series totally free answering a lot of your questions. So check it out. Take it at Yeah, I mean, it makes perfect sense. It makes perfect sense that when you’re sweating, you have these fat soluble toxins coming out. And you’ve got to replace that with healthy fats. And you don’t always get enough in our diet. A lot of people are reducing fish consumption, because they’re worried about the heavy metal content or


discourse. Yeah, it’s meeting the planet now. Yeah, they’re not eating shellfish, and


they’re not eating foods that have all these omega three fats. Right.


But at the same time, they’re using damage cooking. Yeah, and if right into frying their foods and them and breaking, you know, and bringing more toxins into the system. More toxins in the fish contain, from the oil stir fry with? Yeah,


Yeah, I believe that polyunsaturated fats, the industrial seed oils are the most toxic thing that people are consuming. Absolutely.


But it’s not the oil. It’s the damage done both by the industry when they make them. Because I figured that one out way, way back. Why? Why is it that omega sixes give me cancer and kill me, right? And it was the damage done by the prostate, it’s about 1% half to 1% of the oil depending on how much omega threes in it. Because if omega threes in it, it will be higher. Right? So let’s say 1% damage. So the math is easy. Okay. You have a tablespoon of oil that is 1% damaged by the processing. Guess how many damaged molecules you’re putting into your body? If you eat that one tablespoon? I want you to guess you’ll see why that’s important.


And billions of molecules.


How many? Give me 50 billion? I don’t know. Okay. 50 billion. Okay, so it No, it’s just beautiful. Because I do this all the time when I do live talks. And everybody always underestimates how many damaged molecules are by at least a billion times, including you? Why is that? We don’t know how big molecules are. Molecules are really, really, really TNC. Right? So you get in that tablespoon? If it’s 1% damaged, 60 quintillion damage molecules. So you said you said let’s say you said what did you say? A


15 billion, which is okay, let’s say a little probiotic household. Yeah,


let’s, let’s say let’s say you said 60 billion just to make the math easier. Okay. So you go from 60 billion to 60 trillion to 60 quadrillion to 60 quintillion. See you underestimated by a billion times? How many actual damaged molecules are in that oil? And why is that important is because if we underestimate by a billion times the damage we’re doing to ourselves, we need to know that. Oh my god, this is a billion times worse than I think it is. Oh my god, maybe I need to rethink using damaged oils in my food supply. Right? Yeah.


Yeah. Every time you’re eating fried foods, and yeah, well, oil that’s not store


profitable. Why wait? It’s Friday, it’s even worse, because you probably have to 10 times six, three to six to 10 times the number so you put another zero on there. 60 quintillion is six followed by 19 zeros. Now you have 620 zeros, right? And you do that for 30 years. You got to multiply that by 11,000. Is that How many days there are in 330 years, and you’re pumping that stuff into your body every day two to four tablespoons. And after a while you get something wrong. So we want to know what’s wrong. I always ate well. Because you didn’t know. Because nobody told you, right? And so I say, Okay, well look here, you go into the airport, and you’re going to, you’re going to fly home for the holidays. Whenever, right? And somebody only tells the truth, by the way, did you know that your chance of crashing and dying on your flight is a billion times higher than you thought it was? Would you get on that airplane? Definitely not. And I told them in Ireland, when I was in Ireland, I said I couldn’t move back to Canada. I would not get on the airplane, right. And, and, and we need to think of oils that way. They have to be made with health in mind, or you better not use them. And the worst is omega threes, because they’re the most sensitive, so they get damaged the most. And the Omega six is our next five times less, but still very sensitive, and the saturated fats are more stable. And that’s why a lot of people now push to get people to eat more saturated fats. But saturated fats are not essential. Your body can make those out of sugar and starch. Right? Omega three and Omega six are essential, and they will always be essential. And those are the only two things from fats that you need to make sure you get because if you don’t get enough, you will deteriorate until you die.


