Transcript: #84 How the Government, BigPharma and BigAgra are Conspiring to Ruin Your Health with Ron Garner

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  • 02:42 About Ron Garner
  • 06:46 Books by Ron Garner: Conscious Health & The Disease Free Revolution
  • 09:32 The Medical Conspiracy
  • 20:55 Why pharmaceutical drugs are bad as a treatment modality
  • 22:32 Health models that harm our health
  • 28:08 How big pharma is destroying our health
  • 35:27 How big agra and the food industry as part of the conspiracy that undermines our health
  • 39:53 Dangerous additives to food
  • 41:19 Food and medical treatments that harm our health
  • 49:58 The sickness and disease management industry
  • 51:35 Detox
  • 54:32 The most pressing health issue in the world today

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can find me on and you can find this video podcast on my YouTube channel, WendyLiveto110. Definitely go there and subscribe. Today, we have author, Ron Garner on the podcast, author of The Disease-free Revolution and the award-winning author of Conscious Health. We’re going to be talking about a very controversial topic that I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while, which is why the government, big pharma and big agra are conspiring to destroy our health for profit.

This is something that really has bothered me for a long time, how I see so many companies knowing that they are selling chemicals and poisons for profit. They’re knowingly doing this, the government is allowing them to do this and big pharma controls the medical system. They don’t make money unless we are sick. So this is something that we need to talk about. Before we have our discussion, please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest on the show.

So today, Ron Garner, author of The Disease-free Revolution was just recently published. His earlier book, Conscious Health was the winner of the Nautilus Book Award in the U.S. as the ‘best health and healing book for 2007’. He’s been a guest on many radio shows all over North America in recent years. And now, he is here with us today to talk about his new book and all our juicy topics that we’re going to discuss about the conspiracy theory.

Ron Garner is a BEDMSC with a diploma in natural health. He is a health researcher, educator, author and speaker. For a major part of his life, he worked in the public school system in Canada where he held positions as a teacher, principal, deputy superintendent in British Columbia and also served as the regional superintendent of schools in the UCon territory.

Ron’s passion for truth and his desire to help other is abundantly evident in his writing. His search for health solutions has convinced him that the human body is a miraculous self-healer if it is given the support it requires to build and maintain health. I’m definitely a huge believer of that as well. Ron currently lives in British Columbia, Canada.

Ron Garner: Ah, it’s a pleasure, Wendy. Nice to talk to you.

02:42 About Ron Garner

Wendy Myers: Well, why don’t you tell us your personal story? What’s your background and what brought you to be a natural health writer?

Ron Garner: Well, you have explained a little my background in my working life. But more specific to health, I suffered from poor health all my life. I had eczema as a baby. My body was covered with it. Every spring for about three or four months, I had terrible eczema problems. And then in my teens, allergies developed to various things – pollens, dust, animals. And then in my twenties, asthma started to come on. And in my thirties and forties, I had chronic indigestion and bowel problems. And probably the worst thing was lung infections. They were quite regular and I had to use a lot of antibiotics to overcome them.

And so in my fifties, I was really grinding down. I was getting tired. It was so bad actually that I was lucky that I had an executive position and I lived close to home because I would dock home during my lunch hour just to have a nap for a half an hour, so that I could get through the rest of the day. So what occurred to me at that time, it motivated me, Wendy. I was scared because I was going downhill. I could feel it and I could see it.

And then I got to thinking I couldn’t believe that the human body was made to break down that way. So I realized that the doctor’s pharmaceutical drugs were not making me well. I was sort of limping along, but I was definitely deteriorating. And so in fear and desperation, I started searching for solutions of my own and I started looking at the natural health field. Just as providence has it or the way the universe works, things appear – there’s a saying that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Well, that’s happened to me all my life.

Anyhow, at that time, a friend gave me two taped lectures by Dr. Joel Robins from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He had the College of Natural Health there. Well, with those two tapes, he explained to me how the body was designed to operate and how it needs to have certain natural substances to replenish itself and that it can’t really get well on drugs. And so that really opened my eyes. I really started to research on my own and started to learn more and apply these principles to myself and started to see health returns. And so later on, my friend said (you know, when I talk about this stuff), “Well, this is interesting. We need this. Why don’t you write this down.” And so that was the start of my writing career into health.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I know. Once you start reading, you just can’t stop. It’s just so interesting. I found that out with myself. Once you start learning about nutrition and writing about it and what-not, it just snowballs.

Ron Garner: It does. But the interesting part of that is when you’re inexperienced, when you’re not versed in this as much as you and I are for the average person out there, they start reading about this and it is very confusing.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Yes, it is.

Ron Garner: Now, you can probably see behind me I have a couple of bookshelves. Those are all full of health books of all kinds that I have bought and researched over time. So it’s confusing to the public. I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if I could condense all the basics of this into one book that’s easy to understand that people would understand and know what are the wrong things that take their health away and what are the right things they should be doing?”

