Transcript: #46 The Kaizen Fitness Method with Tee Major

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  • 05:34 About Tee Major
  • 10:20 The Dynamic warm up
  • 14:22 Training masks
  • 16:36 The 90 day program, BW44 and Kaizen Fitness Method
  • 18:30 The dragon walk
  • 19:27 Tee’s advice for the starter fitness journey
  • 23:02 Tee’s day off
  • 26:57 The most pressing health issue in the world today
  • 33:10 Where you can find Tee’s BW44 program

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. I am your host Wendy Myers. You can find me on Here is my co-host the “tough as nails”, General Leigh.

Leigh Lowery: Hey all!

Wendy Myers: You can find her on Today we are honored to have Tee Major on the show. He is going to be talking about his singular Kaizen Fitness Method which incorporates the Japanese concepts of constant and never ending improvement and elimination of waste. And I love this idea because I frequently think of this concept myself and incorporate it into my life. But only with my work and my website, not my fitness clearly.

Leigh Lowery: Haha

Wendy Myers: I never thought of applying it into fitness, perhaps if I did I would have been in a lot better shape. Haha. But first we have to do our little disclaimer.

Leigh Lowery: That’s right! Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. And it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment or any fitness regimen that we suggest on this show.

Wendy Myers: And if you are interested in shedding a few pounds, you should download my Live to 110 by Weighing Less E-Guide. Simply go to and you’ll see the big welcome graphic where you simply enter your email. And you will immediately be sent the free 35-page weight loss guides. So go do it right now!

Leigh Lowery:  Yeah.  And Wendy, tell me what’s going on with the book? Is it done yet?

Wendy Myers:  Well, I’m thrilled to announce that it’s almost finished, it’s pretty much finished. There are just a few more finishing touches and it’s almost ready to go. It’s just amazing how much work goes into these things. The book is taking Paleo to the next level by including the most nutrient-dense foods. It’s got crucial lifestyle tips in line with how our ancient bodies function optimally. And also goes into the importance of detoxing. Because this aspect is not found in  any other Paleo book, but it’s really crucial. Because you can eat the healthiest Paleo diet in the world and still suffer health issues and disease if you don’t detox from heavy metals and chemicals so prevalent today in our environment. So that’s basically the book in a nutshell.  Now I get to spend the next 6 months or so, marketing it and working on my next book. Haha.

Leigh Lowery:  That’s fun.

Wendy Myers:  And I can’t wait to do your hair test next week. We’re gonna do a hair mineral analysis on Leigh and see how toxic she is.

Leigh Lowery:  It’s so funny because we talked about this last week and my mom happens to be coming in town and you say the more stressed out you are–the funnier your hair test should be. So, it should be off the charts with stress. Haha

Wendy Myers:  Haha. We will fix it, don’t worry.

Leigh Lowery:  Okay, good.

Wendy Myers:  So, today Leigh is gonna be interviewing our guest because they are good friends and she lured him in to our little podcast web. And I’m so proud, I’m a proud momma because it’s gonna be your first interview. I’m very pleased.

Leigh Lowery: I’m excited too.

Wendy Myers: So, why don’t you go for it?

Leigh Lowery: Alright! Here I go. Well, today’s guest is the one and only Tee Major. Tee is an Ace Certified Group X Instructor, worldwide body weight expert. And as we talked about he is a mentor personally to me and now a really good friend. In 2008, Tee started Tee Major Fitness which specializes in personal training, small group training and online consultation mainly for adults looking to get in shape. And you can find all this information on his website Tee’s passion and love for fitness and strength conditioning comes from over 10 years of involvement in organized sports. Including, he had a scholarship to play football at Bryant University. During his transition into the fitness world, Tee managed to model for some of the top names in fitness apparel like Reebok, Adidas, Puma, New Balance, and Nike just to name a few. And let’s just say, from a personal standpoint this man is not only fit and buff but obviously he is hot as well.

Wendy Myers: Ha ha.

Leigh Lowery: And anyone who is listening to the podcast, you wish you could see him, we know. In April 2001, Tee took his talent internationally and he became a personal trainer and MWR Manager for Team 1 in North Iraq as part of the operation of Iraqi freedom. He served as a personal trainer to the US Army. And most recently you might’ve seen Tee Major in December of 2012 when he released his video 44 Body Weight Exercises. This video was insane, it has now over 7 million hits on YouTube and has spawned a body weight exercise frenzy worldwide. Tee now has his BW44 program available online for purchase to help you to get the strength and really the body that you want to achieve.  And maybe you’d be able to get up to those 44 body weight exercises that he was doing in that video. So if you haven’t seen it we will have it on the site, you’ve got to check it out! Hey Tee how are you? We’re glad to have you on the podcast.

