Forever Chemicals: How to Protect Yourself
The products you use everyday might be a source of harmful toxins known as forever chemicals. In this article you’ll find out what forever chemicals are, where they lurk and how you can protect your health from them. READ MORE
The Alarming Incidence of Fatty Liver and What to Do About It
Incidences of diseases of affluence like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity continue to rise in the United States. While these metabolic conditions are well-known and understood, a lesser-known condition, fatty liver disease, is quickly becoming one of the largest threats to human health in the … READ MORE
7 Ways To Reduce Your Daily EMF Exposure
Eliminating your exposure to EMFs entirely is, unfortunately, no longer an option for most people. Unless you live completely off the grid, you’re coming into contact with EMFs every day. EMFs (electromagnetic fields) are emitted from devices like smartphones, power lines, cell towers, and WiFi. … READ MORE
Why Your Collagen Supplement Isn’t Working
As health enthusiasts continue to search for ways to keep their bodies young and healthy, collagen has emerged as a superstar on the anti-aging scene. Collagen protein powders, bars, beverages, and supplements are now being marketed as the answer to combat aging — so why … READ MORE
Thinning Hair? Four Nutrients to Make It Fuller & Shinier
It typically doesn’t happen overnight, but one day you look in the mirror and ask yourself, “where did all my hair go?”. When you’re young, your hair is thick and lustrous, but with age (along with several other factors), hair can start to thin out. … READ MORE
Botox: What They’re Not Telling You
It seems like everyone is trying Botox these days. Women as young as 21 are seeking out their local nurse practitioner, esthetician, or dermatologist to get a little injection here or there. While the anti-aging industry is nothing new, in the past few years, treatments … READ MORE
Up At Night? How EMFs Affect Sleep
A good night’s sleep is one of those things we often take for granted. When sleep is going well, we don’t seem to notice. When sleep is poor, however, it can feel like our lives have been turned upside down. Many people don’t realize that … READ MORE
How To Protect Yourself From EMFs at the Home Office
As working from home becomes the new norm, the time we spend in front of our screens has skyrocketed. In-person meetings and lunches have turned into zoom calls. Even casual catch-ups with your friends and family have become a virtual affair. Technology has made it … READ MORE
7 Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Gut
As research into the gut microbiome continues to grow, scientists are discovering the vast array of roles that your gut bacteria play in your body. Everything, including energy production, metabolism, sleep, and cognitive health, are impacted by these little microorganisms that live in your gut. … READ MORE