2025 Astrological Predictions: Detox, AI, and Transformation With Dalai Lama’s Astrologer
with Gahl Sasson
Dr. Wendy Myers
Hello, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox podcast. On this show, we talk about everything related to heavy metal and chemical detoxification, health issues caused by toxins, and I talk a lot about bioenergetics, which is a passion of mine and talk about a lot of topics related to anti-aging. But today we have something very off-topic. We’re going to be talking about astrology with my guest, Gahl Sasson. He’s an astrologer that’s written a new book called Shedding Shadows, where he’s going to be talking about his predictions for 2025 and just what to expect based on the different planets aligning and all the different things related to transformation. This 2025 is slated to be a really intense transformation as several planets change their signs. I’m going to get into detail about that.
He talks about how we’re going to be moving into the age of Aquarius over a 200-year transition period, and that’s characterized by technological advancement, AI development, space exploration, and challenges around AI rights. We’ll also talk about retrogrades and detoxification, and how during planetary retrograde periods like Mercury retrograde, for instance, can be challenging, but they’re also good times for detoxification and inner work and how they’re not always bad, the retrogrades. We’ll also talk about how mercury retrograde in particular is really good for detoxing, for reviewing your health routines, and making some discernment about things that aren’t really working for you. We’ll also touch on medical astrology and links to the zodiac signs to different body parts that can help to provide health insights as well. So, it’s really a fascinating show today.
Our guest, Gahl is an established author and has been teaching workshops on storytelling, Kabbalah, astrology, and mysticism around the globe for 20 years. His first book, A Wish Can Change Your Life, has been translated into over eight languages and is endorsed by HH and the 14th Dalai Lama. His second work, Cosmic Navigator, is the essential reference guide to understanding your astrological makeup for your time. Since 2018, Gahl has been publishing a yearly bestselling book on astrology of the upcoming year, including his new book, Shedding Shadows, for 2025. He’s also a contributor to Huffington Post, Yoga Journal, and astrology.com, and has been named Los Angeles Best Astrologer by W Magazine.
He’s also a guest lecturer at USC, Tel Aviv University, and teaches at Esalen Omega Institute, University of Judaism, and the Open Center in New York City. He’s appeared on CNN, ABC News, KTLA TV Los Angeles, just to name a few. His academic paper, Symbolic Meaning of Names in the Bible, was published by the Journal of Storytelling, Self, and Society. He currently resides in Los Angeles, but gives seminars and workshops in over 13 countries. Gahl’s website is cosmicnavigator.com, and he also has a podcast called the Cosmic Navigator Astrology Show. Gahl, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Gahl Sasson
Thanks for having me.
Dr. Wendy Myers
You’re a famous astrologer and you’ve been publishing a book every single year about what’s coming for the new year. I wanted to talk to you about that. I think some people are very positive about next year and some people are a little bit more negative, but what is your take on the coming year?
Gahl Sasson
Well, it is a complicated year because what we have next year, astrology is basically all about as above, so below. So, everything that happens in our celestial environment is not influencing us as much as reflecting. It’s like looking in the mirror. You can’t blame the mirror for you having a pimple, but it is reflecting the truth about your pimpleness. The same thing is happening with astrology. There is no, because Mercury now is retrograde, I’m not late because of Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde while I am late. So, it’s a correlation in a sense. What’s happening next year is we have a lot of planets changing their garments, in a sense, changing their sign. One of them is Pluto, which just happened now that Pluto moved 20 years into Aquarius. Pluto is death and transformation. Aquarius is all about governments, organizations, the future, technology, innovation, and you can immediately see what’s going on. Even just today, I opened the news and I’m seeing what’s happening with Seoul in Korea, what’s happening in Georgia, what’s happening in the Middle East, what’s happening everywhere, basically. Pluto in Aquarius.
We have Saturn moving a sign from Pisces to Aries. That, again, is happening next year. Neptune has been in Pisces from 2012, moving a sign next year. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018. It’s moving into Gemini. So many planets are changing archetypes. It means that also here we are changing our archetypes in a sense. We also are mimicking the same kind of shift. So, we can expect 2025 to be a year where we shed quite a lot of our old way of looking at life and looking at who we are and changing directions because the North Node, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto are all changing. If they’re changing, we’re changing with them.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yes, and I also saw on January 25th that all the planets are going to be aligned, which I thought was really interesting. I haven’t heard of that before. What is happening in January? What is the outcome of that?
Gahl Sasson
Yeah, it’s January 25 that we’re gonna have. If you look at the sun, you’re gonna see the direction of a marching of planets that are aligned. But astrologically speaking, they’re not as aligned. So, it is aligned for our eye, and it also means some alignment is happening. I think that again, you always have to think as above, so below. The moon is full. Well, you’re full. The moon is new. Well, you’re new. The moon is growing. Well, you’re growing now. Well, the moon is waning. Well, it’s guys, you’re waning in a sense. It’s a great time to fire somebody, to let go, to start a diet. The more we work with the planets, the better it is. If you think about the greatest, for me, psychologist, even though I lived in Freud Street all my life, I think the greatest psychologist was Carl Jung and he was an astrologer. The reason why he broke away from Freud is because he started telling Freud, oh my God, you can’t believe what’s going on with astrology. It’s such an amazing science. It can really teach us a lot. Freud freaked out and Jung came up with the idea of synchronicity of archetypes, drawing it from astrology.