Tee Major: So good to be here. Thanks girls.

5:34 About Tee Major

Leigh Lowery: So welcome. We are super excited to have you. From my standpoint, we talked a little bit in intro about you, but tell just a tiny bit about you personally and professionally, and I’ll tell our audience how I know you.

Tee Major: Oh. Well personally I don’t know, I feel like most of my personal businesses are out there in the online universe. I’m pretty candid with just about everything. I’m very vocal through Facebook and through social media. Self-proclaimed Kaizenist, workout fanatic, I’m a foodie, I love traveling, I love having fun, I love adventure, I love anything where I can come close to near death but not too close.

Wendy and Leigh: Haha.

Tee Major: And I love being on the air which is cool. This is a cool opportunity for me. Professionally I’ve been doing this for a long long time it feels like forever. I’ve been playing sports for a long time, that’s how I got started, you know that much. I started training professionally and for me it was wild, because I was one of those guys that when I graduate from college. I was certain that I was gonna end up you know, working for somebody selling some phenomenal product and that was gonna be my life. But I figured it out pretty fast that that’s not what I wanted to do. So, I turned to my original love which is fitness and it’s really true when people say when you do what you’re passionate about, you’ll never work a day in your life and that’s honestly how I feel. I feel like I haven’t worked in several years. I exercise for a living and I serve others and it makes me feel great.

Wendy Myers: I love your website I was looking on it; trying to do a little research before we did our interview. It’s really great site and I’m amazed that you’ve got 200,000 followers on Facebook.

Tee Major: Yes. Actually, it’s really cool that’s very recent. I’ve had my Facebook fanpage up for a while but if you keep doing the right things continuously that is when success comes. And I’ve been very blessed to have people pay attention and give me the ability to serve others. So I’m excited about it and the future’s gonna be bright. It’s cool!

Leigh Lowery: Awesome! You know I wanted to just say from my standpoint and tell the audience a little bit about how I know you. So we talked a little bit in the intro about how Tee did a 44 body weight exercises video. That was released on my birthday which is the funniest part in 2012 and I saw this video and I was just like, I was sickened at the inhuman freaking abilities of this man.

Wendy Myers: Ha ha.

Leigh Lowery: It made me crazy! Sometimes you need pictures, sometimes you need videos, sometimes you need a theme song to walk into the gym and give you that motivation. This video literally got me so hyped. I think I watched it 500,000 thousand times. And I showed my trainer and I’m like, “I wanna do this”. “This is where I wanna be”. And it was so crazy because I immediately signed up for Tee’s Facebook and I was getting updates and I saw one day on there that he was having women. He was championing women and asking them “Hey, if you think  you have a great 44 body weight exercises video I wanna see you do this, it’s close to this exercises or make up your own 44 body weight exercises” really open about what the contest was gonna look like. And I had one week until the deadline, so I decided “Okay I’m gonna do it.” I created that video and made up the exercises and I submitted it and I won his contest. So that’s how we originally got to know each other.

Tee Major: Yeah.

Leigh Lowery: He’s my inspiration and mentor into championing me into fitness. But then, the coolest thing happened and we kept in contact and recently he was just here in Los Angeles.

Tee Major: Sunny L.A. baby! I love, love, love going to Los Angeles, and it’s the location that you have to be if you want to connect with really successful people in the industry. Really intelligent, smart people in the industry and I had a blast this time. I was only supposed to stay for 2 or 3 days and ended up staying up for a week. Almost a week and half.

Leigh Lowery: It’s so awesome.

Wendy Myers: Where are you right now Tee?

Tee Major: I’m back in Houston visiting family. This is where I was born and raised. This is where I call home. And I just worked out before you got on the phone here. So, I am at the University of Houston Stadium and I popped over to watch the college team the Cougars and their batting practice. If you can hear in my background, just killing these balls over here.

Wendy Myers: I was wondering what that noise was. Ha ha.

Tee Major: Any chance I get to watch somebody be athletic, I jump at it.

