Transcript: #96 Remove Negative Emotions with EFT with Kelly Roughton

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  • 02:26 About Kelly Roughton
  • 05:05 What is EFT?
  • 08:31 Affirmations
  • 10:48 Benefits of EFT
  • 12:55 Mechanism of EFT and Causes of Adrenal Fatigue
  • 16:54 Importance of doing EFT with a Professional
  • 19:13 How EFT helps to Release Traumas and Emotional Blockages
  • 26:10 EFT Demo
  • 39:30 EFT on Food Cravings
  • 41:50 More about EFT

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and you can find me on And you can find the video on my Youtube channel, WendyLiveto110.
Today, we are interviewing Kelly Roughton. She’s an EFT Practitioner and I had a session with her last week. I wanted to do one before we do the podcast and I was really surprised that I was bawling like a baby during our session. I was not expecting that, but I got a lot of results out of the session. And EFT is – I’m sorry. Oh, God! What does EFT stand for?

Kelly Roughton: Emotional Freedom Techniques.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I knew that, I knew that.

Kelly Roughton: There’s a lot of acronyms out there.

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes. I know what it means, but I’m just having some brain fog and I couldn’t think of it. Thank you for saving me there.

So, we’re going to be talking about EFT and how you do it, how simple it can be and how incredibly effective it is in helping you to release emotional traumas and negative energies, so to speak, that are draining your body, promoting adrenal fatigue and disease in your body.

I think that’s a wonderful technique and I wanted to share today with the listeners, but first we have to do the disclaimer.

Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for a professional medical advice. The Live to 110 podcast is solely informational in nature so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on the show.

I’m really excited. I have my Body Bio Rehab online health program that’s going to be launching April 1st. Go to and sign up. You’ll get information as soon as it launches.

It’s an online health program that addresses the five pillars of health – diet, supplementation, exercise, stress, and sleep; of course, detoxification of course, my favorite subject. So, definitely sign up for that and learn more when it debuts April 1st.

02:26 About Kelly Roughton

Our guest today is Kelly Roughton. Kelly Roughton is a life coach, a National Guild hypnotist (certified hypnotist) and an Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques Certified Level II EFT practitioner. She offers private coaching sessions in both English and French as she lives in Canada. And Kelly is especially passionate about sharing her knowledge of holistic healing techniques with the aim of arming others with tools to heal and grow.

She has been facilitating personal growth workshops since 2007 and she also volunteers her time weekly at the West Island Cancer Wellness Center in Montreal to do EFT with cancer patients there. I’m sure that’s a wonderful technique for them.

So Kelly, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how you came in to be an EFT practitioner?

Kelly Roughton: Sure. When I was younger, I was one of these people who were outwardly happy and inwardly stressed out. So I think I spent a lot of time pretending I wasn’t and then when I finally faced up to it, I started looking for solutions and I got to a point where I said, I don’t want any more relationships like this, I don’t want any more stress in my life, I don’t want to constantly be beating myself up, which I was doing all the time.

So I started looking around. I started with regular talk therapy and stuff like that, which was helpful, but when I started being opened up to the more holistic types of things then I really started getting results and especially with EFT. It really changed my life.

I tried a bunch of different things and what hooked me on EFT—what started me even looking down this road was that one of the things that we say, one of the claims as you know, “Tried on everything and often works or nothing else will.” So I was like, “Sure. I’m open to that.”

Wendy Myers: I had so many other health practitioners tell me to do EFT and they recommend it to all their clients, and these are people very scientifically oriented medical doctors and other kind of medical practitioners that really stand by and back it and tell their clients to do it.

I’m going to start to tell my clients to do it as well because it’s really, really important to detox your body from all these hidden stressors so to speak, that people carry around with them. The traumas, and people, they literally hold it in their body and it can literally make them sick, even give them cancer like you’re working with cancer patients.

Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit exactly about what EFT is?

05:05 What is EFT?

Kelly Roughton: An EFT is, we said is for, Emotional Freedom Techniques. And we often just call it tapping because what we do is we tap with the ends of our fingers on a few acupressure points on the head and upper body so it’s very, very commonly referred to as tapping. By some mechanisms, it releases those emotions in the body very surprisingly because you look a little crazy but it really has an amazing effect.

You can feel either, physical stressors that released physical sensations in the body or emotions that have come up. You can feel them go down like, if we start off at a ten, you can go down easily to an eight, then a seven, then a six. You just keep going down until you feel released.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was surprised in labor in we’re going through some issues that I was having. I was surprised on the level of depth that we went to and how you really tapped into things I felt weren’t really bothering me. And then we really dug a little bit deeper and just started up balling, like the whole session and I was like crying for an hour and I felt really good afterwards. After that, that released freedom of emotion.

Kelly Roughton: And my question for you then would be, if you go back to the memory that worked on, without even telling me about it, if you think about it now, do you still feel the level of emotion that you felt when we were working on it?

