Transcript: #9 Alternative Cancer Treatments with Dr. Nisim John

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  • 11:34 How does cancer develop?
  • 15:27 Increase in Cancer
  • 18:54 Would you ever use chemo with a patient?
  • 22:48 What does chemo do to a body?
  • 27:28 Does chemo reduce one’s chances of recovery from cancer?
  • 42:49 Radiation
  • 48:17 Hyperthermia
  • 53:32 Gerson method
  • 54:40 Raw vegan diet
  • 56:05 Sono Photo Dynamic Therapy
  • 1:19:21 How long does it take to heal cancer using natural methods?
  • 1:21:43 Are natural treatments appropriate for every patient?
  • 1:23:49 Are there any cancers that don’t respond well to natural treatment?

Wendy Myers: Good afternoon everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Live to 110 podcast. We’re broadcasting live from Los Angeles, California. Today, I’m going to be interviewing Dr. Nisim John about natural treatments for cancer and the problems of chemo and radiation which is, well, obviously the standard treatment in the US for cancer. And I’m intensely passionate about informing people of natural cancer treatments because my own father passed away from his treatment of esophageal cancer. Mind you not the cancer, he died from his treatment.

He lost 120 pounds in 4 months while doing chemo and radiation. And obviously this destroyed his health and immune system, and he basically didn’t have a chance after these treatments. Additionally, his tissues had become so weakened from the chemo and radiation that when he had surgery to finally remove the shrunken tumor, the stitches couldn’t hold and he bled and died. So after this happened, it dawned on me that I probably should try to figure out how to prevent cancer because I definitely did not want to go out like my father did. That was years of misery and pain. I also wanted to begin studying all the cancer treatment prevention to try to figure out why he died. I was very surprised and disgusted by what I learned. Every time I have of a friend or loved one getting cancer, I am just sickened by the fact that the only options that are offered are chemo-radiation and surgery. And I frankly think it’s a crime that when we have so, so many options available in our disposal to fight this plague in our society. Now people need to learn their options because they’re not getting this info from the doctor and we’ll learn why during the show.

But before we get started, I do have a little disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition because that would be illegal. Live to 110 radio is solely informational in nature so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging at any treatment I or Dr. Nisim John suggests on the show. So let’s get started with the show. You know, I’m really excited about this topic. Today, we have Dr. Nisim John of Integrated Cancer Treatment Centers. You can visit his website at

Hello, Dr. John. How are you doing?

Dr. Nisim John: I’m very good, Wendy. It’s an honor to be on your show. I’m very excited to be here and I hope we can do some good with some information I will be handing down to people listening.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I do too.  Let’s start with telling the listeners what’s your story. What inspired you to treat cancer using the natural methods and open your ICTC clinics?

Dr. Nisim John: My heart and love, it’s towards what you and what you went through with your father. There are a lot of people out there that go through these types of development when a family member or friend is diagnosed with cancer and then treated with these conventional methods. But in regards to  my story, I started medical school and I started working for a very well known alternative therapy doctor that had been around for 60 years. He actually started the whole alternative treatment in the mecca for alternative therapies  for cancer in Tijuana, Mexico which is 10 minutes from the Mexico-San Diego border. That’s pretty much for all of that started a long time ago.

So they actually brought me in and they wanted me to do research for them. And I started doing a lot of research in the first semester in regards to stem cell and how it would help cancer. And just the list goes on and on about Poly MVA and Sono Photo Therapy, etc. So by the time I was in my third year, I knew a lot of what was going on in the world in regards to alternative therapies. And then I obviously did a lot of work with these doctors and saw a lot of their good results that they were having and how they were so different than the conventional doctors,  how they knew a lot more than what was out there. And also my experience with other research that I did hours and hours and hours, because as a medical student, you really don’t have much time to get a job like a regular job. So my job was staying up when I have the time and do a lot of research.

Throughout the world, I will contact people from Kiev, Russia and Germany and all kinds of different places to get information from them and things like that. So that’s how I got started. And then by the time I was done, I knew what I wanted to do afterwards, to specialize in integrative therapies for cancer and other diseases. Because we’re not only treating cancer. There’s other treatments for degenerative diseases and auto-immune diseases. Diabetes is not something that used to be given so many chemical drugs throughout the rest of their life or people losing their feet or their limbs and things like that. It can be stopped as well.

Wendy Myers: So you are on the Integrative Cancer Treatment Centers. And where you’re from is located exactly?

Dr. Nisim John: Our main clinic is in Mexico. It’s 20 minutes from the San Diego airport. So if you landed in San Diego, California in the United States, you can drive 20 minutes south and the clinic is in Tijuana, Mexico. It’s by the beach. It’s a very nice area and pretty much that is where all of the very good clinics are for these types of therapies. And then we have our other branch clinics in Israel, in Tel Aviv and in Germany in Bad Bergzabern, in Southern Germany. And we’re planning on branching out to other parts of the world, as well. You know we’re working on two places in the Middle East right now and also in South America.

Wendy Myers: That’s fantastic.  I just love that you’re doing this work. I’m curious why don’t you have any clinics in the US?

Dr. Nisim John: Well the problem with the US is that it’s really tightly regulated in regards to using anything but chemotherapy and radiation to treat cancer. So once you declare that you are going to use other therapies, then they are going to shut you down. Some of my colleague friends have been locked up. There are a few friends that are in jail now because of that and so we’re really restricted about what we can do as doctors in the United States in regards to treating cancer. Our clinic up in the U.S., we treat cancer here but we don’t use chemotherapy or radiation because it’s a trillion-dollar business and one treatment alone will range you from a $1000 to $30,000.

And it’s namely on the high end the first treatment is going to be, so they figured it is making a lot of people a lot of money. I mean, It’s OK for people to make money but the problem with that is that, the success rate with these treatments are 1-2% success rate which means remission of 5 years or longer, 1-2% from 100%. That’s one of the things we’re trying to do, is to educate the people around the world, not just in the United States, about what really is going on with these types of therapy in regards to chemotherapy and radiation. Now sometimes surgery is good, but a lot of times it’s not. It depends on the situation, as well.

Wendy Myers: It’s amazing to me that almost every day, I read a different story about an alternative cancer treatment center clinic getting shutdown by the FDA. They get raided and the doctors lose their licenses or are put in jail. It’s like a cartel protecting their investment because the FDA basically, in my opinion, their clients are the pharmaceutical industry and the companies that make medical equipment, make the mammogram cancer testing equipment. And these people want to protect their investment. It’s in fact illegal for a doctor to prescribe anything other than chemo and radiation in the United States because of that reason. The doctors could lose their license and face malpractice suits, etc. It’s very odd to me that if you’re curing cancer, you’d be shut down or harassed by the FDA. And it’s just, like I said, to protect the pharmaceutical, medical equipment manufacturers’ interests because they make billions and trillions off these diagnostic test and cancer drugs.

