Palmer Kippola discusses the top ways that you can overcome an autoimmune disease!
What You’ll Learn
Tune into today’s podcast to hear all about:
- Palmer’s F.I.G.H.T.S. framework for healing
- How gluten is a huge trigger for many autoimmune diseases
- What you won’t hear from your medical doctor about how to reverse autoimmune
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Click here to read the transcript for #282 How to Beat Autoimmune Disease Naturally (You CAN Reverse It) with Palmer Kippola
About Palmer Kippola
Palmer Kippola is an author, speaker, autoimmune recovery advocate, and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC). Palmer developed a system called F.I.G.H.T.S.™ to help others beat autoimmune conditions based on her 26-year battle to overcome multiple sclerosis. Her new book is Beat Autoimmune: The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health (April 30, 2019).
When she was 19, Palmer was diagnosed with MS and began her journey of self-healing. In 2010, she completely reversed her MS by addressing her root causes head-on. She remains symptom- and medication-free today. She founded as an online resource to inspire, educate, and empower people who seek to reverse and prevent autoimmune conditions so they can live their most vibrant lives.
Palmer has studied with the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), the HeartMath® Institute, and the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. In addition, she has completed 100+ hours of neurofeedback brain training and studied under leading experts in nutrition, holistic health, energy, and Functional Medicine.Today Palmer collaborates with Functional Medicine practitioners and consults with people who seek to transcend autoimmune conditions.
The Optimal Food Guide
Click Here! To get Palmer’s free gift, The Optimal Food Guide, for reversing and preventing autoimmune conditions!
Beat Autoimmune
This comprehensive book is the first to explore all six of the critical lifestyle factors that are the root causes of autoimmune conditions – and the sources of regaining health.
To order Beat Autoimmune Click Here!