And so that’s what I’ve attempted to do in these books, The Conscious Health and Disease-free Revolution.

06:46 Books by Ron Garner: The Conscious Health & The Disease Free Revolution

Wendy Myers: Well, why don’t you tell us a little bit more about it? Give our readers a little bit detail about what they can expect?

Ron Garner: Sure! Well, the Disease-free Revolution is the fourth that I have written. There had been revisions of the other books leading to this. This book is about one-third the size of Conscious Health. So it’s an easy read. It’s very easy to understand, but it’s the result of about 20 years of my study and experience with my own body to find out what works and what doesn’t work, what are the basics.

I wrote this book to give people the power, to empower them so that they could take control of their own health. They don’t have to just take other people’s word about “take this, take that” because when they hear suggestions from other people or doctors they go to, they can then say, “Okay, is this going to get at the cause of my problem? Is this going to help my body get stronger so that it can heal?”

So some people ask me why did I choose the word ‘revolution’ in the title? I think that’s a good question. A revolution happens naturally when people realize that a government or a system that they’re under is not working in their best interest, but is more interested in controlling them and making money. So that’s really why a revolution starts.

I believe that’s starting to happen today because people are waking up. They’re starting to question government policies, the increasing disease we have. It’s not getting less, it’s getting more. The continual wars we have, why do we have them? What’s behind that? Is it all terrorism or is there something to do with oil or who knows? And the virus epidemic scares we keep having. My gosh! We had SARS, the bird flu, the swine flu. And now, we’ve got Ebola! These are in large part seem to be created to put fear into the people. And then, “Okay, now you need vaccinations or whatever.”

But along with this comes the erosion of the constitutional freedoms we have. We see this happening in your country and just with the recent things that happened in Canada, there’s a legislation in place now to take more of our freedoms away as well. So third, I believe that we seriously need a revolution in the way we think about health and disease because our present system simply isn’t working.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

09:32 The Medical Conspiracy

Wendy Myers: Well, let’s explore some of those ideas in your book about conspiracy that are harming our health. Can you tell us how you think these got started? For example, tell us about the change in medical school training away from natural methods and nutrition to what it is today? Can you explain a little bit about that?

Ron Garner: Sure can, Wendy. It’s a very interesting topic because this conspiracy really was very well-done and pulled off. So I’m going to be referring a couple of notes and reading from a couple of reports because the basic reasons these happen were well-planned.

And so let’s get into that. If listeners want to do some searching on their own, they can look to a little book called Health Through Nutrition by Dr. Joel Robins, which is a very brief summary of this, but a much more detailed explanation can be found in Edward Griffin’s book, World Without Cancer: Cartels, the Escape from Competition. That really summarized it.

So understand this, that in the 1800s to the early 1900s, all the medical schools in the U.S. (and they’re mostly on the eastern seaboard taught natural healing principles). But also, during the 1800s in Germany, pharmaceutical companies started to develop and produce drugs for medical purposes on a large scale. Then these companies formed a cartel. They got together and decided, “Let’s move and establish in the U.S.”

And so they teamed up with Rockefeller. And as Edward Griffin outlines in his book, other financial giants such as DuPont, Standard Oil and Ford. I’m not saying this. He said that. Then over time, they put in legislative steps and procedures so that they could take control.

The first one of these that was put into place was done in 1906. That was the establishment of the FDA, the Food & Drug Administration. It was formed with the knowable objective of testing food and drugs for safety. However, it was given the power to “approve drugs as safe and natural supplements as unsafe if it and as it decided.”

So then four years later, they formed the Council of Medical Education by the American Medical Association and given the power to accredit medical schools, to approve whether they could establish or not. So as soon as this body was established, they called for the discontinuance of all courses teaching natural methods. And the institution of course is teaching drug therapy. So those schools that didn’t comply were forced to close. And that effectively brought an end to the teaching of natural methods to doctors. Well, shortly after this (this was about 1910), Sir William Osler who was one of the four founding professors at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland said, “Drug companies are not here to bring us health, but to scam us for vast amounts of money by treating symptoms and not addressing the cause.”He said it and it was sort of soon forgotten.

Things continued long to about 1972. And then the American Medical Association formed this Professional Standard Review Organization and gave it the rights to enter any medical doctor’s office and revoke his/her license if they weren’t following the AMA protocol, which of course was drug therapy.

And then, later on, the final stroke of genius came when government health insurance was set up. So this could ensure that the general public (not necessarily individuals), but the general public could afford expensive drugs and treatment procedures. So with that in place, they had a pretty firm hand on it. So effectively, Wendy, what happened was the original natural medical schools were hijacked and forced out of business. And over the last 100 years with media advertising and government legislation, people had been conditioned (and some would even call it ‘brainwashed’) to believe that the medical system has the right answers. It’s the only way to go and that the other approaches are risky and probably not effective. We call them ‘alternative’, which is a wise choice on the medical part and it’s not true.

