Transcript: #74 Detox your Household Cleaners with Debra Lynn Dadd

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  • 03:20 About Debra Lynn Dadd
  • 05:02 Debra’s toxin-free story
  • 12:50 Toxic Chemical Detox
  • 22:54 Getting Started
  • 25:32 Good Cleaning Product Alternatives
  • 28:33 Health issues associated with routine products at home
  • 31:49 Detoxing
  • 41:38 Toxic Free by Debra Lynn Dann

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and I’ll be your host for the day. You can check out the Live to 110 Vide Podcast on my YouTube channel, which is WendyLiveto110.

Today, I’m really excited to have our guest on. It’s Debra Lynn Dadd. She is a toxins expert and we are going to be talking about the toxic products, cleaning products that people use in their homes every day thinking that they are improving the health of their family by killing germs. Oh, my gosh! Not germs.

And so many people don’t realize that our bodies are meant to kill germs. Our bodies are very used to killing germs or pathogens that are bad for us, but they are not accustomed or equipped to detox the chemicals that are in most cleaning products today.

And so that’s the message I try to get out to you listeners as much as I can. We really need to be thinking about choosing the germs over the chemicals. The germs are not going to kill you.

We’re also going to be talking about toxins and all kinds of other detox stuff because Deborah Lynn Dadd is very much a toxins expert. I’m so excited to have her on the show today.

So first, we have to do the disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this show is not intended to diagnose any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment or suggestion that we talk about on this show today. This podcast is for entertainment purposes only.

And you guys want to sign up for my free Live to 110 by Weighting Less e-guide and get five free Modern Paleo Survival Guides. We’ve got lots more in the tunnel for you. We’ve got about 40 Modern Paleo Survival Guides plan, little charts that help you to navigate your diet and your lifestyle. So go to the website, and sign up for those.

I’m also really excited. I’m going to be a speaker at the Bulletproof Conference that Dave Asprey puts on every year. He has the number one health podcast out there right now and I’m going to be talking about infrared saunas.

I’ll also have a booth there hawking my little infrared saunas that I sell on my website. I think they’re one of the best things that you can do to detox your body and live a healthy lifestyle. So come down and say hi to me in Pasadena (it’ snear Los Angeles), September 26 to the 28th. I’d love to have you there.

I’m also going to be speaker at the Women’s Gluten Free Summit. You can check that out at This is an online summit, totally free that Jennifer Fugo puts on. She is the Gluten Free expert queen. I’m going to be talking about how to do an elimination diet and figuring out if gluten works for you or not in your diet (because for most people, it does not).

I’m a big advocate of going gluten-free. I don’t think it’s doing anybody any favors for their health.

3:20 About Debra Lynn Dadd

Wendy Myers: So today, our interview, Debra Lynn Dadd wrote the first published book on toxic chemicals and consumer products way back in 1984, 30 years ago.

Debra Lynn Dadd: That was when I was six years old.

Wendy Myers: But I love that, that you’ve been studying about this and learning about it and teaching people for so long about this. That’s fantastic!

Debra Lynn Dadd: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Debra has updated her books. Her updated books had been continuously in print ever since. She became interested in the subject after learning that exposure to toxic chemicals in her own home were causing her a variety of problems.

She restored her health by identifying the toxic chemicals in her home and removing them. After seeing the harm toxic chemicals can cause and that safe alternatives do exist, Debra made it her life’s work to educate consumers on how to make safer choices so everyone can live a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Today, Deborah has one of the most extensive websites about how to live toxic-free and continues to expand her work into new areas. She’s got a directory of hundreds of websites where you can buy toxic-free products. She’s got a food blog and information on how to remove toxic chemicals from your body, which we’re going to get into today.

Debra is the host of Toxic Free Talk Radio, which I’ll be a guest on next Tuesday. You can even call her directly for a personal consultation.

So please go check out her website at

So Debra, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Thanks for inviting me.

5:02 Debra’s toxin-free story

Wendy Myers: So how did you get into the toxic-free lifestyle? Tell us a little bit about your history with that and why you’ve become such a big advocate of going toxin-free.

Debra Lynn Dadd: When I was 24, I became very ill and I didn’t know what it was. I had all kinds of symptoms that ranged from being depressed to gaining weight to not being able to sleep at night. In fact, I would not sleep at night and then I would be tired all day long. I used to binge eat. I would get headaches. Just almost you name and I would get it.

I thought none of these symptoms go together to make any kind of illness that I’ve ever heard of before. My doctor didn’t know what was going on. My mother at that time was actually dying of Cancer. My father took her to a doctor, an alternative doctor who would give her intravenous vitamin C, the only doctor who would do that then. This was 20 years ago.

