Do you suffer from EMF toxicity? How to know and what to do about it


If you are working to recover from a chronic health condition, you’re probably aware of detoxes, special diets, and fighting bacteria, fungi, and parasites — but did you know EMF toxicity is dramatically affecting your health too? 

What you will learn in this article: 

  • EMFs affect our health because we are electric and energetic organisms.
  • The earth generates healthy EMFs that are drowned out by man-made EMFs, pave roads and sidewalks, and buildings.
  • EMFs are proven to be linked to a number of health disorders and symptoms.
  • There are two types of EMFs, non-ionizing and ionizing. 
  • Cell phones, computers, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. are non-ionizing forms of EMFs. Conventional experts dismiss health concerns because non-ionizing forms are not as strong as ionizing. However, researchers say the effects are cumulative, not acute. Over time they harm us. 
  • Cell phones have been linked to numerous kinds of cancers; studies must look at long-term usage to be accurate.
  • The rollout of 5G is causing controversy because it uses a much higher frequency than 4G and involves the installation of considerably more antennae. Cities around the globe are banning 5G, which has not been tested for safety by mobile companies.
  • Many people experience symptoms when a smart meter is used in their home, including insomnia, headaches, tinnitus, lethargy, and cognitive issues. 
  • Some people are more sensitive than others to EMFs. Genetics can play a role, as well as having chronic health disorders.
  • You must use a few EMF safety strategies to best protect your health and that of your family.

EMF stands for electromagnetic field and is the term used to describe the cellular, wireless, microwave, and electrical fields we are exposed to these days at unprecedented levels in human history. 

EMFs are emitted from cell phones, computers, microwaves, smart appliances, wireless internet, cell phone towers, electric poles, electric smart meters, satellites and more. 

Most people, including regulatory agencies who are supposed to protect our health, do not pay attention to the science regarding the health risks of EMFs and it’s common for people to be gaslighted if they express concern.

However, the truth is that many people, especially people with chronic health conditions, are very sensitive to EMFs. And studies show that even if you don’t notice the effects, EMFs are definitely impacting your health.

This is especially concerning as 5G wireless increasingly reaches across the country and “smart” meters continue to be added to more homes. 

How we become EMF toxic

We can’t see them, smell them, or feel them, so how can EMFs be harmful to us? Although extremely sensitive people can feel EMFs, most people don’t take the issue seriously because EMFs are invisible. 

The first thing to understand is that the body is a very electric organism (1). The heart, brain, and many cellular and metabolic processes operate through electrical charges (2). In fact, healthy function of these operations depends on part on natural and healthy EMFs generated by the earth (the Schumann resonance), the atmosphere, and the sun (3). This is one reason people feel so much better when they spend time in nature away from cities and buildings. 

However, these natural, beneficial EMFs are blocked and drowned out in our modern environments by pavement, buildings, and an ever present bombardment of various types of EMFs. 

As a result, our own delicate electrical processes lose their synchronicity with natural EMFs and instead become overwhelmed by man-made ones.

Thus, our body breaks down in its natural function and natural ways that is communicates. And symptoms begin to emerge. 

EMF toxicity symptoms

Research has irrefutably linked EMFs with cancer, heart irregularities, sleep difficulties, inflammation, and more. Because symptoms can vary from person to person and resemble symptoms of other health disorders, it can be hard to identify EMF-related toxicity. 

However, here are a few health disorders that have been linked to EMFs (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13):

  • Insomnia 
  • Cancer
  • Poor childhood development
  • Dysregulated cellular function
  • Poor brain function
  • Male infertility
  • Female infertility
  • Heart stress

People who experience obvious symptoms in the presence of EMF exposure report fatigue, brain fog, poor focus and concentration, dizziness, irritability, mood issues, skin burning and tingling, and appetite loss. 

Are some EMFs more dangerous than others?

When we say “EMFs,” we are referring to a big spectrum of sources with varying frequencies.

There are two types of EMFs (14):

Non-ionizing: These have low to medium frequencies and include WiFi networks, cell phones, computers, Bluetooth, microwave ovens, smart meters, and power lines.