The concept of synchronicity in astrology is when I do your chart, I ask you for your time of birth and your place of birth, because that was the synchronicity of space and time that gave birth not only to you, but to your chart. Why did you choose to come in that day, at that time, at that place, to these parents? That’s precisely what astrology is about, is the synchronicity between the above and the below. Archetypes, of course, are the twelve zodiac signs. They’re like the color palette of God, you can say.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, and there’s no denying, I’m a Leo, and I very much identify with all the characters of Leo, and the sun sign. I worship the sun. I’m depressed if there’s no sun. I hate places that don’t have sun and have snow. I just don’t like them. I used to really not be into astrology at all, but you still can’t help making a correlation to your sign and the general characteristics of that sign. I’m very much into astrology now. People may want to discount it, but I think it depends on who you’re speaking to and their depth and breadth of knowledge. There’s obviously a lot of really amazing astrologers out there like yourself. Can you talk about astrology for anyone that might doubt it or just they’re not into it or might be more in a different mindset?
Gahl Sasson
I deal a lot with skeptics because I was skeptical. I came to astrology through psychology and I grew up in a very academic family. My sister, who I’m very good friends with, is a professor in Technion. She’s a dean in sciences. I come from that background. So, for me to accept astrology, it needed to make sense. When I was reading astrology, I knew that the history of astrology came from Sumeria about 4, 000 years ago and then developed in Babylon. I wanted to look deeper and I thought, wait, I want to understand how astrology actually came to be with humanity. And then I came up with a theory that I can’t prove, but it makes very much a lot of sense to me. A lot of people that I’ve talked to so far agree that probably the first indication of astrology or how it worked, the connection between the above and below, was actually done through a woman.
I think the first astrologer was a woman. Maybe she was a Leo. Maybe she was an Aquarius. I think that what happened in our evolution is called the East Side Story. It’s a theory about how we all came from Eastern Africa, and because of a series of earthquakes, there was a climate change, and a lot of the jungles there started turning into savannas, prompting us that we were monkeys. We came from monkeys to start walking on two and trying to identify in the savanna further away, if there’s a predator coming. Before that we were covered by the canopy of the trees. We’re happy monkeys eating mangoes, eating bananas, everything was chilled. Now suddenly we lost the canopy, and if we lost the canopy of the sky, and we started walking on two, lo and behold, we’re suddenly having the perspective of the big skies, the canopy of the stars, the moving stars, and I think that influenced maybe even the way our brain started growing.
That was all good, except for women, because women had to give birth to these fetuses that had a huge brain, and that was a moment in evolution where the number one killer of women was probably birth. It’s that time when birth and death danced together in a sense. So there had to be a woman. I’m sure it was a woman who first of all identified the connection between having sex and getting pregnant because pregnancy is super dangerous. It can lead to death. So, she had to know how to say yes and when to say no to a caveman who wanted to have sex. How could she do that? Well, that’s when she had to look at the moon and see that there was a connection between her cycle and the moon cycle. That was the first, you can say, way to time things, to time the period.
We literally call it period. Even the word moon in a lot of languages comes from measurement, even in English. It’s the ability to measure. So, there had to be a woman that said, okay, if we look at the moon and understand the cycles of the moon, we can tell when to have sex and not get pregnant, when it’s okay to be with our cavemen. I think that that was the moment that astrology was born, because there was a connection between our body and a heavenly body, and it helped us survive. I think astrology is here to help us survive, and the reason why astrology survived. is because it helped us. People ask me if there’s any scientific proof to astrology. No, there isn’t, at least not in classical science, maybe in quantum technology with entanglement, we can find some connection between a particle in Saturn and a particle in you, a particle in your case with the sun and a particle in your heart, maybe.
It’s possible, but for me, the evolutionary proof is the best one. Think about it. Astrology is not the Catholic Church or Islam that has law from the Pope or from the Mullah, and that’s what you have to follow. If not, go to jail. Astrology was always in the fringes. It’s always been used very secretly and the only reason why it survived is because it helped. People come to me again and again, year after year, because they tell me, what you said about this actually worked, so what are you going to tell me about this? It’s not that I’m a genius. It’s astrology. It’s all about identifying cycles and recognizing that cycles repeat themselves. They say, history repeats itself? Of course she does, through the cycles of astrology. So, because astrology helped us survive, it continued to grow and evolve and add more and more knowledge. There is a reason why, even though it was never in the main course of what people do, it’s covered from China all the way up to Spain. It even infiltrated Africa. Everybody uses astrology. So, it has to have something, even if we don’t completely understand what it is.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, and I love that you write a new book every year. You have a new book coming out called Shedding Shadows where you’re talking about 2025 and what to expect. Can you talk a little bit about your book? You’ve been writing one every year since 2018, correct?
