Transcript #527 Molecular Hydrogen Benefits including Maximum Hydration

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#527 Molecular Hydrogen Benefits including Maximum Hydration

with Maryam Henein


Dr. Wendy Myers  

The most basic fundamental thing you can do for your health, no matter what you’re trying to accomplish, you have to stay hydrated. People are very challenged with this and people don’t want to drink water because they feel like they just have to go to the bathroom all the time and it’s irritating. Adding molecular hydrogen helps… Our guest today, Maryam Henein, she is an investigative journalist, and she’s the founder and editor in chief of a health magazine and the marketplace Honey Colony. And she’s also a functional medicine consultant and coach and the director of the award winning documentary film, Vanishing of The Bees. And that’s narrated by Elliott Page, and you can follow her on Twitter at Maryam Henein, you can email her at [email protected]. And you can go check out her website at So I know you guys tuning in, you’re fanatics about detoxification or wanting to learn about the benefits of detox and how to do it. And I’m so proud of my new work called the Heavy Docuseries. And on this series, I have compiled and interviewed 107 experts on detoxification about how toxins are causing the chronic health conditions of our time, obesity, diabetes, hormone issues, hormone imbalance of the thyroid, sex and stress hormones, causing fatigue, causing digestive disorders. And that’s just scratching the surface. But we dive deep into those particular issues. And how heavy metals and chemicals are huge underlying root causes of these chronic health conditions affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world, and the exact mechanisms as to why. And we go really in depth into the solutions, how to remove all this garbage from your body to restore your metabolism, restore your health, your fatigue, your brain function. Another video on the Heavy Docuseries is about how toxins are impeding brain function, memory, cognition and leading to dementia, and how to save your brain. So tune in at And now a word from one of our sponsors. So imagine a world where we don’t actually fight cancer, we just tell our bodies to stop growing. It sounds groundbreaking, right? Dr. Dana Flavin, who’s a world renowned cancer specialist for over 40 years, warns we are swimming in toxins that are in our daily products, our food, water and air. The real danger, these toxins signal our body to grow cancer. That’s why I urge you to join Dr. Flavin and Nathan Crane, an award winning health researcher in an eye opening web class. They’ll reveal the nine key toxins that could be triggering cancer in your body, and most importantly, how to eliminate them. Don’t just fight cancer go right to its root cause. So join me by going to now to register for this free web class. It’s so important. Again, that’s Make the change today. Maryam thanks so much for joining the show.


Maryam Henein  

Thank you, Wendy. I’m happy to be here.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, so why don’t you tell us exactly your story. So why don’t we start with your story and how you got into health and you’re a filmmaker, you’re a writer, you do a diverse array of things and you’re very, you know, a health activist. Tell us your story.


