Top 5 Ways to Detox Mercury and Restore Vitality!


Here are the top 5 ways to detox mercury and restore your vitality! Mercury is one of the most toxic metals found today – it can cause a wide array of dangerous health conditions and exposure to it can have serious implications for your health. That’s why it is imperative that you protect yourself from mercury by reducing your exposure and with regular detox.

Most of us are aware of the extreme toxicity of mercury, yet we are often unwittingly exposed to sources of this harmful toxin. As a result of our exposure, our bodies suffer the consequences of these inadvertent encounters. That is why it is vital to your health that you detox mercury.

Mercury is a contributing force to countless chronic health issues, including acne, brain fog, chronic fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, autoimmune diseases, cancer, thyroid disorders – the list is seemingly endless.

Check out my Guide to Sources and Symptoms of Toxic Metals for a more comprehensive list for the health conditions associated with toxicity form mercury and other heavy metals!

Mercury in our environment is contributing to countless chronic health problems today, especially for those who:

  • Eat fish or shellfish at least twice weekly
  • Have ever had mercury amalgam fillings
  • Get vaccinations

Fortunately, the damaging effects of mercury can be reduced with detox, and traces can be removed from our bodies to restore your optimal health and wellness.

In fact, detoxing heavy metals is the foundation of my flagship wellness and detox program, the Myers Detox™ Protocol.

So if you are looking for ways to eliminate mercury and reclaim your health, you have come to the right place! Here are our top 5 ways to detox mercury, as recommended in our Myers Detox™ program…

Top 5 Ways to Detox Mercury 

1.  Infrared Saunas

The skin is the largest organ of the body, making it an excellent means for mercury to exit the system. Daily use of an infrared sauna for several years can make a major impact in eliminating mercury levels in the body.

After the first few years of infrared sauna use, one only needs to use the sauna several times a week to continue detoxing mercury and prevent future exposure from wreaking havoc on the body.

Check out some of these infrared saunas that I personally recommend!

2. Mineral Supplement Antagonists

Mercury antagonists such as selenium, zinc, manganese, and chromium are vital aids in removing mercury from the body.

Selenium is the most important in helping to remove mercury – and almost everyone I test is deficient in this critical element. Supplementing to ensure you’re maintaining the ideal level of selenium in your system is an excellent method for eliminating traces of mercury.

3. Binders

CitriCleanse, a grapefruit citrus pectin, absorbs metals like mercury once they are mobilized. This natural product has the amazing ability to flush out harmful metals once they are mobilized. Because it grabs and disposes the metals, toxins, and chemicals, it has the ability to reduce or eliminate detox symptoms, making the process much more comfortable, even effortless for some.

4. Chelators

These powerful binders cling to metals and remove them from the body. The most effective chelators for mercury include cilantro extract, Intestinal Metal Detox by Quicksilver, liposomal, N-Acetyl Cysteine, and Super R-Lipoic Acid.

I suggest anyone who suffers from mercury toxicity include these supplements in their diet.

DMSA is a synthetic chelator that is needed by some people to aid in the removal of mercury and other metals attracted to this chelator. Those who have a large amount of mercury in the body are top candidates for a synthetic chelator.

5. Lifestyle Changes

Committing to changes in your dietary and hygienic habits can play a significant role in reducing your risk of exposure moving forward. 

  • Completely eliminate tuna fish and larger species of fish from your diet to avoid consuming mercury. Fish such as sea bass, marlin, shark, halibut, pike, walleye, swordfish, shellfish, and bass are all known to contain traces of the toxin. To learn more about which seafoods to avoid, see Wendy’s Seafood Survival Guide.
  • Have mercury amalgam dental fillings replaced. Removing mercury fillings in stages – a few at a time – will stop the harmful metals from continually permeating into your system. Mercury amalgams leach mercury into your body and also contain nickel, tin, aluminum, and sometimes palladium – all toxic metals. Mercury fillings more than 15 years old tend to leech more metals into the body, as they become increasingly unstable over time.
  • Detox mercury with my Myers Detox™ Protocol. Eliminate mercury and heavy metals to restore your energy levels, adhere to weight loss, reduce symptoms for chronic illnesses, and protect yourself from the diverse and destructive effects of ongoing mercury exposure.

Myers Detox™ Protocol

Given the toxic exposures that we all encounter daily, ongoing and focused detoxification is imperative.

When we are nutrient and mineral depleted, stressed and overwhelmed with metals and chemicals, disease eventually follows. That’s why it is so important to detox the body of the  heavy metals chemicals interfering in your body’s function and remineralize!

I developed my Myers Detox™ Protocol because I wanted to teach people how they can detox their body with the correct supplement, diet, detox, stress reduction, and lifestyle protocols. You CAN get your health back!

The Myers Detox™ Protocol is a powerful detox and wellness program that is custom designed to fit your needs and unique body chemistry. It reads your body’s levels of toxicity through testing, detoxes the heavy metals that are harming you, and replenishes the vital minerals you need to heal and to thrive.

Start a Myers Detox™ Protocol today!

And please explore more on to learn more about the astounding benefits of removing metals and chemicals from your system, and kick off your detox journey to take control of your health and wellness!



1. Díez S. Human health effects of methylmercury exposure. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. 2009;198:111-32. 2. Sears, Margaret E. “Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review.” Scientific World Journal. Published online 2013 Apr 18. 3. Avila MD, Escolar E, Lamas GA. “Chelation therapy after the trial to assess chelation therapy: results of a unique trial.” Curr Opin Cardiol. 2014 Sep. 4. Cao Y, Skaug MA, Andersen O, Aaseth J.”Chelation therapy in intoxications with mercury, lead and copper.” J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2015;31:188-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2014.04.010. Epub 2014 May 14. 5. Wilson, Sauna Therapy, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc., 2006. 6. Analytical Research Labs. “Mercury.” 7.Sloane, Julie. Mercury: Element of the Ancients. Dartmouth Toxic Metals, Superfund Research Program.

8.Sears, Margaret. “Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review.” . 2013; 2013. Published online 2013 Apr 18

9.New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. “What Do You Know About Mercury?” 10.Dr. Mercola. “What You Need to Know About the Different Forms of Mercury, the Next Generation of Mercury Testing, and How to Detox Safely.” January 6, 2013. 11.Rafati-Rahimzadeh M, Rafati-Rahimzadeh M, Kazemi S, Moghadamnia AA. “Current approaches of the management of mercury poisoning: need of the hour.” Daru. 2014 Jun 2;22:46. doi: 10.1186/2008-2231-22-46. 12.Sandborgh Englund G, Dahlqvist R, Lindelöf B, Söderman E, Jonzon B, Vesterberg O, Larsson KS. “DMSA administration to patients with alleged mercury poisoning from dental amalgams: a placebo-controlled study.” J Dent Res. 1994 Mar;73(3):620-8.

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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