Dr. Nisim John: It’s a vicious cycle. If we were to get all the information out there to prevent diseases, there will be a lot of people losing a lot of money because most of the pharmaceutical companies are not here to cure diseases, let alone prevent diseases. But they’re mainly to maintain stability of the disease. How many people do you know and the people that are listening know that you go to the doctor and they say that you have high blood pressure and then you have to take these pills the rest of your life. I mean, really? You have to take 3 different pills for high blood pressure for the rest of your life when 2 or 3 things that you could actually do on a daily basis could get you lower blood pressure to 10 point down and eventually you won’t need to take any pills?

So it’s a vicious cycle. And I have a few friends of mine… for example I have a doctor friend from the United States, got everything from the United States, has a degree, etc. He started a company on the Internet selling a product that he came up with. He sold it through the Internet. That was having great results for cancer. So they went to his office and shut him down, so he moved to Ecuador. In Ecuador, he did everything legal. The reason he moved to Ecuador was two things. One, because there’s a lot of herbs, plants and different things that he was working over there so he was closer to that. Plus, it’s cheaper to live there. And everything that he was doing was legal. Then he started selling the same product again throughout the world and through the Internet. The patients were getting good results. So what happened? The FDA sent agents to Ecuador and arrested him.

Wendy Myers: I know who you’re talking about… what’s his name? I heard the story before.

Dr. Nisim John: I’m advised not to get into that right now.

Wendy Myers: OK. I read about it on He had a podcast. He was interviewed by Mike Adams. It was a very sad story.

Dr. Nisim John: Things like that happen. But the judge of the town went to the airport to stop these guys and show them that he was legally not doing anything. Then they took him anyway. Last I heard, he was still in Miami in the prison. And then there’s a mom, that was like 5 months ago and these are consistent stories that had happened over and over again. A mom refused to give chemotherapy from the doctor of her child so she went to Mexico, and then they accused her of kidnapping the child, her own kid. And then the FBI went to get her in Mexico because they said that she was kidnapping the child because she refused to give him chemotherapy.

11:34 How does cancer develop?

Wendy Myers: It’s amazing that the government think they have jurisdiction over your body and they can tell you what you can and can’t do as treatment. It’s amazing to me. So let’s go over some basics. Can you tell our listeners what exactly is cancer and how does it develop?

Dr. Nisim John:  Cancer is a mutation of a cell basically. You have normal cells and then you have malignant cells. Whenever a normal cell turns to abnormal and then it starts reproducing itself at a rapid rate, and some of them even eat up the normal cells, that’s called cancer. How is it developed? There are so many different reasons why a disease is developed. If we’re talking about cancer, a study was done in the 70’s by Dr. Hamler. He’s a German doctor. And he proposed that emotions have a lot to do with the manifestation of cancer in the body. He mapped out different organs in the body and he connected an emotion to that organ and concluded that a certain emotion will cause certain cancers in different organs.

For example, the liver. Anger and the liver are related because people that  have some kind of anger issues that they’ve never resolved in their life. Like they were really abused, verbally or emotionally, when they were a child or young adult, then they get cancer of the liver that’s related to that. So emotions have a lot to do with the manifestation of cancer. Stress, toxins, different heavy metals, the PH of the body, all are a combination of things that will developed into a community of malignant cells. They start like a community. We all have malignant cells going in and out of phases throughout our daily life. But a community, that’s when the actual small tumor starts to be visible by what the conventional medicine uses now to look at different parts of the body in regards to whether there is a tumor or not, etc.

So it’s a combination of things that cause these malignant cells to occur. But from my experience, emotional therapy should be included in every patient that has any kind of disease, especially cancer. Because, these traumas, these emotional traumas that people are carrying with them will manifest eventually into a tumor, into malignant cells. I’ve seen examples of these on a weekly basis. So many patients, so many stories, so many people that I know. Their grandfather dies, or they get a divorce, or they got abused by their husband. All of a sudden, breast cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc. Just like that out of the blue.

Wendy Myers: My dad was a very angry guy, angry and irritable.

Dr. Nisim John: One of the things that we do in our clinic and what I teach what I lectures is that we have to deal with our patient, not on just some kind of tumor in some area. We have to deal with everything from head to toe, for treatment. We have to deal with the emotional aspect of the patient, the spiritual aspect of the patient and the physical aspect of the patient and the energetic aspect of the patient. Long time ago, we haven’t really delved into the energy work that it’s needed also to treat these certain patients, all patients really. But it’s also very important to deal with those types of treatments. Like you have to attack these needs like they attack the body of the patient without mercy. You have to really, really focus on every type of modality that works to treat the cancer. There’s a lot of people out there that are doing good. I respect them and everything but sometimes what they’re doing is not enough to deal with cancer.

15:27 Increase in Cancer

Wendy Myers: Why do you think we are seeing such an explosion of cancer, with almost 50% of citizens in the US developing the disease and at younger and younger ages?

Dr. Nisim John: Well the technology has to do with a lot of it. Most of us are sitting in front of a computer at least two hours a day. There’s less exercise being done and the kids are exercising less. They’re sitting on computers. And then, the GMO stories and the genetic engineering of foods, the pesticides, the bad diets that we have in our country. I’m talking about the United States. The bad influences in our environment and everything else.

I mean, there are so many things that are causing this cancer rise especially here in the United States. Sometimes I walk outside, I live in San Diego, California. It’s supposed to be the best city to live in in the United States and the prettiest city. Sometimes I walk outside and I smell pesticide in the air. And I don’t even know, I’m not really sure where that pesticide is from, because we don’t really have fields near where I live. But are they pesticides that I’m smelling or is it somebody dropping some kind of chemical in the air? I’m not really sure what that is about but there are so many different things that are causing this rise in cancer. I think the major thing in regards to that is that people should be aware that it’s not hard to get into the right path to good health. You just have to try to eat a decent diet. I’m not saying for everybody to stop eating beef if they want to they can eat beef, but don’t exaggerate on it. Clean your vegetables. If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, please wash your vegetables because they are not very clean, especially the raw.

Wendy Myers: Even the organic ones can have some pesticides especially if they’re imported from other countries sadly.

Dr. Nisim John: That’s correct. And what I usually tell my patients and everybody else that also want to hear about these vegetables is that, if you put the vegetables before you eat it in vinegar for at least 1 or 2 minutes and then rinse it with alkaline water, really good water, then you’ll be good. It will do wonders for your health. And also, you have to be careful with the water. Here where I live, there are a lot of chemicals, in the water, there’s fluoride and all kinds of different chemicals that are really bad. We’re going to introduce a filter system that we just developed.

I just kept the sample that they made for me. I’m going to introduce it on my webpage. The filter system is really, really good. I don’t want to get into it right now but, it’s portable; it has all the protection you need. I’ll have a video on it later on and we could talk about it later. Another thing that people should consider is the water and the PH of the water, that also has to do with creating diseases in the body. It’s the stuff that you’re drinking. It’s so important to get a water that’s not acidic or has a high alkaline base of PH, 8 or 9 is ideal. So we have to also take that into consideration.

18:54 Would you ever use chemo with a patient?

Wendy Myers: Let me ask you a question. Would you ever use chemo on your treatments or would you ever recommend it to a patient?