Maryam Henein  

So I hail from Montreal, Canada, and I came to Los Angeles. I was in LA for 23 years, and I was in the mainstream writing. I was working for MSNBC then I left and I was just pitching articles to all the top magazines as a freelancer then we got into documentaries and then I was hit by an SUV outside of the now defunct metaphysical big bookstore, the Bodhi Tree. I was hit at 30 miles an hour and dragged 50 feet across the cement and it was an initiation into western medicine. I didn’t have insurance because as a Canadian I grew up just taking that for granted. And they did not give me physiotherapy. I woke up and I had a 13 inch metal rod in my left femur, I broke six bones. And then after a year, the bone was a non union, non unionized so it wasn’t melding together there. And also, I think from the PTSD of the accident, my body just kind of blew up. And it was one thing after the other. For instance, I stopped eating gluten in 2005. And realize I had Candida and it was really an initiation. So I pretty much – I removed one screw from above my knee intuitively, I had to find the doctor and pay them like $1,000 cash to remove the screw from my knee, and then the bone unionized and then I worked to remove the rod, which 90% plus people never do, I went back to the surgeon. For me, when they put the metal in my flesh, they literally go into the femur bone, they excavate your marrow and they put in this rod, it changed my whole constitution. I basically had like a near death experience when I was hit by the SUV and I became very sensitive to a lot of things including foods because I had grown up eating gluten and crap in the 70s. So I removed the rod. And then I started changing my diet. And I grew up chubby, grew up being made fun of called ‘tub of lard’ and I was always conscious and gone through so many different diets and continued to go through diets, I think until you know, in the past 5,6,7 years just adopted a ketogenic diet, organic of course, and I do think that you have to modify your diet, depending on whatever phase or if you’re assessing or trying to deal with a certain situation, you might change your diet, of course, back then. And now I’m a functional medicine coach and consultant through Institute of Functional Medicine. So we’re big fans of the elimination diet. So when I started, I eliminated a lot of things and I never went back to gluten or sugar or dairy really. I do butter very much so but so it’s all been an initiation. And you know, after making Vanishing of the Bees, you know the bees flew into my life and really gave my life purpose and opened my eyes up to our adulterated food supply. And shortly thereafter, after making Vanishing of the Bees, I was sprayed by chemicals in the Dominican Republic. And I was told you have lupus and you have fibromyalgia. But as you know Wendy, it was chemical body burden, and they like to put labels and I spent six years detoxing and got my NA levels down, reversed the lupus markers, and did coffee enemas. I’m a big, big fan of coffee enemas. So I had a whole arsenal and I’ve written about how I reversed an autoimmune condition. And about you know, shortly after making the film, I launched Honey Colony and Honey Colony is all about empowering people to be their own best health advocate, kind of as a response to my experience wanting to save people time and money. As you know, chronic illness can debilitate someone, wipe them out financially and so forth. So Honey Colony has kind of taken on a perspective of biohacking functional medicine perspective. And it’s a journal there’s 1600+ articles, everything from low dose naltrexone, to the benefits of molecular hydrogen. So that’s me in a nutshell.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes. And I love that you have so many bee products and that was kind of born of doing your documentary about the bees. I love that you brought attention to this because it is frightening to think of the bees all you know, masses of bees, millions of bees dying for the neonicotinoid pesticides and the thought of these pesticides continued use, I know in Europe they banned them but in the United States they’re still allowed to be used and the bees are still dying and  people act like they’re baffled, like they have no idea why, like you hear that in the news. Like “we don’t know why the bees are dying” but we know why they’re dying but we need them for our food supply for our very survival. So someone needs to figure this out quick and that’s why I love that you did this documentary.


Maryam Henein  

Thank you. I think it was integral in waking people up and you know, I tell people that we are the bees and we’re the ones who are slowly being killed by sub lethal doses of poisons that now includes genetically modified information as well. And so it’s like a death by 1000 cuts. And just like the bees, it’s really about bolstering the immune system, you know, to think of, you know, they’ll blame the viruses or blame the varroa mites, but it’s really the neonics and the environment, the epigenetics of being trucked around that have whittled down the immune system of the honeybee. And they are so important. And they are still dying, like you said. I think, with the neonics, because they’re not like organophosphates where it’s a straight up bee kill, and you could see the dead carcasses, with neonics it’s systemic and becomes part of the plant. And so it’s invisible. And we’re eating that food, you know that also has an impact on human species for sure.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and so let’s talk about molecular hydrogen. So hydrogen is essential for life. You know, hydrogen is part of water, you know, that’s the component of water, and we’re made of water and hydrogen, we need that for our body to run, I think a lot of people have issues with not having enough hydrogen and oxygen and electrons, etc. to power their body. And this is one of the most fundamental parts of life that we need. And so, you know, just foundational, you know, I think a lot of people get, ‘I need to do these complex protocols, I need to do like this supplement, or maybe it’s my genetics,’ when really, they need to get back to the basics of how the body works. So tell me what role hydrogen has in that, like, what is molecular hydrogen?


Maryam Henein  

So everything that you outlined, molecular hydrogen is the smallest antioxidant, but it packs a powerful punch, and it can actually penetrate the mitochondria. So like you said, it can help with ATP production, and energy. And also you could be drinking water, but it’s not necessarily getting into the cells, and you could still be dehydrated. So I have the molecular hydrogen, like there’s different ways, you know, I think people have heard by now brown gas or taking it like through an IV. And this is a tab. Initially, when Hydra came out, you had to put it in a plastic bottle and cap it for it to infuse in the water, which, you know, for plastics, it’s not necessarily beneficial. So now with hydro plus just put it in a glass of water, and it will diffuse and then once it finishes bubbling up. Once it finishes, it dissolves and it bubbles up, then you drink it. So it’s the smallest antioxidant, it has anti inflammatory properties. So it will reduce pro inflammatory mediators. And it activates a pathway called NF KB, which is a protein complex pathway. And it’s a key like I said, key regulator of the inflammatory process. So it allows for the water to be hydrogen rich, and it also helps with oxidative stress. So it helps combat oxidative stress. There’s so many different benefits, the fact that it can reach into the mitochondria.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and we’ll have all the links to your articles on hydrogen in the show notes and the link to your hydra supplement as well. So you guys can get that in the show notes or go to


