Transcript: #6 Get Rid of Fatigue and Brain Fog with Dr Lawrence Wilson

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  • 22:52 Copper toxicity and brain fog
  • 25:05 Toxic metals and brain fog
  • 34:22 Constipation and brain fog
  • 39:00 Thyroid and adrenals and brain fog
  • 44:52 Identifying brain fog
  • 49:08 Nutritional deficiencies and fatigue
  • 53:17 Adrenal fatigue
  • 57:53 Nutritional Balancing heals brain fog and fatigue
  • 1:00:36 Foot reflexology
  • 1:01:52 Chelation and fasting

Wendy Myers: Good afternoon everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Live to 110 podcast. You were just listening to Everyday Animals. That song is called “Insane” from their new album “Under the Tyranny of Good Weather”. I am broadcasting live from Los Angeles, California. And today, I’m going to be interviewing Dr. Lawrence Wilson about fatigue and brain fog, their underlying causes and how to address those problems. But before we get started, I have to do a little disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition because that would be illegal. Live to 110 Radio is solely informational in nature. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that I suggest on the show. So do you have a question today for our guest about brain fog or fatigue? Please call in at 917-889-2838, pick up that phone and call in, don’t be shy.

Last week’s show is great. I interviewed Van Halsema, a master pilates instructor. We explored how Pilates improves MS, stenosis, osteoporosis and can aid in your pregnancy, your birth and postpartum recovery. You can check out her website at to find out more about what she’s all about. So give that show a listen if you are all serious about pilates and how it can improve an injury or your health condition.

Next week, I’ll interview Marc Ching from and why it’s important to feed your pet a primal diet, the only food that I feed my pet. It’s really funny. It’s organic grass-fed paleo diet for your pet. Ha-ha.  So many pets today are suffering from the general diseases like arthritis and cancer simply because of their diet. So during this interview you’re going to learn a little bit about what you should be feeding your pet and also you’ll save a ton on vet bills in the future. You know animals are a lot like us humans in that we don’t get us sick when we eat a healthy diet. And Marc is the only person that I go to when my dog is sick because somehow my vet always makes my dog sicker because he only prescribed medication you know kind of like human doctors. Marc always has a wonderful holistic approach to treating any pet including treating them with their diet.

But now for today’s show, I’m really, really excited and really looking forward to this show today. We have Dr. Lawrence Wilson on the show. He’s an expert in nutritional balancing science using hair mineral analysis. I’ve had such amazing results nutritional balancing with my own health. I’ve been on the program for a little over a year and I’ve referred all of my health coaching clients to do this program as well because I only see good results with it. Every single client I refer, their health is improving, their autoimmune conditions are improving, really any kind of health condition improved because it heals the entire body. So I want try and give all of you listeners as much information as I can about this protocol because it’s so amazing.

Today, Dr. Wilson is going to discuss how to rid yourself of fatigue and brain fog. He’s going to reveal the underlying causes of these epidemic problems in our society and how to address them by healing the entire body with nutritional balancing science. And you can get a preview of what this is all about on his brilliant, vast website, Hi, Dr. Wilson, how are you?

Dr. Wilson: Very well, Thanks for having me on.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, thank you so much for coming on. Why don’t you tell us who you are and what led you to nutritional balancing science.

Dr. Wilson: Okay. Well I’ve been working, I have a medical degree but I never got a license because my own health fell apart and I left my medical residency. I never really wanted to do regular medicine but my brother had cancer about 40 years ago. And so, I ended up going to medical school because my family wouldn’t listen to me. I learned about natural methods of helping people with cancer. But my family wouldn’t listen to me, hey were very medically oriented, unless I was doctor so I became a doctor. However, my own health fell apart during medical school from stress and other things. And I left the medical residency and I wanted to do nutrition and I worked as a nutrition consultant now for about 33 years. And very early on, I bumped into Dr. Paul Eck. I tried many programs to get myself well. I had adrenal exhaustion, I had brain fog, I was told I had cancer and I didn’t want the conventional therapy. Dr. Paul Eck was the founder of nutritional balancing science. And when I went on his program which was still being developed, very much in development around 1980, I noticed that I felt better and had to practice when I tried different programs on people with my practice and this one did the best with people. The results were consistent. It uses hair mineral analysis but interprets it in a special way and you have to use a laboratory that doesn’t wash the hair which is there’s only 2 of them in the world that I know of. And so I learned his science.

First, I went into Kelly’s Metabolic Cancer therapy which was somewhat based on the same science. And then, I went on the nutritional balancing program with Dr. Paul Eck. And so, I have been doing this now for 33 years and Dr. Eck died about 17 years ago. I worked for him for 14 years. I was his right-hand man. I did his writing for him. He was what I called stream of consciousness, absolute genius type of person, meaning he was sort of up in the ether if you know what I mean. And so, I did writing over there in his laboratory and helped with everything and then he passed on. And I have continued his research. Now, the laboratory has not always agreed to what I suggested but we’ve continued his research and added coffee enemas, sauna therapy, a particular meditation exercise, the Roy Masters meditation, and a few other things and made some changes in the supplements in the diet. Dr. Eck did not pay too much attention to the diet. He did endorse diets but the diets were much simpler when he was doing it and it didn’t work as well. And, so the programs today are actually a lot better. And it wouldn’t take anyone else as much time as it’s taken me to heal because I started out doing a lot of things wrong. For example, I was drinking reverse osmosis water. That’s not a good idea. I did that for years but I found out later it doesn’t hydrate the body very well and we prefer spring water. But that’s basically how I got started with nutritional balancing for my own health. And then, because I had a nutrition practice, I had a very large nutrition practice in Phoenix for about 15 years, I got to test out Dr. Eck’s ideas and other people’s ideas. I tested many systems, vegetarian systems, blood type systems, all kinds of systems; macrobiotics and I incorporated the best of those systems, now nutritional balancing science.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’m training for this protocol right now. I’m about halfway through in your text. And you know, I’ve been studying nutrition for a number of years and everything in the text makes so much sense. I mean, it’s just completely mind blowing how…

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Now, it doesn’t make sense to everybody …

Wendy Myers: But it’s just really, it’s so comprehensive in how you have…

Dr. Wilson: Very comprehensive.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You have to balance your mineral levels for your body to be healthy.

Dr. Wilson: Well, you asked a question earlier. Why are people tired and why they have brain fog? What we find is everybody is toxic today and everybody is depleted of nutrients today and most people, their bodies are out of tune which is like an engine out of tune and that’s that the oxidation rate or metabolic rate is either too fast or too slow. And that’s a summary of what’s going on in the world today. The world has never been more toxic with toxic metals ever in history. Levels are a thousand times higher than ever before thanks to industrialization, burning coal without putting scrubbers on the plants, all kinds of things like that, radiation poisoning is rampant and there are thousands of toxic chemicals all over the environment. America is actually one of the cleanest places. You know we make it sound like America is so bad, no. America is one of the cleanest places to live.

