EMF-Emitting Satellites: What You Need to Know


Every month Elon Musk and other companies are launching satellites into Earth’s atmosphere. In August 2020 alone, 180 Starlink satellites were launched by Elon Musk. Over the next few years 100,000 high frequency EMF-emitting satellites will blanket the Earth in a terrifying amount of EMF unprecedented in human history.

We have no idea what the result will be on human health. Or life on this planet. How will this affect the bees? The birds and other animals? 

I wanted to write about this looming health disaster and what this means for you. And some ways that you and your family can protect yourself. 

If you take a look around your home you could likely spot at least five sources of EMF without straining a muscle. Your phone, laptop, WiFi, microwave, Smart TV, and the list goes on. 

While many people are well aware of the sources of EMF in their immediate environment, and may even be taking measures to mitigate their impact, there’s a new dangerous hidden source of EMF that most people don’t even consider — satellites.

Your EMF meter won’t pick up on these high frequencies either because they’re in the 60Ghz range. 

What makes the EMFs from satellites so disturbing is not only the powerful radiation that they give off, but the impact that they could have on the atmosphere, animals and insects that protects our earth and keeps life thriving on this planet.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Who is launching these satellites and why
  • The known dangers of EMFs
  • How these satellites are impacting our atmosphere
  • Why we are not safe from the impact on earth
  • The most effective way to combat this looming danger

The Danger of EMFs To Your Health and Wellbeing

EMFs are frequencies that can interact with the natural frequencies emitted by your body and cause disruption to your body on a cellular level. 

Whether you’re aware of it or not, your body has an energy field surrounding it called your biofield. This field of energy is intimately tied to the energetic and electrical movement in your body. While it may sound woo woo, the human biofield is actually a scientifically understood concept, and has, in fact, been recognized as an inroads to healing the body for thousands of years[1].

When EMF radiation disrupts the frequencies emitted by your body it can cause disturbance and imbalances, which for many people show up as a myriad of symptoms. 

Some side effects associated with EMF include:

  • Headache
  • Difficult concentrating
  • Brain fog
  • Tinnitus (ringing in ears)
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of memory
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Mood issues
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities
  • Stress / panic
  • Irritability 
  • Low mood
  • Muscle pain
  • Itchy, burning sensations

Due to the fact that EMFs don’t simply target one part of your body, but your biofield in general, the symptoms that result can span a range of bodily systems. However, the brain, brain waves and the central nervous system, which is highly electric, is often the most severely impacted. 

Who is launching these satellites and why?

You may be wondering where these troves of satellites are coming form, and what exactly they’re doing in our airspace? The vast majority of these high EMF-emitting satellites in space are being used to enhance internet speed, video surveillance and communication here on earth. 

So, who’s responsible for this drastic influx in satellites? There are several companies that are launching into space, but the top four players include:


Starlink, which is a satellite internet constellation constructed by SpaceX (founded by Elon Musk), launched 57 more satellites into space on Friday August 7th. This brings Starlinks satellite tally up to 595 currently. However, they are nowhere near complete with their plans to populate the sky. 

Musk explained that they will need between 400 to 800 satellites in orbit to begin rollout of their coverage, which is meant to provide customers with high-speed, low-latency internet.

What’s more, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted SpaceX approval to launch as many as 12,000 Starlink satellites to low Earth orbit, with another application for 30,000 more pending[2][3].  


OneWeb is a satellite-broadband company that’s based in the UK. Back in March OneWeb declared bankruptcy, but has since been bailed out by the UK government and Indian telecommunications company Bharti Global. 

In an attempt to compete with SpaceX, OneWeb has applied to the FCC to launch 47,844 satellites. The company already has permission to launch 720 satellites, and if the FCC rules in their favor they will have nine years to launch the additional 47,844 into orbit[4]. 


If you thought Amazon couldn’t take over one more thing, think again. Back in July the FCC granted Amazon’s application to launch 3,236 satellites into space. This project, known as Project Kuiper, is meant to create a mega-constellation of satellites that will orbit earth and provide internet to even the most remote areas of the planet[5]. 


EarthNow is a satellite company backed by Bill Gates that aims to deliver real-time video of the entire planet using satellite technology. That’s right, this company is launching advanced imaging video surveillance satellites which will provide real-time, continuous video of almost anywhere on earth.

Aside from the clear invasion of privacy that this technology will create, the level of EMF radiation that it will take to create a consistent video surveillance of the entire planet is unfathomable. 

The exact number of satellites that EarthNow will need to launch its project has not been shared publicly, but is estimated to begin around 500[6][7]. 

Additional Companies Hoping To Launch Satellites

In addition to these four major satellite companies, there are a handful of small guys that are also hoping to add to the satellite pollution in our atmosphere.

  • Telesat (1,671 satellites)
  • Kepler (360 satellites)
  • Viasat (288 satellites)
  • Mangata Networks (790 satellites) 

The Dangers of Satellites in Our Atmosphere

Due to the fact that this influx of satellites is so new, there isn’t a lot of research just yet that correlates the detrimental effects of EMF from satellites to health issues. This may work in favor of the large organizations that are flooding our skies with satellites at the moment — but there is no doubt that we will begin to see the dangerous side effects sooner rather than later. 