Maryam Henein  

So, I think that going back to the quality of water, I would say obviously start with a good quality water. When people tell me they use Britta I kind of like just bristle at that. Or tap water. I still know people that drink tap water which is flabbergasting to me, I can’t believe that. I use Aquatrue. I also am a big fan of Alive but anyway start with clean water. And then you can add the tab to give hydrogen, infuse it with hydrogen. I’ve heard from customers that it’s helped with depression. So I think what happens is there’s an impact in the inflammation in the brain. And there’s another pathway. Yeah, it doesn’t alter the taste, by the way, it’s odorless gas, really hydrogen. And it also has multiple cellular protective properties. So the other pathway is it activates NRF Two, which is a life sustaining pathway and increases endogenous levels of glutathione, which I found very interesting, because glutathione is also a master antioxidant, and we need it. It’s not very bioavailable, right? If you take a supplement, I mean, I like suppository or IV. I don’t know what your experience is. I mean, I’d love also for you to add regarding the quality of water, I’m sure you have a few things to say Wendy with your expertise.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, well, what are some of the benefits of hydrogen? So what are some of the benefits people get by taking hydrogen, the molecular hydrogen?


Maryam Henein  

They say it’s anti aging. So people have said helps with skin, people sometimes take a hydrogen bath, and soak in it.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

You can put some of the tablets in your bath. That’s a good idea. 


Maryam Henein  

I think you’d have to put a lot of tablets in your bath, but it’s also hydrophobic. So it’s not diluted in water. So for instance, Vitamin C is hydrophilic. So it will dilute so it’s, it’s potent. But regarding the inflammation, the anti aging, oxidative stress, improve skin, fights aging, corrects DNA damage, because it goes into the mitochondria, and helps neuro inflammation, and therefore cognition, you know, to just emphasize that if you’re drinking water, but it’s not getting into to the cell, that it’s not hydrating yourself, either. It diffuses into the tissues and cells. And people have also said that it helps with weight loss. So because it invigorates the metabolism, of course, you know, if you’re eating crap, and just drinking molecular hydrogen, I don’t think you’re going to report weight loss benefits. So it’s always like, you know, from a functional medicine point of view, just this holistic, considering the epigenetics and everything else that you’re doing. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and of course, it helps with detoxification as well, because if the hydrogen’s working as an antioxidant, I mean, the toxins and heavy metals creates so much radical, the RLs, the radical oxidative species, and so much oxidative stress, that’s one of the ways that they damage our bodies, that we need to add as many different kinds of antioxidants in our supplements, and our diet is possible to combat that.


Maryam Henein  

Yeah. And I think this is basically supercharging your water not in the sense of like adding added minerals, but just adding more punch to the actual water so that it can do its function, which is get into the cells. People all the time, say Yeah, I’m drinking a lot of water, but I feel dehydrated. And I have an article on Honey Colony on dehydration and the fact that it’s it’s underrated, that people are walking around, and but they’re dehydrated. They’re not realizing that the quality of their water is, you know, not up to par, up to snuff. So once inside the mitochondria, it’s also Saito protective as well, you know, regarding, having like a healing crisis or it really depends on… I’m sure your audience is healthy and has done their detoxing, right, but if it’s with anything, like I remember going to a ceremony and they were using Rapé and I don’t know if you’ve ever tried Rapé, but it’s an Amazonian tobacco, and I saw like a grown man just collapsing on the floor vomiting, because they’re having detox reaction, they’re severely toxic, which is increasingly important to detoxify. As you know.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Thrilled to announce my new Docu series come out called Heavy and you can learn more about it at and sign up for free. It’s a totally free event. And in this landmark series, I interviewed 100 experts on the subject of detoxification, on the subject of toxins, and how these inescapable toxins in our environment are causing our chronic health issues like brain fog, dementia, chronic fatigue, mitochondrial dysfunction, obesity, resistant weight loss, even diabetes. Our diabetes epidemic is caused by toxins. It’s not just the food that you’re eating. And we also talked about, you know, how toxins interfere in digestion, how toxins are aging you. So many important topics are going to be covered on the Heavy Docu series. So again, go check it out and 