Wendy Myers: I know it … these industries in China; they don’t put the scrubbers on the plants.

Dr. Wilson: It’s horrible. You can’t see.

Wendy Myers: And so that toxicity floats over here.

Dr. Wilson: Right. I lived in Mexico City, I went to medical school in Mexico and my eyes burned. As soon as I went in to Mexico City, they say it’s 10 times worse than Los Angeles. And there were 3 million Volkswagens at least with no pollution devices on the cars at all and that’s just the tip of the iceberg with all the different industries and different things going on. And so, everybody is toxic, they’re born toxic. We do hair test on 3 months old baby and they’re full of toxic metals from their mothers’ that is passed on right from the mother to the child.

Wendy Myers: I know, I sadly just had a hair mineral test for my daughter and, lo and behold, she has all of my toxicity and my copper toxicity and aluminum toxicity and nutrient deficiencies that I had quite similar.

Dr. Wilson: That’s right. That’s one of the most important things that we’re trying to do is produce healthy babies because they’re all sick today. What we find, for example, is any child who’s been on this program for say, 4 or 5 years, there are usually several grade levels ahead of their peers because the whole school system, everything has been adjusted down, has been dumbed down basically to accommodate today’s children, that’s how ill all the children are. And I’m not even talking about the ADD children you know, the autistic children and all the harsh that are going on out there with the children but that’s because they’re getting all the toxic metals from their parents, mother primarily. And the food today is not very good even the highest quality organic food. And this is very easy to prove. There’s a book out there that compares the United States Department of Agriculture Statistics, the food content, the mineral content, the vitamin content of food a hundred years ago and the food content today. The food today is all hybridize, everything is hybrids and that’s not even the genetically modified stuff but they’re all hybrid. We’d grow 10 times as much food on the same plot of land and we’re not putting the minerals back in the food and so the food is much less nutritious today.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, there’s no financial benefits to do that.

Dr. Wilson: That’s right. The food, hybrids are not setup for nutrition. The food may look good but it’s more starchy, it’s lower in protein usually and it’s much lower in minerals. And so you’re right, one of the big parts of a nutritional balancing program is to re-mineralize the body. That’s a key component. We do it using sea salt even though sea salt has a few toxic metals it’s still worth it. We used kelp; we used something called endo veggie which is a vegetable capsule. It’s sort of like those green powders but we like it better because the green powders go bad, you know what I mean, they oxidize wherein if it’s in the capsule, it doesn’t do that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I had … green powders in my smoothies. I was wondering why it smelled so bad.

Dr. Wilson: And we used tons of cooked vegetables because cooked vegetables are the main source of minerals, raw food, you will not get the minerals out of it. Juices, yes, but they’re too yin in Chinese medicine to be doing a lot of juices. So that actually is the basis of the diet is to cook vegetable, 70 to 80% of the diet. And that is the basic cause today why most people are tired and brain fog is rampant. It is just rampant. It’s very interesting because there’s very little information on the internet about brain fog. When people type brain fog, my article usually comes up in the first page of Google. And Wikipedia I think just added a little section on brain fog but it’s not diagnosed by doctors. It’s not a disease in the sense of you know it’s not caused by a bacteria or something but it is extremely common.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, after I have my child you know, I just assumed I have mommy brain and you know I’m definitely been suffering from brain fog for a number of years. My memory is nothing what it used to be and it’s just so frustrating living with that. You just feel so dumb. And but, it’s just these toxic heavy metals are affecting your brain.

Dr. Wilson: Yes, and malnutrition and toxic chemicals and being out of balance which is a concept we endorse heavily. You have to have a hair mineral test and you have to know how to interpret it to even assess the balance but the balance of the electrolytes particularly is very important. It is like paddling a bicycle in the right gear. If you pedal your bike too fast or if you pedal too slowly, you get tired. I don’t know if you are familiar with a bicycle. Car is the same thing, run the engine too fast or run the engine too slowly and the car loses power. They call that the torque curve of an engine. And that’s how your body works, the same thing. When the metabolic rate or oxidation rate is perfect, your energy comes up dramatically and that allows your body to remove toxic metals deeply. We don’t like chelation. It’s not powerful enough and it has some toxic side effects. We don’t need it. We use other methods but the main one is the balancing the oxidation rate and that’s one of about 14 methods. And that’s a very important concept but you know what? Your memory Wendy is going to improve, mine has improved. It amazes me, the things I could remember.

Wendy Myers: I’m really looking forward to that because I first started the program you know I take a lot of notes, I do a lot of reading, I write for my blog. And so, I would look at a page and you know copy down a note and I couldn’t remember the page number. I tried it a hundred times and not 1 out of that 100 times could I remember the page number when I was going to notate it in my notebook but since I’ve been on the program, I remember I’ve been in the program for a year and I remember about you know 75% of the time so …

Dr. Wilson: Well that was good.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’m using that as kind of a gauge to my memory and my brain fog. Ha-ha.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Well, it’s very important of course. I first noticed that years ago I remember, I have a vivid memory of a mother and her little girl. The girl is about 5 or 6 and I don’t know, maybe 7. And the mother brought the girl in for infection you know cold and flu and all that, and they came back after about 4 months on the program and they said, yeah, we’re much better. We haven’t had to go to the doctor for infection. And then the mother just said as as an aside, she says, and by the way my daughter’s grades went from D to A. And I said what? And she said, yeah. And that was my first tip off at this program.

You see it’s one of the nice things about healing the entire body. I have even no clue that this little girl even had any trouble in school. But here without addressing her brain because I didn’t, that was not the reason I came in. Her grades you know are completely different and we hear that over and over again. Someone who helps clean the house just put her daughter on the program, a 14-year old. And she didn’t even mentioned the problems in the school when she, I ask her what was wrong with her. It was the usual stuff. She’s tired and depressed you know typical symptoms today. But those are among the big ones along with constipation. And but you know what, when I asked her how she was doing after in over a month, the mother said, and you know what? She’s not having trouble in school anymore. She was dropping out of school. She actually was held back a grade. That’s how common this brain fog is and how accepted it is and it’s very sad because it’s affecting all the young people.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping for my daughter because she has about a year speech delay. She’s 3 years old. And, that’s why I have to do something regarding special and preschool and I have to get her in nutritional balancing program and she’s deficient in zinc. And you need zinc to activate the higher thinking areas of your brain, the neocortex areas of your brain so that your brain can function.