So effectively, what happened is suppression of the natural health. And I have three examples I’d like to tell you about and these are all from a book from the 1930s and they are wonderful health discoveries. It was Dr. Weston Price. He wrote a book called Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. He traveled the world and studied people in various areas of the world, examining what kind of foods they were eating to see why they were so healthy.

But he was a dentist as well and he did extensive study into the effect that root canals have on people. That’s extremely interesting because what you do with root canal on a tooth, you effectively cut out the nerve and the blood circulation out of that tooth. It becomes a dead area where bacteria can multiply and then leak into the body. Now, that’s refuted and argued against by the people who don’t want that information out. However, that was there in the 1930s.

The second one (and this man is one of my heroes), Dr. Francis Pottenger. He lived in California. And from 1932 to 1942, he carried out experiments on 900 cats because he wanted to find out what’s the difference between eating a certain amount of raw food and just eating all cooked food. Well, what he found over four generations of cats, they got so seriously diseased that they couldn’t even multiply after four generations, whereas the ones that were fed their natural diets lived very healthy all along. We could go into much more detail on that, but that’s the point of that.

The other one I want to mention is – and this is the whole issue with cancer. In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg was given the Nobel Prize, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the cause of cancer, which simply is low cellular oxygen. He found that when any cell or group of cells get down in their oxygen content, the cancer cells form and start to multiply. And that’s a very interesting subject, which I talk about in the book.

But how many times have your listeners heard this mentioned? Where do you hear the cancer industry talking about we’ve got to raise oxygen levels in the cells because when that happens, cancer dies. Very interesting. So what happened basically with all these controversy and media proliferation of medical ideas is that people stopped thinking for themselves and started to look to others, “If I’m sick, I’ve got to go to the doctor and he’ll tell me what to do and he’ll give me some drugs.” So they stopped thinking for themselves and taking responsibility. And because doctors fear the power of their own associations, that they’ll get fire, they’ll lose their licenses, they’ll continue with what they know. And so it continues. We have more diseases, et cetera.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and I think that really highlights that a lot of doctors operate in fear. They spend a lot of money and time becoming physicians and they have so much invested in this. And if they operate outside the AMA guidelines, the AMA protocols, if you have cholesterol, high cholesterol (over 200, now it’s right about 180), they have to write a prescription for statins or they could be sued for malpractice if a person has a heart attack or they could lose their license, et cetera.

Ron Garner: It’s true. And what’s sad about all these, Wendy is it’s not the doctor’s fault. It’s how they’ve been educated and conditioned because in their entire training, they’re only given very few hours on nutrition. They’re never taught about how that strengthens the body or a lack of nutrition will weak the body. And so doctors are trained to look for disease and then to write prescriptions to make those symptoms go away.

They do not understand, by and large, what causes diseases. In fact, the physicians’ desk reference (that they all have in their library when they look up a disease), for the vast majority of diseases, these say ‘cause unknown’.

Wendy Myers: I’m doing that. I’m taking a biology and anatomy class. All these diseases, we don’t really know the etiology of this, of leukemia and what-not. I’m thinking, “What are you kidding me? Is this…?”

Ron Garner: Well, of course, they’re kidding you. Yeah, exactly!

Wendy Myers: Yeah, because obviously, we do know. We do know that most diseases as you and I do that nutrient deficiencies and heavy metal and chemical toxicities and stress on the body collude to cause disease, whatever the disease label. I think this also very much explains why medical doctors, I think they’re very altruistic, I think they go into medicine wanting to help people, but they aren’t given the tools, the real tools to do that. And I think it’s also why drugs are the only approved treatments for diseases. That’s the only treatments paid for by insurance. I mean, they’re just kind of in between a rock and a hard place.

Ron Garner: Oh, yeah, all of the money. It’s all about the industries and it’s all about making money. Getting you healthier is a secondary consideration.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

20:55 Why pharmaceutical drugs are bad as a treatment modality

Wendy Myers: And so let me play the devil’s advocate for a moment and ask you why you think pharmaceutical drugs are so bad as a medical treatment modality.

Ron Garner: Okay, Wendy, all pharmaceutical drugs are not bad. I’m not against all doctors because as I’ve just mentioned before, there are many well-meaning doctors, their hands are sort of tied as to what they can delve into and what they can talk to their patients about.

But we are fortunate to have the medical knowledge and skills today in the area for treating physical traumas. We get banged up in car accidents or we fall and break stuff. We have the finest medical knowledge available today.

And some drugs save lives from severe infections, but we need to know the difference. Any drug, whatever it is in my opinion should be a temporary measure to overcome a crisis. And then get back to helping the body strengthen itself.

Wendy Myers: Exactly, exactly. I like to have my clients stay on their medications because natural treatments take a long time. Natural approaches can take years, one, two or three years.

Ron Garner: And again, that’s relatively a short time because you think by the time you’re in your forties or fifties, how many years have you been doing the wrong things and it’s going to take time to reverse those. You’re not certainly right, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Yup.

22:32 Health models that harm our health

Wendy Myers: So can you tell us about some other conspiracy theories that are harming our health?