10:20 The Dynamic warm up and the benefits

Leigh Lowery: That’s so cool! We’re glad to have you and we’re glad to have you out there watching guys hit that ball hard. You know, when you are here one of the things that was so cool is we got to work out together. We went over the Golds’ in Venice, you know the “mecca” of bodybuilding. We did a little different thing. I was kind of like “Tee lead the way”. Although we’re both trainers. His style of training is so unique. It was funny when he came in, I had a knee injury which I thought was probably a tear and he asked me to do, looked at my leg and we talked about the pain I was feeling and he said “You know what Leigh I think this could be muscular” what I want you to do is my dynamic warm up first and let’s see how you feel. It was crazy! I’ve done his dynamic warm up now almost every chance I’ve had since he left to exercise and my knee is completely fine. It was really, it was a stretching technique. So, Tee I really want to start by asking you to tell our audience a little bit about your dynamic warm up and the benefits that it has for people.

Tee Major: That’s great to hear Leigh. I’m very happy about that, that your knees are feeling better. But more often than not a lot of the issues people have with their knees or with their lower back pain, or with their hips.  Often time that’s muscular. You know one of the first things I ask people when they come to me and I say “Hey, I’m having back pain”. I can’t do this work out because I have a knee injury, and I say “Well what caused your knee injury?” and usually they’re like “I don’t know, it just kinda happened one day. And I’m like “You weren’t in an accident? You weren’t doing any athletic movement, Nothing?”. “No! It just happened, it just came to me”.

Wendy Myers: That’s me! Haha

Tee Major: Usually that’s a good indicator that there’s some sort of movement pattern or muscular imbalance that’s causing knee pain. Just like when I looked at Leigh and I started to look at the way she was moving and what’s going on. That’s the usually the first step with a lot of my training partners.  The dynamic warm up was something that I created because in order to prep for the work outs that I put together or prep for any type of work out, you need to properly warm up. So, the dynamic warm up is a movement prep mobility/flexibility workout before you even get engaged into your work out.  And it loosens up the hips, it opens you up, it gets you moving and warmed up properly so that you don’t injure yourself during the actual workout. And not to mention, it is pretty good cardio workout too. Right Leigh?

Leigh Lowery: Oh my gosh! I was like sweating bullets, this is more cardio that I’ve ever done. I usually jump on, like on an elliptical or some other format of cardio machine and I look at Tee, I said, do you want to go on an elliptical and he said “Oh no! You’re gonna do my dynamic warm up with me”. And it really was more intense, my heart rate was up and it really did get me opened up so that I can squat properly and it was awesome! I don’t now do an exercise or start my training without it. It’s awesome and it’s available also in your 90 day program that you’ve created, the BW44. Is that right?

Tee Major:  Yeah. It comes as a bonus, but also because I felt it was completely necessary to include it in there. You know, for me it’s impossible to envision completing a workout successfully without properly warming up. So I definitely included it in my BW44, if you see it I actually perform it with my training mask on the elevation training mask.  Just because it’s about 20 minutes long if you really get good at it. If you do it at a fast pace, you can actually shorten it down to 15 minutes. 15 minutes of some vigorous cardio plus the elevation training mask and you end up burning so many calories, and end up sweating balls so much.

Leigh Lowery: Ha ha.

Tee Major: I don’t really do cardio per se cardio exercise you know. I take my heart rate up, I get intense before and then I hit the rest of my work out.

14:22 The training mask and its function

Leigh Lowery: I saw that mask, I mean that mask from my standpoint, it also makes you look really tough. I’d like to wear that mask just around generally to the grocery store and other places to see what people think. Ha ha.

Tee Major: I’ll just send you one for free.

Wendy Myers: Is that a silence of the lambs mask? Ha ha.

Leigh Lowery: It kinda looks like you’re going into a toxic area that you can’t… I mean you just look so freaking tough.

Tee Major: A lot of people call it the Bane mask, that you look like Bane from Batman.

Leigh Lowery: Ha ha.

Tee Major: It’s like a neo-print sleeve that has velcros in the back and there’s a rubber mask in the front so it covers your nose and your mouth, it’s awesome! You should check them out on my website and take a look at it. It’s one of my essential pieces of equipment. I use it everyday.

Wendy Myers: What does it do? How does it function?