Dr. Wilson: Yes. The brain needs many, many nutrients and it needs to be in balance and you have to clean it out of all the toxins which are there. A lot of people have brain parasites too. Anybody who eats pig products, you often will have parasites Trichinosis and possibly even worms. And some people have Lyme disease. Lyme disease is extremely widespread and causes weird you know strange symptoms and it’s not that easy to find so all that can contribute to brain fog. There is not a single cause for brain fog which is a mild form of dementia by the way you know in medical terms; they call it a mild form of dementia. And it hits young people. It’s not like Alzheimer’s disease. But those are some of the causes of brain fog and it is epidemic. It is everywhere. And another thing that makes it much worse is vegetarian diet.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I was going to mention that because I know when I was vegetarian by 18 months then I went vegan for 6 months. And there were times I could barely think. I couldn’t remember anything. My mental functioning, it was so severely impaired. And I remember being at the doctor trying to see what’s wrong with me. I just don’t feel right. I was tired and I couldn’t even remember all the recommendations she gave me. She had to come back and repeat everything that she had just told me. And fortunately I was reading gut and psychology syndrome shortly thereafter. And I read all of my symptoms and vitamin deficiency in that book so I realized that the vegan diet was the root of all my health problems. But I…

Dr. Wilson: Yes, it’s very sad because there are people pushing those diets, vegetarian and vegan even … Vegan diet is a killer. I don’t care if you feel great on it because you know what, you may feel good on it in some ways but it is not a good diet. It’s not a healthy diet at all. Its missing nutrients and you know it’s pernicious. It’s pernicious, these books that talk about how wonderful it is. I fell for it myself. I became vegan for 3 ½ years and it wrecked my health. All I can do is tell people, be careful, don’t do it.

Wendy Myers: I’m lucky I only lasted 6 months. I did fell off and I was like… I got to figure out what is wrong and get to the bottom of it so thanks a lot, because I have friends that are, have osteoporosis and they’re breaking bones and they’re just.

Dr. Wilson: That’s right, that’s another problem with it.

Wendy Myers: They’re a mess.

Dr. Wilson: Definitely. You definitely get weak bones, you shorten your life, the brain doesn’t work right and it’s very romantic you know, we don’t want to kill animals, we don’t want to hurt animals, we don’t want all that grease in our kitchen, on and on. I fell for the whole thing so I do understand.

Wendy Myers: It sounds wonderful but the fact of the matter is there’s never been a vegan culture in the history of the earth and that’s because humans intuitively know what they need nutrition and that’s why the majority of the world eats meat.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah, that was Weston Price’s work. He looked for vegetarian tribes and he didn’t find any that were healthy, there were more or less vegetarian people but not really. Most of them, they didn’t stop their worst during the fishing season or the hunting season so that they can you know eat some meat and replenish themselves. A lot of them have reproductive problems too.

22:52 Copper toxicity and brain fog

Wendy Myers: You know I read that vegetarian diets can cause people to accumulate copper. And what we do need is copper like how exactly does copper toxicity that many vegetarians have cause brain fog?

Dr. Wilson: Well, we call copper the emotional mineral and copper activates what are called the biogenic amines in your brain which is epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. And those have to do with emotions and making you more emotional. Copper also causes slight detachment from reality. You get enough copper, you get completely detached from reality which is schizophrenia. But if you have a mild to get a copper poisoning, you get mild detachment which is we used the word, spacey or schizo or brain fogged. In other words, you detach from reality and you can’t think straight. And so, that’s just one mechanism of how copper causes brain fog is that it causes detachment from reality. And it also makes you more emotional so it’s harder to keep just calm, even temperament and it’s hard to learn anything in that situation. So it’s true and when you’re a vegetarian or when your adrenal glands are weak, you tend to accumulate copper, vegetarian protein or iron copper, MediZinez which opposes copper. And women have more problems with it because women are more copper dominant than men to begin with. Copper is a feminine mineral. That means that it’s necessary for female fertility. It’s associated with estrogen levels actually. But when you get too much copper, you’re on the way to brain fog.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and that’s the problem of vegetarian diet. Your proteins are beans and nuts and then…

Dr. Wilson: No, they’re high copper.

Wendy Myers: Those are very high in copper and then I have some sugar craving so I ate chocolate all day long.

Dr. Wilson: That’s another copper. And you’re not eating meat which has the zinc in it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah so I was.

Dr. Wilson: And taking these supplements is better than nothing but it’s not quite the same because there are a lot of different compounds of zinc and just taking the supplements aren’t enough to find it, it isn’t enough.

25:05 Toxic metals and Brain Fog

Wendy Myers: What other toxic metals can contribute to brain fog?

Dr. Wilson: Many of them. It’s very interesting. We have names of the different types of metals because of their effects. So for example aluminum, we call it soft in the head mineral. And aluminum you know is a very soft metal and aluminum is associated, doctors know that is associated with dementia. When you get aluminum in your brain, it is associated with dementia. I’ve seen that in teenagers, in teenagers you know as early as teenage years. I’ll never forget a young man came to me one day. He was going to a reform school in Phoenix. He had been kicked out I think 5 high schools for bad behavior and so he ended up in this reform school. And his driver dropped him off; you know he was institutionalized basically. And his driver whispered to me, the boy has a bad attitude.

Well, as soon as the boy got in my office he was about 13. He said to me, Doc, my brain doesn’t work, that’s how he said it. And he was kind of pudgy looking and a little overweight. Well, I put him on the program. I knew we couldn’t control the diet very well at the reform school although we did our best and gave him the supplements. He came back 6 months later. His driver dropped him off and he said, the kid’s attitude has turned around. And the boy walked in my office, sat down and said, you know what doc? My brain works. Now, he had aluminum poisoning, big time. It’s found in cans, cookware, antiperspirant or antacid and he was probably born with it from his mom.

Peppermint teas, all the mint teas are also naturally high in aluminum. But you got to watch those antiperspirant. Don’t use them and don’t use the deodorant stone or the deodorant crystal. It’s full of aluminum. I don’t care if it’s natural. He also has cadmium poisoning. And cadmium, we call the pseudo masculine minerals because it gives you strength. Police, military, they’re all high cadmium. Women who are in the workplace in the man’s world, you know the corporate world, they’re all high cadmium. Cadmium makes you tough, cadmium toughens your body. Cigarettes are loaded with cadmium and you know if you think of the Marlboro man and Joe Camel built cigarette ads, they were really tough guys; they are cowboy types you know. And that’s what the cadmium does.

Wendy Myers: Marijuana has cadmium too.