Wendy Myers: You know I have to say I don’t know all the things that I do. I don’t know all the things that I do. I’m sure it’ll take up few more sessions to…

Kelly Roughton: Yeah. There are other events. We worked one event at a time. One specific issue, aside of many issues, we release a memory, specific event at a time and as we clear them out amazing things happen.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I really have to say, we were talking about my father. Maybe some issues I have with my father, daddy issues. I do feel like this one painful memory for me reduced quite a bit as you continue tapping. I like how you used—you talked about the memory and you defuse the emotions you have attached to it. It really works in a very strange way.

Kelly Roughton: We see it like an onion. Like every single memory have a certain number of layers. We don’t know how many layers there are in it and sometimes, the more traumatic it is the more layers there are, but sometimes not. Surprisingly there may be just a few and we can release them very quickly, but some of them can have many, many layers.

And we just peel one layer off at a time and with you is, it happens with some people. When you peel off the first layer, which is I call kind of a covering blanket layer. It’s keeping you safe from it. If you rip off that blanket layer by doing just one session, all of the sudden, poof! All the emotions come to the top and you said that what I call the rotten layer, so just keep tapping. Keep pulling those layers away until you get to something that feels more comfortable.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I keep meaning to do this on my own because now you can just do it on your own as well. Tonight when I’m doing my sauna, my infrared sauna session, I want to do a little tapping on my elf and beat myself—my head up

So why don’t we tell the listeners a little bit about why one does the affirmations while their tapping?

08:31 Affirmations

Kelly Roughton: We don’t really call them affirmations because what EFT often does, especially classic EFT – there are other versions, I won’t go into those – classic EFT, which is what we mostly see in the Internet really concentrates on the problem, on what’s going wrong.

We do have what we call a set up where we take the problem and we encase it in the part that would be called the affirmation. I think maybe even Nick Ortner may call it the affirmation in his book, The Tapping Solutions but normally it’s just called the set up phrase where we choose specifically the words we’re going to use to describe their problem and the words always come from the client and we’re very specific. The more specific we are the better it works. And at the very end of that phrase, there’s always like a self affirming, self acceptance part of the phrase.

And the reason for that is to say that, yes we have a problem but we are no7t owning our problem. It’s to give it a more holistic feeling. It’s a holistic technique. And so that’s pretty much the reason for using the affirmation, to say, “Yes I have problem, but I accept myself anyway and there are other parts of me that are fine.

Wendy Myers: I really, really liked that, It forms inside a specific event, a specific interaction I have with my father that was painful for me and we talked that out while we were tapping and releasing it and then you say I accept myself anyways, I accept myself even because I felt this way or experienced this and it was really beautiful, so to speak.

Kelly Roughton: And it’s easy to change those words as well to just say—very often we have the phrase—“I deeply and completely accept myself” but we can change that to anything that feels comfortable. “I’m working on forgiving myself.” or “That’s just what I feel right now.” It can be as simple as that. “That’s just where I am right now.” And it’s kind of saying “This is it.”

Wendy Myers: Or “That was yesterday.”

Kelly Roughton: “That was then, this is now.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I like that too. Bring yourself another present.
So why would you recommend that someone do EFT, aside for the many different reasons that someone should do it?

10:48 Reasons Why EFT is Recommended

Kelly Roughton: Everyone should do it all the time. And the reasons are multiple. It’s so wide-ranging in what it can do, in the difficulties that it can help with. As I said earlier, one of the slogans is ‘tried on everything’ and some people actually use it on their broken computers and broken cars, but we won’t go that far.

It’s really fast so you can apply it within a few seconds to see if it’s going to work. It’s very easy. I’ll show you the points later. There are nine point and a little bit of phrasing. It takes about a minute and a half to do. It’s effective, amazingly effective.

And it can be applied into physical issues. Like say, you have a broken shoulder. Well, you can reduce the pain and your fear about it and that will help you to heal faster because the more your body’s immune system is strong and the less stress you have, the better your body’s going to heal.

If you’re angry at you partner, you can tap on your anger and react to that person in a different way, allowing them then to react in a different way. If you have test anxiety, performance anxiety, if you’re public speaking, all of those, you can use it for that.

Before I came on today, I feel like, “Oh my God I’m going to be interviewed!”

Wendy Myers: You’re tapping away!

Kelly Roughton: So I’m tapping today.

And now I’m feeling calm and relaxed as I’m talking to you. So, old memories as we were saying, we can take an old memory and really clear out the emotions because it’s the emotions from those memories that are causing us difficulties today.

Once you removed the emotions, you can look at the memory as if it happens to someone else, almost, then you can react in a different way in your everyday life. And it’s so powerful. As I say, I can’t think of a reason why people shouldn’t do EFT.

Wendy Myers: So, what is that Mechanism? Do you feel that harbored negative emotions are really draining for people and could actually promote adrenal fatigue, for instance, because it’s a hidden stressor?

12:55 Mechanism of EFT and Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

Kelly Roughton: Absolutely. I believe that the stress that we carry as a culture, practically affects everyone’s bodies. It does affect our immune system.