Tee Major: There’s valves in the masks that basically, restrict the amount of oxygen that you intake in your lungs. It’s called an elevation training mask, it doesn’t simulate training at high altitude because of course you would have to actually send the oxygen to do that. But what it does is it restrict the air flow to your lungs, so that while you’re breathing you actually have to work your lungs and your diaphragm have to work harder to pull the oxygen into your lungs so that your oxygen uptake increases. So take the mask on, running, jogging, whatever you maybe doing, you’re taking more oxygen into your lungs. More oxygen means increased blood flow, increased blood flow means increased cardio capacity and you can train longer and harder, less muscle fatigue. So there are a lot of benefits to wearing the mask. I don’t wear it often,  I  wear it during my warm up and I wear it during some of my cardio where I’m doing maybe some pitch training or some circuit training. But that’s enough, I train at 12,000 feet and it kicks my ass.

Wendy Myers: I had no idea such a thing existed.

Leigh Lowery: Oh, we will be wearing them Wendy. If I could train you, I can’t wait to video that.

Wendy Myers: It’s gonna be really funny, let me tell you.

16:36 The 90 day program, BW44 and Kaizen Fitness Method

Leigh Lowery: Oh my gosh. It’s so awesome! So okay, Tee tell me a little bit about the 90 day program. BW44 and your Kaizen clean eating. Tell me what that means and what it’s all about.

Tee Major: BW44 stands for Body Weight 44 or could be Biss Workout 44 or whatever name you want assign to it. The bottom line is it’s probably the most intense workout that’s out there. It’s also the most complete workout that’s out there. I’ve looked at a lot of materials.  I’ve tried a lot of programs. I’ve completed a lot of programs. And this program, a lot of the training partners that I have and a lot of people that have purchased the program have said that honestly they don’t need anything else, because it covers A-Z. There’s a dynamic warm up right in the beginning, you have your weight training, you have body weight training exercises and missions.

You have a calendar that tells you exactly when to do it. There’s a Kaizen clean eating nutritional manual that tells you how to clean up your diet, grocery list, how to shop, what vegetables to eat, it’s top to bottom everything you need. I even include spin workouts, mobility workouts and there’s a rest and recovery week included in the program. You don’t have to ask a question, you don’t have to think for 90 days. I’m there for you, I’m your personal trainer. Everything is linked of course to my social media, my email. So it’s the closest thing that, actually training right next to me side by side. I really enjoyed putting this program together because I knew there was nothing out there like it. And it was exactly the way that I was training, up until actually releasing the program. So this is 100% the way I train and everything I was doing, leading up into performing the 44 best body weight exercises ever. And I think that’s what everybody wanted. Just like you said.

18:30 The dragon walk

Leigh Lowery: No, there’s a lot of people I know when I saw the video I thought, I’m not there yet. How do I get there? So it’s really great that you’re giving people manual, I actually did day no. 32 yesterday with two guys at my gym, with the dragon walk and it was intense man. I’ve worked out legs already and I got swooped in to all these people who have picked up the BW44 manual and they were on day 32, so I’ll just killed it with them. And I got to tell you, it was just super intense and I felt I got that cardio plus my body weight exercise in at the same time and just a full workout. It was awesome!

Tee Major: How killer are those dragon walks man?

Leigh Lowery: Oh my gosh, their awesome! Again, I’m all about looking really strong. They’re tough, they look tough, they feel tough, and they just work all parts: your abs, in your arms, and your legs, it’s just intense. So, great!

Tee Major: Yeah. One of my favorite exercises.

19:27 Tee’s advice for the starter in fitness journey

Leigh Lowery: You know Tee like I started my fitness path in 2011 and I know Wendy’s been on and off in her fitness journey as well. We have a lot of people who are new to fitness. Do you have any advice? What is the first thing you think of to tell somebody who is just getting started today into their fitness journey?

Tee Major: If you’re just getting started or if you’re gonna plan your own workouts I would start with body weight training honestly, you know. I tell my training partners why would you load up a bar or load your body up if you can’t even control your own body and you haven’t mastered your own body. So I like to start people off with body weight training and as you know it can be really difficult, depending on the resistance or the leverage that you use with your own body weight. So I like to train people or I like to advice people to start with body weight activities. Get your heart in shape right, to get your cardio together. Get used to getting into your routine, it takes 3 weeks at least to say that this is a habit of going to the gym.  So that’s the metal aspect of it, that you’re consistent. And make sure you have a program and a plan in place that you can follow. Because I think the number one reason of failure that people don’t reach their goals is consistency.