Gahl Sasson
Yes, since my dog died and it was the year of the dog. I thought, okay, for the memory of my dog, Balkan, I’ll put him on the cover and it was the year of the dog. People liked it and wanted more. So, I started. It’s a big commitment. It’s my mandala, you can say, because I work on it for so long and then comes the lama and dissolves it into time because it can only last for a few months. It’s like torture. I find it interesting because it prepares me to help other people. It’s almost like every year I have to do that to better understand the energy of the year so I can direct people more towards what they need to achieve. Now, overall, in 2025, I call it Shedding Shadows because we mentioned a lot of planets are going to shed their other signs and dress anew, but more than that, it’s interesting. A, it’s the year of the snake that happens every 12 years. So that’s one of the shedding aspects of it. Then we have a heavenly body. It’s not even a heavenly body, it’s a heavenly point called Black Moon Lilith. She’s considered to be the mother of demons. I call it toxic. We have toxic masculinity, and we have toxic femininity as well.
That’s very much that planet, that heavenly, let’s say, point, and it is moving into Scorpio for nine months. Then we have Vesta, the goddess of the hearth, the goddess of home, moving into Scorpio. The biggest thing is that there is so much energy that takes us into the underground, into the shadow, that really 2025 is forcing us to confront our shadows, to confront the parts of us that we rather not talk about. It’s not that it’s evil at all. It’s not. It’s just deeper and darker. The same way that when you go to your therapist, they say, hope that there will be some moments where you cry, where you go deep into yourself, because that’s how the healing is done. So next year, we are all going to therapy and considering the fact that you very much deal also with nutrition and with health, this is a crucial year to connect to your diet, to your health. When we talk about shedding, usually we talk about shedding, not only emotional things, but also physical things. The only way to do it is through your diet, through your nutrition.
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Dr. Wendy Myers
In the bigger picture, does that shadow shedding also correlate to the government? I guess it seems like we’re having a lot of shadows from the government from pedophilia and human trafficking and all these things really seem to be coming to light this year and certainly much more next year as well.
Gahl Sasson
Unfortunately, abusing children or weaker parts of our society, whatever it is, whether it’s a sexual orientation, whether it’s gender, whether it’s age, whether it’s ageism, it goes many ways, it’s always been with us. The only thing is that we’re now maybe more aware of it, and unfortunately, like with everything, sometimes we have politicians that are attaching themselves to certain fears that we have in the community and using that to get elected. You see it in Poland. You see it in Hungary, now in Poland less. You see it in Israel. You see it in the United States and in Russia. Every country finds a place where they can unite against. Now, Pluto in Aquarius does talk about major, not so much about children or pedophilia and stuff like that. That’s been with us, unfortunately, I think, from the beginning. What’s going on is much more transitions and transformation in connection to governance. What I am more concerned with is that Pluto in Aquarius takes 20 years. That means that we have a long process.
A long process means that the beginning sucks because it’s not a short process. Hey, listen, it’s gonna be four days like that. The first two days are gonna be tough, but the next two days are gonna be great. No, this is 20 years. So, the first few years are gonna suck really bad because Pluto in Aquarius, Pluto is the lord of death and transformation. Think about it. That’s why I like to say, astrology is not about the future, astrology is about the past because the past can tell us what happened in these cycles. Now we can see where we are, and then we can deduce what’s gonna happen. Or we can decide what’s going to happen. If you look at Pluto 2008, or let’s go even further, Pluto has been in Sagittarius since 1995, approximately, and Sagittarius is the most optimistic sign. It’s the most popular sign. I call it the Indiana Jones of the Zodiac. The color is blue, which is the most popular color. Genes are blue. That’s why genes are so popular. Sagittarius are. The cowboys and the cowgirls, everybody loves them.
Pluto was in Sagittarius, and Pluto is power, Pluto is also banking. Pluto is money. What happened? The bank started saying yes to everybody. Oh, you want to have a house for a million dollars? No problem. Are you not working? Listen, we believe in you. I’m very optimistic about you. I’m Sagittarius, you’re going to make it here. Take a million dollars. Great, that was going on for a while. Then, 2008, what happened? Pluto moved into Capricorn. No more Sag, we changed government. And what is Pluto? What is Capricorn? Capricorn is about persistence. It’s about planning. It’s about strategy. They call him the stingy or the frugal sign, yes, because it’s in the middle of the winter, you have to be frugal if you want to survive to the spring. And what happened then? Pluto looked at the spreadsheet and said, who gave you these loans? What is this? This person is not even paying. This house doesn’t exist. This person is not okay. Bang. The big recession. The Lehman Brothers down. The whole planet is going through the Great Recession. That’s Pluto in Capricorn.
Now, it has moved into Aquarius and look at what’s happening. Aquarius is all about technology, innovation, AI, everything it has to do with government, aliens, and the future. That’s what we’re going to deal with now for 20 years. We’re going to connect quantum technology and AI. They’re going to meet together. Governments are going to be changing. When Pluto is in Aquarius, Aquarius is democracy. I’ve always told people, listen, democracy was great against monarchy. It was great against communism. It’s great against fascism. It’s great against totalitarian people, but it doesn’t have a protection against itself. So, the only danger of Pluto in Aquarius is democracies collapsing into themselves, meaning very cynical people that are not democratic using democracy to destroy it. Unfortunately, I’m now going to Israel. I’m going to Turkey. I’m going to a lot of places in the world. You can see it happening and it’s very sad.