These high-powered devices emit a constant and robust stream of EMF directly onto our planet. If devices like cell phones, Smart TVs, and laptops can disrupt your biofield, imagine what a high-frequency EMF emitting satellite could do? 

The sheer density of the wireless radiation that is proposed is enough to pose serious threats to all life on earth — including human, animal, insect and plant life[8] 

Perhaps equally disturbing is the impact that this influx of satellites will have on our ozone layer. The ozone layer is a crucial component of our stratosphere that absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, protecting life on earth from these dangerous UV rays[9]. 

When satellites are sent into orbit they do so either by riding on a rocket or a space shuttle. The pollution arising from these launches has already been a subject of concern for the ozone layer, and we have yet to see anything like the space pollution that’s yet to come[10]. 

For a little perspective, in 1991 the world averaged about 12 rocket launches per year. With the exponential increase in satellites that we are now seeing, that number will multiply manifold and the subsequent threat to the ozone layer will become ever more imminent[11]. 

Satellite Radiation On Earth?

Some people would like to argue that these satellites are so far away from the planet’s surface that they can’t possibly impact life on earth. It’s first crucial to understand that the entire purpose of these satellites is to impact life on earth through increased internet speeds and surveillance technology. 

Furthermore, the sheer magnitude of EMF that this influx of nearly 100,000 new high-frequency satellites will have is more than enough to cause damage to both our atmosphere and the life on this planet[11].

What You Can Do To Minimize The Effects of EMF Stress

When it comes to minimizing the effects of EMFs emitted from your personal devices, there are several techniques that you can employ. Turning off electronics and WiFi when you’re not using them, putting EMF blocking stickers on or near your devices, using EMF-protection headphones, etc. 

But what are you supposed to do when the source of EMF is outside your control? 

You may not be able to 100% shield your body from EMFs that are pouring down from the sky, but you may be able to mitigate some of the damage by caring for your energy field. 

If the field around your body is your first line of defense against radiation from satellites, it’s your job to ensure that this field remains strong. The best way to do this? A small device called the Harmoni Pendant

The Harmoni Pendant is a necklace that you can wear every day that was designed with the understanding of sacred geometry and electromagnetic frequencies in mind. It works by strengthening your own biofield, and allowing you to support your body against some of the harmful effects of EMFs. 

While the Harmoni Pendant won’t completely shield you from all EMF in your environment, what it does is shift your body’s ability to positively respond and adapt to EMF exposure — curtailing the negative effects of EMF. It minimizes EMF by up to 48%.

Even if your home is low-EMF, once you step out the door you are no longer in control of the frequencies that you’ll come into contact with. Not to mention the frequencies that will soon be radiating from the sky. Wearing a Harmoni Pendant you can rest assured that no matter where you go, you are mitigating these harmful frequencies.


Unfortunately, at this point, it looks like EMF technology isn’t going anywhere. In fact, the projections for the amount of EMFs that will be streaming through your environment are only on the upward trend. 

Renowned neuroscientist Dr. Olle Johanson says, “We have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000X more EMF radiation exposure than 10 years ago.” And this is only going to get worse. 

EMF technology is no longer just a concern in your home, office, and car, now you have to be aware of the EMFs being emitted from space. 

With the launch of nearly 100,000 high-frequency satellites it would be an understatement to say the atmosphere is being flooded with this detrimental technology. 

To help support your body’s biofield, the most impactful thing you can do is to wear a Harmoni Pendant that can help to minimize the effects of EMF stress in your environment. Maintaining the health of your biofield is a crucial aspect of wellbeing, and can make a significant difference in how your body combats the assault from EMF radiation.


  1. Rubik, Beverly, et al. “Biofield science and healing: history, terminology, and concepts.” Global advances in health and medicine 4.1_suppl (2015): gahmj-2015.
  2. https://www.space.com/spacex-starlink-11-satellites-launch-september-2020.html
  3. https://www.space.com/spacex-starlink-launch-rocket-landing.html
  4. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/05/spacex-and-oneweb-seek-licenses-to-launch-78000-broadband-satellites/
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanocallaghan/2020/07/31/amazon-is-going-to-add-3000-more-satellites-into-earths-orbit–and-people-are-not-happy/#7d34ee217628
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/25/bill-gates-backed-earthnow-will-provide-real-time-video-of-planet.html
  7. https://www.newsweek.com/bill-gates-earthnow-satellites-space-images-surveil-world-896096
  8. https://www.electrosensitivity.co/satellite-health-dangers.html
  9. https://www.epa.gov/ozone-layer-protection/basic-ozone-layer-science
  10. Ross, Martin, et al. “Limits on the space launch market related to stratospheric ozone depletion.” Astropolitics 7.1 (2009): 50-82.
  11. https://apps.fcc.gov/els/GetAtt.html?id=165322&x=

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of Myersdetox.com. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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