Dr. Wilson: Marijuana is loaded with cadmium, the paper marijuana, the cigarette paper type cadmium. And so that one is actually associated with violence but it also affects the mind and it makes you take chances you shouldn’t take. And it makes you think you’re really tough when you’re not. And so that’s another factor. This boy had copper and we said it, the emotional mineral. Another one is manganese. And manganese is associated with a form of schizophrenia. And there’s something in the medical book called Manganese Mad. And people just act strange. Another very common one is mercury poisoning. And mercury is called the mad hatter mineral because it’s true that they made hats in the middle Midwest United States in the 1850s or so and they rubbed the mercury on the felt and the coonskins you know the skins to make hat. And these people last at maybe 5 to 10 years on the job at the most and then they went a little kooky, a little wacky.

And that is shown in the book, Alice in Wonderland which has the mad hatter’s in it. And they run around and they’re kind of kooky. And the brain fog people, some of them have that. You know, all brain fog is not the same. Some people can’t concentrate, some people their mind is racing, that’s a copper symptom, some people they just can’t remember things, that’s more of aluminum and some of the other metals. And so mercury is another one. And there can be other toxic metals that can affect the brain as well. But I would say, those are a few of them. For example nickel, nickel is associated with suicidal thoughts and depression. And sometimes the reason the people have brain fog is that they’re so depressed.

I once worked with a lady who worked in the jet engine factor in Phoenix and she ground down the bearing on the engines. And they were made out of chrome nickel steal and a lot of chromium and nickel. And I said, do you wear your mask? She said, I don’t like to wear my mask, it’s too hot. Well, she was breathing in all these stuff every day. By the way the serial killers, they all have manganese. They’ve done hair test on many of those guys. They shoot up with … And manganese can turn people into a killer. That’s a type of brain fog that’s really a psychosis you know like a psychopath. But the nickel, this lady was suicidally depressed. She was just ready to take her life. And when she got the nickel out, the whole thing went away. It was amazing to me you know how a mineral could do this.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s what I love because I have studied psychology for years. Since I was 15, I couldn’t get enough of psychology books. And you know, I have lots of therapy and tried antidepressant and it amazes me in training for the nutritional balancing certificate, how profoundly these metals affects our behavior. And it’s just as simple as removing these metals to improve your frame of mind and your thinking and your mood.

Dr. Wilson: Yes, your attitude. When Dr. Eck taught me that, I thought he was crazy. I really you know, I love the man, he was a brilliant guy. But when he said things like iron will make you angry, I thought come on, that’s crazy. And he knew that it settled in the part of the brain called the amygdala which is associated with anger and rage. And so, what I did in my practice was I started asking people. Whenever I saw high iron on a hair test which isn’t that common, actually it’s quite common these days but in 1980, likely it was less common, I would say to people, by the way are you angry? And you know they would say to me, yes, how did you know? And after I heard that 3 or 4 times, I realized, well maybe Dr. Eck isn’t crazy that the minerals play a role. And there’s often an anthropomorphic concept of the minerals. And what that means, that big word means is that the mineral itself has certain properties.

For example Iron is brittle and hard, right? Copper is rather soft, you can bend it you know copper bracelet, you can bend it. So iron makes you hard and brittle. Copper is a feminine mineral and you have too much of it, you get too soft and you bend too easily. I know it sounds weird but it’s true. Calcium will give you strength and calcium if you want to know what’s full of calcium, think of concrete, compressive strength. You know phosphorus that we find on the hair chart is associated with a fiery quality. And many people remember in high school science class that they might have demonstrated phosphorus. If they kept it, you have to store it underwater and the teacher would take a pair of tweezers and it would lift a piece of phosphorus out of the water and it burst into flames spontaneously. It’s that fiery. And then in order to get it go out, out of the fire, you have to put it back in the water. But when people don’t have phosphorus, they’re not fiery enough and that’s another cause of brain fog. People are so tired today, so tired. I remember people.

Wendy Myers: A lot of people are constipated too because I have so many…

Dr. Wilson: Well that’s another problem. That’s slow metabolism too and not enough water where the water is not hydrating them or they’re not doing the diet right. They’re doing fruit and other things that mess up the intestine. When they get out of diet is mostly cooked vegetables, a little animal protein every day, no exceptions and a little bit of whole grain and maybe a little bit of raw dairy and a correct kind of water, usually spring water works or second best is carbon filter tap water. Then we find that constipation generally goes away.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s really worrisome that these toxins in the bowels can reabsorb back into the body and … more time to feed in the contents of the feces and proliferate.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah, they definitely do.

34:22 Constipation and brain fog

Wendy Myers: And so, how does this contribute to brain fog?

Dr. Wilson: Well, the way constipation works is that anything that sits in your intestines too long, it starts to ferment or rot and it produces toxic chemicals. And those chemicals are reabsorbed. Doctors know about all of these. There’s a name of the chemicals like the rotting chemicals are indole, skatole, cadaverine. There are all these things like that. They smell very bad which is why some people found them smell bad. When it ferments, you end up with methane gas and things like that and that does not smell of that. So when there’s a lot of candida and a lot of fermenting in your intestine, you will get a gas but it’s not as bad smelling usually. But candida and other yeast in the intestine produce acid albahide. And they also produce alcohol. And so, a big cause of brain fog today is that people are producing alcohol either in their intestines or even in their brain. They have literally fermentation going on in the brain producing a little bit of alcohol and so they’re literally partially drunk. And they’re walking around that way all the time.

Wendy Myers: Good or bad thing. Ha-ha.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah, well it’s not a good thing that they can’t think straight.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: They can’t think straight. Most people don’t like it. Now, there are people who do like it. And that’s why when they try to stop eating sugar, they get a crisis and they don’t like it and they’re anxious and they start shaking all over because they’re into alcohol withdrawal. They are actually withdrawing from alcohol. And there’s the disease name for that, it’s called delirium tremens. And councilors know all about this because if you have an alcoholic, you actually dry them out and they lock them up in a jail cell usually or some place. And for a couple of days, these people are anxious and shaky. And then it all goes away.

Wendy Myers: Is it possible that some of these constipated is producing these alcohols might be more drawn to alcohol?

Dr. Wilson: Yes, they can. There’s some kind of phenomena where that becomes the drug of choice. And you know, we should think of sugar. I think we should think of sugar as a gateway drug. I mean marijuana, it’s definitely a gateway drug, so is sugar because it upsets your blood sugar, it weakens you so it’s a definition of an addictive drug. And of course, sugar is easy to get a hold of. It’s everywhere. So it’s hard to avoid it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I definitely agree … the number 1 health issue what people are dealing with is to our diet concerns.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Sugar and carbohydrates, you know bread. We don’t like wheat. We find that wheat is so much hybridized today that it’s just not a good food anymore, just…

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I definitely like gluten for my daughter as well.