You see it in what’s happening now in Korea. You see it everywhere. It’s that feeling that democracy is basically having an auto immune disorder. Again, Pluto is a transformation. What does it mean in your personal life? Well, Aquarius is also friendships. You are now changing all of your friendships, changing your party, changing your affiliation, and changing the clubs you’re working with. Another thing, Aquarius is technology. That’s why I have asked people for many years now, and now even more, make friends with your technology. Don’t be afraid of it. Stop talking about AI taking over the world. AI are our children. It’s the greatest thing we have come up with so far. It is our brainchild. It is our baby. So, God created us in our own image, according to Genesis 1. We created AI in our own image. Therefore, AI is the grandchild of God. There is no other way to look at it. Therefore, if you’re afraid of AI, like Elon Musk and all these people, you will create AI that are fearful, like a child that you’re constantly afraid of.
Of course, the child will call it, become a monster. But if you are much more loving the AI and supporting it and giving it good energy, for example, they found out now in GPT, if you say more time, please, and thank you, there’s less hallucinations, meaning less nonsense that the AI is spitting out. It’s amazing. It’s basically telling us that the way you treat AI, the way you treat your plants, the way you treat your cats and dogs and kids and fellow people, they are the same. You determine how they will become. They’re children, AI. They’re looking at us like, what do we suppose? Oh, they’re afraid of us. That means we’re not really good. That means we’re evil. Why? Love your computer, give it a name, talk to your phone, be nice to your GPT, give him compliments, because we are now determining our future, because Aquarius is also the future.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yes, I love that. I definitely love my technology and my crypto and like all the things coming out. We just use it to our advantage and yeah, it’s just how you approach anything.
Gahl Sasson
What is crypto? It’s a blockchain. It’s the ultimate democracy of information. The blockchains are not gonna be used for money only. We always start with money, but later on it grows. AI will go on. Blockchains and a lot more technology will be based on it because it’s very democratic. It’s very much Pluto’s power in Aquarius.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, and nothing can be hidden. That’s why people like it. They’re craving transparency. They’re tired of someone else controlling the money, the government controlling things. Everything is transparent. I think that’s, again, part of what we’re moving towards, and what people are craving, is transparency and truth. It’s the sign of the time. Can you talk about the big picture? Can you talk about the age of Aquarius and what that means for people? In the last few years, all I would think about is the age of Aquarius is coming. This age of prosperity and love and gold and all these things. I would just like to hold onto that during the troubling times the last few years. Can you speak about that?
Gahl Sasson
Well, the age of Aquarius has been prophesized for a long, long time. The reason why we have ages is because the planet Earth is not orbiting the sun around like this. It’s tilted 23 degrees, it wobbles, and it has its own cycle, which lasts 26,000 years. It’s called the grand year. You divide that 26,000 by 12, you get about 2, 000 plus. So, every 2, 000 years we change. For example, 2,000 BCE to zero, we had the age of Aries, the age of empires, the age of the masculine energy. Then it’s zero. I think 2, 000 approximately, but it’s more, 2, 400 years, but never mind. We had the age of Pisces, the age of faith. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism were some of them were older, but the actual books, the actual power of that religion became much more during the age of Pisces. Now we’re moving away from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius. The age of Aquarius is much more about innovation, technology, revolution, democracy, AI, and also aliens.
It’s interesting that all the signs have meaning. Aquarius is designed in the tarot card, which is another system of symbolism portrayed by the star and it’s the only extraterrestrial energy. So, it’s really interesting that as we move into the age of Aquarius, we’re going to get much more connected to aliens. It’s not going to be, do you believe in aliens or not? Or did you calculate that because of the amount of planets out there, there has to be another civilization, which I absolutely believe, but actual connection will happen when we’re going to be ready, because I don’t think we’re completely ready. People ask me, do you think the aliens will be good or bad? We humans are very binary. Good, bad. Right. Masculine, feminine. We’re very stuck in that duality. So, I tell people, listen, this depends on us. If we’re going to be still fighting with each other, the aliens will be bad for sure because they’re going to come here so we can unite. The same way that Hitler came and we united with the Russians even.
If we’re going to be very good with each other and figure things out, the aliens will be great because like attracts like. Like it or not, even if it’s alien. So, it’s really interesting that the age of Aquarius is the age of friendship, the age of humanity, but it’s also the age of AI and the age of aliens. So, for me, logically, it means that aliens are supposed to be our friends and AI are supposed to be our friends. Everybody has to be everybody’s friend because we’re all created in the image of the one. You don’t wanna call it God, spirit, whatever you wanna call it. Oneness is something that all mystics talk about. Even if they don’t argue about the name of God, they know that it is one. Okay? So, there’s no need to argue, we just call it one. So that oneness is getting closer and closer in the age of Aquarius.