Ron Garner: Sure, I can. The ones I’m going to talk about are no longer theories. And it’s an interesting wording itself because the proponents or the originators of conspiracies, when they’re criticized, they’re all, “Oh, that’s just a theory that you’re pulling up.” That’s a word they purposely use to marginalize and discredit the person who is trying to bring forth information to educate the public.

So these ones that I’m going to talk about here are no longer theories and these are from reports. From a report by Michael Snider that was dated March 24th 2014. The first one is – this is really controversial. Unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated children. His report says this is true. Do you know that children are given between 40 and 80 vaccines between birth and six years old? This is an immature, developing immune system and it has to cope with these things.

Now, the theory of the vaccination sounds good. Boy! I’m using that word too because it is just a theory. They have many ingredients in them such as antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (that’s MSG), aluminum, mercury and other allergens. These chemicals are extremely hard on a developing immune system.

Now, going further along on the issue of vaccinations, I came upon a very interesting article and report last year and it was titled ‘The Vaccine Hoax is Over’. It was on the website, So a doctor in the United Kingdom did a Freedom of Information Act filing. He found that he revealed 30 years of secret, official documents showing that government experts have known the vaccines don’t work, known that they cause the diseases that they’re supposed to prevent, known that they’re a hazard to chidren and they have colluded to lie to the public and work to prevent safety studies from being done.

Now, these vaccines in the UK are the exact, same vaccines that are administered in the U.S. So my advice to anyone wondering about this is don’t take care my word for it, these other people’s word for it and start to do your own research. The bottomline, what I drew for myself was, “Do I want those additives in my body? Are those going to help my immune system get stronger or weaker?” I leave that as a question.

A second one (and this applies to almost everyone), the fluoride in our water is really bad for us. That’s very true. Why do you think the FDA requires a poison warning on every tube of fluoride toothpaste? But to not prolong this, my biggest concern about fluoride or fluorine is – let’s look at the chemical periodic table. They are arranged in columns and there’s one column called the halogens. This has fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine in that order going downwards.

Now, the way the periodic table of elements work is that anything higher than the one lower displaces it. Now iodine is so important. We need it for our thyroid, we need it for our skin, it fights infections in our body. Most people in North America are deficient in iodine and fluorine and chlorine are in most of our drinking waters. So automatically, it’s displacing the iodine in our body. To me, that’s a very bad one.

Wendy Myers: It’s one of the main reasons why people are obese. Two-thirds of people are obese.

Ron Garner: Oh, absolutely. That and MSG.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Ron Garner: When scientists want to fatten rats or mice, they feed them MSG.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Ron Garner: Yeah. So another one is the overuse of antibiotics is causing a rise in antibiotic-resistant super bugs. Well, we know that’s happening. The standard antibiotics are no longer working for a lot of infections.

Another one, in his report, he said that hospitals are massively overcharging their patients. True! There was another report of March 4th 2013 called ‘Legalized Drug Dealers’. He wants to expose how hospitals in the U.S. charge exorbitantly high prices for pharmaceutical drugs prescribed to patients. And of course, pharmaceutical drugs are large component of what they call healthcare costs.

And finally, in his report, thanks to big pharma, the Americans are the most drugged up people in the face of the earth. In fact, 31% of Americans are taking three or more pharmaceutical drugs every day. Well, that’s pretty alarming.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

28:08 How big pharma is destroying our health

Wendy Myers: Well, why don’t you talk a little bit more about big pharma and how they are pretty much conspiring and colluding to destroy our health?

Ron Garner: We all know the answers to these things. Again, follow the money. The main objective of big pharma is to get customers and sell drugs, not to cure disease. That’s the bottomline. You know, natural food supplements have proven to be very safe and yet they try to say that they’re risky, but they’re not. They’re not risky. They are proven to be very safe, whereas pharmaceutical drugs have proven to be risky and there’s thousands of deaths every year from them.

A couple of examples that I came up on, in 2008, there were 14,800 prescription pain killer deaths. And that still goes on today. Vioxx, which was pulled off the market last September is supposed to have killed over 40,000 people. That was according to an FDA scientist who said that his employer silenced his warnings about the drug’s safety.

Yup, drug companies continue to be protected by government agencies. And in many cases, the studies that are done for safety are done by the drug companies themselves and only reviewed by the government agencies. But the most damning testimony I found about pharmaceuticals was just published this year by a doctor, John Virapen who came out on He was a former Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company executive for 35 years until he finally quit and spoke out against the drugs. He said many things, but I’ll only hit two or three of them here.

Bottomline, he said, “Pharmaceutical companies do nothing, but annihilate the population of this world.” Really strong stuff.

Wendy Myers: Wow!

Ron Garner: …for money, money, money. He said we need some pharmaceutical drugs because some drugs are good (and I talked about that earlier), but most of them are rubbish, he says. The companies are not interested in curing a disease you may have, they’re more interested in making you get or continue a disease.