So having a program and a plan in place is I think step no. 1, ensuring that you are mastering your body weight. If you’re gonna go to a trainer, and if you just start now and you’re gonna choose a trainer. Choose a trainer that practices what they preach. We have global gyms out there that people honestly can get hired on with a simple certification that they picked up online.  You know, choose a trainer that their body resembles made with the body type that you desire or somebody that actually trains with you. When I was training Troops out in Kurdistan, I worked out with them twice a day I’m doing the complete workout. And I think that’s why my attendance rate was so high, and that’s why we got the results. Because they looked at me sweating and grinding it out, in front of the class and they know, this guy’s practices what he preaches. He does this stuff and look at him.

Leigh Lowery: Absolutely, I like what you said about starting with body weight. I think it’s really important that we teach people to build up those muscle fibers. The things that are underneath those big biceps at times are so important and really help you from injuries. That’s super important to make sure that you can control your own body weight like you said. I absolutely couldn’t agree with you more.So, everybody’s got a little bit of bad in them. We all got that little thing. I have a cupcake problem at times. I don’t know about you, so I like to find out with my fittest friends, what’s your food or do you have a beverage that is a weakness that is your go-to?

Tee Major: What is this word weakness? I don’t understand. Ha ha.

Leigh Lowery: Ha ha I speak no weakness.

Tee Major: No, if I have anything is I enjoy a drink with my friends, I enjoy a drink with my buddies. I’m not a big sweets guy. I don’t do cookies, cakes, that type of thing, that’s never really been a weakness of mine. But I enjoy a nice scotch with the buddies.

23:02 Tee’s day off

Leigh Lowery: Yup, you had a couple of scotches when you here in LA. Ha ha. Now that we know that you have no weaknesses, that’s good. Tell me about rest. One of the things that I realized that’s super important is rest. What is your take on? Do you take days off? Do you rest and how many days a week do you rest? What is your schedule look like?

Tee Major: What does days off mean? Haha

Leigh Lowery: Haha.

Tee Major: Absolutely, rest and recovery is essential. It depends on your training style, it depends on what you’re doing. For me personally I mean, let’s take this last position I was in, for example with the military in Kurdistan I went , the troops were coming in 6 months rotations. So I would get a new group every 6 months and we would go 5 weeks to 6 weeks before we have a rest and recovery week. I would push you to 6 weeks depending on how they looked and how they felt. It’s tough when you have a group of about 50, you gotta gauge it. As a trainer you’ve got to gauge it, you have to ask “How do you guys feel?” Do your joins hurt, do your knees hurt. Are you fatigued? Is it tough for you to get up in the morning? Are you still motivated for these workouts?

And I collectively gather all that information. And say “Okay, it’s time for rest and recovery. And because I’m working out with them I gauge how I feel personally and if I’m getting burnt out I’ll say “You know what? It’s time to take a break. And it’s okay, you don’t really take-off take-off. You just swish the workout and the routine off so it is not as high impact that is not as bruising and beat you up. And that’s why in the BW44 that’s why we do the spin, the yoga. Because you’re still working out, you’re still active, you’re still burn calories but it’s not the same type of high intensity workout.   

Leigh Lowery: You’re not ripping up those muscles as much. So, yeah absolutely.

Wendy Myers: So do you take a day off of rest like do you take Sunday off? Or you’re just going straight through for five to six weeks and then taking a week off?

Tee Major: Yeah. Typically I go or do something everyday. I am not really training for a sport or I’m not really killing myself, but I work hard. I feel like at this age and at this level of fitness. I can push everyday, that’s what I do. That’s right for me though, that doesn’t mean it is right for everybody. I encourage you to take a day off, but like I said it depends on your training. If you’re just doing traditional weight training, maybe a 3 days lift, bice and thrice, back and bice, legs and shoulders for example, then you should take a day off and then hit that routine again so that you’re filling up your 6 to 7 days a week cycle.

But it all depends; some people recover faster than others, some people are in better shape. But rest and recovery is important, not necessary taking days off. I think they’re two different things. But rest and recovery is definitely important you should be sleeping, trying to get your 8 hours at night and recovery should include swishing the workouts out to you get your muscles some sort of change from your current routine.

Wendy Myers: I agree. I highly value rest and recovery. Ha ha. I am the queen of rest and recovery. I just do my little Pilates 2 days a week and I am resting rest of the time. But I’m hoping to increase it soon with Leigh’s help of course.