Yeah, yeah, my biggest concern with the Omega three is that so many people are taking rancid fish oil. It’s such a huge problem in the industry. And so many people are taking cheap fish oil from the membership stores and the grocery store. Yeah, no, please. It’s rancid. Yeah,


and officials are five times more sensitive than the plant based Omega three. So they’re super, you get a little bottle of fish oil, if it’s not in capsules, right? And you open it up in your fridge in two days, it’s in the fridge. And in two days, you can smell the rancidity. That’s how sensitive they are. Aside from all the other toxicity and all of that stuff, fish oils are not what they used to be. They researched the studies where they compare a whole bunch of studies where they look at them all and what is the aggregate conclusion? Say they don’t do what they claimed to do. They did 20 years ago, but they were less processed than that. And now the more they’re processed, and now we’re running out of fish, the people like the organization have sat chemists. It’s called the swell ISS FL. And they say there won’t be any fish in the ocean by 2048. Where are we in 2023 2048 25 years? Because we’re fishing so fast, there are no catch limits. There are no rules, there’s no sustainability, there’s no caretaking in doing it and, and then on top of that, they get damaged, and we eat all these damaged fish that we’re running out of. And, and we’re poisoning ourselves with it. So you got to go plant based. And if you take enough plant based Omega three, the body makes the fish oil out of them in your body where and when it needs it. So you have metabolic control over it and not and you have no problem. So that’s why we went plants, you know, because like 95 to 99% of the population doesn’t get enough omega threes. And if you’re not getting enough starting material, you’re not going to do enough conversion. So what we say is optimized, bring in the basic material, let the body know, let life know, let life do what it knows how to do if we take responsibility for feeding it properly. Right. And so. So that’s one of the things about detox. The second thing I did with detox is oil enemas. Now, that’s a weird one. Right? But what you do is you take it, you do a water enema to get rid of the solids in your colon. And then you do oil enema because and I didn’t know that at the time but somebody explained it to me inside you know, there’s a question you know, your lymphatic system picks up toxins from your extremities. Right. You know, this like this picks up toxins from your extremities, and then there are lymphatic vessels that go to just outside the heart and then all of this stuff from the lymphatics is dumped into your circulation. So it’s like wait, if you pick up toxins, why are you putting them back into the center of your circulation, you should be taken out to the surface and that leads to finding out that inside the anus. Like there has to be an exit mechanism for the lymphatic system that is, that is not going to mess you up even more. So inside the anus there are crypts. And those crypts get filled with toxins. And when those crypts are filled with talking toxins, every time you have a bowel movement, you’re basically dragging the overflow of those toxins out of your body and you’re doing it just before, you know, just before your fishes come out of your body, so it’s a good place to get rid of them. Rather than you wouldn’t put them you know, you wouldn’t have put it in your tonsils, because then you are going through your whole digestive tract, nude absorptive. So you want them somewhere where there’s an exit mechanism. So what I did, after I got poisoned by pesticides, after I found this out, was an oil enema, getting rid of the solids and then taking maybe eight ounces of oil. And again, this needs to be oil that’s not damaged. So you and then you do a retention enema. And you sit around with it and and you know, you’re doing little movements, just to make sure that it gets some agitation, some mixing, and then Gillette it out. And the first time I did that, it smelled like all the chemicals I sprayed, I got poisoned. It was disgusting. It was really disgusting. didn’t smell like poop. It does smell like chemicals. And then I did another one a month later. And it was okay. And I did one five years later, and it was okay. And I did one this year and it was still okay. And I was like, how many years later 40 years later. So I don’t do oil enemas all the time. It’s not. But if you’re especially in acute situations, or where you’ve been up around oil soluble toxins that could be in the building trades or it could be in the nylon, you know, plastics trade, could be pesticides could be, you know, then then you will then it’s a good idea to clean out those crypts. Because what you’re now doing is the oil goes into the Crips, and it takes all the stuff out. You don’t wait for the overflow. Your your, your take you’re you’re actively taking


it up. Yeah, that’s really interesting. I haven’t heard of that before. Yeah, I know


when you I never when I took your medical school I never knew. And in all of my biological sciences, I never knew there were crypts inside the anus, that are the exit mechanism for lymphatics. Yes. But it’s really important to have an exit mechanism because of the jobs that lymphatics do. Right. So the second and then third one is like oil cooling. You know, people say it doesn’t work. But of course it works. Because if you have oil soluble stuff in your mouth, those things will dissolve in the oil. So it has to work to some extent, probably the oil change, it’s the most important and sweating is the most important. But these two can be helpful as well.


Yes. And so what about digestive enzymes for detoxification?