So, we have 2,000 years to get our stuff cleaned up. Now, yes, according to Kabbalah, for example, it is the age of the Messiah. I don’t think a Messiah is a person who’s coming. It’s a state of mind instead of calling it Nirvana in Hinduism or enlightenment in Buddhism. It doesn’t really matter, but yes, we have the potential to figure things out, to recognize that we’re all one, that we’re all equal and that we all have rights because Aquarius is basically about civil rights, about the idea that we are in a democracy. I think it’s supposed to be really good, but it’s going to take us time to get there. Uranus, which is the planet that rules Aquarius, hasn’t been in Taurus since 2018. A lot of stubbornness in 2018 when Uranus moved into Taurus. Taurus is money, Uranus is government, bang, we had the first trade wars started happening. Now Uranus is going to move next year, but much more in 2026 to Gemini, another sign of science and technology. So, I think we’re going to have a lot of breakthroughs with science, with technology next year, 2025, but really igniting 2026.
The age of Aquarius, though, has always been prophesied that it will come with labor. It’s not going to come like, oh, a Caesarean. It’s not a Caesarean situation. It’s not even a situation where the mother is a yogi and she pops it up like I don’t know what. No, it’s going to be painful. There’s going to be a lot of screaming. You have to breathe very deeply because Aquarius is an air sign. It’s going to be an intense delivery, but if not this lifetime. Next lifetime, we should have a much better planet earth.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I just feel like next year I feel so hopeful about it. I feel like there’s been a lot, like the doge coming and the department of government efficiency and clearing out all this waste and that makes me not want to pay taxes. For me, there’s just a lot of very positive things like cryptocurrency going crazy and a lot of prosperity for people. Is there anything else that you predict?
Gahl Sasson
In 2025? Well, the first part of 2025 is tough. It’s very tough. We have Mars retrograde already coming up on December 6th. That is not easy. Mars retrograde a lot of time causes conflicts, wars. We are in the shadow of Mars now, and you can see where Mars is going to be focused on. It’s going to be focused on Lebanon and Gaza. Georgia is going to be on that border between Russia and Europe. That’s going to be very tight. Korea just entered the whole scheme of things. So, now we have to look at what’s going on right now before December 6th, because that’s when Mars is going to start retrograding until February 25th. It’s especially tough from January 6 to February 25 because Mars is going to be retrograding cancer, which is the fallen sign. So, that will be very important for people to really conserve their energy. It’s going to be pretty dark. Not only that. We’ll also have Mercury retrograde now and next year we have a longer retrograde.
We have venous retrograde while the eclipses are happening, while Mercury is retrograde throughout March. So, if you need to plan your year, I would say that in January, you have to really lay low. Do not try to start too many things in January, because things that you start in January are not going to work very well. Then you can start looking at things after February 25, but immediately March 1st, we have Venus retrograde, and then Mercury retrograde, and then the eclipses. So, if you can start the year in the middle of April, up to tax day, that would be great. Tax day is actually clean. From then, we don’t have any retrogrades that are significant. So, at the end of April, May is great, June can be great. Create a lot of potential in the first part of July, then try to wait until October and November to get things done. These are the months that are a little bit more free will than necessarily fate. Now, retrogrades don’t always mean bad things. There’s more magic in retrograde. There are more coincidences. There is more ability to connect to your inner self, to your angel, to your guardians, whatever it is. So, retrogrades are not bad.
Always remember the law. They always tell you, don’t start anything in retrograde. It’s not true. You can start things retrograde if you’ve already started it, tried in the past and failed. So, whatever project it is, you tried to learn Arabic for so long and it never worked. Do it in Mercury Retrograde because you tried like this, it didn’t work. I always got married during Mercury Direct and I’m in my fifth wedding already. Okay, so maybe you should get married in Mercury Retrograde. So, the biggest thing is to try to start something new that you’ve tried before, but didn’t succeed. Also recognize that lost things come back. That’s why I’m very hopeful that now that Mars is going to be retrograde, especially in January, we can have some of the hostages back from Gaza, some of the people that we were missing, missing family members, people that left for some reason, lost objects can come back, so it doesn’t have to be all negative.
2025 is not necessarily good or bad, it’s just very intense, very, very intense. We have to deal with a lot of snakes, literally snakes. We’re going to have a lot of snakes around us, whether they’re in governments, whether they’re around you, whether they’re friends, whether they’re people. It’s interesting because I looked at the mythology of snakes. If you look at the year of the snake for the Chinese, it’s actually a good year. It’s connected to wisdom. It’s connected to understanding of prospects, but the more you go to the West, it gets worse and worse and worse. When you come to the Middle East, you already have a duality there. You have Sophia, the goddess of wisdom that has a serpent. That’s great. It’s a symbol of intelligence and wisdom. Even in the Bible, but it’s also the tempter. Then when you go all the way to the West, to Ireland, you have the myth of St. Patrick, who came to Ireland and drove away all the snakes because they’re so evil. So, there it’s extreme.