Leigh Lowery: Oh yes. This gonna be this year, we’re gonna be doing whipping Wendy into mega shape this year.

Tee Major: Haha. You’ve gotta bring your A-game.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I wanna have some really good before and after photos. Ha ha.

Tee Major: With a high energy man, I met Leigh and right off the bat I went from an 8 to a 12. I was like, “Oh my God! Here we go”. Haha

26:57 What is the most pressing health issue in a world today?

Wendy Myers: So Tee, we have a question we’d like to ask all of our guests. What in your opinion is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Tee Major: Obviously we have an obesity epidemic that’s going on. It’s crazy, because I’ve been overseas for a while and I travel, fly frequently. And I don’t know if American’s really know, but the rest of the world does not look like us. We have a lot of in-shape individuals here? Yes. We have skinny, like not obese individuals, but because we are not properly taught nutrition in school or as we grow, it’s a serious problem. I think we’re getting a lot better and I think the President and the First Lady, their initiative into cleaning up food and school systems and their public service in terms of nutrition and educating the public, they’re doing a great job. But it’s still a big problem. We’re trying to reverse 50 years of bad nasty eating and capitalism just causing this vicious cycle of health problems.

So, you know that’s the major no. 1 problem but in training I think that we have a lot of, what I see is a lot of lower back pain and a lot of knee pain. And it is because we have jobs that are very sedentary. A lot of people are seating for long periods of time. So I hear all the time “my lower back, my lower back” it is because people are sitting. Their hips are shortened and they have tight glutes or their glutes don’t activate at all which causes lower back pain and lower back problems. I think a lot of trainers will agree with me, we are having to correct a lot of knee pain and a lot of lower back issues that are going on with people that are actually getting active and doing something about their weight issues. Between those two things we’ve got a long road ahead of this but there’s hope, I have hope.

Leigh Lowery:  You know Tee there’s so much going on with you; I know that from you being here. Tell our audience a little bit about your goals, things that are coming up for you, videos, records you’re gonna break, things like that.

Tee Major: Oh men, there’s so much to do, so little time. How early do I wake up. I feel like the day is still not long enough. But let’s see, I currently found out, I was just surfing the Internet, browsing but there’s a guy in Australia in 2010 that set the muscle up record, it’s at 25. I feel that I can break it, I feel that I can do it. So I’m currently training to break the muscle-up record, the Guinness book of record’s muscle-up record.

Leigh Lowery: That’s what I’m talking about.

Wendy Myers: Haha. I like the sound of that record.

Tee Major: How many people do you know that have a Guinness Book record?

Leigh Lowery: None.

Tee Major: Well, you will soon know one. I don’t know how soon but you will soon know one.

Wendy Myers: My husband holds the record for eating the most Doritos. Ha ha ha.

30:21 Tee’s mini retirement

Leigh Lowery: Are you gonna be here locally, do you have any plans to be outside of Houston. Where you going next?

Tee Major: From here, I’m gonna take, I call it a mini retirement, to Thailand, to kind of soak up some sun and enjoy some beach. I don’t feel like I need a reward. But I was over there in Kurdistan for 18 months, training very hard. What I’m gonna do now is take everything that I’ve learned, and everything I’ve done. And I’m gonna write another manual to put into my store, to the public. And I’m gonna write a lot of free programs, I’m gonna put together a lot of free videos for Tee Major fitness and I’m very excited about that stuff. I’m working with a lot of really cool companies like Isocore to build some manuals and put some things out there for them.

I wanna shoot a DVD in the future, I’m thinking about shooting it in Thailand if I can find a cool enough location if not then that will be the next project that I’ll set my sights to. And then from there I’m actually moving to China full time because I’m gonna be building Tee Major Fitness from there remotely. I have another start up that I’m gonna be working on, that’s fitness related. I can’t give too much information right now but it’s gonna be cool too, it’s gonna tie into Tee Major Fitness. Everything that I do is just so that I can serve other people and we can reach our goal of serving over one million people. I’m like the new McDonalds “served over one million”.

Leigh Lowery: That’s wonderful. As I discussed earlier in the Podcast you are a fit fit man and you’re a model, and I know a lot of the ladies out there wants to know the personal question: are you a single guy?