Dr. Nisim John: In 15 years I probably used chemo twice. And it was low dose chemo. It wasn’t like the standard recipe chemo treatment that they have. If you are in New York City and let’s say that the patient has liver cancer, New York City or any hospital like John Hopkins or any hospital in Houston, Texas they are known for having great cancer hospitals. If the patient goes there with the liver cancer and then you go to the Royal Marsden in London which is another “great cancer hospital” where they use chemotherapy and radiation only. And then you go to a hospital in Australia that treats cancer with chemo and radiation. They all are going to have some kind of recipe of the chemo drug that they’re going to use and the dosages depending on the kilograms of the patient.

So it is not going to vary from one country to another regardless of what name the hospital has. It could be Joe Blows Hospital in Bell Way, Texas, and then you could go to the Royal Marsden and they’re going to have the same chemotherapy dosage per kilogram, nanograms per kilogram. The reason I know this subject is, obviously I’ve been through these hospitals. And also because a long time ago when I was not even in medical school yet, I used to work in a lab where we prepared medications for patients. And I had to go and suit up and prepare these medication not knowing what I was preparing but I was protected from head to toe. Gloves and the goggles and everything, and I was actually preparing chemo.

I mean, I knew what I was preparing but I didn’t know what it would do to the patient. This is like, maybe 30 years ago. So I’ve used low-dose chemo. That means we came up with a really low dosage to do a certain thing for the patient not necessarily to get rid of the cancer. Because there’s a few drugs that we could use to treat other things besides the cancer. For example, I have a patient in the Mexico clinic that we have to use a certain dose of a chemo to fix her lungs. She had a lung problem. When I said “we”, I’m talking about the specialist that I work with because I have a team of doctors that I work with. I’m not just working by myself because we have to integrate everything. We have to integrate to make sure that the patient is good in everything in regards to  the internal medicine doctor, if the patient has lung problem, you get a pneumologist, cardiologist etc.

So those are the only cases that I’ve ever had to use chemo but it’s rare, very rare. If we talk about the options that people have with treating these diseases, there are a lot of respective things out there that are nontoxic and safe and proven. The reason that it’s not in any medical journal is because we could never get funds to do these studies and no doctor, especially a private doctors is going to actually try to give millions and millions of dollars to these doctors to do these studies and put them on some journal. They’re not going to do that.

Wendy Myers: I’m sure there’s not going to be any research done by any large pharmaceutical companies because they want to keep their money-making chemo and radiation very much intact.

Dr. Nisim John: That’s correct. I mean, the FDA and obviously the politicians, etc. It’s like a little triangle so, there’s backup. “I’ll pass laws to just negate anything else but chemo and radiation and you could help me and my fundraiser to become whatever, X, Y, or Z.” That’s pretty much how that works.

22:48 What does chemo do to a body?

Wendy Myers: So, what does chemo exactly do to a body?

Dr. Nisim John: Well, let me just compare what chemo does to a body. I mean it’s not a really good comparison but, if you have ever looked at the package insert, the package insert is the information of the drugs that is attached to a bottle that it comes in or the vial or the bad. If you look at the package insert, let’s say of any anti contraceptive and its side effects, you’re going to have like a hundred side effects. That’s anti contraceptives. Now if you look at the packages of the chemo drugs and you look at the side effects, you’re going to have probably five hundred. The reason that I picked anti contraceptives is because that is one of the main drugs out there that has the most side effects.

Unbelievable. If you really do research on that, it’s incredible. In regards to chemo therapy, what does it do to the body? Well, it kills pretty much every cell. So if we’re talking about brain cells, it will kill brain cells. And if we’re talking about the cells of the lungs, it will kill the cells of the lungs. The cells of the skin, the cells of the liver, every system in the body is affected with chemo therapy. So it’s going to kill everything. Did you ever see Patrick Swayze’s picture after chemo? Did you see what he looked like? I always compare chemo with the concentration camp victims looked when they were on the concentration camps. And by the way, the chemotherapy is linked to that era because one of the doctors that worked for Hitler actually created this.

These concentration camp victims, and I don’t want to go off  topic but, this is really close to what we’re talking about. If you notice, they were in these camps but it didn’t take them long to lose all the weight and become bald and become really weak and frail. Just like what chemotherapy, if given in cycles, does to a patient. It’s the same. So basically what happened, and I don’t know how much information is out there but I’ve done my homework you know, and I’ve spent a lot of time in Germany so, basically this doctor in his memoirs, he wrote, when he knew that they were going to be defeated, he wrote ”We didn’t kill enough people this time but we created something that’s going to kill millions and millions of people in the future”. So he was talking about chemotherapy.

Wendy Myers: Wow, I didn’t realize that it had those roots.

Dr. Nisim John: Oh yes, yes. So basically, chemotherapy will kill cells in the body. It basically destroys all systems. Obviously it destroyed organs, but it destroys systems so some people have a lot of cough because their lungs are affected. Some people are bleeders. Their circulatory system is affected, their immune system is affected. Every system is pretty much affected. So like I tell my students when I’m giving lecturers, let’s say you have your immune system, this is a key, this is very important for those people out there that are listening: If you have, let’s say you have a thousand soldiers, and that is your immune system, the thousand soldiers, to defend against any invasion, which means that anything that comes into the body or anything abnormal in the body that needs to be defended by these soldiers, these soldiers will attack it. So what happens when the patient is given chemotherapy? It destroys all the soldiers. So what happens then? Anything that’s in the body that’s not normal or is an invader to the body, there are no soldiers to fight it. Therefore, the body cannot defend itself.

So basically, chemotherapy destroys the immune system. The immune system doesn’t have enough soldiers to fight the cancer, let alone these other diseases. And you were right at the beginning of the show when you said that most patients and your father didn’t die of the cancer but of the treatment with chemotherapy and radiation. It’s true, it’s true. Most patients, unfortunately that passed away, they didn’t pass away because of the cancer cell, they passed away because of what the chemotherapy did to them prior to it.

27:28 Does chemo reduce one’s chances of recovery from cancer?

Wendy Myers: When someone has chemo, does it reduce one’s chances of recovery from cancer?

Dr. Nisim John: Not really, no. It depends. It depends on the situation. Well I could just give you some statistics, 2% of the patients that get treated with chemotherapy survives five years or more. What else can you say in regards to that. Also I think some years ago, I don’t remember exactly how many years ago but, they did a study worldwide. And it’s not the Canadian study. A lot of people tell me, “Oh, that’s the Canadian study.” No, it’s not really the Canadian study. There was a study done in Europe where they asked oncologists, I think it was a thousand oncologists that they asked around the world, if they themselves or their family members had cancer, would they give themselves or their family members chemotherapy radiation. Do you know how many said yes? Zero.

So, what do we learn in medical school? What do we learn in our specialties? For example, oncologists, what did they learn in their specialties? They learn how to dosage and how to do chemotherapy. Basically, what chemotherapy drug do they give for this type of cancer, for that type of cancer. How do they measure it, the weight and this and that. When they specialize in giving chemotherapy and radiation, that’s all they know. So when the patient goes and tells their oncologist, “Doctor, but I’ve heard that Poly MVA goes this and this and this and this.” They’re like, “No, that’s quackery. That doesn’t work.” Why did they say that?