Dr. Wilson: Yes. Now, some people can handle gluten, you know oats and rye and barley but wheat is definitely very irritating. What will happen with the gluten I think you’ll find Wendy is that as your intestine heals which may take a couple of years, you’ll be able to eat the gluten, you know that won’t bother you as much. But the wheat is irritating and is very high in glutamine, an amino acid today. And glutamine is a very irritating kind of stimulating amino acid. Some people like it.

Wendy Myers: You think wheat is out forever for everyone?

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Well, I tell you, I think people are bringing back some of the heirloom wheat. They’re trying to bring back the old grain, the old meat. They’re getting heirloom cows from France to bring back some of the old stuff before all of the hybrids came along. And so, there’s hope. But for now, wheat is about; best thing is to avoid them. There are substitute, you can get pasta made out of rice and corn and so forth.

39:00 Thyroid and adrenals and brain fog

Wendy Myers: So you know I’ve had a lot of problems with my thyroid and definitely I’m very interested in what role the thyroid and the adrenals you know they work in … together. What role do they play in brain fog?

Dr. Wilson: Huge because the adrenals and the thyroid in many cases determine your metabolic rate, your oxidation rate. You have a fast thyroid; you have a fast oxidation rate. Slow thyroid, sluggish oxidation rate along with the adrenals. So those, the thyroid and the adrenals are the 2 main energy producing glands in the body. And the way Dr. Eck explain to this, the thyroid is like the spark plug, it provides the spark and the adrenals provide the fuel if you want to use an analogy to a car engine. And you ever talked to a mechanic? He tells you that in order for your engine to run, you got to have both, you got to have the fuel and you got to have the spark. And your body is somewhat the same way. And today, the environment is loaded with thyroid antagonist really there, iodine antagonist. And those are fluorine and bromine. And they opposed iodine and they’re everywhere. They’re in all the foods, they’re in the water, and they’re in the air. And bromine is used in commercial bread. Fluorine is fluoride are in, added to the water. And even if you don’t drink tap water, it found its way into our food supply. And fluorine is added to all the water which is also found its way in food supply. And those things trip up your thyroid, everybody’s thyroid, mostly everybody.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think it’s one of the reasons America is so overweight.

Dr. Wilson: Yes. Overweight, tired, depressed and sick you know generally lots of diseases with all the thyroid problems. And the other thing that gets into your thyroid is copper and mercury, poisons of thyroid. And so, we have to remove all that, put back the good nutrients in the thyroid, the thyroid needs manganese and some zinc and selenium and other minerals. And the thyroid starts working fine. We find that thyroid medicine is never necessary, that’s thyroid hormone. And you know how popular that is? I don’t know how many people are on that, probably 1 out of 4, 1 out of 5, I don’t know. We finally have to take people off that or your thyroid will not heal properly. It’s a crutch. Hormones should be produced within the body. They’re not designed; I don’t care if they’re natural hormones. They are not designed to be taken in a pill or patch or shot or something.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I read that you take thyroid hormones or you take adrenal hormones like estrogen or progesterone which stops … that it upset that delicate feedback loop in your body where your body will stop producing it because it doesn’t need it. You are already giving an influx of it.

Dr. Wilson: That’s right. It also sort of locks the body in. In other words, your hormones really change every minute of the day. You know you get up and take a walk, you’ll need a certain type of hormone, certain amount then you lie down for a nap and your hormone needs will change then something happens when you get all excited. Hormones need to change again and again. And so, that’s how your hormones are regulated in your body. When you take a pill once a day, you lock the system in. It can’t change or not as much and it doesn’t work very well and it really slows everything down. It also slows down something we called development because nutritional balancing is not just about getting rid of symptoms.

That’s easy really, that’s the first part but there’s something else that human beings are capable of and that’s we call that development. Mental development, spiritual development if you want. And nutritional balancing will do that. That means, it will expand your brain capacity. It will expand your immune response more than otherwise you’d be able to do even if you’re healthy. You actually get more neurons in your brain, the pirate patches will restore themselves, the sinus will restore itself. This is more esoteric but it’s very important, it’s fun, it’s nice that nutritional balancing will actually develop a person mentally meaning, helps them achieve their total potential. Most people don’t do that.

Wendy Myers: That’s absolutely what I’ve experienced. And while I was first reading about it I was like, whatever. You know I’m just here for my physical symptoms till you’re relieved. But it’s absolutely true. I have absolutely noticed myself developing spiritually and developing mentally. Just clear thinking and just wanting to help … It’s just amazing. It’s hard to explain.

Dr. Wilson: Talents and abilities show up and develop. Yeah, it’s wonderful. It’s an important part of nutritional balancing science. And if you take a lot of the drugs, medical drugs or holistic like the herbs, Chelation, hormones, those 2 are the worst, chelation and hormones, it doesn’t happen. You may feel okay, you make feel look better. The hormones may you know even you out for a while but you don’t develop because that requires a more delicate program in balancing the body and not taking hormones. And so, we find that to be constant when we work with people.

44:52 Identifying brain fog

Wendy Myers: You know brain fog, it’s certainly not a medical diagnosis or something that you can consider treated in allotropic western medicine so how does one go about identifying brain fog?

Dr. Wilson: It’s difficult. I suppose there might be psychological test but I think most people know when they’re not functioning well. You know their friends tell them, you’re not remembering things or they have trouble balancing the checkbook even which is very simple or they have trouble with tasks. I don’t recommend that you go for things like an EEG which is an Electroencephalogram which is a brain scan not with x-rays but with probes you know little electrical things on your head. It’s an expensive procedure and they can map the brain activity. I don’t have a good way to so to speak diagnose.

We don’t diagnose things. We don’t feel we need that, the diagnosis. Nutritional balancing is based on a different concept. We don’t diagnose things and then treat things. What we do is we assess the whole system and we identify imbalances. We don’t identify diseases. For example, we might identify that the oxidation rate is too slow or that the sodium potassium ratio is too low or that a mineral level is high. That’s about the extent of what we would call diagnosis and it’s not really of disease. It’s assessing the chemistry. And then, we just balance what we see. When one layer is down, the body goes on to the next and go deeper, red lights, more red lights. So, let’s talk a little bit about fatigue because fatigue is a huge huge problem in fat face America. And I’m just curios, what is causing this rampant plague of fatigue in our society which has us totally addicted to stimulants like caffeine and sugar?

Dr. Wilson: The same thing that is causing brain fog. Mineral deficient food you know nutrient deficient food because not just minerals, that’s probably most important. Our world of full of toxins that get inside of you, toxic metals, toxic chemicals, infections which are biological toxins, radiation which is a toxin is sometimes related to a person who’s been radiated but it doesn’t have to be and the body being out of balance either running too fast, the engine running too fast, fast oxidation or too slow. Both of which would cause fatigue oddly enough. If you ever pedal a bicycle in very low gear too fast, you know your feet is spinning around, you get really tired of doing that.