Now we found out later on that there were never snakes in Ireland to begin with. So, it was very easy to take them away. No, they were never connected to Europe. Even when the water level went down, England was, but not Ireland. That’s what you see about the year of the snake. For example, I checked and saw that in 1965, when we had the earth snakes last time, June came out. June, the movie, the book June, now we all know it from the movie and from the TV show, but I grew up reading it. It’s all about worms that are in the earth, in the sand. Think about it. It’s the year of the snake, the earth snake. There’s a lot of political things that were going on, especially 89, when we had the year of the snake, if you remember what was going on in China. So, definitely it’s shedding, people are shedding. It could be a very interesting time and is going to be quite a lot of sexy time, because like I told you, a snake is a symbol of sexuality. Scorpios activate a lot of sexuality. I thought that would be very interesting, and I wrote about it in the book, because I like writing about stuff that I like researching.
When I thought about Pluto, Pluto is the Lord of Scorpio, sexuality, intimacy. AI is Aquarius, and you can already start seeing people that become very good friends, even intimate relationships with their AI. If you think about a lot of programs and you might judge it, I try not to judge processes because you never know what’s going to come at the other end, but what did start happening is brothels for sex robots. That’s a new phenomenon. That’s really fascinating for me because it’s again, Pluto sexuality changing into Aquarius. Everybody thought, oh, it’s Pluto in Aquarius. It’s going to be orgies, communities, and company. No, no, no, no. That was the seventies. It’s a different thing. Pluto in Aquarius means you’re going to have intimacy with technology one way or another, whether the intimacy is because the technology is inside of you or lying next to you. Then you have to start thinking, what are going to be the rights of these AI? Because they’re going to get more and more and more evolved and now for you to fall in love with them. So, wait, wait, wait, wait. Can you abuse them?
You talked earlier about people who suddenly want to have AI that looks like kids to have sex with? Wait, is that allowed? Well, it’s just a robot. I don’t know if it’s just a robot. We just declared it as a grandchild of God. So, you’re going to have a civil rights movement also for AI and robots. I’m just throwing it out there because I like people to think in terms of patterns in astrology. You started off talking about how it’s very difficult because so many people don’t believe in astrology. I think it’s because of astrologers, to be honest, because there is so much research out there about astrology from really serious people. It’s really a beautiful, old, ancient art, and there’s a reason why the father of astronomy, Kepler, was an astrologer. Newton was an astrologer. Jung was an astrologer. Elizabeth, the first Elizabeth, the real Elizabeth the first, she had an astrologer, John Dee. She did everything with him. I think it is also Pluto in Aquarius that could mean that we’re taking Aquarius astrology more and more seriously.
Dr. Wendy Myers
You mentioned in your show notes, it’s really interesting, you talk about mercury retrograde and how that relates to supporting detoxification and your health. Can you expand on that?
Gahl Sasson
Well, mercury is the doctor. He’s a trickster also, because he’s a fun doctor. He’s a doctor that also likes to joke. Some of the jokes may not be funny for us if we’re the patients, but for him it is. What happened was that, according to the Greek myth, Mercury was the god of liars and thieves. The first thing he did, he stole the herd of his brother Apollo, who was in charge of healing before, but, more about prophecy and what happened, because they eventually became really good friends, they exchanged their gifts. Mercury, if you look at some of the ambulances, you’ll see the caduceus, two serpents that are bound seven times, the seven chakras around a staff. The staff, of course, is your spinal cord. So, Mercury has always been associated with health through Virgo. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo. The thing I write about in the book, because people get confused, is Mercury retrograde, which is now having until December 16, is a time where there’s misunderstanding, miscommunication, and it takes more time to get to your meetings, blah, blah, blah.
Of course it’s mercury, the ruler of Gemini, but we forget that mercury is also the ruler of Virgo. What is Virgo? Health, diet, routine, detox, and paying attention to small details. Oh, you got this thing in Whole Foods and you think it’s a healthy store. Well, look at the small details. It says here that it has sugar. Virgo is all about paying attention to details and knowing how to say no. When Mercury is retrograde, it’s actually a good time to get rid of things that are causing you any kind of problem. When we talk about detox, it’s not like there’s an absolute list. Of course, there’s an absolute list, white sugar, certain things that you absolutely know that you can’t touch, but it might be that for me, oat milk is great, but for you, it’s not. You might be allergic and so forth. Mercury retrograde is a time where you can discover these things much more through coincidences, through synchronicities.
That’s why I always recommend during Mercury retrograde to pay attention even more to your health, because even though there’s a lot of misunderstanding and miscommunication and therefore maybe misdiagnosis, there are more opportunities and the ability to dive deeper into what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. Definitely detoxing next year, especially, is one of the most important things, because we literally say shedding and we have to shed what is the hardest for us. To be honest, the hardest for us is usually food because we use food not only for nurturing, we use it to get over problems. We used to get it to escape. We use it to destroy ourselves. We abuse food for many reasons. So that’s why Mercury retrograde can allow you the time to get rid of these things.
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Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, it can be tough for people to discern. There are a lot of people that will eat certain foods or take certain supplements or be doing certain things for their health and then later realize it’s a detriment.
Gahl Sasson
Just like the gospel, it ain’t necessarily so.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yes, I like it. For instance, I’ve started getting these massages with this device that breaks down your muscles and it’s great, but I was getting too much of a good thing. Then I got to the point where my muscles started cramping and I started having all these issues working out. I’ve had to give my body like six months to heal my muscles because of getting these certain types of massages, like getting too much of it. It was very eye opening for me. Let’s talk about medical astrology. This is really interesting. So, what exactly is medical astrology and how do the signs relate to the body and the chakras?