He was treating people for something that I had never heard of before called environmental illness, which meant that these people were exposed to chemicals in their home environment and those chemicals were making them sick.

At the time – I think they probably still do this, but at the time, it was pretty common to do something called provocative neutralization testing where they would test you for a chemical, your symptoms would turn on and then they would turn off of the symptoms like doing an allergy shot (except that it wasn’t a shot).

And so he would go in and wait for my mom while she was getting her intravenous vitamin C and he’d see the doctor turning these symptoms on and off, on and off, on and off and he said, “That’s what’s wrong with my daughter.”

And so he took me in. First, he came home and he told me about this. One of my symptoms was that I wouldn’t do anything to help myself. And so…

Wendy Myers: That’s interesting to recognize that as a symptom.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, yeah. I didn’t recognize it until later. But what happened was he started telling me about this and I started getting all upset and I was crying and I didn’t have any reason to be crying. It was just all uncontrolled.

And so one of the things that he learned was you could take Alka Seltzer in the gold package and it would turn off the symptoms. And so he had gotten some Alka Seltzer, he put it in a glass. He says, “Here, drink this” and I said, “I will not drink this” and I threw it across the room.

We had this big drama going on. He had to wrestle me to the floor and pour it down my throat. And then I like woke up and I just said, “What just happened?” That showed me that something was wrong. That was like my aha moment where I saw something is wrong because if he can give me this Alka Seltzer in a gold package and turn off my symptoms, what is causing them?

And that’s when I went to the doctor’s office, I started meeting other people who already knew that their exposure to toxic chemicals in their homes were making them sick. They told me about their symptoms. I found out insomnia was one of the symptoms. I just started putting two and two together.

And then I did all the research – I was really, really sick. I could not function. I was disabled, not being able to function. But I dragged myself out of bed every day and went down to the medical library at the hospital and places like that where I could research. I found out, for example, that formaldehyde causes insomnia.

Now, where is formaldehyde? It’s on practically every bedsheet in America. It’s that permanent press finish. And so I was trying to sleep every night in this cloud of formaldehyde that was keeping my awake. And when I changed my sheets, I could sleep. And when I saw that, I said, “Wait a minute! There is really something to this.”

I just kept researching and researching and finding – there was no books or websites like mine then. So I had to find out in one book what the symptom was and the chemical that went with that symptom. And then I had to find out where was that chemical in the consumer product before I could then go to my house and say, “Well here, I’ve got permanently pressed bedsheets that’s from formaldehyde.”

I discovered things like the chlorine in tap water in my shower was making me faint. Perfume was giving me headaches. It all made sense. And as I started to heal, I thought, “You know, I just went through this whole ordeal of being so sick to the point of being disabled physically and mentally. Nobody has to go through this because we don’t have to have toxic chemicals in our homes.”

I see all these people who have all these illnesses and are taking all these drugs and spending all these money on healthcare. And there’s even studies that have been done to show that a huge percentage of our healthcare dollars are going to conditions that are caused by our toxic chemical exposure – like 75% or something, I don’t remember the exact number.

But we don’t need to be sick. We just don’t need to be sick. When I saw that 30 years ago, I said, “I just need to let everybody know this. I need to keep doing the research and letting people know in a practical way how they can live without these toxic chemicals.” It wasn’t enough to say, “Avoid the toxic chemicals. I had to tell people how to do that.” So that’s what I’ve been doing.

Wendy Myers: I really have my hats off to you for being such a pioneer in this field and having to do all that research manually on your own.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Manually. There was no computers either. I had to go down to the library.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s difficult to find correct – now, we have so much information that it’s hard to find good information and correct information. That’s one thing I tore my hair out doing when I was first learning about health and nutrition. It’s a jungle out there. It’s more of a jungle having to find all these information in obscure journals and obscure books – wow! I can only imagine.

But yeah, it makes me really sad. I hear so many people, they are so sick. They go to doctors who have zero training in toxicity and chronic low-level heavy metal toxic. They’re trained in acute heavy metal toxicity, but not the chronic low-level that most people suffer from. It’s just really sad. They’re just adding more toxic medications on top of their toxic body burden that doesn’t help.

Debra Lynn Dadd: It doesn’t. And toxic exposure really is the number one health problem today I think. It really is. People try to do other things. They do things like take drugs, but they also try to do a lot of natural things. Even the natural things won’t work if what you’re doing is putting all these toxic chemicals in your body.

It’s like trying to empty a bathtub when you’re filling it up. You’re actually filling up the bathtub faster than it can empty itself. That’s just putting the toxic chemicals in your body faster that they can be assimilated and eliminated.