Yeah, and when you talk about, you know, the Hydra increasing hydration of the water, that is so important, because, you know, I know, just throughout my kind of health journey, I’ve always struggled with, you know, or trying different waters, tried different water filters. And, you know, it’s very common to have that sense where you’re drinking lots of water, and it’s just running right through you. And certainly I have that experience with damaged water like reverse osmosis water, or other types of filtered waters. Depending on the filtration method, it can change and damage the structure of the water, where it doesn’t hydrate you, it doesn’t go into the cell, that’s why it just runs right through you. And you have to add things to the water today, no matter if it’s spring water, or what kind of water that you drink. Every glass of water that I drink, I add things to it to maximize hydration, because that’s the name of the game, the most basic fundamental thing that you can do for your health, no matter what you’re trying to accomplish, you have to stay hydrated. And people are very challenged with this. And people don’t want to drink water because they feel like they just have to have a bathroom all the time. And it’s irritating. You know what I get it. So adding molecular hydrogen, helps. I add sea salt to my waters, there’s a little restructuring things that I’ll add too like crystal energy. But yeah, I’m adding all kinds of stuff to my water to maximize hydration and benefit.


Maryam Henein  

When I wake up, I put a molecular hydrogen tab, and then I let it fizzle. And then I do put also a pinch of salt and I drink it before I do my morning beverage just to replenish my cells. And I also hear a lot. people don’t want to drink water, they they want to add things to it. I mean, what we’re talking about is fine. But they want to add like, you know, some tonic water, they just don’t want the actual water. That’s a problem as well. But if you’re just enhancing it, as opposed to like not really, you’re not really drinking water, there’s a resistance for some reason. I also remember listening to a radio show where it was an inner city community and the people were drinking Coca Cola in the morning and there’s this one young boy that they interviewed and he’s like, I get sick every time I drink water. It’s because you’re starting to detox and the truth is you have to go through that to reach over to the other side. But people don’t know that. I’m sure you’ve come across people who start to detox or let’s say they’re doing a weight loss, but they’re really like the toxins are in the fat. And then they start feeling like crap and then they just abandon the protocols.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and that’s just the beginning you know, you get over that hump fairly quickly, but everyone knows that you have to drink water to be healthy, that’s like the basic foundation of life so why not add something like your Hydra to it to enhance its effects and maximize what you’re doing? Because you know, for me I just I’ve spent so many years drinking water and trying different things or trying you know, add flavors to the water or maybe drink carbonated water because I used to drink Diet Coke with every meal even breakfast and it was, it’s totally disgusting. I did that for a long time. I mean from Texas I drink black tea with everything but at some point, I switched to Diet Coke, and then I had to get off of that. That was the first thing I switched to is switch to carbonated water and then yes, very addictive and now I only drink water. I drink water, green tea and some black tea occasionally and wine of course occasionally too. But not on a regular basis but yeah, the water, now I want to add as much as I can to it to get the most benefits out of it, out of every glass of water. I hate that feeling of the water just running right through me and I can’t even tolerate drinking just a regular glass of water. I want to add hydro to it. I want to add salt to it I want to add restructuring things to it so that I get maximum hydration because you don’t have to drink eight glasses of water every day. That is a myth. And that’s something that so many people they can’t do. If they can’t meet that goal, and maybe they feel like they’re not doing something right, or they drink too much water, then dilute their minerals. You need to be kind of smart about the water that you’re drinking and maximize the hydration of every glass of water that you’re drinking. 


Yeah, it’s about quality really right. It’s about quality. I also do a cup, let’s say go into the infrared sauna. And then I will add like a kintone separately, sea water to just remineralize or I’ll drink before I go to work out. I’ll drink before going for a bike ride. I’ll just hydrate beforehand. But I am very mindful of like, being hydrated and knowing how important it is. If I go to a restaurant with someone and when they drink the iced tap water I just cringe. Even people that are in the health and wellness space, I’m like, What are you doing?


Yeah, I don’t understand. I bring my water with me everywhere. I have my little mason jar of water that I bring that I’ve had doctored.