Well, digestive enzymes basically go like this, there are three reasons you get sick. One is you’re not getting enough of what you need to have. So that’s the essential nutrients, you’re getting too much of something that shouldn’t be there. That’s toxicity. Right. And then there’s poor digestion, which gets you not enough nutrients and toxicity created in your digestive tract. And I use they’re usually the kind of toxicity created in the digestive tract. If you’re, if your diet is fairly clean, then you get undigested, more proteins absorbed. And that gets you immune reactions. So those are the three that you deal with. Well, when in nature, every creature eats everything fresh, whole, raw and organic. That’s nature’s mandate for eating for every creature except for us. We think we know better. So we don’t do fresh whole raw organic, we do cooked, fried and processed right? When you cook and, and process fried foods, you destroy the enzymes that are present in raw foods, that on average 60% of the digestion for you. 60% right. If you cook your foods, you just load your digestive system more than double. Right because you’re only supposed to be doing 40% of the digestion. I call it the cleanup. Now you’re having to do the digestion and the cleanup. And so you’re putting more than double the load on your digestive system. Why wasn’t made for that so that’ll catch up with you. Then your immune system has to get involved. When your immune system gets involved in digestion, because there’s so much foreign material that you need to be protected from, then it’s not free to do all its other jobs. So what’s the cure, if you cook your food, replace the enzymes you destroyed when the food was cooked. And then you don’t get to the toxicity that comes from poor digestion, you don’t get to the deficiency that comes from poor digestion. And you’re basically taking a load off both your digestive and your immune system, super important, because that’s the hardest working system in your body. You know, and it’s all foreign material that’s going through there. And it’s all taking place outside of your body, because the inside of your digestive tract has to be outside your body. Because you don’t want anything to be drawn into the body that isn’t fully digested and can’t hurt you. Right. So that’s why that’s why enzymes and fundamentally, I take enzymes, I take enzymes, when I get close to a cold or flu or something, you’ll get sore throat, I will take a capsule of enzymes, open it, dump it on my tongue, swish it around my mouth everywhere I can, because the protease enzymes that digest proteins in the enzyme blend, digest the protein coat off viruses, because most viruses have protein coats. So if the enzyme gets to a protein, it takes the protein coat off the virus, puts the virus out of commission, and you want to get to them before they even get into your system. You don’t want to wait till they are in your cells, and then the immune system has to deal with it. And then you get seven to nine days, or however long it takes. You want to pick them off, like it’s the moment my throat is sore, I do that with the enzyme, not swallow it. Sore Throat gon problem soft, yes, on top very, very, very helpful. And because they take a load off the digestive system and the immune system, the immune system does all the work, you know, the digestion is the biggest, and then the immune system, whatever digestion didn’t get done, the immune system has to go after. And you want your immune system strong. Because you don’t want to take chemicals for your problems or drugs with side effects. You want to make your immune system so strong that it can deal with whatever comes at it. And it’s different every year. Right. So all the ways that we try to do it with chemicals, that’s good for profit. But this doesn’t work that well. A lot of it doesn’t work that well. You get side effects, because it’s not natural. You know, the whole drug based industry is based on stupidity. But it was really good for making money for the people who got into it. Right? Because their markup is atrocious, and they can patent them. And you know, but your body was always made of food, water, air and driven by sunlight that your life is sunlight. Right? That’s where all the healing, the real healing without side effects comes from. And that’s why herbs work. And that’s why spices work. And that’s because they have the protection that the plants had to make for viruses, funguses, bacteria, and critters. They made molecules for that. And when we eat those plants, we get those molecules in our body, and they give us protection against the same critters that the plant made them to protect themselves from. How cool is that?


Yes, yes. What kind of enzymes do you recommend that people take?


Well, I have my own set. They’re called the one I like the most in the US is called Adult digestive enzyme blend. And the key for me is always it needs to be high and protease. And you don’t want to have a lot of amylase, which is starch digesting, because you want to slow down starch digestion, because it’s already going too fast, too much sugar too much white flour, fast digestion, high blood sugar, you know, then you get insulin, then it’s driven into the cells, then if you don’t burn, it turns into fat and you have low blood sugar, then you get carb addiction. So you want a low, you know, you need some amylase to digest starch strings of proteins called lectins. And they can then be easily digested, but if you don’t take the starch strings off, they’re hard to digest. Now why amylase is made in the mouth good when you chew, chew well you get amylase made and the amylase then we’ll take the starch strings off the proteins before they get to the stomach where the protein digestion begins. Alright, so so so high in amylase, as high as protease low low in amylase, and lipase is probably the least important to fat digesting enzyme because fat ingestion is a simpler process than protein digestion. And most of the digestive problems that foods cause are caused by poorly digested protein. And that then gets absorbed, and then you get inflammation reactions, and you get immune reactions, and you can get autoimmune conditions. And like I said, before you tie up your immune system in your digestion.