When we have the stress hormones going through our bodies, were getting triggered multiple times a day. Our bodies were not built to sustain that kind of stress. The stress hormones on a long term—short terms are fine. They have their job to do and they’re putting like certain things on hold so that you can run and get away. But when they’re constant—because there’s two systems in our body, there’s a sympathetic and the parasympathetic, and they can’t work at the same time. So if your stress response is on, your immune system is not functioning. You can see the problem with that, right? So when this is happening, it’s not helpful.

So if we use EFT to remove it, to reduce the stress, and that we have to use form removing past events not just today’s stuff. I will explain though.

For adrenal fatigue, in particular, I have a client who’s given me permission to share some information on this call because she realizes it affects a lot of people. She has adrenal fatigue and she’s dealing with that at the moment. And she was suggested by Morley Robbins. Morley Robbins suggested that she uses EFT because he told her that using mineral balancing protocols would only go so far. It’s one thing to balance the body. It’s very important, but if you don’t remove the emotions that are causing these imbalances, then he told her that her healing would be thwarted.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And that I agree. I think people have to do physical things to aid their body supplements diet. You do need to do meditation or EFT or other kind of stress reduction techniques so to speak, because you have to do emotional detox as well.

Kelly Roughton:Exactly. That’s what we’re doing with her. When he told her, she should be using EFT she came to me and before EFT—this is just to give you an idea of the impact it can have—she was bed bound for about half a month. She had very little sleep. She remembers one good day last year, I think she told me. I’m just probably exaggerating, but that’s how it feels to her. And she has 5 days of PMS with terrible periods so using EFT, we cleared old memories, we cleared traumas from her past, we cleared belief systems that she got from her family. We all have them. Belief systems that aren’t serving us anymore, limiting us, limiting what we allow ourselves to experience in life.

So we’re working on all of those things and we had about 10 sessions. And she’s having more balanced moods. She’s having more good days in a row now. She has much more energy and vitality, she has better sleep and much improved menstrual cycle. In fact, we were very, very surprised that we did one specific session on the menstrual cycle itself, and the next menstrual cycle, she was in my office on the day her period started telling me that she hadn’t had the 5 days of PMS that she usually has. We were both like, “Really?!”

Wendy Myers: It’s a miracle!

Kelly Roughton: I am always surprised about the results. I love EFT and I was like, wow, flabbergasted sometimes.

Now, that was just one month so I want to test it over for a few more months. But we were really impressed. She’s also uses medication as you mentioned.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was also surprised when we had our session you were talking about, there were some instances where you want a professional present because you can’t start the session if you had sexual trauma or other very traumatic events that happened to you, that you need to be with someone who’s trained. You don’t want to be by yourself so to speak when you’re releasing certain events.

16:54 Importance of doing EFT with a Professional

Kelly Roughton: Absolutely.

EFT is an amazing technique. However, because I explained the onion—sometimes when you peel back the onion, there’s a rotten layer underneath or few rotten layers. And it’s really important when you know you have trauma, if you don’t know, well you can’t know until you find out, but if you’re aware that you have unresolved emotional trauma, trauma that you haven’t dealt with, trauma from childhood usually. And sometimes we don’t know how to measure trauma. It’s been so great. If you had an abusive childhood or things like that, it’s really important to work with someone else.

One of the reasons is simply, for the person to hold this base for you, for the person to run the session. We can do amazing things with ourselves just on our own, but when you uncover a trauma capsule, it’s really important that someone will be there for you. It helps with trust, even for yourself learning to trust other human beings, there’s a lot of stuff that we can do by ourselves, but when we get to that kind of thing, it’s really important to work with someone else.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think it’s good to confide another person as well if you have issues like that. Because you’re a life coach, you also serve as a therapist, so to speak. When people are talking about their issues and what not and…

Kelly Roughton: When I feel something is above me, I definitely refer out. And I make sure that any physical issues; they must go see a doctor first. Don’t mess with your physical health. Like adrenal fatigue, make sure that you’re seeing your doctor, but at the same time do EFT, for some emotional

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s a wonderful compliment. I think it’s a wonderful compliment to any kind of healing modality that you’re trying to use, any kind of health issue they’re trying to accomplish.

I’ve had therapy for years. In the past I went through a lot of talk therapy myself and it seems that it takes a long time for talk therapy to release traumas.

So can you discuss some of the differences like how can EFT help you to release traumas and emotional blockages, etc?

19:13 How EFT Helps to Release Traumas and Emotional Blockages

Kelly Roughton: Absolutely.

I’m not a therapist. I just want that to be clear. I really am a life coach so I don’t have training in that. However, having done some talk therapy myself, being the recipient of. I find that talk therapy is amazing for digging stuff up, for finding out what it is that we need to work on, but not always 100% able to clear. In fact, one of my own therapists is the first person who sent me out to get massage, to do EFT, to do other things because she said, “We don’t like to admit it, but we cannot just resolve everything. It doesn’t have all the answers.” So adding these different things too is great.