Ionizing: These are medium to high frequency and include ultraviolet light (tanning beds), sunlight, X-rays, and gamma rays.

EMF safety and research is controversial because exposure to low-ionizing sources such as cell phones does not cause immediate effects except in the most sensitive. However, it is believed the negative effects are cumulative over time. 

Much of the research showing EMFs are safe are short term studies with ionizing radiation emitting devices. Thus, the telecommunications industry has published this faulty, biased research in major news publications – that cell phones and other forms of WiFi are perfectly safe and do not cause harm to the public’s health – fooling regulatory agencies as well as the largely ignorant masses.   

Cell Phones and Cancer

We can’t live without them anymore, but the technological marvel of cell phones comes with a dark side for human health.

The link between cell phones and cancer is especially solid, with numerous studies linking cell phones to cancers in the brain, breasts, skin, thyroid, and multiple other sites (15). The incidences of these cancers has risen in proportion to the increasing use of cell phones, and women are more vulnerable. 

The extent of usage matters, and studies that look at short-term use miss the boat in evaluating risk (16).

5G and Smart Meters 

Cell phones are the first consideration for EMF toxicity because we use them so heavily, but other sources of EMF toxicity are also a concern:

5G: You may have noticed some controversy around 5G. What specifically are the concerns?

In essence, 5G is a faster version of 4G, the mobile telecommunications service that allows us to access the internet on our phones. 5G uses a higher-frequency wireless band so data can be transferred more quickly. However, it can’t reach as far so it will need more antennas closer together — every two to ten homes in neighborhoods for example (17). 

Experts cite the demand of cell phone usage that has tripled in the last three years. However, detractors cite numerous health risks so profound that some European and US cities cities are banning the introduction of 5G, the most notable being Brussels because 5G exceeds current radiation guidelines. 

Sadly, there were no safety studies on the effects of 5G on human health before the roll out began, even though it operates at a higher frequency. In fact, it uses the same frequency as a military weapon that produces extreme pain in subjects when the frequency is targeted on a specific point (18).

Smart meters: Smart meters, wireless meter readers, have received significant public backlash because of the symptoms many people have experienced after they were installed (19). Smart meters exceed FCC radiation limits and the symptoms most commonly reported after smart meters installation are insomnia, headaches, tinnitus, lethargy, and cognitive issues (20). People have even developed brain tumors if the smart meter is in the same room as where they sleep.

Why Some People are More Sensitive Than Others to EMFs

It’s not uncommon to see people with more fragile health conditions become noticeably sensitive to EMFs. Their immune systems are so dysfunctional and hyper vigilant that they begin reacting to multiple things, including foods, chemicals, metals, and EMFs. For these folks, a comprehensive strategy to protect themselves from EMF is imperative.

However, there are others who seem completely healthy and normal who start reacting to EMFs so severely that they must move to a low EMF area in order to recover.

Not surprisingly, many of these people are continually gaslighted by doctors and the people in their lives, accused of being conspiracy theorists or hypochondriacs.

But a 2017 study showed brain differences in people with EMF sensitivities compared to subjects who showed no symptoms (21). These brain changes were similar to what is seen in people impacted by neurotoxic chemicals. Also, the vast majority of sufferers are women. 

How to Protect Yourself from EMFs

It’s impossible to live and participate in the modern world without exposing yourself to significant amounts of EMF frequencies. 

However, there are some measures you can take to help buffer your body and protect your cells to recover from overexposure.

Don’t carry your cell phone on your body. Even package inserts with new cell phones warn you not to carry your phone on your body due to radiation and cancer concerns (22). For the same reason, do not put the phone to your head when you talk. Use the speaker or EMF-free headphones.

Put your phone on airplane mode as much as possible. If you don’t need it, put it on airplane mode to reduce your exposure.

Consider moving if you live near power lines or cell towers. This is hard but if you are near big power lines, a cell tower, a generator station, a radio station, electric train tracks you may want to move. This is what I did! I sold my house because I had a huge pole and power lines in my backyard that fed the entire neighborhood.

Also check if your home has a smart meter and consider shielding it. Some apartment complexes put all the smart meters outside one apartment’s wall. If that wall is yours, you may want to move. 

