#88 Detox Secrets from the Detox Summit with Dr. Deanna Minich


Deanna Minich, who hosted the wildly popular Detox Summit, talks to me about my favorite subject – Detox!! You will learn the grave importance of detox and Deanna’s favorite tips and tricks to maximize detoxification – detox secrets from The Detox Summit.


Click here to view the transcript for #88 Detox Secrets from the Detox Summit with Dr. Deanna Minich.

About Dr. Deanna Minich

deanna-with-books-small-fileDr. Deanna Minich is an internationally-recognized lifestyle medicine expert and author of five books. Her twenty years of experience in the nutrition and functional medicine fields led her to develop an integrated, “whole self” approach to nutrition called Food & Spirit www.foodandspirit.com.

Dr. Minich received her nutrition education during her Doctoral (Ph.D.) study at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands where she researched essential fatty acid absorption and metabolism, and from her Master’s Degree (M.S.) at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she focused on carotenoids and oxidative stress.

In 2014, she launched the Certified Food & Spirit Practitioner Program (www.foodandspiritprofessional.com) to provide health professionals with a practical way to apply the Food & Spirit principles into clinical medicine.

She is the author of five books on health and wellness, and over fifteen scientific publications. Her passion is teaching a whole-self approach to nourishment and bridging the gaps between science, spirituality, and art in medicine.

The Detox Summit

The Detox Summitdetox-summit-logo is a compilation of experts in various areas of medicine, nutrition and personal growth are what make this summit unique, offering a well-rounded, credible approach to a much-debated issue. Learn to navigate your way through today’s toxic terrain by recognizing toxins, what to do about them and how to become a healthier you!

This Detox Summit will provide you with all of the information you need to:

  • Learn about environmental toxins in food, air and water
  • Understand internally generated toxins, like thoughts, emotions and behaviors
  • Recognize toxins and eliminate them
  • Focus on breakthrough solutions to gain more energy and vitality


Photos from New EventDeanna has an excellent collection of books. I LOVE her book Quantum Healing.

An A to Z Guide to Food Additives: Never Eat What You Can’t Pronounce offers safety ratings for each of the additives found in foods on the shelves of our grocery stores. It breaks down grocery shopping so you know what foods to avoid and why!

Chakra Foods for Optimum Health promises to be a guide to foods that boost energy, inspire creative changes, open your heart, and heal your mind, body, and spirit!

Quantum Supplements: A Total Health and Wellness Makeover with Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs  is the follow-up to Chakra Foods. Quantum Supplements aims to bridge the gap in the knowledge bases of readers and informs about supplements and elucidate how physical and spiritual aspects of the self align through these concentrated conduits..

Lastly, The Complete Guide to Quantum Healing, provides readers with seven powerful integrated Eastern and Western self-healing tools for each of over 100 common health problems – everything from acne to yeast infections.

If you’re enjoying the Live to 110 podcast, please leave Wendy a review in iTunes. Thanks!

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of Myersdetox.com. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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