Maryam Henein  

Absolutely, yeah, so I take it. I’ll be traveling and I’ll take my Hydra. And we created this product. I was still living in Greece at the time, if you see the logo, it’s actually a picture that I had taken in Greece and it’s kind of honoring the goddess Hydra which is of course playing into hydration, which is super, super important. So yeah, we’ve been offering Hydra for a good five, six years. Now as one of our core products.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Nice. Yes. And so. So how often should people be using molecular hydrogen? So, do you put one in every glass of water, just do it once a day or what?


Maryam Henein  

I do it depending on if I’m going to workout to one or two tabs a day. There’s 60 tabs so it could be good for a month. It depends if you get into the habit. And you see the difference. Like obviously people have said that they’ve seen results with depression, they’re wanting to do their Hydra. So yeah, I’d say like a tablet day, you don’t have to go excessive. It depends. I have a glass. Usually it’s a bottle, I have a glass for now, but I usually have a bottle that I put in a tab and then you know when done, I recharge it with another tab and sip throughout the day. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

And certainly people that have never taken hydrogen before are going to notice a big difference when they first start taking it like you said you get like a brain boost, improve mood, you know, use it for energy for workout, you have increased hydration, which just generally makes you feel better. So for anyone who hasn’t tried molecular hydrogen, I highly, highly recommend it to add that to your little like biohacking routine because it’s one of the most basic basic things that you can do. 


Maryam Henein  

Yeah, it’s easy. I started this morning drinking, cause I was feeling sluggish and I didn’t know why. And anyway, so I incorporated that and I started feeling better just starting my day with a glass of water before anything else. I know some people do hot water with lemon. I’ve gone through those phases, but now it’s just doing glass of water. I had to cut down on coffee. So I just do one scoop of coffee and I mixed dandy blend and a little maca and a little cacao and collagen and butter and I whip it all up and it’s so yum.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Oh, that sounds good. I have not cut down on coffee. That’s one thing I’m like I’m not giving that up. 


Maryam Henein  

I think my adrenals, it was giving me… I was having panic attacks and now actually sometimes I forget and because I love the taste, it’s not so much even for the caffeine. I like strong coffee and I’ll go a little bit over and I’ll start having a panic attack like it’s not even… it’s just my body starts heart palpitations and adrenal fatigue is real, yo.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, yeah, for sure. And I think as my, for me, I think as my liver has improved in function, I’ve been able to tolerate more and more caffeine so I’ve been living it up with the caffeine. I enjoy it. The livers is working good. It proud to metabolize all that caffeine. But why don’t we talk about some of the symptoms of dehydration because I think that a lot of people don’t, even people that are really healthy, may not recognize the signs of dehydration. But I know for me that I’ll start to get headaches. As a teenager, I’d work out a lot and I’d get really nauseated. And I’d be perplexed as to why and then I realized I was just dehydrated, just as simple nausea, just general fatigue, a lot of the kind of structures in your cells don’t work without the water. Without proper amounts of water,


Maryam Henein  

I find that  I’m not think thinking properly, like, something is just not functioning. And I do think in those times that adding molecular hydrogen or a pinch of salt, for sure, we’re electricity and water. And like you were saying in the top of our session, the electronics of it all, the ATP production is very important.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I know. Also, if your urine is dark, you’re not drinking enough water. Your urine should be fairly clear, you know, you don’t want to have a dark yellow color. We don’t have a chart, like we don’t have like a poop chart or something for the urine. But, you know, it should be relatively clear, not dark yellow, or even orange.


Maryam Henein  

Unless you’re taking vitamin C. But that’s a very good point because I am always conscious of drinking water, and then when it goes a darker color, there’s also medications that hold the water, and then if you’re not mindful, then your pee is really dark. And that’s because you’re dehydrated. For sure. So yeah, like you said, fatigue, and lack of energy, constipation, excess weight, obesity, cholesterol, dehydration can increase the repercussions of cancer, through a variety of mechanisms, increased oxidation, increase acidosis below or the amount of available oxygen, which is very good point, you know, you’re also drinking water to oxygenate your whole body, decrease the ability of the body to detoxify, has an adverse effect on the function of the intestines and its flora, can cause damage to DNA. These are the sub reasons why it can lead to cancer, premature aging, you can also get a UTI if you’re not drinking water, dental health, cardiac arrest, lower high blood pressure. I mean, there’s a lot of people who don’t drink. It’s like, okay, so you don’t like drinking water, then make it count. Have at least I’d say two glasses of water throughout the day. And make them pack a punch. If you’re not going to do the eight glasses and tote around water like we do. But yeah, there are real repercussions to not drinking water. Right. Yeah. You can go without food, but you can’t go without drinking water. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

You know, and just imagine the years you take off your life if you’re you spend decades chronically dehydrated, you know, not to mention aging. 