So, they’re really interested in treating symptoms, not causes. They like to have to, say diabetics and cardiology patients, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, all these kind because the people live a long time and they have to continue taking the drugs.

He says that they use the media to help them do their work to get the information out there to help to influence people and then he finally says, “Don’t take for granted what your doctor says these days because they don’t know much about medicine.” That’s really strong. And they don’t care much about their patients either, he says because they’re thinking about how much money they can get paid. And this is how big pharma stays in power because doctors only get their information, their ongoing education from pharmaceutical industry sales people, the reps. He says that the sales people are told never to talk about side effects. Only talk about FAB, features, advantages and benefits. They hide the dangerous side effects, he says.

Well, to back up Dr. Virapen’s story, just one month ago, an article appeared in the Wall Street Journal written by Peter Loftus. It was titled ‘The Doctors’ Net Billions from drug firms.” Drug and medical device companies paid at least $3.5 billion to the U.S., to U.S. positions and teaching hospitals during the final five months of last year. Well, that extrapolates to about $8 billion a year. According to most comprehensive accounting so far are the financial ties that some critics say have compromised medical care. Now, is this a conflict of interest or what? Doctors or medical schools getting paid by the pharmaceutical companies for selling their products.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I’ve heard that doctors are rewarded with vacations. The more prescriptions they write, they get vacations. They’re getting all kinds of backdoor payments and they get vacations for training where they have to take a certain amount of credits per year to keep up their license or every few years. Those are paid for vacations and trainings are paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.

Ron Garner: Yeah, they are. And the other side of effect, I don’t know how it is with all your doctor visits in the states, but I know how it’s gotten in Canada. Twenty years ago, you could go and talk to them. Now, you would get between five and seven minutes with them. You can ask one question. You get into other questions, they get very irritable. They have their pad right handy and their pen and they’re ready to write a prescription and get you out of the door because the pressure for seeing all their patients is pretty high right now. So you don’t get long with them.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And that’s not their fault.

Ron Garner: No, it’s not.

Wendy Myers: They’re under a lot of pressure, the insurance companies or in Canada, you’ve got the social medicine. They’re under a lot of pressure.

Ron Garner: Yup, that’s true. And here, again, this social medicine only pays for the orthodox treatment, which is drug therapy. If you want to go to a naturopath or get natural supplements, which I do, you pay for those all yourself.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I think that’s why people call people like me, health coaches and other healthcare practitioners. I take the time with my clients. I sit down with them for an hour and answer all their questions. I’m available by email. People need support with their health and they can’t get it. It’s not a reality today with most physicians.

Ron Garner: No, and when you point out how their body is supposed to operate and why it’s under pressure, why it’s breaking down, then you’re educating them and enabling them to take more responsibility for themselves and make wise decisions.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. And people, they do have to take responsibility. No one as invested as you are in your health. No one gives a crap except maybe your mom or your significant other. No one cares, the doctor. They don’t have the time to look over your case and spend the time it really takes to get you healthy. Only you are going to do that. Only you are going to spend that time to do that.

Ron Garner: Absolutely! As I say in my book, “Who cares more about your health? It’s you.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

35:27 How big agra and the food industry as part of the conspiracy that undermines our health

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk a little bit about big agra. How do big agra, agriculture and the food industries tie into the conspiracy to undermine our health.

Ron Garner: Well, they’re all part and parcel of the same thing. When you understand health principles, that’s fairly easy to answer and you talked about it earlier. That’s all the unnatural chemical that are added to our food products and in our environment.

Let’s start with how food is grown, the conventional mass produce farming methods. The land is fertilized with chemical fertilizers, which have basically only three or four elements in there to return to the soil and those are often synthetic. We put pesticides and insecticides on our products, on our growing land. These are toxic. And over time, when we keep farming lands the same way, it leeches the trace minerals out of the soil. And so the conventional food that you buy at supermarkets has less and less minerals in it that the body needs.

So processed foods have thousands of additives. In fact, over the last 50, 60, 70 years (basically, since the second World War), there had been over 84,000 chemicals introduced into our food and environment and water systems. Some of them like fluoride, MSG and artificial sweeteners like aspartame, they cause disease conditions in the body. They don’t help in any way, shape or form.

Now, we’ve got GMO foods, which is really controversial and we’ve got companies like Monsanto, which are really arguing hard, “Oh, no. These are safe. It’s perfectly safe. We need it to feed the people.” If you dig into this, there’s all kind of evidence proving the opposite.

Why do they fight so hard in the U.S. and Canada to stop us from having labeling of foods that you can buy at the store whether they’ve got GMO foods in them or not? In other nations, in Europe and the rest of the parts of the world, they have banned GMO foods or they enforce labeling on the foods. Now, what do they know that we don’t? Or do their governments care more about the health of their people than ours do?

Again, it comes back to taking responsibility for yourself. So as I say, if in doubt, don’t because it’s your health that’s at stake.
How natural is it, I ask, to have crops sprayed so much to kill weeds and insects that these weeds and insects themselves are adapting because they multiply every year (or more often) and they’re becoming immune to these chemicals, but we aren’t? We take a long time.