The reasons for trauma, I think, from what I’ve read—and again I’m not a scientist or anything like that, but I’ve been reading quite a few books on it because I’m fascinated by the fact that EFT does work, where my own talk therapy did not. It really did remove those things so I’m trying to figure out why and I’m reading a couple of books.

One thing that I heard about trauma that might explain things is that when we have a traumatic event—I was thinking of it as piece of paper that comes in like, here’s this report of what happened. The first part of our brain to react is the Limbic system. It’s the inside lizard brain that’s acting and reacting, it’s the amygdala, and the hippocampus there on. And they check before any of your cognitive functions can come online, they’re on the job. Because that’s what they’re there for, to make sure we stay safe.

So as we live through an event—and a traumatic event is different from a regular event—A regular event comes in, it’s a piece of paper, it comes in, it gets a little—this event happened, okay bing! Gets a little time stamp. And then you can file it away. Even if there’s some emotion to it, it’s okay. You can process it and file it away.

With traumatic events what happens is, the paper comes in and then it’s like the clerk is running screaming from the room or—so he’s not in the room. He can’t be in the room—so the hippocampus goes offline and there’s no date and time stamp on that piece of paper. So you can never file it away because you don’t know where it goes. Your brain is constantly running it on the background. Not your conscious mind, but your subconscious so it’s looking for where he can file this away, looking for a way to file it and it can’t.

I feel like I had is like a paper clip on it. And okay, on this piece of paper, there was a growling dog and there was woman wearing a red outfit. And so next time I see either a growling dog or woman wearing a red outfit, my little paper clip is hooking on to that piece because it has a time stamp.

Anyway, it’s a little confusing because you can’t file it away. And the reason you can’t file it away is because we don’t have language. We need our bodies. We need to go through our bodies to reintegrate this information.

I’m reading this book called The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. I’ve sent you the information if you want to share it with your listeners. And it’s an amazing book. It talks all about trauma and the very last section is how to help yourself and for clinicians to help people to help themselves integrate traumatic events.

And a lot of it is different body. Things like Yoga. He talks about Yoga. He talks about EMD or he does talk in his book, about EFT, but he doesn’t have a chapter for it but he mentions it throughout the book. Mostly we have to tame the body sensations before we can integrate, before we can find the language because the language parts of our brains go offline when we have a traumatic event. He shows in brain scans in his book, that when the person is in touch with—and this is not during the trauma, this is talking about the trauma later or reflecting on the trauma later—the part of the brain with language has gone offline. There’s no activity.

So if you can’t talk about something, which in talk therapy, we’re trying to use the talking part to integrate, but sometimes we don’t have the word for the traumatic event because it’s so traumatic. So that’s why, it’s like a child having a tantrum. You’re trying to reason with it. It can’t even hear you.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Kelly Roughton: So, I think that’s what’s happening and so we use EFT. I think part of what works in EFT is the whole somatic part, the part that we’re touching the body. We’re drawing the attention of the brain from the trauma to the body, back and forth. They call it pendulating, pedulation. And I think that that might be part and, again I’m not a scientist, but this is what seems kind of logical to me.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think it’s logical to me to. I think that like for me, talk therapy worked in many respects, but I felt like there were just another frontier, there’s something missing where it didn’t quite get the results that I was looking for. And this is a decade ago that I was going, but for me I just felt EFT really had a lot of the answers that I was looking for to bring out a release so to speak, to like expel these emotions forever.

Kelly Roughton: Exactly. And again there are different reasons that better put forth for why that works. I don’t know if we can really explain why that works, but it does work.
What we can prove is that we are sending coming signals to the amygdala, when we tap on the points and so that’s what the amygdala needs to be able to file that piece of paper away and say, “Okay. It’s in the part now.”

Wendy Myers: I like that aspect. I like the aspect or releasing the emotions from a memory so that you can almost see that it’s happening to somebody else. When you’re thinking about that memory it no longer holds that hold on you. It no longer has this emotions or sadness or whatever emotions you have when you think of that memory. It no longer holds that power over you, and It’s released.

Kelly Roughton: I really enjoyed my session with you.

Wendy Myers: So can you demo a few EFT techniques and show people how easy it is. I think the problem with EFT is that it is so deceptively simple that people can easily dismiss it or what not. Because I’ve know about EFT for a long time. My first try about it aren’t more called aside. I was like, this is too simple. What’s this going to do and…

Kelly Roughton: Really.

Wendy Myers:..but it works.

So why don’t you just give us a little demo of what people could try at home?

26:10 EFT Demo

Kelly Roughton: Absolutely. So again, I’m just going to say, if you know you that you have trauma please don’t tap along with us and don’t go to the summits because there’s a lot of EFT summits out there, in English, French and all the languages and they’re amazing for people who don’t have trauma. But I have had a client who called me after participating in a summit and it really took the bad aid off her wound so I had to deal with her on the phone because it’s the middle of the day and I don’t have a spot so you have to be careful with it. It’s an amazing technique that you can do a lot alone, but major trauma; please take care of yourself is really what I’m saying.