Wendy Myers: So, they’re saying they can blame it as malpractice if they recommend that or say that because they could lose their license or face suit for malpractice if they suggest that.

Dr. Nisim John: No. They don’t really suggest it because they don’t know about it. They’ve never studied it. They’ve never done research on it. They’ve never spoken of it and I’m not speaking for all oncologists but the majority of these doctors, they have no idea what alternative therapies for cancer do or are. In regards to suggesting to the patient, they do not give any prescription to the patient. They could just say, “Go see this doctor. He’s a specialist in alternative therapies for cancer.” They are not going to get sued for doing that. They don’t need to suggest anything, you understand? Because they don’t really know the dosage of the Poly MVA IV and there’s not too many people that get Poly MVA IV, especially in the United States.

I mean, there’s a few that are doing research on Poly MVA IV which is one of the main antioxidants, the strongest antioxidant that exists in the world right now. If you go on the Internet and you’ll see that as orally PO, right? But you won’t see it as IV because there’s only a few doctors including myself that do IV and we learned how to administer IV years ago. But not too many people know this. Even in the alternative world, not too many people know this.

Imagine in the conventional medicine, they’re not going to have a clue. Poly MVA, by the way for those of you that never heard of it, it’s a very good antioxidant. It’s the chemotherapy of nontoxic medicine for cancer. It kills cancer cells and even crosses the blood-brain barrier. And I’m not getting paid by saying this from the company that makes Poly MVA, by the way. I’m not getting paid nothing. I’m just trying to get the truth from what I learned in my years of research, in my years of treating patients that have these diseases. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and gets to the tumors that are in the brain as well as in the body. Another thing that we need to also understand, especially those doctors that are listening right now that are doing alternative therapies, we cannot cure cancer with two treatments or two therapies. It’s unreal; it does not work.

And for those of you out there, I’m not trying to sound in a negative tone or anything. I’m just trying to tell you what I’ve researched. What I learned throughout my years is that just because a fruit is known to cure cancer, you cannot just give that fruit to that patient because there’s more to that patient than just a tumor. You also have to help that patient, he or she, with their emotional problems, with their spiritual problems, with their energetic problems. Because the cancer will come back even if it’s a miraculous fruit from the jungle somewhere. Please understand that. So it’s very important. And this is why we stress that.

I’ll give you an example. Somebody goes to the doctor, the oncologist who then says, “You have cancer.” What is the first thing that person is going to feel? Fear. They’re going to be afraid. If they were not, if they didn’t have that emotion before, overwhelming their spirit, they have it now. If somebody tells you, you’re going to die in six months if we don’t do chemo, what is the first that you’re going to feel in your body automatically because we’re in this physical body. We have to feel all these different emotions. The first thing that they’re going to feel is fear. So I don’t know any hospital right now experiencing doing some stuff here in Southern California where they have now integrative alternative therapy department, but it’s like baby things. They even called me one time and send me an e-mail about me going there to talk to somebody. But they’re like doing baby stuff that we were doing 30 years ago. So it’s the fear. You have to deal with the patient’s emotionally, the emotional state. And, that’s very important, very, very important.  I’ll give you an example. Can I give you an example right now really quick? I’m not sure if I’m talking too much.

Wendy Myers: Oh, it’s fine.

Dr. Nisim John: OK. I get really passionate about this because it’s so important and it’s like my passion to help people as much as possible to understand what they’re dealing with here. This is not a joke. This is a very, very aggressive disease. And it has to be really, really combative. So I had a patient from Australia who came to the clinic in Mexico, maybe 3 years ago. And this patient was an Italian man who was 75 years old. He had stomach cancer metastasis to the liver. He was already frail. He had taken chemo and all this other stuff, it didn’t work. And then, he came over and then I started talking to him. Obviously, I always ask the patient, ”Can I talk to you about your life and about your emotions and state and this and that?” Obviously, they have to consent before I even introduce that to them. So, he’s like, “Sure, sure, sure.” So we got a few sessions.

The man was really rigid, really full of resentment from the family of his wife. And he had the resentment. Just think of it right now. If you have a resentment within yourself, what organ is going to be affected? How does the cancer develop physically in the stomach? First you get an irritation, then you get an ulcer, then that also develops into something more and more and more and then the malignant cells happen. And you could develop also polyps, but that’s more seen in colon cancer with the polyps as the precursor to the cancer cell itself. So this resentment, let’s just say it in non-scientific ways, it just ate up his stomach, basically. So I got to the bottom of it and I’ve realized, he may have resentment towards his wife’s family because his wife’s family, they did something to him when they had been married for the first few years and he had never forgotten about that or turned his back on them or something like that.

So he never let that go. So when he was at the clinic, we did a lot of therapy with him and gave him the protocol. On a Friday his lab work was improving tremendously. He took lab on Friday. And he didn’t have any contact with his wife, those two weeks that he was there. He was there with his son. And then Saturday came and things happened Saturday. And then Monday came in, we took lab again because he got sick. And then I looked at the lab and I showed it to the physician, the internals and I said, “Look at this. It is just one night and day. Everything got worse in 2 days! What happened?” I was trying to figure out what went wrong, what was going on.

And I found out through his son that he was talking to his mom and gave the patient the phone on a Saturday night so he could talk to his wife. Just that emotional connection there just instigated the physical aspect of it. You understand what I’m saying to you, how strong an emotional state can do physical damage to a person? There were so many times where this has happened so it’s very important that this gets addressed. Very, very important. And there’s a lot of good people out there doing some of the stuff. They’re not doctors and they’re not really treating cancer patients. They’re treating just normal people that have emotional problems and I really respect them and applaud them for doing that stuff. But, we need more people to do it. We really need more people to do it. And I think that’s one of the preventive methods of this disease. You have to deal with the emotional things.

Wendy Myers: Stress reduction, absolutely.

Dr. Nisim John: For sure.

42:49 Radiation

Wendy Myers: And so, I want to talk a little bit about radiation. What does radiation do to you and why perhaps should that be avoided as a cancer treatment?

Dr. Nisim John: You know we have something similar to the therapy of radiation called hyperthermia. But there’s a difference. Radiation, what it does, it goes to the spot to wherever the tumour is and pretty much burns the tumour or burns the area or burns the certain part of the tumour so the tumour doesn’t grow anymore. There are different ways to do radiation. And by the way, I’m not an expert on it but I know about it. So basically, let’s just stick with that: it burns the tumour. It gets rid of it by a burn.

So the problem with that is that, my father had prostate cancer way back 20 years ago. I wasn’t even in medical school yet. I think I was 25 years old maybe or 30. And so they decided to do radiation on him. They did radiation on his prostate; he had to wear a diaper the rest of his life. Because of the radiation I mean, when we’re talking about these types of treatment, we also have to worry about the quality of life of the patient, right? Even if he didn’t take radiation at the time, he was not going to die. There were other things available but they decided to give him radiation because, maybe they needed to fill a quota for the month or something at the hospital that he went to or something like that. I don’t know the details but I could imagine, I’ve seen so much of this. So anyway, that’s what radiation does.