Is it natural to have animal or fish genes inserted into a tomato or other vegetables? I think not. And if you dig into this, the basic problem is that it apparently produces proteins, amino acids that our human bodies have never encountered before in nature. And so this is causing real havoc.

So why do we take chances with our health with these things when other nations don’t?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, and that’s why the rise of allergies have increased so much since the nineties since GMOs have been introduced. Food sensitivities are skyrocketing because our bodies are attacking these proteins. It doesn’t recognize them.

Ron Garner: And further than that, they’re causing injury to the inside of the system. One of my favorite topics too is the gut, the small intestine. These all cause miniature holes in them so that bacteria and food particles, small proteins can escape through the gut, into the bloodstream. They cause inflammation, they cause allergies throughout the body. It’s a heavy load.

Wendy Myers: Mm-hmmm… yeah.

39:53 Dangerous additives to food

Wendy Myers: Well, let’s talk a little bit about big agra and the processed food industry, another mega billion dollar industry. What do you think or why do you think that it has become legal to add ingredients to foods that are not organic? When you have an organic product and consumer thinks they’re purchasing something that’s pure and natural, but there are ingredients in there that are not organic? Can you explain that a little bit?

Ron Garner: Well, sure. It’s back to the same, old violin too. It’s mostly about money and simply because government agencies allow it. If these things they put into or on the food make the products last longer or taste better or addictive (such as sugar, which is a big one), then that’s good for business. People will consume more. That increases profits and sales. It’s the bottomline again. So long-term health considerations don’t seem to be a real concern. The only true protection, Wendy, is what you and I are saying. It’s to take responsibility and learning about healthy lifestyle practices. What are the foods that are good for you and what are the ones you should avoid? That was the purpose of The Disease-free Revolution book that I wrote because I highlight all these right in there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

41:19 Food and medical treatments that harm our health

Wendy Myers: Well, can you explain some specific examples of food or medical treatments that you think are harming our health?

Ron Garner: Certainly! Let’s talk about a few common ones because I talk about these in my book. The one that’s probably most pervasive in all our foods, all the processed foods (and we use it in beverage, et cetera) is sugar. There is no nutrition in sugar, in white sugar and as a matter of fact, it becomes toxic in the body. It’s in most of our processed food and beverages. Why it’s so bad is that one teaspoon of sugar will depress or weaken the immune system for 3 ½ hours. Now, the average American consumes 22 teaspoons of added sugar every day. What does that do to your immune system? Sugar also causes inflammation in the body always and inflammation is at the base of almost every disease condition we have. So that’s a bad one.

Second is soy. The only healthy ones are the fermented ones like miso, tempei and soy sauce. So the fermented ones are okay, but soy is very hard to break down to make it edible. But the whole soy industry has really convinced the vegetarian industry people that, “Oh, here’s a safe protein for you. You don’t have to eat meats. Use tofu.” But actually, tofu and soy milk contribute to health problems and that’s because they have to be processed at such high heat and combined with chemicals and other additives to improve their taste.

Soy products depress the thyroid function. They contain enzyme inhibitors. They also contain aluminum. My big pet peeve with soy products, tofu and soy milk is they’re full of estrogens because estrogen overload, estrogen dominance and it upsets our natural hormonal balance. I came upon one report that said that soy milk fed to babies contain the equivalent of five birth control pills every day. I know this is true because a girl in my family as a baby was fed soy milk. She started puberty, got her period when she was barely ten years old. It just accelerates things in the body.

So if people wonder about this saying, “Oh, that can’t be,” do your own research. Go to your computer, type in ‘soy’ and ‘Price Pottenger Foundation’ as two sources and see what you find. You’re going to find lots of information. Now, in my book, I have a chapter called ‘Deceptions and Lies’. Now, these are lies or they’re half-lies. First of all, is salt bad for you?

Wendy Myers: No.

Ron Garner: We absolutely need salt for the electrolytes to run in our body. The problem is it’s the wrong kind of salt, which is table salt, just sodium chloride. That is toxic. The body get [inaudible 00:44:47] for health, whereas unprocessed sea salt has up to 84 minerals and trace minerals in it. Our body really needs it. It was deemed as an absolute requirement for health in the early years. The Latin word for salt is ‘sal’ and it was said that Roman soldiers were paid a salary of salt. That’s where our word ‘salary’ got its origin.

The second one is that “fat makes you fat” and the proliferation of low fat foods. Really bad for the health! Again, it’s the wrong kind of fat. It’s the trans fats, it’s the fats that have been overheated. Most of them are always on the middle shelves on supermarkets, the cheap ones.

But good fat is needed for energy to make cell membranes and many other functions in the body. The good fats are organic butter, organic cream (now I’m not talking about milk), butter, cream, coconut oil, olive oil (that is, the virgin ones). Those are absolutely necessary. You talk about bad fat, I’ll mention one, margarine. That’s synthetic. It’s so bad that flies and insects won’t land on it. They won’t be in it.