Reduce EMF exposure in your home. To reduce exposure in your home, consider working on your computer wired versus WiFi, turn off your router at night, don’t sleep near the circuit breaker or large appliances.

Schedule EMF-free time on your calendar. Choose some time on a regular basis where you unplug and go off grid — no phones, no computers, and no Bluetooth. For optimal results, get into nature where there is no cell service. 

Ground yourself in nature. Grounding means giving your body a negative charge. You need to schedule regular time in the outdoors in order to help your body ground and detox from EMFs. If possible, get into an area with no service, spend some time walking with bare feet and swim in the ocean.

Studies show time in nature and healthy socialization are great for your health (23, 24). It’s all those negatively charged ions that counter the effect of EMFs making your body positively charged. 

Wear a personal EMF protector. There are many EMF protection devices on the market today. Devices for your cell phone, computer, personal space, electric meter covers and even devices that protect your entire home. But what do you do when you leave your home? What do you do when you are at work or doing errands?

A personal EMF protector that travels with you everywhere is the ideal solution for EMF protection.

I recommend what I wear – a Harmoni EMF Pendant.

Readings with an EMF meter prove a Harmoni EMF Pendant protects from EMFs. This was the case at a recent Paleo FX conference where dozens of people wearing a Harmoni EMF Pendant tested zero on an EMF meter compared to those who weren’t. 

You can learn more in this video with James Goren, who discovered this phenomenon.

The Harmoni EMF Pendant was originally designed to harmonize and correct the body’s energy field, electrical frequencies, and energetic pathways. It works so well it’s worn by many professional athletes and health celebrities (and yours truly!).

However, it turns out the pendant’s unique properties also convert harmful man-made EMFs that come into the body’s energy field into gentler and more harmonious frequencies. This aids in protecting your body from the damage caused by EMF’s (and all the symptoms that come with this harmful exposure).  

Although you want to reduce your exposure to EMFs as much as possible, the truth is completely isolating yourself from them is not possible for most of us. However, by protecting yourself, you may be able to reduce the impact of EMFs on your cell function, brain health, and overall well-being.

My Biggest Concern with EMF – Inaction

My biggest concern about the symptoms of EMF toxicity is that they are difficult to attribute to EMF exposure. So many of the symptoms of EMF toxicity are mistakenly attributed to getting old, poor diet, lack of exercise, poor lifestyle or other causes. Most people and their health care providers will never suspect EMF.

We are much more aware of effects that occur rapidly than those that take months or years before they become readily apparent. Any many of the effects of EMF set on slowly and gradually.

Additionally, false assurances of safety on the part of the telecommunications industry are likely to lead to much more severe effects for people exposed to WiFi or other EMFs on a long-term basis.  Rather than being warned of the dangers, leading them to protect themselves and their children from exposures, they are likely to avoid protective changes or even be prevented from implementing protective changes.

And even when health conscious individuals are aware of the dangers, many do nothing…for years. They eat a healthy diet, take lots of supplements, get in the sun, exercise and do their detox. But many simply don’t take action on doing something about EMF protection. This was me for years. I know I needed to do something. I just didn’t know what to do and didn’t take the time to figure out the best protective measures.

I assure you EMF protection is one of the most basic things you must address to be healthy. And this will become even more of an issue as 5G rolls out in more cities and stronger forms of EMF are unleashed into our environment.

The entire biosphere of this planet is about to be blanketed with over 20,000 high frequency radiation emitting satellites, starting with SpaceX‘s  launching of 4,425 satellite into orbit within the next few years. (25)

There is Nowhere to Hide from 5G Radiation

Today, it is possible to live in a location that is far from cell phone towers and has reduced levels of EMF exposure. Many people move to the country expressly for this purpose.

However, in the near future, it won’t matter where we live, because 5G satellites will irradiate us wherever we happen to live or work.

I’m very concerned about the health crisis we will see on this planet as these plans come to fruition.

The bottom line is this:

Your body must be negatively charged for it to work correctly. And EMFs make your body positively charged.

Don’t wait to take action!! Take the steps I recommend in this article to protect your health from harmful EMF today.



Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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