Yeah, yeah, enzymes are so important. I mean, heavy metals and toxins, interfere with poison enzymes and destroy them and interfere in their functioning and so many different ways that we have to replace them.


Yeah, well, yeah, although I think it was heavy metals. So you’re talking about enzymes in the cells, and there’s like 1000s of different enzymes in the cells that you never get, that you never get, you know, that are not digestive enzymes. And when they get poisoned, and things don’t happen in the cells that need to be happening. But in terms of the enzymes for digestion, like there’s only amylase, protease, lipase, then you can have some, some fiber, digestive enzymes. So there’s only like maybe 2030 enzymes that are used in digestion, but there are 1000s of enzymes in the cells. And to deal with those. Yeah, there’s just you, you have to get rid of the heavy metals, because this long is in their body, they’re going to do something stupid.


Yeah, yeah. And tell us about your oil. Yeah. Tell us about your oil blends. And I mean, you get these anywhere to Whole Foods and natural foods, or they’re just everywhere.


Yeah, it’s, well, you know what, it’s really easy. First of all oils need to be in, in glass, because plastic leeches into oils, because oils will swell plastic, and then plastic leeches into oil quicker than into water. So you want them in glass. So they’re in a brown glass bottle in a box to cut out all the light in the fridge to keep the temperature down in the supplement section in the health food stores, but they’re not a supplement oil, they’re actually a food oil foundation. They’re a replacement for the cooking oils for the salad, the culinary oils, use those you mix them in food, never use them for fry. If you fry the oil, the better the oil is. When it’s wet, it’s fresh, and the more toxic it becomes when you fry it. So the more omega threes you have in an oil, the more damage you do to yourself when you fry it. So frying your fish, and frying the oil in the fish is a really, really, really bad idea. So sushi would be the goal and would be the way to go if you’re going to eat fish. And then you know they have lots of hygiene around how to do the raw fish in Japan. But now the oceans are so polluted that I don’t even eat sushi anymore. I used to like him because he was good food. Fish was good food. But we’ve basically use the oceans as our sewer. And everything dirty on land goes downhill and ends up in the ocean. And if it’s oil soluble, it’ll end up in the oil in the ocean, which means that it is in a high fat fish. Right? And the seals and the whales, you know and the wild restless. Right? And so and then and then the toxins concentrate up the food chain. So the higher up the food chain you eat, the more toxins you’re gonna get. So it’s better to eat on the bottom of the food chain more plant based more you know, and the smaller the creature the the closer to the bottom of the food chain it is alright. So, yeah, so and the oils just got oodles oil. It’s a mixture of 369 Blend Omega three and six are the essentials nine is not essential, but everybody calls them 369 oils.


We put it anyway. It’s the only oil that’s in a box. Right? Right. Right, because we desperately said, Look, these are so sensitive, that in order to maintain their health benefits, we have to give them the care they need. So they’re made in a very tight system where no light or oxygen or high temperature gets to get to recomm and then they’re obviously nitrogen flushed in glass organic, so no pesticides. Yeah, most of our cooking uses other pesticides. I didn’t know that. Until I asked the people in the oil chemists society. And they say oh, yeah, we do that to get we you know, why do you heat the oil to Frank temperature when it does damage? Oh, well, one of the reasons we do that is because we can get rid of half the pesticides in the soil. And my head exploded on that one too, right? It’s like, oh, I didn’t even know there were pesticides and oils, right? And it’s like oh is the The 50% Stay in the oil. Well, I don’t think that’s her, you know, and they see and he said, Well, it’s only 1% damage. What’s your problem? Right now? That’s when I did the math. 60 quintillion in a tablespoon of damaged molecules. Right? It’s a no you know what I can’t get healthy on oils like that.


Yeah, and it’s amazing when you look at any it’s amazing when you look at the cooking oils section of clear plastic bottles. I mean it’s just like the


light goes through the yellow light goes through those damage free radicals. Yeah, yeah, they


break every rule. You have to be in a dark bottle in glass. Preparation, you know, is eating them cold. Yeah, it’s just every which way you look at it. The oils are going rancid in every possible way. Yeah,


and they’re in there. Yeah. And they’re, they’re a $100 billion industry. And everybody around the world I’ve traveled quite a bit on my mission. And everybody fries in oil these days. And when I was a kid, cooking meat in water. And the other was called oil. It was called frying or deep fry. Now when people talk about cooking, they’re usually talking about oil. So we’ve changed the meaning of the word. And it’s served no one is served no one’s house. But it served an industry that was more interested in shelf life, which gives them big markets than they were in health. So you know, the oil industry is not exactly trying to serve your health. Yeah.