Wendy Myers:  So what toxic heavy metals contribute to fatigue?

Dr. Wilson: Well, I would say cadmium is one of the most powerful fatigue inducing toxic metals, copper, zinc and maybe cadmium too, lead too are among the most fatigue producing, nickel sometimes, most fatigue-producing minerals. But again, I don’t want to encourage people to try it themselves because, although we do have, on my website, there is something called the free program. If you’re not ready to embark on a whole nutritional balancing program, the free program is a basic diet, basic supplement, coffee enemas, saunas and rubbing your feet with heat lamp or rubbing your belly and putting it on your belly so. Anyway but, that’s not enough usually. You need more than that. But fatigue is the result basically of enzyme dysfunction and mitochondrial dysfunction and it is related to nutrition.

49:08 Nutritional deficiencies and fatigue

Wendy Myers: So what exactly are the nutritional deficiencies that contribute to fatigue? Because I know the mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of the cell. What are they missing today in our diet?

Dr. Wilson: There are missing forms of iron and copper, the electron transport system, there’s an article on our website called the electron transport and Dr. William Koch who lived almost 100 years ago who elaborated the Krebs cycle or the carboxylic acid cycle and the glycolysis cycle. And so, what’s missing are enzymes or minerals needed for enzymes called metalloenzymes. And so, the body simply doesn’t produce so much energy. Producing energy is just a step in the breakdown of your food. Your body breaks down the food and some of it goes to produce energy.

ATP is like the refined gasoline of your body. So first, you go through that the ATP and then the next thing, something happens and you get very depressed and then the new latest stage of brain fog so it keeps up. So, those are some of the things that can produce fatigue. It’s very important. It can be a complex sometimes though because you’re going to have 4 or 5 toxic metals, you’re going to have nutrient deficiencies you know what I mean. You can have infections. Many people are walking around with a dozen or more infections, a dozen or more. Anyone who’s got root canals, well teeth usually has some infections and I suggest those be removed.

Wendy Myers: What do you propose? I have a root canal so what do you suggest, an implant?

Dr. Wilson: You could use an implant. If it’s not in a critical area, you could use a little plastic bridge you know cheap thing. It just depends on where the tooth is.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Now, that I keep hearing all over the place, on podcasting and whatnot about how you shouldn’t do root canals but I never heard any suggestion about what you should be doing.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Unfortunately, they have to be pulled out and then you’ll need a bridge in most cases. Now, one friend of mine has a bunch. There he’s got … But they’re on the outside, they are not hurting anything, they’re just wisdom teeth, didn’t want to part with. But now they’re infected and they should come out but see, a wisdom tooth is way in the back. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to have a bridge. If the person has tons of root canals meaning 10 or something, some people do getting those all out. You may have to get a partial plate meaning full of teeth.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: But it’s usually worth it to get that out there because the infection is spewing very deadly poison, very deadly poison.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I have heard that it’s anaerobic bacteria that just constantly spews bacteria nonstop into your bloodstream which main cause of autoimmune disease as well.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Now, brain fog can also be caused by eating aspartame you know the artificial sweeteners so I don’t want to forget that factor. You definitely do not want to get anywhere near that you know aspartame factory or whatever and you don’t want that diet everything. Don’t do diet soda. Please stay away from diet soda. It’s got about 70 chemicals in it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I know that.

Dr. Wilson: That definitely causes brain fog.

Wendy Myers: The aspartame has, the FTA has 100 different side effects reported with aspartame. That’s actually the content for my next blog post, deadly artificial sweeteners.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. So those are another set of chemicals. Pesticide is another set of chemicals that can cause brain fog. Being anemic can cause brain fog. A lot of people are slightly anemic. And the answer usually is not iron, it’s usually the balance your copper. But brain fog, if your brain doesn’t get enough blood, it’s kind of starved. That’s a common cause as well.

53:17 Adrenal Fatigue

Wendy Myers: So how does adrenal fatigue contribute to fatigue?

Dr. Wilson: Well the adrenals produce your stress hormones that give you energy. And if the adrenals are all out of balance, the body will be out of balance. And fixing the adrenals will often fix the other problems. That’s how important the adrenals are. That’s a quickie answer you know what I mean. In other words, you have to fix the chemistry, you have to fix it.

Wendy Myers: And I guess a lot of people don’t know what the adrenals are. They’re little glands that produce like 50 to 60 different hormones including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. And those are the little messengers that tell your body and instruct your body what to do so if your adrenals are fatigued, you’re not producing all these things and you’re going to have menopausal symptoms and fatigue and all kinds of problems.

Dr. Wilson: Yes, I also you know, the adrenals have a lot to do with the autonomic nervous system. And that’s another thing that nutritional balancing, as opposed to other vitamin program, deals with extensively. We find many people have what you called dysautonomia. They have all this fancy names now POTS which stands for Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. They got all these names but what they all are is the autonomic nervous system is not working right. That’s what it is. And we find that. And that has to be corrected too. Now the adrenals are called the fight or flight glands because they produce adrenaline and cortisone. They don’t produce 50 or 60 hormones I don’t think but it might be 10 you know.

Wendy Myers: That’s what I read.

Dr. Wilson: Okay. Anyway, fixing the adrenal takes a while. You have to be in a fairly calm place. It really helps at least to do that. And the adrenals are very central. Kidney adrenal and acupuncture in Chinese medicine is the seed of the Chi. It’s very important, very, very important. They regulate blood sugar, they regulate mineral metabolism. There’s the mineralocorticoids, the glucocorticoids. They regulate sweating. They regulate all kinds of things so all that is needed to be in balance. In other words, people need an overhaul, that’s how I think of it you know how you take your car into the mechanic. And sometimes it’s just something simple. Other times he looks at it and he says you know what, you need a new engine. You need an overhaul.

Wendy Myers: That’s the norm. Ha-ha.

Dr. Wilson: Well that’s most people today need that. And they’ll feel better; they will feel a lot better. If you go to any doctors, bring the test by here because going to a lot of doctors just get confused. The doctors don’t know anything about hair testing so it says … is. They think it’s stupid.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s how my doctor did because I was trying to ask a few health practitioners about what are legitimate or not or accurate and they all said no. It’s really not showing to be accurate but they just have wrong information.

Dr. Wilson: And very little information are here in office. You know the JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association did a study on it. They found 2. But if you look at the references, they’re very, very limited and a couple of … sort of like private conversations, that kind of thing so it doesn’t really count. So, the misinformation also among naturopaths, same thing, misinformation about hair analysis. They’re not telling the truth.