But radiation also affects whatever is around it. For example, in prostate cancer patients, they’re going to have problems with urination or the ducts might be torn or something like that, the urethra, etc. That’s what radiation does. It burns the malignant cells to a point because there’s a lot of times you cannot do radiation on a lot of tumors on the brain. I mean, you can but it’s very, very risky. but basically if I talk to you about hyperthermia, basically what hyperthermia does, it heats up the cancer cells. Because cancer cells at a certain temperature for certain time, they die. Just like if they’re exposed to oxygen. If they’re exposed to oxygen which is, well, one of the therapies that we use at our clinic, it exposes the cancer cells to oxygen and then, the cancer cell dies because cancer cells cannot live in an oxygen environment. They are not aerobic, they are anaerobic. They used to be aerobic but then they turned into malignant cells and then became anaerobic. That’s the cycle of a cancer cell. They used to be normal cells and then they mutate.

The normal cells need oxygen, you heard of hemoglobin, etc, right? They need oxygen but when they turn into cancer cells, they mutate, and they become anaerobic cells which means that they do not live in an oxygen environment. So you expose these cells to oxygen and that’s it for them. Basically the same thing with hyperthermia. You expose these cells to high temperatures for a certain amount of time and they die. So what is the difference? The difference is that you don’t burn the normal cells. You specifically go to the cancer tumor cells and you burn those or you heat them up, basically. But the patient does not feel the heat because you’re working also with frequencies, etc. So you have 2 types of hyperthermia. Well, actually 3 types. You have the local hyperthermia which is called indiba hyperthermia and then you have the full body hyperthermia, and then you have the head hyperthermia for cancer in the brain. And these machines are programmed for each type of location in the body. The Germany clinic that we branched out of, they have the highest number of hyperthermia machines in Europe and in the world because there are no hyperthermia machines in the United States. I mean, there are but they’re hidden. There are only a few, like 1 or 2 machines. Over there in that clinic that I branched out with, they have I think 10 full body hyperthermia, maybe 5 head hyperthermia and then they have the local hyperthermia; there’s like 3 rooms just for the hyperthermia machines. So that’s the difference between hyperthermia and radiation.

48:17 Hyperthermia

Wendy Myers: Is hyperthermia similar to an infrared sauna?

Dr. Nisim John: No, it’s not. Infrared sauna deals with infrared light. Hyperthermia deals with heat at a specific frequency. But the infrared sauna is something good to use not just for cancer patients but for anybody because we need to detoxify our bodies. I mean, that’s one of the main problems that cause sickness; it’s that, we don’t take of our bodies. I see all these people at the gym. I see all these people drinking these juices but sometimes, we have to do more. We have to go in deeper into our bodies, not only do detoxifications. There’s a lot of detoxification programs out there. But IV detoxification is the best. It’s a preventive thing.

I don’t know if you heard of Hollywood right now. I live close to LA and I have a lot of friends over there in Hollywood. What they’re doing now, it’s like a detox, they’re doing a detox that goes straight to the blood. They’re partying all night, drinking a lot of alcohol, and then they go to I’m going to tell you what they’re doing. What I’m saying is that, a lot of this detox that I’m speaking about is what they’re doing now in Hollywood. What they’re doing is that they’re drinking all night, you know these people that like that kind of life. And then in the morning, they go see a doctor. What the doctors are doing, these doctors got really smart because now they have another way of trumping people in making money. What they’re doing is that they’re preparing detox IV bags, intervenient bags, and they’re giving it to these people that are coming in all dehydrated from the alcohol because a lot of these people have to work the next day. But you could only drink certain amount of Pedialyte before you don’t want anymore, you get full like Gatorade, or Pedialyte, etc. So, the doctors are plying these IV bags, 250 millilitres with a couple of vitamins, etc. They’re not as intense as the detox IV bags that we use for anti-aging or preventing diseases or for cancer patients. So they go there, they get their IV fluids in, their vitamins and their electrolytes through the vein. It’s the fastest way to get to the blood and effective immediately. Then they’re going to feel fine. All the toxins are going to come out. Not all of them, but a lot of stuff that they put into their blood. At night time it comes out and they’re good to go, to work or whatever they need to do, go act or whatever, make a movie or something.

In regards to detoxification which is part of our anti-aging prevention program, it’s very important that we keep that in mind. Because at the age of 30 our liver already has 30 grams, imagine 30 grams, of toxins in our body. Even if we didn’t drink alcohol, even if we live a normal life and we didn’t abuse our body, we already have 30 grams of toxins stuck in the liver. And I don’t want to tell again the medical process of the whole thing but, just so everybody could understand, there’s 30 grams already of toxins in our liver. It’s like a car filter that doesn’t get changed. It gets clogged. So the car is not going to function, same thing with us. I’m not saying that the filter and the car and the liver are synonymous, they’re not. But it’s a similar example.

Wendy Myers: You know that’s why I use infrared lamp sauna everyday and every other day because everyone has to detox these chemicals if they’re going to have cancer or another kind of disease. It’s inevitable. You have to detoxify all these chemicals and heavy metals. The infrared sauna is a great way to do that. It’s a great preventative and from what I’ve heard, while you have cancer as well.

Dr. Nisim John: Yes, definitely one of the things that usually when patients go to our center, they’re pretty busy all day long. I mean, we take terms and we’re really good and they have to do a lot of therapies, not just the IV program. But they have to do the lymphatic massages, they get emotional therapy, they get energetic therapy, DNA activation if they want. It’s a lot of stuff, you know. So they’re pretty busy. Their day is depending on their condition. Their day is usually from 6 AM that they’re doing the Gerson diet all the way to 9 PM, because the Gerson diet, you have to do 5 or 6 coffee enemas throughout the day and specific things like that. So it’s pretty busy, it’s intense, but the effects and the results are something that they talk about later on.

53:32 Gerson Method

Wendy Myers: So, you employ the Gerson method at your clinics?

Dr. Nisim John: Yeah. We incorporate a lot of different things depending on the patient. We make specific protocols for each patient. We don’t usually do Gerson on everybody. But we use a lot of, you know,  Gerson it’s been known for a long time, and we use a lot of alternative methods too. And when we do a conjunct therapy protocol like this, the results are really a lot better. So yes, I do use Gerson. I do use vegan diet and raw diet and these different things that people are so passionate about right now. And I’m very happy for them and I’m glad. I hope many more people learn about the raw diet and the vegan diet and all this other stuff that all these wonderful people are doing out there to spread the word and to let humanity grow and suit into a different frequency.

54:40 Raw Vegan Diet

Wendy Myers: Do you think that everyone that has cancer should be doing the raw, vegan diet?

Dr. Nisim John: No, no, I don’t.

Wendy Myers: No? What kind of cancer don’t jive well with the raw, vegan diet? I’ve heard leukemia and blood cancers don’t work well with the raw, vegan diet.