Well, thank you so much for coming on the Myers Detox Podcast. Tell us what your website is and where we can learn more about your oils? Yeah, so


The oil is on my website is, or God knows how that is how you spell that. though… And we talked there about probiotics, which also helped was toxicity that is created by bacteria in the digestive tract. And they control that. And then I work with greens as well, greens are the foundation of all nutrition. Yes, this is the Green Planet. Yeah, we’re here. The green plants were here, probably two, two and a half billion years before we came along, or before animals came along. We didn’t come along until 200,000 years ago. And then I also talk about total health, which is that total health has to be based in nature and human nature. And I talk about all kinds of lofty subjects since I’m now 81 years old. You know, I get to be a little more philosophical.


Yes, yes, everyone go to And again, you know, thanks so much for coming on the show. I’ve just been, you know, just I love your work. I love your products, highly, highly recommend them. And yeah, everyone needs to do an oil change. That’s like, you know, probably one of the most important things we plan to do after drinking, you know, plenty of water and getting adequate nutrition. And then you got to do the oil change. It can take a really long time to do that oil change. So yes, it takes off focused effort. Yeah,


more health problems come from damaged oils than any other part of nutrition. Now to change the oil in your body. If you start doing it will probably take about two years. Yeah,


yeah, I’ve heard that estimate. It takes time, right? Yes. It’s amazing to have to cut out all the bad oils while you’re doing that. So it’s just yeah,


Thanks. Why? Why would that be a surprise? Oh, my God, I have to cut out all the bad. Isn’t that obvious? They’re bad.


With every meal. People typically are eating these bad oils. They’re just they’re not knowing about it, you know? Yeah. Yeah. It’s tough. Thanks very much. Thanks, Wendy. Yes, everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Thanks again for joining us for the Myers detox podcast where I bring you experts from around the world to help you upgrade your health, help you. you know, learn about detoxification and all the different ways to do that. So thanks for tuning in. And the relatively announced new docu series came out called “HEAVY” and you can learn more about it at and sign up for free. It’s a totally free event. And in this landmark series, I interviewed 100 experts on the subject of detoxification on the subject of toxins, and how these inescapable toxins in our environment are causing our chronic health issues like brain fog, dementia, chronic fatigue, mitochondrial dysfunction, obesity, resistant weight loss, even diabetes or diabetes epidemic is caused by toxins, and it’s not just the food that you’re eating. And we also talk about you know, how toxins interfere in digestion, how toxins are leaching you see Though many important topics are going to be covered on the heavy Docu series, so again, go check it out at the



The Myers detox podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein, opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.

Every Day, We Are Exposed To Heavy Metals

Heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, and aluminum never went away. They are still present in home building materials, furniture, food, beverages, and more.
Finding ways to reduce exposure to these heavy metals (and many more) is incredibly important. To do that effectively, people first need to know which heavy metals they are being exposed to — if any.

This quiz was designed to evaluate individual risk factors for heavy metal exposure, and to gauge whether getting tested for heavy metals is recommended or not. Believe it or not, there are simple at home tests people can take if they are being exposed — this quiz will determine if it’s worth it to take one.


Uncover the Toxins That Are At The Root Of  Obesity, Diabetes, Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Hormone Havoc, & Premature Aging 

About the Guest:

About Udo Erasmus | Udo's Oils: Vegetarian Flaxseed Oil-based Essential Fatty Acids Australia

Udo Erasmus

In 1994, Udo developed an oil blend that is both better balanced and more effective than flax oil. He followed this with probiotics blends and digestive enzyme blends in 1997, and a year later developed prebiotic fiber and green blends. His ‘Udo’s Choice’ product line still sells all over the world. 

Today Udo consults, presents, and takes on the key global issues of our time, spearheading projects on peace, health, energy, environment, and education. He is now focused on sustainable energy and water management, as well as healthcare based in nature and human nature, the nature of human nature, and the thirst of the heart resulting in perfect health for you, your family, and the world.

Udo’s book – BOOK IN AMAZON

Udo’s website –


About the Host:

Dr. Wendy Myers, ND, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is a best-selling author, podcast host, and expert in detoxification, specializing in the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure. Wendy founded Myers Detox to share her research and support people in restoring wellness with natural detox solutions.

Myers Detox Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

The Myers Detox Podcast was created and hosted by Dr. Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained here-in. Opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to here-in. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.

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