So, here we go. I’m just going to start by showing you the points. It’s called the basic recipe and then we’ll do around on stress or overwhelm or something like that because everybody has that.

Wendy Myers: And listeners, if your just listening to the podcast in iTunes or what have you, if you want to see the points in action, just go to the Youtube channel WendyLiveto110 or on, that corresponding podcast post, you can watch the video there as well.

Kelly Roughton: And also, I can send you a link to—I have a tapping sheet where people can just take the sheet with them so they can go to my website, and pick that up as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ll put that as a download on the podcast post.

Kelly Roughton: Great! Perfect.

Wendy Myers: Okay. And I will describe the points so hopefully even people who are just listening will be able figure out where they are.

So we start with what we call the karate chop point I’m going to just describe the point first and then we’ll go to the words after, Okay? So the first point is on the side of the hand. It’s on the fleshy part where you would give a karate chop, right? I know that we give those all the time. And we pretty much use just—you tap generally with your dominant hand, so your right or your left, on the other side of your body. But I often use them both sides of the body for the face points. So the starting point is again, the karate chop point you just tap with all four fingers of your dominant hand on the other hand. And then we move to the top of the head, which is pretty much the crown chakra, if you know where that is, and the point after that is the beginning of the eyebrow. So it’s where the first starts.

To the left or the right of your nose and again, it doesn’t matter which side of the face you tap on. You can tap on both sides. I often would just split my two fingers and tap at the beginning of both of my eyebrows.

Next point is the side of the eye. It’s not on the temple, it’s not too close to the eye, it’s pretty much on the bone. And then the next point is under the eye and it’s on the bone again. Not too close to the eye, not too far down the cheeks.

Wendy Myers: And are we tapping on meridians?

Kelly Roughton: We are. That’s the end points of meridians. I do not know which one so don’t ask me. Because I’m one of those people who actually don’t need an explanation when I see something works so I don’t know certain things.

So, under the nose is the next point. And it’s really in that the indentation there above the lip. And we use generally about two fingers. We tap just as long as it takes to say the words that we’re going to chose, okay?

And then the next point is the chin point. And it’s not actually on the chin, it’s in the little indentation there are well underneath the bottom lip.

And then the next one is called the collar bone point. I don’t know if you can see me well enough. It’s not the collar bone, it’s below the collar bone. They way to find it is to find a little indentation on your neck. Go down about like an inch or so and then an inch to either side.

Again I’m tapping on both sides but that’s not necessary. I like to tap on both sides because I know it stimulates both sides of the brain. If I’m tapping on this side, it’s stimulating this side, if I’m tapping on this side, it stimulating this side. But if I’m driving my car, I use one hand. I probably shouldn’t be tapping in the car anyway, but if you stopped in a light.

Wendy Myers: That should be illegal, that should be. It’s like phones you know.

Kelly Roughton: It’s like phones you know.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Kelly Roughton: So the very last one that we’re going to use is the one under the arm. So if you put your hand in flat under your arm, and you put right into the bottom of your fingers there, that’s the point there. For the women it’s in the bra strap and for men it’s about four fingers down. S
o, you just tap using again, the flat of your hand, your fingers on that space. And again, some people this way. It’s very, very flexible. You can whack the top of your head; you can do it like this. You can do anything you want. This one you can tap it like this, either with both hands. Two hands like this, you can tap it flat like this, or like—whatever way is comfortable to you and there’s not supposed to be any pain involved, okay?

So if something is uncomfortable to you, just skip that point or whatever is not working. It’s very flexible and all the points are not necessarily required at every moment. Does that make sense?

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Kelly Roughton: Okay. So that’s the tapping points. Next, we’re going to add the words.
So I’m going to use stress because it’s simple and most people have it, but I’m going to start first by asking everyone to just take a few seconds to tune in to their stress, to think of, not necessarily a specific event but if you can that would be even better, but if it’s general stress, where do you feel it in your body? If it had a color what color would it be? And what level, from zero being no stress, whatsoever, to 10 being the highest stress possible, where are you on that scale. Just think about that and note it in your brain so that once we do it, once we do the round, you’ll be able to see what kind of effect it had in you.

And again, we’re doing something super global here. And EFT works best when we were being specific so we’d be aiming it normally at a specific stressor. “My spouse yelled at me this morning.” Or “My boss made a face at me.” or whatever is bothering you; Or “I have financial stress. I looked at my bank account and that’s terrifying Me.” something like that., but we’re going to keep it real global because we’re going to cover everybody.

Okay. So we’re going to tap at the side of the hand I’m going to use the words. Repeat after me,
“Even though…”

Wendy Myers: Even though…

Kelly Roughton: “I’m feeling stressed…”

Wendy Myers: I’m feeling stressed

Kelly Roughton: “and I feel it in my body…”

Wendy Myers: and I feel it in my body, between my shoulder blades

Kelly Roughton: “and it’s”—whatever color you said it’s going to be.