Now, what kind of cell membranes do you think those kind of fats will make in your body? Again, think for yourself and take your own responsibility. A third one (you’ve already mentioned it, Wendy) and that’s cholesterol. It’s bad and it has to be treated with drugs. If you do an Internet search on cholesterol and you add the words ‘myth’, ‘lie’, ‘hoax’, ‘scam’, ‘con’, you are going to find millions. I found when I did a quick search something like 12 million entries outlining and educating you on what a scam this is. As a matter of fact, Sheldon Zerden who wrote the book ‘The Cholesterol Hoax’ said, “It’s the greatest swindle in the history of nutrition.” Udo Erasmus who is one of the world’s foremost authorities on fats and oils (he wrote ‘Fats that Kill’), he calls this the ‘cholesterol scare’.

The fact alone that cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and the skin regardless of what foods you eat because the body needs cholesterol for certain functions. It’s needed in all the cells, the nerves, the brain, many other functions. But the interesting part (and this is where the confusion comes in) is it’s part of the body’s repair kit. So when they did autopsies on patients who had died from heart disease and look into the arteries, they found, “Oh, there’s some cholesterol in here, so cholesterol must be the problem.” But what we need to understand is why was that cholesterol in there? Because it’s not in the arteries of healthy people, people with healthy arteries.

Now arteries can become weakened from infections, smoking, elevated insulin levels, lots of other things. And when most become weakened, the body in its wisdom says, “We’ve got to strengthen those arteries” and so they lay down a little layer of cholesterol trying to strengthen it. Now, if you continue living the way you are, sooner or later, that’s going to plug up and you are going to die from that. But what this is is a symptom. The body is telling you, “I’m suffering. Please reverse what you’re doing so that I don’t have to use this.” The problem is not the cholesterol, but the lifestyle choices that are made that weaken the tissues in the first place.

The human body does everything for a reason. When we put drugs in our body to control something or force it to do something, we interfere with its natural process of trying to reach a balance.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I feel the same way. I can’t help, but feel that it’s almost a government conspiracy, an AMA conspiracy to tell cardiac patients and people with high cholesterol not to eat high cholesterol food like red meat and eggs and salt. They’re the very foods they need to be healthy.

Ron Garner: Organic eggs, free run eggs are a complete food in itself. They have everything in it. It’s so wonderful. And that’s awful to deprive the body of these things.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Ron Garner: I mean, you do research on this. More people die from low cholesterol than they do from high cholesterol. So, go figure!

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

49:58 The sickness and disease management industry

Wendy Myers: And so in your book, you talk about the sickness and disease management industry. What exactly do you mean by that? Is it health care or is it just sick care? Well, the one we’re familiar with that we go to doctors to find out about, that’s sick care and we’ve already talked about that because sick people continue to need to have doctor visits. They continue to need to take their drugs and maybe even get more drugs. Medical doctors have been trained to look for disease and then use drugs as their treatment of choice. So drug treat symptoms, but they don’t treat causes. So here again, big pharma is really in control.

An interesting comment by Dr. Bruce Lipton who wrote the book, ‘Biology of Belief’. He’s a very gifted cell biologist. He calls them ‘pharmaceutical patsies’ because they’re there to write prescriptions. They’re there to do the bidding of the pharmaceutical companies. They don’t like to hear you and I talk and say these things, but if they are not trying to heal the causes of their patient’s diseases, then they need to take this seriously and think about it themselves.

When was the last time a medical doctor spent time talking to you about how to be healthy, eat the right foods, avoid the wrong ones. So ‘health care’ as they brilliantly called it is a deception. It’s not ‘health care’. It’s ‘sick care’.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

51:35 Detox

Wendy Myers: And so where does detox come into your beliefs about health? What are the body’s priorities, so to speak? How does this factor in the body’s ability to detox and to heal?

Ron Garner: Okay. If we go into true healthcare, that’s helping the body to heal itself, giving it what it needs to strengthen itself. And so I would say this on the matter of detox. If we are always eating a diet that is natural, it is organic, it doesn’t have pesticides and obnoxious chemicals in it and it has all the minerals the body needs to replenish itself (the fats, oils, vitamins, minerals), it will naturally detoxify as a matter of course.

But when we eat foods that our body can’t completely digest and they putrefy and stay in the column too long, we start to develop bile problems. It starts to back up in our colon. All of a sudden, we can’t go to the bathroom once or twice or three times a day. We’re into once every two or three days or maybe once every four, five, six days or seven even.

One lady who had contacted me recently, she was barely able to go once a week. So what happens when the colon backs up with all these putrefied matter that’s in there? You know that it’s not good stuff because the smell of it when it comes out. This begins to back up in the body and means that the liver is unable to detoxify completely and it becomes congested. So it offloads and it says, “Okay, let’s get the lungs to help me get this out.” Sometimes, you come upon people with really terrible breath. And it’s not necessarily they’ve just been eating garlic or something. It’s back-up toxins in their body because their body is trying to get rid of them.