Dr. Nisim John: It’s not just the cancer itself, it’s also the individual himself. You have to also take to consideration the weight of the patient, the energy of the patient, the condition of the patient. A lot of times, for example, if the patient cannot tolerate food because they have an obstruction, then you can just forget about any diet. You have to go intravenously. So you know what I’m saying? It all depends on the patient in regards to cancer. Colon cancer, for example, the patient cannot eat basically that much. And it’s probably Gerson. That would probably be a Gerson thing depending on their condition. But a lot of patients I have, they have the blood diseases then that wouldn’t be good for them and also patients who have stage two lung cancer and things like that, vegan and raw is fine. But we do special things to recommend diet as well.

56:05 Sono Photo Dynamic Therapy

Wendy Myers: OK. Well, let’s get into some of the natural methods that you use to cure cancer. And if you want to find out more, audience, about more information about the natural cancer treatments that we’re about to discuss on today’s show, you can visit Dr. Nisim John’s website at Now, can you explain to listeners what type of natural methods show promising cure in cancer that you employ in your clinics, name;y like the Sono Photo Dynamic Therapy?

Dr. Nisim John: OK, so you want to talk about the therapies. So, Sono Photo Dynamic Therapy is our main therapy. And I say main therapy because it attacks cancers that are discovered and cancers that are not seen yet by the machines, etc. Sono Photo has been around since the 70’s. Actually, Photo therapy has been in the 70’s. Let me just explain so people could understand. Basically, what Sono Photo therapy or SPDT is, is this: you get an agent.

That agent is derived from chlorophyll, it’s a substance from chlorophyll. And what this agent does and by the way, this was discovered by a Russian scientist that passed away about 15 years ago. This agent, we introduce the agent sublingually, under the tongue to the patient. It’s in capsule form. And basically, we introduce the capsule one at a time under the tongue under special conditions. The body will absorb the agent, and the agent goes into the body. You give certain amount of capsules to the patient depending on their weight. So what happens with this agent as it goes into the bloodstream, it attaches to malignant cells. It takes between 24 and 72 hours and depending on the weight of the patient. So what happens with that is that after 72 hours or 48 hours depending, we expose the patient to light. That’s why it’s called Photo therapy. So light, what kind of light? It’s a UV full-spectrum light.

It’s nontoxic light. The agent is nontoxic either, because it comes from chlorophyll and there’s nothing added to it unlike vaccines. You know how they add all the stuff to vaccines. There is nothing added to this capsule except the substance that will attach itself to the malignant cells. Once we expose the patient to this light for a certain amount of time, which the light does not harm any cell in the body and it doesn’t cause any side effects, the only side effect will be that the cells were dying. The cancer cells will die once the patient is exposed to the light. Once the patient is exposed to the light, this agent that’s attached to the malignant cells opens up and releases oxygen. Now, it’ll create an oxygen environment around the malignant cells, and then, the malignant cells will die because cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen environment.

This happens with Photo therapy. Now, there are tumors that are too deep into the tissue for the light to penetrate so we use Sono therapy. We use ultrasound machine that has frequency. This special machine is not just any ultrasound machine. We adjust the frequencies and we apply it, so the patient feels like they’re getting a massage with something in the machine. And we apply it to some spots where we believe are deep-tissue tumor cells, so basically it has the same effect. The agent opens up, oxygen is released into the malignant cell itself because it’s attached to it.

Now, the only thing with the Sono Photo therapy, it’s called SPDT by the way. And by the way, a lot of people ask me about what do they do in China. Aren’t they doing this in China? In China, they’re only doing Photo Therapy. I know because I flew there in November twice and I’ve had conferences over there. They are only doing Photo therapy. They don’t know anything about Sono Therapy. Well, they do now because I talked about it over there. But, throughout the world they’re doing a lot of Photo therapy and I don’t know if all of them are using the correct agent or not. There’s only a couple of options and this therapy is really good in regards to the Sono and Photo. And if you just see it’s photo, the problem is that deep tissue tumours are not going to be affected by the light. So those are not going to be reduced in size or shrunk. And also, with Sono Photo therapy, it doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier so we cannot use Sono Photo for the brain.

That’s where we use other things like Poly MVA to deal with the brain tumors. This Sono Photo therapy treatment, it’s natural, it’s nontoxic. It’s safe and effective. And basically the program is, when the patient has cancer, they call me in or they call one of my staff members. The recommendation is that they go to the clinic and they stay 2 weeks at least, depending on their condition. Give the Sono Photo therapy plus everything else in their protocol, then we send them home with 8 weeks of Sono Photo therapy that they could do at home. We send them with everything, the machine, the light, the capsules and the instructions. And by the time they leave the clinic, they know how to do it themselves and their family members. It’s very directive. So basically, that’s one of the main therapies that we have.

It’s been around since the 70’s, but it was really toxic in the 70’s because they were injecting an agent that was toxic to the liver. But 15 to 20 years ago, there’s a Russian scientist who came up with a better agent and that’s what we’re using now. We’ve been using it for a long time. So that’s one of the nontoxic therapies to use. Now if you include Sono Photo therapy with the Poly MVA IV, which is what we talked about earlier and  this is an antioxidant, you can look it up on the Internet if you wish or e-mail me or something, then the percentage of effectiveness is even better.

But I have to reiterate that, we have to do detoxification IV, intonation IV along with a lot of other things and then attack the cancer cells, because if you attack the cancer and you kill these cells or you shoot the tumors, and a lot of doctors don’t think about this but maybe they will if they’re hearing this now, it’s that the dead cells are circulating in the blood, right? They’re circulating in the blood. And I was telling this to a patient that called me from Harvard the other day “Well, you know, you have to make sure of that once the cancer cells are dead.” And she agreed because she has known all this for a long time ago. They circulate in the body dead but they carry stem cancer cells. Do you understand what that means? It means, that they’re going to grow again. You know, a lot of times even in chemo therapy patients, they kill everything but they’re circulating. What do they do to get rid of the dead cells? They don’t. So a lot of times they’re saying, “Oh, the cancer came back.” But really, the cancer never left.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s the question that I  was gonna ask you. It’s that a lot of people that do chemo, they don’t realize they’re probably going to get it again because of one of those reasons.

Dr. Nisim John: Yeah! And I’m not making this up, I’m not making any of this up but I’m telling you, scientists know this! These dead cells carry the stem cancer cell within them so basically, they’re dead but they have stem cell that’s circulating around the blood and then these stem cells create more cells that are malignant. So what we do in regards to what you were asking about the therapy is natural. Naturally, we give patients IV that will actually extract these dead cells from the body through the urine or through the stool. And this is the way to get rid of them. So, they have less side effects because of that; because the more dead cancer cells that are circulating in the blood, the sicker the patient is going to feel even though the tumor is shrinking.

So, that’s one of our main therapies, Sono Photo therapy. And then we have Laetrile. Laetrile is called Amygdalin/Amygdalina. It’s been around. It comes from the African seed. I don’t know if you heard of it. But this therapy has been around for 50 years. I was fortunate to talk to one of the doctors that brought it into the integrative treatment a long time ago. He passed away already. And basically what it does it’s an injection that can be given orally as well, but the injection is the one that we use in the clinic. And basically what Laetrile does, it stops the metastasis of the cancer.