Maryam Henein  

Yeah, I think of a prune. Right. As we get older, the collagen, things aren’t as plump. And so that’s another important reason to hydrate the cells and your brain and your being. It’s important. People under underestimate the importance of good water, right? Because again, it’s like if you’re drinking eight glasses of tap water, please stop. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, please, please. Yeah, and I think also for those that don’t like water, they’ve just been doing it wrong. Waters, they have a lot of different flavors and tastes and mouth feels and consistencies. And you know, certainly drinking distilled water or, you know, reverse osmosis water, it just has this…I’m just very repelled by those waters. And so some people may only be drinking that. The tap water certainly tastes horrible. Maybe they don’t like the taste of the chlorine, which they shouldn’t like that taste. They shouldn’t be repelled by that. But I think it’s just about getting water, right. And then, you know, adding stuff like hydra to it and sea salt, which you’re not going to taste the salt unless you’re deficient in minerals. Like you won’t taste the sea salt in the water unless you’re really mineral deficient. Yeah. And so I think just getting water right will you know, there’s a lot of things… You can add flavors to the water also some natural flavors and stevia and things like that just to kind of start ingratiating yourself to drinking more water every day if that’s what you have to do. Add some lemon or lime to it or whatever. You will get to the point where you can start drinking more water and having water every meal or what have you.


Maryam Henein  

Yeah, I had a friend that I was doing a consult with and she really doesn’t like water. And she was like, okay, well, you tell me why then, why can’t tea count as water? And I didn’t know the science reason as to why to articulate why tea doesn’t count as a glass of water but I was like, just just add a little bit of more quality water. And then she did end up doing the hydra because she was so adverse to drinking water. But yeah, I didn’t know what my comeback was why, like, you know, green tea or whatever she was drinking doesn’t count as a glass.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I mean anything with caffeine, it’s going to act as a diuretic, you know, and so you’re actually going to end up with and I don’t know if it’s that much of a loss, but you’re going to be somewhat with a net loss of hydration, drinking anything with caffeine. You know, if you’re drinking coffee or drinking tea, you’re going to have to drink more liquids to make up for that somewhat of a loss and hydration.


Maryam Henein  

I was thinking also, you know, I bring a tab on the plane. Once you clear security and then you buy your $100 bottle of water.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

It’s always reverse osmosis. Dammit. Always. I hate that Dasani water, it just makes me want to die. I hate that water. 


Maryam Henein  

I usually go for the Evian if I have to buy water at the airport, but definitely not, what is it Coke or Pepsi? I forget. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I think it’s Pepsi. But yeah, that’s reverse osmosis water so it’s just not hydrating you. You know it’s just not getting into your cells because the structure is so damaged, but yeah, Evianis actually really high frequency water. You know? Yes, it’s very commercially available, but it’s very, very high frequency water.


Maryam Henein  

How about Fiji?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I like Fiji. I mean, there’s some people that claim it’s got some toxins in it and things like that, but it’s got a lot of silica in it, which is great for aluminum detox, not going to be great by itself. But I had to dig more… one of my practitioners mentioned that I had to dig more into the claims, but I think any spring water can potentially have some contamination. I don’t think you know, in our environment, if you drink spring water, you’re doing really good. You know, you’re getting most of your toxins in the air that you breathe. So you breathe in like 11,000 liters of air every day, that’s the biggest issue. You can’t filter your air going outside. So the water, spring water is really the least of your worries. You know, drinking bottled spring water, you just have to think about a detox program. You know, daily detox.