“And I deeply and completely accept myself”

Wendy Myers: And I deeply and completely accept myself

Kelly Roughton: Top of the head, “this stress in my body”

Wendy Myers: this stress in my body

Kelly Roughton: Eyebrow point, “this stress in my body”

Wendy Myers: this stress in my body

Kelly Roughton: Side of the eye. Name the color.

Wendy Myers: that’s red

Kelly Roughton: It’s red stress, under the eye.

“The stress in my shoulder blades…” is that what you said you hide yours?

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Kelly Roughton: “the stress in my shoulder blades…”
Under the nose, and what level was it?

Wendy Myers: I think seven

Kelly Roughton: “this level seven stress..”

Wendy Myers: this level seven stress

Kelly Roughton: chin point, “this stress..”

Wendy Myers: this stress

Kelly Roughton: collar bone, “this stress…”

Wendy Myers: this stress

Kelly Roughton: under the arm, “this stress in my body…”

Wendy Myers: this stress in my body

Kelly Roughton: and then take a deep breath, and then you go through and you check the stress level. Does it still feel like it’s a seven?

Wendy Myers: It feels little bit less.

Kelly Roughton: Okay. The color, has the color change? Does it still feel like it’s red?

Wendy Myers: No. I can’t really say.

Kelly Roughton: Okay. For me that’s a shift. That means that if you can’t see those red anymore, then probably something has shifted.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Kelly Roughton: And in your body, your shoulder blades, do you notice the difference?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It feels a little bit less. It might be because I’m sitting out on my chair. I’m comfortable.

Kelly Roughton: It could be.

Wendy Myers: Like I said in my session, my shoulders are always bothering me.

Kelly Roughton: Right, when we have a go to spot in our bodies and that’s where…

Wendy Myers: Yes. A lot of people hold—specifically adrenal fatigue—a lot of people hold their stress in their shoulder blades.

Kelly Roughton: Right. That makes a lot of sense. We all have our places. Me, it’s my neck as well. It’s my neck and shoulders.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Kelly Roughton: Yeah. So, when they’re tight, I know I need to do a couple of rounds. It helps me to bring it down.

So you want to do one more round so people can get another idea?

Wendy Myers: Sure why not. There’s a hell of construction going on so I hope there’s not a bunch of noise while we’re doing our tapping.

Kelly Roughton: It’s not a big deal. Just keep tapping whether you can hear or not.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Kelly Roughton: Alright, so I’m just going to have everybody reassess for themselves, where they are, what level of intensity, if the color has changed, they can also give it a shape if they want, if they see a shape for it. Otherwise, it’s no big deal. And again, where it is in the body and if the shift has changed what they feel in their body.

So if it’s not a seven, you think it’s a little bit less?

Wendy Myers: It’s about a six

Kelly Roughton: Okay. So, let’s tap on the karate chop point again. Say, “Even though…”

Wendy Myers: Even though

Kelly Roughton: “I have this level six stress…”

Wendy Myers: I have this level six stress

Kelly Roughton: “in my shoulder blades…”

Wendy Myers: in my shoulder blades

Kelly Roughton: “and I have no idea what color it is…”

Wendy Myers: and I have no idea what color it is

Kelly Roughton: “I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Wendy Myers: I deeply and completely accept myself

Kelly Roughton: We’re going to the top of our head point. We just tap lightly. We say, “this stress…”

Wendy Myers: this stress

Kelly Roughton: eyebrow point, “this stress in my shoulder blades…”

Wendy Myers: this stress in my shoulder blades

Kelly Roughton: side of the eye, “this level 6 stress…”

Wendy Myers: this level 6 stress

Kelly Roughton: under the eye, “this stress in my shoulder blades…”

Wendy Myers: this stress in my shoulder blades

Kelly Roughton: under the nose, “this stress in my shoulder blades…”

Wendy Myers: this stress in my shoulder blades

Kelly Roughton: chin point, “I have no idea what color it is…”

Wendy Myers: I have no idea what color it is

Kelly Roughton: collar bone, “this stress in my shoulder blades…”

Wendy Myers: this stress in my shoulder blades

Kelly Roughton: under the arm, “It’s okay to let it go.”

Wendy Myers: It’s okay to let it go

Kelly Roughton: And take a deep breath.

And I would also suggest that people take a little sip of water. Water is good when we’re doing EFT as well because we’re working on the electrical system of the body.

So, how does that feel?

Wendy Myers: It was really good.

Kelly Roughton: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Kelly Roughton: Zero to ten?

Wendy Myers: I thinks maybe it’s about a four now.

Kelly Roughton: Okay.

Wendy Myers: I definitely feel—I don’t know, there’s just something about you that’s very relaxing. I don’t know what it is.

Kelly Roughton: It’s not me it’s EFT.