Wendy Myers: Yes, there’s a lot of the studies that are done, are done with labs that wash the hair and of course are not going to have accurate results because that …

Dr. Wilson: That’s the main idea. That … is obvious to you but it’s not obvious to them or they would never do it. I can’t imagine that they would do it if they knew.

Wendy Myers: Yeah luckily I think there are some naturopathic doctors and see other doctors that are, little words getting out because it really does work. So now I have heard one from podcast some physicians that are using hair mineral analysis and their protocols with treating patients.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah.

57:53 Nutritional Balancing heals brain fog and fatigue

Wendy Myers: So what exactly is involved in the nutritional balancing program? You mentioned the supplements, like how many supplements does someone usually need to be on?

Dr. Wilson: The program consists of a diet for your metabolic type. The diet is very, very important. We have a lot of people who say, I don’t want to do your diet, just give me the supplement. Well you know what? It doesn’t work very well in some cases. It will work a little maybe. Programs are little bit redundant but the diet is critical so that’s first. The drinking water is critical, 3 quarts. Spring water, very critical. We don’t like … It’s the only one so far that causes problems.

Then, on top of that is a supplement program. And it’s about 9 or 10 supplements I’d say. There are some extra ones that would bring it up to 12 supplements but there are extra on everybody, they’re optional so if you don’t want to spend the money, and the supplements can cause 150 a month. They can even cause a little bit more if you do it 3 times a day. So the supplement program is very precise. It’s for the metabolic type for … Then we have lifestyle. Go to bed early, get lots of rest and sleep and.

Wendy Myers: I know I feel like I’m sleeping my life away. Ha-ha.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. But … because you’re just getting well.

Wendy Myers: I know. I’m kind of sleepy …

Dr. Wilson: If that’s … for healing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, but I feel great doing it.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. And then finally, we have what we call the procedures and they are very important for some people. Some people are not as critical but for example, the coffee enemas are for your colon and your liver primarily. Now for some people, they are a life saver and they can’t do anything without them. They just can’t do the program without them, they get too sick.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I’ve heard they really have detox, it fits your body in getting the heavy metals out and they’re really good for pain as well.

Dr. Wilson: Yes. So, the procedures are the coffee enema, near infrared lamp sauna which is different from the regular sauna and the far infrared type. We don’t like far infrared because they all put out EMS, electromagnetic fields, stray fields. And the frequencies believe it or not are not as good even though they’ll tell you their frequencies are the great ones. The lamp falls put out red, orange and yellow, color therapy and they put out mostly near infrared, tiny bit of middle infrared. And then, we also want everyone to rub their feet. Foot reflexology, get a chart, rub your whole foot, do the toes, top of the toes represent where the coffee enema and all the stuff goes in.

1:00:36 Foot reflexology

Wendy Myers: Well that’s interesting. How does the foot reflexology help?

Dr. Wilson: We don’t know how it helps except that it balances out your meridians. It balances out your acupuncture energies, does it very nicely. It also gets rid of blockages in the channel system and that’s explained on the website.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Dr. Wilson: And then, another procedure is the Roy Masters meditation at least half an hour twice a day and carrot juice 5 to 10 ounces, I’m sorry, 10 to 12 ounces of carrot juice for an adult less for children and fresh is better.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I know. I sucking down that carrot juice.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. But only 10 to 12 ounces otherwise it’s too much sugar and it’s too yin in Chinese medicine.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and I know some people are really crazy with the juicing but you know you got to do it with moderation.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah, people go crazy with it. People go crazy with all of these. We have people addicted to coffee enemas.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: You know. And IP wouldn’t go in the sauna because they thought they’re damaged in some way.

1:01:52 Chelation and Fasting

Wendy Myers: So how is nutritional balancing science superior to other methods of detox like chelation or fasting?

Dr. Wilson: Well you know it’s another method detoxification. And, we don’t like fasting at all, we don’t like chelation. If the body is very depleted and you fast, you become more depleted. Chelation is also the same story. There are these drugs. The chelation is more allopathic meaning it’s got a symptom, you react to mercury and you’re going to get rid of the mercury. We don’t think that way. What we think about is balancing your body, strengthening your body, restoring your enzyme systems, developing your mind and when you do that properly, the toxic metals come out, all, 2 dozen much more than could ever come out with chelation.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I read that chelation is shallow.

Dr. Wilson: It’s more shallow and you’re forcing the metals out. You are literally ripping them out and that’s not good. It throws the body out of balance.

Wendy Myers: Yes, because your body is using those metals, they have a purpose.

Dr. Wilson: In some cases, that’s right. The metals are actually being used in some way. And so you can unbalance the body, the chelators themselves are a little toxic. And so, those are some of the problems of chelation.

Wendy Myers: What about chlorella? Some people are really, I took chlorella for about a year and people are just eating, sucking it down.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah, people are like crazy. It’s a chelator. We don’t like chelators. Chelators pull out the good minerals with the bad one so chlorella; … those are some of the chelator. The popular one is vitamin C, hydro vitamin c; those are some of the popular chelators.

Wendy Myers: So you recommend avoiding chlorella?

Dr. Wilson: Yes.

Wendy Myers: Okay. So given our toxic world, like do you think that this is why people are getting really poor result with being treated by their physicians. It’s because I’ve heard doctor.

Dr. Wilson: Yes, because I start working less and less because the less to work on.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I never had doctor.

Dr. Wilson: The drugs require vitality.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I mean I’ve never had a doctor mention heavy metals or chemical toxicity. I mean, I’ve been to all kinds of doctors.

Dr. Wilson: Well, the one you went to, if they did, well I don’t know you know I was going to say chelation and that kind of stuff they should talk about, environmental toxins but whatever. Yeah. But what’s nice is we don’t have to know what toxin is. We don’t have to know if it’s mercury poisoning. I assumed everybody’s mercury poisoned. It’s impossible not to be in some degree but we don’t have to know that. We just start balancing and strengthening the body and whatever’s in there comes out. Very nice, much easier, much more happy and positive.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and it just seem sad to me that when people are going to physician and they have all kinds of health problems. Now the underlying cause is not really being addressed because most physicians are unaware of the heavy metal issue.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Well I’m used to it. I just wait for them to come to me. I get … tired but it’s kind of tiring.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Ha-ha.

Dr. Wilson: I had all these doctors approach me in my residency only help, you know we help somebody but you know the doctors are pretty brainwashed. They have no idea how brainwashed they are. They actually think that what’s called modern medicine is all there is, you know what I mean? And they think that nutrition is sort of a side line. And they really believe that and of course, I was trained that way. And for a while, nutrition wasn’t working.