Tee Major: Haha. Yeah actually I am right now. Not by choice but just because I’m moving, like I said I was in Kurdistan, I would be in Thailand, I’m gonna be in China. You know I feel like anything worth doing is worth doing 1000%. So if I wanna be in a relationship, I’m gonna want do it the right way and spend time and really enjoy. Right now, I’m focused on my business and building it the right way so that I can eventually share it with somebody.

Leigh Lowery:  So some lady’s gonna have to fly to China to come and get you. Haha

Tee Major: That’s right. Haha. Show some initiative. Ha ha

Leigh Lowery: Wearing a mask. You better be wearing a mask.

Tee Major: Yeah. She’ll walk to China with a training mask on?

Leigh Lowery: That’s right. Then you know you found your wife!

Wendy Myers: You’re gonna fit right in because everyone in there are wearing masks.

Tee Major: Oh men. Ha ha

33:10 Where they can find Tee’s BW44 program?

Leigh Lowery: So, one more time tell our listeners where they can find you and where they can find your BW44 program?

Tee Major: Yup, I’m at My BW44 program is at Everything is linked if you just google search me you’ll find the program.

Leigh Lowery: Awesome! This is gonna get sappy. Just so you know, I love this man. He is wonderful, I respect him. He has taught me so much. I absolutely would champion anything he does he’s amazing and a good friend and a mentor. And if you have not seen that body weight video that made me insane. Trust me when I say that you have got to go on. It’s on YouTube, it’s got 7 million hits, so if you haven’t seen then I’m surprised. But it will just hype you up and then you can obviously do his BW44 program and get yourself to that level. So I just want you to know that I love you death. I think you are wonderful and I’m so proud of the accomplishments in your life.

Tee Major: Thank you so much. You know what?, it wasn’t even a close competition after you submitted your video and I’m so impressed with everything that you did physically, you’re even a more impressive person like inside so. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you too and I’m pumped for your future and everything that you’re doing and it’s cool now you’re doing the podcast!

Wendy Myers: Oh yeah. We’re gonna get serious this year.

Tee Major: You guys have such a wealth of knowledge and you guys are gonna make waves. I’m pumped for you man. I’m gonna tune in and subscribe. I’m gonna encourage all my public to do the same.

Leigh Lowery: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much Tee. And I have to say I love your name. It’s the perfect name for a fitness trainer or a coach or someone who’s training people in the military.

Tee Major: I got lucky right. My father’s name is Thomas Major. I’m Thomas Major II and I don’t know like people ask me all the time like how did you come up with that? and I’m like….

Wendy Myers: It’s seems that you could’ve made it up because it’s so perfect. Because whenever I’ve had a trainer I wanted someone with a commando-style of training because I really need to be whipped shamelessly and so I love your name. It’s perfect.

Tee Major: Cool! Thank you so much.

Wendy Myers: Where can people find you on social media?

Tee Major: I’m on Facebook at Tee Major Fitness. I’m on Twitter @tee_major, I’m on Pinterest as well @ Tee Major Fitness, I’m on Instagram. Everything is Tee Major or Tee Major Fitness. I’m pretty easy to find. My website has links to all my social media so does my store. I’m all over the place.

Wendy Myers: Oh great Tee. Thank you so much for being on the show. It was so great to have you.

Tee Major: Thanks again girls. It was my pleasure.

Leigh Lowery: And if you want to learn about me the General Leigh, obviously you can go to my website which is You can find me on Instagram at genleigh. You can also find me on my YouTube channel, where my 44 body weight exercise video is and that’s under my full name which is Leigh Lowery. Or you can just Google me at General Leigh and you’ll typically be able to find me pretty easy as well. And if you like what you’ve heard on the show today, please give the Live to 110 podcast a review on iTunes. We really need the reviews and we absolutely love them. So thank you.

Wendy Myers: Please take 2 minutes of your time today and go leave us a nice review not a scathing review–a good review. And if you wanna learn how to do a real detox, not a 10- day detox in a box with Nutritional Balancing, you can find me on You can also follow me on Facebook and twitter @ Iwillliveto110. And you can also find me on Instagram and Pinterest at liveto110. So thanks so much today for tuning in and remember Rome was not built in a day. Many of you start out working on your fitness and get frustrated when you don’t see results right away. Incorporate the Kaizen method and way of thinking and take it one step at a time. You’ve got to think in terms of continuous improvement not immediate results. So thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 podcast.

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