Wendy Myers: Luckily, I did not start balling, like I did in our session.

Kelly Roughton: Totally normal.

Wendy Myers: Is everyone crying?

Kelly Roughton: No, but the emotions do come up and some people are much more resistant to releasing it as well. I’m going to say I like it when people cry because that means it’s coming up and we were able to release it right away. When we’re holding on to it, when we’re resisting, it’s more difficult.

But usually, the resistance is from—it’s a safety mechanism so we have to appreciate that and we have to honor the body for doing that. Or the mind, of whatever part is doing it. So it just takes a little bit longer. When it comes up to the surface finally, then we’re getting somewhere and we can just remove it, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I just slid right in there. I just started like, within five minutes I’m balling.

I’ve had so much talk therapy in the past because I used to work in myself mentally, a lot. Now I’m more into the physical part, but now I’m getting back into the mental stuff. But I had so much…

Kelly Roughton: They go hand-in-hand. You need to have both.

Wendy Myers: Yeah you do, you do. And I did so much talk therapy in the past and I was just ready to cry the minute I start talking about problem or something.

Kelly Roughton: We’re the same.

Wendy Myers: I’m very conditioned. I cry easily in front of people.

Kelly Roughton: Me too.

Wendy Myers: Yes. So, this sounds really important question.

39:30 EFT and Food Cravings

Wendy Myers: Can EFT help with food cravings?

Kelly Roughton: It’s absolutely the most important…

Wendy Myers: Because I have some people I think who want to really know.

Kelly Roughton: Yes. It absolutely can if you actually apply it in that moment.
Now, how many times? I mean we have other things that we can do. I’m sure you’ve learned other things all the time you’ve been working on yourself, but how often do you actually apply them, right?

But we can, They absolutely can. If you actually stop yourself, you notice you’re reaching for that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, or the cookie or whatever it is that you’re—the chips.

You just noticed what you’re feeling that craving itself, maybe you can feel where it is in your body, and you just start tapping on, “Even though I have this craving…” However, when we work just on the cravings, it’s like only doing the body instead of the mind or only doing the mind instead of the body. You’re only dealing with half the problem.

The craving is in the moment, but what’s causing craving to begin with? It’s really probably not your body. Most likely it’s your subconscious mind, which has a program running that’s trying to keep you safe from an emotion that you’re looking to feel, that’s something that you’re trying to avoid.

So with EFT, we always treat cravings of any kind, be it for food, for drugs, for alcohol, for shopping, sex, whatever. It’s always treated on two levels: On the craving level. That’s a great place to start because in the moment you can stop yourself from doing what you don’t want to do, what you feel is not good for you. But the most important part is getting the underlying emotion and what’s causing those emotions. What memories are causing those emotions? What beliefs about yourself are causing those emotions and working on that underlying stuff.

And once you removed the underlying emotion that’s disturbing to you, then the craving doesn’t come up anymore because it has no reason to exist, right? When you’ve cleared the negative emotions that are driving you to face stuff for whatever you do. Does it make sense?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely.

And so, is there anything else that you want to tell the listeners about EFT?

41:50 More About EFT

Kelly Roughton: I just think that it should be the ‘go to’. It’s so amazing.

What I found about EFT—from my own experience of EFT was, when I started using it, I have a mountain of stuff to work on. I’ve done some talk therapy, I’ve done massage, and I’ve done a bunch of different things to help myself, but I still have this, 40 some odd years of painful experience that hadn’t really been dealt with or had only lightly been dealt with. Most of it has just been shoved aside and I’ve learned to cope or deal with, or when I would remember I would push it aside.

So, I started tapping on this mountain of stuff, and as I tap, I realized that EFT is kind of the opposite of a drug. With drugs, you need to take them more and more. The more you use, the more you need because you have a tolerance. Mountain down to something

EFT is the opposite because it removes the junk. It brings the Mountain down to something reasonable. So once you’ve dealt with your biggest issues and you’ve gotten rid of the major reactions to those issues, to those memories, to those actions and reactions of people around you, once you’ve released that then—you still get triggered. Life is like that. It brings us stuff, but whereas before I could have done 20 times a day every day, now it’s a couple of times a week that I find, “Oh, I’m feeling upset about that.” And I’ll think I’ll tap on it and it’s not “Oh my God I feel really upset about that!”

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Kelly Roughton: There are levels of emotions that I just don’t get high anymore. I just don’t get to that level of intensity of an emotion anymore, negative emotion obviously.

So I think that one is reason to do it because it reduces all those craving that we have for other things and the more we apply it the more—it made me more present, more of a present moment person. I used to be very ‘hamster in the head’ and ‘what ifs’ and ‘that person said this’ like in the past remembering what people said about me or the look they gave me, what did that mean.

Now I’m just in the moment. ‘What’s my interaction with this person?’ ‘What is happening with them?’ It really grounded me as a human being I think. And I can’t say much more than that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I think, it’s really, incredibly important for people to get control that ‘monkey mind’ so to speak, as what you do in yoga, in medication, EFT, etc. You got to reel that in because that constant negative chatter inside your head is so draining.