Natural methods were not working on me and so I began to believe what they do. You know nutrition is nice and they can prevent some cancer and prevent some heart disease but that’s about it. What we find that no, nutrition is a form of medicine, it’s a form healing and it’s very precise, it’s very powerful, it’s scary powerful because we can make people worse by giving them the wrong program that’s why we want people to retest their hair.

Wendy Myers: Yeah…

Dr. Wilson: At first, changes. You got to change the program. It doesn’t take long.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I do a retest every 3 months.

Dr. Wilson: That’s right. That’s how to do it, 3 or 4 months. For retest after that for some of the clients, they don’t have a lot of money, they can go 6 months. But 6 months, you’ll see more change. But you have to do that otherwise, I don’t know how to…

Wendy Myers: Yeah. If you want to be healthy and live to 110, you have to get these metals out of your body and you do that by balancing the minerals in your body. It’s really simple.

Dr. Wilson: Simple in concept is not simple I can tell you in practice you know coming up with those programs. I used to think nutritional balancing was so difficult that I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t do it with my brain will be on fire from burning from trying to figure out all the different angles and all that. And now, we help our practitioners. Anyone who wants to become a practitioner, we have a desperate need for practitioners and I set up the program so you know they end up sending copy of the test to me or to their consultant who were their coach and I will, they get forward to me and I will set it up and then you could take the whole hour to explain it. But actually, it’s not that simple. It’s a set of elements, Wendy. And the elements must be correct, you know what I mean.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: I’m trying to figure a good analogy. It’s sort of like gardening, it sounds simple but actually you got to do some things right. The soil has to have the right amount of water, you got to have the right seed, you got to have the right plant food, and everything has to be right otherwise it doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work you know many people try gardening and nothing comes up. I’ve done that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Ha-ha.

Dr. Wilson: Well, something was wrong, the seeds, the water, the fertilizer, not enough sun, something.

Wendy Myers: Well, I’m your right hand man because I really want to get the word out to people how important this program is and how it will turn their health around like nothing else they have tried.

Dr. Wilson: That’ll be wonderful, yeah.

Wendy Myers: And if you read my blog, I have all kinds of blogs about addressing your health conditions naturally without medications that you know … save up the medication as long as possible but in every blog that I write, every health condition that I write about can be helped with nutritional balancing so I can’t help but include that protocol. Its part of the you know…

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. It works on quite a wide array of conditions. I will give a warning that it is not enough for cancer. For cancer which is a stealth disease and often a very fast moving disease. You know the person is here one day and then 2 weeks, they’re dead kind of thing. We always add, if you’re going to use it for cancer, we always add a cancer-killing remedy and ones we like the best because their low toxicity and they’re quite effective and they’re inexpensive is cantor and maybe protocol which is very similar cantor. We also like the Kelley metabolic enzyme therapy, that’s more expensive though. But those are the few that we really love. They work.

Wendy Myers: But does it support cancer nutritionally like it will help improve your health status?

Dr. Wilson: It will. The program will improve your health status but you might still die of that cancer because it can be very fast moving so we want to combine that with what you might call a natural chemo therapy. The other natural chemotherapy are the high powered pancreatic enzymes and they will also kill cancer. And why the doctors don’t use this, I don’t know except they’d be no money in it at all. And cancer is a huge cash cow, huge.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I mean that’s why.

Dr. Wilson: And that’s very cynical to say that. I said that to my financial advisor ones and he said to me, you don’t except me to believe that Larry, do you? That doctors would do things for money and that the drug companies are just cynical. It’s true. It’s absolutely true, medicine is a business.

Wendy Myers: And … what.

Dr. Wilson: Even if the government runs it, it’s still a business.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and then the pharmaceutical companies will set it up so they pass laws that’s actually illegal for a physician to recommend anything other than chemo and radiation for a treatment for cancer, it’s sickening.

Dr. Wilson: It’s sickening and also the doctors are not going to tell you that because they’re scared to lose any license. And so, you’re don’t even get the truth from them, you do not get the truth. That’s what happens when the government runs medicine. And the government does run medicine through licensing board and now through Obama Care. And so your control over your healthcare is going away and I do urge people to get that law repealed, get that law repealed horrible.

Wendy Myers: Like the Obama Care?

Dr. Wilson: Yes. That’s the worst piece of legislation ever. I mean, there are like 21 new taxes in it. There are 50 new government boards, basically their death panel. They’re going to decide whether you get treatment or not, whether you get a kidney transplant or not. They’re going to make all this decisions and, there’s all kinds of perks for Mr. Obama’s friends in there. It’s a horror, horror.

Wendy Myers: And that’s why it’s more important than ever to take responsibility, take control of your health, get good nutrition and speak out alternatives of healthcare because there are so many alternatives to modern medicine that it’s one … it’s just helpful in some ways.

Dr. Wilson: Yes, but there’s so much more they don’t do and nutrition is probably number 1. I remember being a resident, a medical resident in a fancy place and my supervisor was in a family practice department. My supervisor smiled at me with a grin, he said to me, I never ask people about their diet. And I was a student and I couldn’t exactly talk about it then. But I thought to myself, yeah that’s one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever heard.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I mean every cell in your body.

Dr. Wilson: But that was just brainwashing and it’s very important to understand that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: Doctors are brainwashed. And of course most of them are very unhealthy too because they take their own drugs.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I mean, it’s … because every cell in your body is built upon the nutrition that you consume, the vitamins and minerals and proteins. Your entire body is built with it so.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Of course it will have a profound effect on your health.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. But it’s so important to realize when you enter the medical system; you’re dealing with brainwashed people. We’re not dealing with conscious, aware, awake. They may know their subject very well but that’s it. They know their drugs or their surgery and thank heavens that they do by the way that they are using. But there’s so much more. And you won’t get that from the internet because they’re always the same.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: All…

Wendy Myers: Well Dr. Wilson, thank you so much for being on the show. That was truly enlightening and I hope you.

Dr. Wilson: A great pleasure.

Wendy Myers: You helped a lot of the listeners out there to address the root causes of their problems.

Dr. Wilson: Wonderful, Well, thank you for having me.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and so Dr. Wilson, you can find him on

Dr. Wilson: Yes, very important. It’s D-r like doctor and you have to put L. Dr. Wilson because there’s another Dr. Wilson, you don’t want that. Dr. Wilson. And there are over 800 articles there to read, all free. Over 800 articles on nutrition and health and related topics like lifestyle.

Wendy Myers: It’s fantastic. Well, thank you so much Dr. Wilson. And I want to definitely have you back on the show soon, talk about some other things. Ha-ha.

Dr. Wilson: Yes, I’d be happy to. Thank you, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much.

Dr. Wilson: Alright. Bye.


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