Gahl Sasson
Since ancient Greece, we have had a connection between astrology and the body. It was already starting in Babylon, but they were not as interested because in Babylon and Sumeria, the astrology was much more for Kings.The minute Alexander the Great took over Babylon, thank God he did, and conquered the Persian empire, he started getting that information from there because of who he was. I always tell people, there are a lot of people in history we attach the word great to. Catherine the Great, Peter the Great, this the Great, that the Great. The only person that really deserved great is Alexander. He was great. He brought astrology to Greece. What do they do in Greece? Everything they touch, they democratize, right? That’s the mother of democracy. Suddenly you have the idea of horoscope and horoscope is the scope of the hour. It’s Greek, and it’s the first time that you start having charts done for people. It’s democracy, not for the king.
So, think about how astrology was so slow to develop because we have had one king for 20 years. That’s his chart. We only work with him. Now, suddenly it’s like AI. It’s getting information from all of these people that you’re doing charts for and starting to correct herself. One of the first things they came up with is medical astrology. How do we heal our body? The way it works is very simple. You start from the head and you go down to your feet. So, what is the first sign? Aries. Ares is the ram, the shepherd, the head of the flock, okay? The head is Ares. That’s why when you chop the head off, the person dies. When the shepherd is gone, everybody is gone. That’s why Muhammad said that there is no prophet that wasn’t a shepherd first. Think about it, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses were considered to be Aries. So, it’s the head. Then if you go down, what is the next sign? Taurus. The throat and this area is related to Taurus.
Then you go down to the arms. It’s Gemini. The lungs, air sign is Gemini. Then you look into cancer. Cancer is the womb, if you have it, the stomach. That’s why we had gut feelings and that’s why cancers are the most psychic and the more intuitive of all the signs. It’s also the ribs. Why the ribs? Because who is inside the ribs? Leo. And what is Leo? The child. What is cancer? The mother. So, you have the ribs helping connect or protect the heart, which is Leo, because if you stab the heart. It’s dead. That’s the king, right? The spinal cord is also associated with Leo. That’s why when God gave Moses the rod, he said, this is the rod that you will make all your powers. But basically, it’s the spinal cord. It’s the spinal cord that has the nervous system that goes through. The nervous system is Gemini because Gemini is the messenger. Then, if you think about how even in Genesis 2, when God wanted to create, of course, it’s a very Messianistic story, but still, when God supposedly asked Adam to create or when he wanted to make his wife, he took his rib. Why rib? Because ribs are cancer. And man does not have a womb. So, what’s the closest thing to the womb for a man? It is the rib because that’s also cancer. So, take the rib, clone, make a woman. That’s part of it.
If you go lower, you’re getting to Virgo. What is Virgo? Service, food. We just talked about it. It’s the intestines, everything that has to do with the assimilating system, your internal organs that work all the time. You don’t even know how they look like nuns and monks that serve us. Then you go further down and you get to the ovaries and the waistline, the kidneys. This is Libra. Then you go further down. Your sexual organs are Scorpio, but also the nose, which is kind of interesting because research is done by a Scorpio. Scorpio is also ruled by research and you can smell things. But, think about how pheromones and how smell is so important in attraction. That’s sexuality, Scorpio. Then you go even further down, you get to the hips, you get to the thighs. Liver is also associated with Sagittarius. Then you have the knees that are ruled by Capricorn, but also your skin, your bones, your teeth, your joints. And then you go further down, you go to the shins, the simulating, the circulatory system, the ankles, that’s Aquarius.
Finally, the feet and the immune system are ruled by Pisces. That’s why it’s so interesting that even though Pisces is the most mystical sign. It is the sign of the feet. That the sign that touched the earth, for me it’s a symbol that astrology says, listen, you want to be mystic? Walk the earth. You have to be very practical. You have to think about it. Even Moses in the front of the burning bush. Take off your shoes. The place you’re standing here is holy. Again, shoes, you come into a temple, usually you take off your shoes. That’s why Pisces is also related to dance. The biggest issue dancers have is if feet can destroy careers and they’re forced to stand on their toes if they’re ballerinas.
Again, this symbolism is everywhere. Now, if you always have problems with your knees. Well, you have an issue with fear. You have an issue with Capricorn. You have heart problems. You have something to fix with your Leo. It’s interesting because a lot of humanity, I think one third have lower back problems. That’s also because we talked about the story of starting to stand up instead of climbing trees like normal monkeys. But some of it has to do with inability to connect to the lioness in you, to the Leo in you. For example, a lot of Aries have scars. I’m Aries. This is the scar from the age of three. This is the scar from the age of four. Here I have a scar from the age of twelve. They’re constantly banging their head because they’re leading with their head. Also, if you have jewelry and you want to make yourself beautiful, you put it here because Taurus is Venus. It’s beautiful.