And I think that people create stressors—it’s not even there—people are creating it in their head by that constant negative talk. What ifs, what if this happens, what if that happens; this happened at the past; or that person looked at me; do they don’t like me, all these stuff going on, you have to find a way to get rid of that garbage because it’s pulling you down and it’s making you sick.

Kelly Roughton: Yeah. I think it’s Byron Katie who says something like: “If you don’t have a past, you can’t project the future.”

So If you clear up all the emotions from your past, then they’re just like pictures on the wall and they no longer affect you that way. So you cannot project that someone’s going to be mean to you if you no longer remember that someone was mean to you in the past.

You’re open to positive things coming into your life that you weren’t before.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Kelly Roughton: You know, I was a secretary before when I did this stuff. It had such an effect on me. It changed my life in so many ways that I had to teach it. I had to work with people and show them how amazing it can be.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Kelly, thank you so much for coming on the show. I think it’s really, really, informative. And I definitely, highly recommend Kelly to employ her professionally to walk you through EFT and teach you more about it.

I was very impressed and I’m going to continue to do sessions with her. So I definitely encourage any of you guys out there that feel like you have a little bit more work to do emotionally, you feel like you have some emotional trauma, or any kind of mental health issues that you feel you have to work on, I highly recommend her.

Kelly Roughton: Thank you so much and thank you for having me. It’s been fun.

Wendy Myers: You’re very welcome. You’re not out of the hook yet. I have one question that I like to ask all of my guest.

What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Kelly Roughton: I would say, negative stress. You can also call it anxiety ‘cause it’s really what negative stress is, but, it’s a fear of x, y, z, happening, because that has such an effect on the body, when the stress responses going over and over and over and over again, it is impeding our immune system from doing its job.

That’s what’s causing so many of the illnesses—or it’s an element of—there are other things obviously, there are kinds of pollution and stuff like that, but for me, I really believe that the body is super, super resilient. But if our emotions are stopping our immune system from doing its job then you can’t fight anything, right?

So to me it is the negative stress, the anxiety, the traumas, the unresolved traumas because our society is so, so, so bad at looking inside, we’re so outside in world view. And ‘don’t I have a nice car and a nice house’ and so we really don’t value self reflection and self healing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I agree. I think people spend a lot of time and a lot of energy covering up their stressors. They’re trying to put a band aid on their emotions, whether they’re drinking, or they’re smoking marijuana, or they’re drinking coffee all day long. They’re trying to change their state, change the way that they feel just to try to run from the emotions. There’s no running. You can’t hide from your—I know people travel non-stop, they’re always looking for the next adventure, or whatever it is their doing. You can never escape yourself. You have to deal with yourself. And I think, EFT is a great way to do that.

Kelly Roughton: I understand why people don’t look inside because until recently I would say, as we were saying about talk therapy, It doesn’t always have the solution so you’ll go digging that stuff up. And then you’re stuck with. So now it’s like as you said, it comes to the surface, so there you are balling and you don’t necessarily have the way to remove it, but now with EFT and EFT—is not the only one. I love EFT, it’s my personal favorite, but there are many others so do your research. There are lots and lots of healing modalities that can help you.

There are so many things that can release emotion, but they’re not inside the box. You might have to look outside the box because we’re looking for the instant too, right? We want the pill. I don’t want to have to work at it. I don’t want to have taken any time about it. I want it to be over in five seconds so I’m going to take a pill and it would be done, but that’s not real healing in my opinion.

Wendy Myers: And I think EFT is really efficient as well. I think it can get rid very quickly of emotions in a way that years and years of talk therapy, can’t compare. And there is a place for that, for sure, talk therapy, absolutely.

Kelly Roughton: All of it.

Wendy Myers: But I think EFT is extremely efficient. And it gets the job done. We like that, we like that.

Kelly Roughton: I’m very impatient so that’s what I love about EFT. It’s like, tap, tap, tap and it’s done! It should be the go to.

Wendy Myers: Well why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about where they can find you and how they can work with you?

Kelly Roughton: My website is very simply, go to my website. All of my contact information is there. You can call me, you can email, there’s even a form in the website.

I like to work with, pretty much, everybody. You can work through Skype because as you can see, the points are very simple and if I can hear you, we can do a session. It’s as simple as that. Skype is great so no matter where you live in the world, you have access to me.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love the internet, bringing everybody together, the whole world together.

Kelly Roughton: It’s fantastic, absolutely wonderful.

Wendy Myers: Kelly again, thank you so much for coming on the show. I really, really, appreciate it.

Kelly Roughton: Thank you so much.

Wendy Myers: And listeners, if you want to learn all about detoxification and how to eat a really healthy Modern Paleo diet and how to heal your health conditions naturally, go to and thank you so much for listening. I appreciate it.

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And again, thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 podcast.

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