And also, people with chronic skin problems is a classic sign of an overly toxic body. So detox really comes in large. And the first place we need to start is getting the colon cleared and moving regularly. So we work on that. I talk about that in the book. The liver can start to detox and start to throw these off. The body becomes more efficient.

A body will use a cold or flu when you’re doing things properly to try to get rid of toxins in the body. When you have a colon, why do you think so much music goes out that’s colored? From infection. That’s because in its wisdom, it’s trying to get rid of this stuff to help you live longer.

54:32 The most pressing health issue in the world today

Wendy Myers: And so I have a question that I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Ron Garner: Okay, I’m not going to pick any particular culprit. The culprit is us. It’s people not thinking for themselves and taking personal responsibility because if you learn information such as you’re teaching, Wendy and that is in my book, the Disease-free Revolution, you’re going to become informed and know how to make the right decisions. You’re going to understand what causes disease and how to be healthy. So when you start taking responsibility, then you’re going to overcome these problems. So I think that’s the number one problem. In my opinion is so important that this little book here that I have written…

Wendy Myers: Yeah, hold it up. Hold it up so people can see it.

Ron Garner: Can you see that?

Wendy Myers: Higher, higher. Yeah, great. I really like that cover.

Ron Garner: It has basic, easy-to-understand information that is so important it should be taught in our schools. But it’s not. We’re taught to memorize facts, not to think critically in our schools. I think we really have to start there, our education system and make critical thinkers, that is people say, “Ah, is that true or not? Does that make sense? I’m going to do some research on that because I want to stay healthy. I don’t want to get taken in the financial field. Are those things true or false? Is the market being manipulated or not?”

So we’ve got a lot of smart people in our countries, but they’ve dumbed down not to question things, “Okay, you’re sick? Go to the doctor.” Anyhow, reasons why we get sick, the first reason is lack of knowledge. We don’t understand what makes us sick and how we can be healthy? And the second reason is lack of effort. We really don’t care enough. We don’t put in the effort to find out and then apply it to our own lives.

Wendy Myers: I know! That’s the problem. People are programmed to think, “I take a pill. I get better. I want instant relief.” That’s why people don’t want to do a program like mine. It’s called Mineral Power. It takes two to three years for people to really achieve optimal health and they don’t want to do it.

Ron Garner: All you have to do is think. I’m talking to your listeners now. From years from now, do you want to be worse or do you want to be better? If I didn’t take the steps I did 20 years ago – I’m 76 right now and in my mid-fifties, I was really going downhill. I am positive I would not be here today if I did not take the steps I took. I’m still working at it, but I am healthier now than I was ten years ago.

And that’s the way you need to look at it. Ten years from now, where will I be? Sicker or healthier? It comes down to what do you want for yourself and are you willing to work for it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And it does take work and to make those little choices every day – what you’re going to eat, are you going to exercise, are you going to take your supplements. There’s lots of little choices that add up to big changes over time.

Ron Garner: Yeah, they do. And it’s a little rough when you’re transitioning and you’re going through these healing crises, which I’ve explained in the book, what you have to go through when your body throws out and starts correcting disease conditions. It has to detoxify itself and rebuild. But it’s exciting when you see that all of a sudden, instead of going in a downward spiral, you’re starting to go on steps upward, the energy is returning, you’re feeling better, your skin looks better. That’s really quite exciting.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Well, Ron, thank you so much for being on the show. That was so good. I really appreciate you sharing your vast knowledge of health with the listeners and your thoughts and ideas. Do you have any other thoughts that you want to share with our listeners?

Ron Garner: Yes, I do, Wendy. I have one final thought. For all your listeners, no matter what condition you may be in while you’re listening to this or reading a transcript of it, there is always hope for health because your body has only two priorities. The first one is always survival. It will always work to keep you alive so that you can see another day. Its second priority is to get healthier, to make you better, but it can only do that if it has energy and nutrition left over at the end of the day.

So realize this. Your body is the best doctor in the world. It knows what to do and it doesn’t make mistakes, we do. It needs you as its assistant to provide the nutrition that it needs so that it can strengthen its immune system and build a healthy body for you again. So if you want more information about me, you can go to my website, which is We have lots of information on there. There’s other radio interviews, there’s a free download. There’s always hope for health. You just have to want it and know how to get it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely! Hallelujah! I agree.

Ron Garner: Yeah! Thank you, Wendy. Great topics we’ve discussed.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Well, thank you so much again for coming on the show. Hold tight. And listeners, if you want to learn all about my program, Mineral Power, all about the Modern Paleo Diet, my version of Paleo, learning to cess out your food sensitivities and you want to learn about how to heal your health conditions naturally, lots of information on many, many different health conditions and how you can approach them naturally, just go to my website, Join me on social media, on Facebook, Twitter, iwillLiveto110. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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