Maryam Henein  

It’s interesting also people… I think like Dr. Edward group is like a big proponent of distilled water and just drinking distilled water. And intuitively, like I use distilled water when I’m doing an enema, but I’m not drinking distilled water on the regular and then also using the tap water to distill which is what I do let’s say I’m doing for an enema but I even have, I wouldn’t drink that.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

No, that tastes horrible. Any water you drink, you’re gonna want to put salt in it. Because our bodies are saltwater, you know, so when you distill water, you’re removing all the minerals, which is okay, you know, we’re not getting tons of minerals in our water anyways, they’re not minerals that our body can use, but you’re still going to have volatile organic compounds in the distilled water that doesn’t remove those, but it’s still cleaner than any water that you can drink. You know, because you can have contamination in spring water, you know, it just groundwater but the distilled water if you add in minerals and you add in silicas and things like that and structure the water, you can probably make it taste pretty good, but I wouldn’t drink distilled mineral by itself. Other than if you’re trying to do a detox because it can still, it’s hungry water, it can dilute minerals and steal minerals from your body. But I think you could say that about any water I just always, always, always add salt to my water as much as you can tolerate.


Maryam Henein  

Yeah, absolutely. I definitely do that. Yeah. I’m not also down to just drink constantly distilled water. I don’t understand the logic of just constantly doing that. And how about like, between mountain valley? Have you heard of Alive water which is structured? It’s called Alive and it comes in a glass structure so I was doing mountain valley and when I found out that I can get a lot of water, I switched. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the Alive water. But is it like a vortex? They’ve vortexed it?


Maryam Henein  

I know they say it’s structured, I don’t know how if it’s from, they’re getting it from a spring or if it’s reached, you know, they’re putting it through a vortex. I have to look, it definitely tastes yummy. And like I can’t of course, if I’m traveling or like I’ll do plastic, but I can’t even like just buy plastic water like I had to when I injured my knee. And I was like, you know, couldn’t move for two months and didn’t have a kitchen where I was and was consuming good water like everyone but it’s still in plastic. I think it’s like how, how mindful the people want to be in their regimens. And people know you need water. So if you’re gonna drink it, why not upgrade it? With a pinch of salt and some other hydra?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And sometimes you just can’t avoid the plastic. But yeah, but you can doctor the water no matter what water you’re getting, you can doctor it and, you know, maximize the benefits of that as long as you’re drinking it and you notice a difference.  Once I’ve doctored my water with the Hydra, and sea salt. And I do the crystal energy to kind of restructure it. And sometimes I’ll add other little things, I rotate. But once you do that, like I just can’t drink regular water even though it’s spring water even though it’s good quality water, I just find that it just doesn’t hydrate me nearly as well as when i i doctor it with the Hydra and I use the the Celtic sea salt to add minerals to it. And then I also like I said, I use the crystal energy, just one or two drops of that, you know as well. And it’s so hydrating and makes such a huge difference. I just, I almost can’t tolerate regular water now.


Maryam Henein  

I think another marker that you’re dehydrated, right is if your lips start cracking, then you could tell you’re dehydrated. So like, yeah, I would be more prone if I’m taking a long trip. Or it’s taxing on the body. Drinking water. So that’s another maybe if you’re wondering whether you’re dehydrated, of course, like you said also headache and you know…


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Dry eyes, your eyes are dry or your mouth’s dry.


Maryam Henein  

 If you’re constipated, you know, like people who say like, yeah, I poop once a week, like what? No, that’s no bueno.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, you’re definitely not good. You need to drink lots more water, and maybe a coffee enema as well, at least just so you can figure out the underlying root cause. So why don’t you tell us your website and where we can try the Hydra.


Maryam Henein  

So you can go buzz on over to And I think there’s a code for a special promotion, either 50% off or free bottle.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Okay, great. So and go click on the Hydra, molecular hydrogen. Yeah, I highly recommend people try a bottle. It’s a fantastic product. There’s so many benefits: increased hydration, all the benefits we talked about on this show. So Maryam, thanks so much for coming on. And always a pleasure to have you on the podcast. And do you have social media or any other places people can go to to kind of connect with you? 


Maryam Henein  

I would invite people to my substack which is I’ll be ironically going to Mexico. And ready to leave, but I’ll be giving a talk there. And also, I’m on Twitter, Maryam Henein, but substack is a good place.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Okay, great. Fantastic. Well, thanks so much, Maryam and everyone. Thanks for tuning in to the Meyer Detox Podcast. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. And just love bringing guests for you from around the world to really help you give you those little pieces of the puzzle to help upgrade your health. And so I hope you got something really important today to help you with that on your health journey. Thanks for tuning in.



The Myers detox podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein, opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician

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