It has a 72-hour turn-around period. That means, if there is metastasis going on in the body and the patient gets treated with this usually it’s around 72 hours of the metastasis, of the traveling of the cancer from one place to another in the body will stop. These numbers can change with every patient. I’m not saying that this is the only case but this is what we have experienced in the time that I’ve been doing this in over 15 years. Laetrile, it’s also called vitamin B17. I don’t know why it’s called vitamin B17. Maybe it’s a marketing thing because a lot of countries don’t…it’s definitely not legal in the United States. And in other countries like Israel, it’s not legal. In Germany it’s legal but you have to go through a bunch of loops and stuff. And it’s  called vitamin B17. It’s not a vitamin really but if you want to look it up later, you can.

Laetrile is natural. It doesn’t cause any side effects. It doesn’t harm the body. It’s not a toxin because of the way that it synthesizes in the body. It’s not poison or anything like that. Usually with all these therapies, we always talk to the patient in telling them about what the therapies are and if they agree. We don’t just say, “OK, you’re here. We’re going to just shoot you up with stuff.” We discuss all these details with the patient. The patient is like our friend. They get there like our friend and usually they leave like our family member, because we have bonded.  And bonding is so important to these patients. It’s one of the things that they needed most. It’s family, bonding, it’s love, it’s compassion. It’s understanding of their pain because it’s a painful disease, it’s very painful. The emotion afterwards is like I told you before. I could say it forever and ever; it’s so important.

Hyperthermia is another one we discussed earlier. It’s natural, it’s nontoxic. The lymphatic massages, the massages, the detox machines that we use also help. We include our lab. The energy work that we do as well is very important. You know, it’s one of the things that I’m really excited talking about to different countries about and to different people and everybody who wants to hear how important the energy that surrounds our body has an effect on our physical body because it will eventually, if it’s not treated correctly or if it’s not in a good, positive way, it will affect our physical body. So, that’s another thing that we incorporate.

And if you go to our webpage, there’s a list of, I think it’s called complementary therapies on the webpage where we discuss Ensofic Ray Healing, Jikiden Reiki, Fascination, Mesmerism, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Emotional Therapy, DNA activation and Life activation. And there’s another one that I’m going to be also incorporating later on as well. And what else do we use naturally? Well, we use vaccine, there are two types of vaccines that we use. One is called VCAN 1, one is called VCAN 2. VCAN 1 is a vaccine that we derived from the patient’s own fluids. And we vaccine against the antigens that the cancer cell is extracting or producing and leaving it  in the bloodstream.  Because cancer cells release protein into the blood. And this protein is made up of antigens. And antigens are actually what attack the immune system or what the immune system attacks to get rid of the disease or the virus or the bacteria or malignant cells. So basically, we extract the antigen in the lab from the fluid of the patient and we create antibodies.

And we inject that once it’s processed with all these septic techniques and filter, etc, we inject it back into the patient and we create like a stimulation for the immune system so the immune system of the patient which had been destroyed usually by chemotherapy starts being activated again in creating antibodies for the antigens of the tumor cells. That’s called VCAN 1. By the way, VCAN 1 vaccine, it’s like a path of immunity so it will not work like straight away. It will not work the next day. It will take 3 weeks or a month to start actually manifesting itself in the body in full force.

Then, we have VCAN 2. This will work right away. Within 12 hours, the immune system is just going to start producing T-cells which are the cells that actually attack invaders regardless of whether it’s malignant cells or viruses. That’s called a dendritic vaccine. There’s more information about that but that’s basically a generalization of it. So, those are all natural because the dendritic vaccine, we also get it from the patient’s blood. We don’t add any chemicals or anything that doesn’t belong to the patient, so it’s very natural. It’s done for patients that have auto-immune diseases like HIV, Lupus, arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, etc. So we also treat those type of patients.

Wendy Myers: That’s really, really interesting. That sounds amazing. That sounds you’re so ahead of your time. Haha

Dr. Nisim John: Let me just tell you one more therapy that is not on our webpage, because we don’t have all the stuff on it but we’ve already incorporated it. And it’s called TriOx therapy. Basically what we do with this therapy, and by the way, this therapy has also been around “forever”. I’m not inventing anything. I’m just getting a lot of knowledge and putting it together and making it really work for the patient’s benefit. I’m getting knowledge from here, there, there. I was a researcher before I was anything else. So I did and I’ve done and I keep doing research.

This therapy is called TriOx therapy. TriOx, tri- is yhree, Ox is oxygen. When people are sick or when they start aging, their oxygen level in their blood decreases. If you look at somebody’s blood that has cancer, their oxygen level and don’t even bother looking at what conventional labs look for, I mean you can look for it that’s fine but there’s more to it than that. The oxygen level decreases. And what happens is that, we apply ozone, the gas, we apply hydrogen peroxide, liquid; and we apply oxygen, gas, to the blood of the patient. How do we do this? Basically, we take 150 to 200 milliliters of blood out of the patient. Now we expose this blood, through a tube, into a UV light. This light is a special light. It’s not the light that we use for the Sono Photo therapy. It’s light, what it does is it gets rid of parasites, viruses. And I’m talking about viruses like hepatitis C, HIV, we’re not talking about that little miniature virus. I’m talking about hardcore viruses that’s supposedly there’s no cure for them.

So we pass the blood to this light. And it gets rid of any parasitic activity, any parasite, any viruses, any bacteria, anything that’s detrimental to the health of the patient. So we pass it through this light and then it falls into another container that’s empty — the blood.. Then, it’s all there, the 200 millilitres. We add a certain amount of ozone, a certain amount of hydrogen peroxide and a certain amount of oxygen. And we turn the bottle upside down and send it back to the patient. This is called TriOx therapy. And there’s only 2 other people or maybe 3 that are really experts on this therapy. I was fortunate and blessed to have been trained by one of them in the last 2 years. And I did it on myself many times already. It’s just an incredible thing. I’ve done it on patients. A lot of people are asking about it because it’s also an anti-aging therapy that we use, with anti-aging packages and stuff like that.

So basically, we send it back to the patient. You’re adding 3 levels of oxygen to the blood, and none of this stuff is toxic. Obviously, you have to know what you’re doing. You’ve got to give him certain dosage of the ozone. You can’t go crazy and give all, you know. It’s like any drug. You cannot give 50 Tylenols. Hopefully, nobody is taking Tylenols, period. But we cannot do that. You have to give specific dosages of ozone, oxygen and hydrogen peroxide liquid. And basically, the results are better circulation, the patient can breathe better, a lot of the dead cells are manifesting in the bloodstream. Even if you don’t have cancer, even if you’re just like a normal individual, you still have dead cells. And the reason why it’s very important to do exercises because once you exercise, you’re getting so much oxygen in there that these cells are circulating really fast in your blood and then going through your urinary system or your stool.