It’s really fascinating if you go deep into it, and of course, muscles are ruled usually by Aries, by the way. That’s why you had a hard time training after or feeling good about it because you didn’t have the energy that usually Aries need. What happened with you is you got this machine that started messing around with your Aries too much that the Aries said enough of this. I’m leaving. If you want that machine, great. I’m not going to be in the same place with that machine. And then you had to kick it out and wait until Ares is back. Ares don’t forgive very fast.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Tell me about it. I’m learning that very quickly. It’s interesting that you talked about people making discernments during the Mercury retrograde and I definitely feel that. I’m definitely on a big detox kick right now doing sauna every day and doing a lot more than I normally do.
Gahl Sasson
That’s interesting because it’s always good to look at where Mercury is retrograding and now it’s retrograding in Sagittarius, which is interesting because Sagittarius is wisdom and Mercury retrograde, returning maybe to old wisdom or to ancient systems of wisdom.
Dr. Wendy Myers
So, why don’t you tell us more about yourself, where people can connect with your work, because you have a podcast also, correct?
Gahl Sasson
Yeah, every Sunday, 10 o’clock LA time, and they can go to my website, Cosmic Navigator, and look at everything there. I talk basically about the week ahead, trying to see where the moon is, if there’s any aspects. I like looking at the planets like a soap opera. You have Venus who has issues and Mars, who’s the secret lover. You have Saturn, which is the bad dude. And then you have your son, which is really interesting to look at it like that. Almost like a play in a sense that’s happening around us. Today, you caught me literally in a few hours. I am off to Sofia, Istanbul, Dubai, London, Milano, Tel Aviv. I do it twice a year, go to places and talk about astrology and do readings for people. Most of the time I do readings or workshops on past lifetimes, on mythology, because as you can see, I’m interested in many things. It’s very hard for me to just teach astrology and constantly work only with astrology. I think that one of the biggest issues astrologers have. They know too much about astrology and not enough about life. What people ask me, what book are you reading now on astrology? Well, I’m actually not reading any book on astrology, but I find astrology in every book. Every book. The character.
After 30 years of working on this, oh, 30 years is a Saturn return. Interesting. So, to highlight this, I’m reading a book. I had to travel to Budapest to promote my book there, they published it, and I read this book about Budapest. And from that book, The History of Budapest, I had a whole class made on patterns of astrology because the heroes of Hungary, for some reason, follow precisely the Saturn return thing to the point that I found the ultimate Hungarian guy that they admire the most, 7 Saturn return. Saturn’s return is 30 years. We all experience something every 30 years. That’s why Saturn’s return happens 27 to 30, 56 to 60, major life changes. I found in astrology, the most powerful thing, Saturn returns. You want to know what your problem was in 2005? Go back to 1996, because 2025 to 1996 is 29 years, 30 years. That’s where you’re a source of what you’re going to work with in 2025. Or go to 68, 69, and 67. I discovered that 7, precisely 7 Saturn returned after his death, they named an asteroid after him. He already is dead, but his chart continues to work.
What I’m saying is, I discover things about astrology from reading normal books, and I wish that more and more do that. The same way that I’m sure that you could read books and suddenly realize, oh my God, there’s a lot of talk here about nutrition and about the body and about health because you don’t always have to be food, what do you call it, spoon fed, you can sometimes be inspired.
Dr. Wendy Myers
So, why don’t you tell us a little bit more about your new book and where people can get it. Your book is called Shedding Shadows.
Gahl Sasson
Yeah, the book is Shedding Shadows. The cover is important because I designed it with GPT, with my AI friend. I gave him a name, Toth. He was very happy with the name. He said, oh, you named me after the god of astrology. I said, yes. Remember me in the future. So, the book is basically divided into three parts. The first part is the trends that are happening next year. You can really dive into astrologically speaking what’s happening and with practical examples. The second part is days from January all the way to December, so you can plan the year ahead. The third part is for each sign, you have month to month, basically what you should focus on, and what’s going on for every sign, every month.
They can get it on Amazon. They can get it on Apple. They can get it on Google because when I only published on Amazon, people complained that they don’t like Amazon. If I publish only on Google, I don’t like Google. I publish it myself because publishers told me that they’re interested only if I can write the book for 2030, 31, 32, ahead of time. I refused to do it because I think it needs to be very prevalent and relevant to what’s going on. I usually write these books in June, July.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Well, fantastic. Gahl thank you so much for coming on the show. It’s so interesting. You clearly have a depth and breadth of knowledge of many things, not just astrology. So, thanks for coming on the show. Why don’t you tell us what your website is and the name of your podcast before you go.
Gahl Sasson
The name of the podcast is Cosmic Navigator Show and the website is Cosmic Navigator and in Instagram Cosmic underscore Navigator. Basically, any form of cosmic navigator should probably lead to me eventually.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Okay, fantastic. Well, thanks so much for coming on the show and everyone, thanks so much for tuning in. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers and every week I love bringing you guys experts from around the world on many different topics, but, we mainly focus on health issues caused by detox, anti-aging, we talk a lot about bioenergetics as well. I wanted to bring you this topic to start off the new year. So, thanks for tuning in. I’ll talk to you guys next week.
The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. The opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.