I don’t know how many people are touching this in regards to exercise, but this is one of the reasons why exercise is good. Some people cannot exercise because they have debilitating problems on their bones, their muscles or whatever. But anything that you could get oxygenate into your cell. Even just take oxygen, put them in an oxygen tank like Michael Jackson used to do. It’s very good to do. No I’m not saying you go do that. The concept of this therapy, the TriOx therapy, is to rejuvenate cells and to get rid of dead cells. And if you have rejuvenating cells, you’re going to have a better life. Your diseases are going to be less, they’re not going to manifest as much. And if you have a disease, your oxygen level is going to be better for you.

Wendy Myres: Yeah, I think I’m going to have to come in and do some of that anti-aging therapy.

Dr. Nisim John: Oh, you’re welcome. I’ll tell you some information; I mean, there’s a lot of stuff that I can discussed after this. I’m just discussing the stuff related mainly for cancer and a few anti-aging things. But we have really good anti-aging protocols for specific needs. Also, I haven’t touched on the hormonal thing that are going, all the hormonal problems that women are having and some men also, the treatments that we use for that that are natural. There’s no synthetic hormone, there’s no biological hormone. For those of you that use biological hormones, you have no idea that these biological hormones are also very unsafe and very toxic. So that’s also part of it. And when we do any kind of treatment, we pretty much do all kinds of test, not just a standard test but other test on the patient even if they’re not cancer, whoever, to see what’s going on with their hormones, with their allergies, with their cells, their immune system, etc. We even have a test now that I’m so excited about. I haven’t displayed it yet, but it’s coming in a couple of weeks. It’s going to diagnose the chances of the patient having cancer like, 98% accurate. It’s just incredible. But I will post it on the webpage once it’s ready. I haven’t posted it yet. That’s going to be part of the preventive package as well.

1:19:21 How long does it take to heal cancer using natural methods?

Wendy Myers: How long does it usually take to rid the body of cancer using natural methods?

Dr. Nisim John: It varies on the patient. I cannot say specifically. I had a kid come in from Ireland or Netherlands; this is a long time ago, like 7 years ago. And he did Sono Photo therapy at the clinic for 3 weeks. He had leukemia, I believe it was. He was maybe 9 years old at that time. They already have told the parents that there is nothing else that they could do and that was it, they had to go home and be with him, the whole usual story. And then they brought them over here and they did Sono Photo for a year at home, the whole year everyday, because you have to do it every day, twice a day. In the morning you do the Photo and then in the evening you do the Sono. The parents were very, very good with that and that’s one of the things that I stressed to the patient. You have to do a certain things every day because your life is depending on it, basically. So he did it everyday. I think he’s 16 or 17 now. After a year, he was pretty much cleared of the disease. He had I think it was leukemia. So, it depends on the patient. It depends on the disease. But we do get results; we do see tumor shrinkage within a week, 2 weeks. Sometimes it takes longer. I can’t say “the next day.” And by the way, there’s not one magic bullet. There’s a lot of things that go on with patients that are dealing with cancer. There’s a lot of things that we have to take into consideration. And sometimes, if their lungs collapsed because of the chemo and they’re destroyed, there’s really nothing we could do.

1:21:43 Are natural treatments appropriate for every patient?

Wendy Myers: Are natural approaches appropriate for every patient? Say if they have late stage 3 or stage 4 cancer.

Dr. Nisim John: Yes, yes. Like I told you before, protocol is very, very extended. It’s full. Natural treatments are what we do. We do natural treatments, that’s it, in every patient. Let me tell you, 98% of the patients that we see in all the clinics, not just in one clinic, are stage 4 post-chemo.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Dr. Nisim John: You understand? If I get a stage 2 patient, I will throw a party that night.

Wendy Myers: Haha.

Dr. Nisim John: With the patient, because I’ll be so happy that they actually got to us quick, you understand? They didn’t wait to the last minute. A lot of patients, they wait till there’s nothing else conventional medicine could do so they start looking. I mean the nature, the light there’s more that you, Wendy, and other people are getting the word out. So people can wake up out of this matrix that we’re living in, under this fogginess that we’re living in, that there’s more of it than just that out there. So fortunately more people now are being aware that there’s more things out there besides radiation and chemo. But the numbers haven’t changed dramatically like I would want to in regards to getting to me or to us sooner than waiting to their stage 4 post-chemo and post-radiation, when nothing else that conventional medicine could do. Then they come to us and a lot of times it’s like the road is hard, but we do what we can and help as many people as we can and have success at what we do.

1:23:49 Are there any cancer that don’t respond well to natural treatment?

Wendy Myers: Are there any cancers that don’t respond well to natural treatments?

Dr. Nisim John: Usually, natural treatment don’t cause any kind of… first of all, they’re not going to cause any negative effects on the body. But there are chances that they’re so far gone that even the natural treatments that we give them will not do anything because their systems are shutting down. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Nisim John: Their system is shutting down. They’re like almost passing basically. And a lot of times, I feel bad or the doctors feel bad that we tell them, “You know, we really can’t do anything for you. It’s just too late. Don’t waste your money. Don’t waste your time.” I don’t know if you saw the video of Lourdes. She’s from LA. She actually came to my house with oxygen. And she’s a young lady, she’s a beautiful young lady. She came to my house because of a friend of mine that knew her and she was in San Diego, and I just told them, “Bring her here, come here. I’m not going to be at the clinic.” And she came to my house with an oxygen tank, could hardly walk. She had the tumor on her neck. I looked at her and I felt like crying because of the way she looked. But she hung in there. It was hard. She did a lot of stuff. And now she’s healthy. I don’t know if you saw the video. Tomorrow I’m going to meet her in LA at the Chinese theater to see some kind of documentary. She had a documentary coming out. She’s also a director and an actress in Hollywood. And she documented her own story. So she’s going to be presenting that documentary at the end of the month, or somewhere they’re going to show the premiere. That makes me happy because I remember how she came to my house. Oh, my God. And then now, I’m just getting emotional about it because of what she’s been through. She’s really, oh, my goodness, she’s my hero. Strong woman, very strong woman.

Wendy Myers: Well, I have to say that I truly respect what you’re doing, Dr. John. And I can’t express enough how much I admire practitioners like yourself that are brave enough and intelligent enough to stand up to the status quo of chemo and radiation cancer treatment and open your cancer treatment centers all over the world. So please keep doing what you’re doing. Educate the world about their cancer treatment options and thank you so much for being on the show.

Dr. Nisim John: Wendy, it was an honor. Thank you very much for having me on your show. And hopefully I will see you soon and we could help a lot of people. I am so happy that you have this program available for people all over the world. And I will tell a lot of people about it overseas so they could keep listening to the great information that you have with other practitioners, other healers, other doctors, other people that are doing positive things for humanity, not only in the field of health but also in the field of just being a good human being.

Because there’s a lot of people that are angry out there, a lot of people who have resentment and we all are not perfect, we make mistakes. But we have to stay positive, and this is what’s going to get the disease and these cancer issues lower and lower as we progress as humans and become more compassionate and have more humility towards one another. So thank you very much. It was an honor and keep up the good work.

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you so much Dr. John. And so everyone out there, listeners, thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 podcast. That’s it for today.


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