If people would just do this as the first step, then they would eliminate a whole lot of healthcare costs and a whole lot of discomfort. It’s just the thing that everybody needs to do today.

12:50 Toxic Chemical Detox

Wendy Myers: Yeah! And that’s what I wanted to talk about. I talk a lot about detox and detoxing your body, but I wanted you, the expert, to talk about how we can reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals in our home which is where most people are getting the majority of their toxic exposures and air and the cleaning supplies and what-not. So can you tell the listeners about some of the most toxic cleaning products that they’re using?

Debra Lynn Dadd: Well, all the cleaning products they’re using are the most toxic. The very first book that I wrote in 1984 was just a directory of non-toxic products that I have found. But the second book was in answer to the question, “Well, where do I start? What’s the most toxic things? What do I do first?” The whole first chapter was just about cleaning products. It was hard within cleaning products to put them in some kind of order because there’s so many toxic chemicals that are used in cleaning products.

Cleaning products are so toxic that they’re governed by the Federal Hazardous Substances Act. Unfortunately, what happens is that by law, cleaning products do not have to say what are the ingredients. And so I had to do a lot of research like in industrial journals and things to find out what was in the cleaning products.

There’s just a whole lot of toxic chemicals. I’m not even going to go into all the names because they’re things that nobody would recognize. Just suffice to say that they are so toxic that they’re governed by a law that says that they have to have warning labels depending on certain degrees of harm.

But what they don’t consider, the warning labels are all about – as you’ve said before, the acute poisoning. And that means if you are exposed to it, you’re going to have some horrible symptom right now today. That’s why they have poison control centers. It is for acute exposures.

But most of us are suffering what are called chronic exposures, which is the day in, day out small exposures that build up in your body. You almost aren’t even aware of them. But then after they reach a certain level and you have what is the centers for disease control calls body burden, once that body burden builds up, then you start being sick.

So the warning labels – actually, there was a study to show that the warning labels weren’t even used properly. So we have all these toxic cleaning products. And so my best advice is just don’t use anything that’s sold at the supermarket.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Argh! They’re so toxic.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, there’s only one. I mean, they’re starting to have some better ones now, but when I first started, there was only one cleaning product at the supermarket and that was Bon Ami. That Bon Ami is not toxic.

Wendy Myers: I use it still today. I have that in my cabinet.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, I love Bon Ami. It’s a really good basic cleaning product.

Wendy Myers: Instead of the soft scrub, which is full of bleach and things like that.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Wendy Myers: Do you like The Method. I mean, that’s one that’s in a lot of the grocery stores now.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I looked at their ingredients and they have some ingredients in them that I wouldn’t use personally. I use to say just to go to the natural food store, but even the natural food stores now have some. You have to watch out.

My favorite brand is Vermont Natural Soap. They have a tremendous amount of organic ingredients. It’s not just natural ingredients. They make theirs out of organic ingredients. The owner of the company is very sensitive to chemicals himself and so he’s very aware – I mean, his standard for how pure they need to be is very, very, very high.

But I also make a lot of cleaning products myself because I started out making them myself when there were no commercial products. And I just continued to do that. I just use soap and vinegar and water and baking soda and things like that to clean my house and it gets it clean.

Wendy Myers: Do you have recipes on your website about how to make these natural cleaners?

Debra Lynn Dadd: I have some in – hmmm… where? Actually, I’m in the process of adding all of those because they’ve been in my books in the past. But as books get updated, they aren’t there.

There are some books on my website that are just filled with Annie Berthold-Bond’s Clean & Green. She has a bunch of them. What’s another one? Better Basics for the Home. If you get a book like that – and if you go to my website, I have the books section, just click on books. Go to the Cleaning section, it lists all those cleaning books that have all those recipes.

Wendy Myers: And what about Lysol? There’s people just spraying Lysol over their home all over and killing “germs” – oh, my God because those germs are going to kill us and using the Lysol Disinfectant, toilet spray and all these what-not. What do you think about Lysol?

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah! I need to say about Lysol, they’re also running ads saying, “Use Lysol for your healthy home” or something.

Wendy Myers: Argh, another “health” thing, health thing.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Their “health” thing, yeah, that’s the word. Well, what they’re trying to tell you is that germs are bad and you need to use their toxic chemicals to get rid of the germs and that makes you healthier. Lysol has a lot of toxic chemicals in it. I do not recommend Lysol.

Here’s the thing about germs. Your body is accustomed to fighting germs. We have immune systems to do that. If our bodies are not fighting those germs in its natural way, it’s because we’re using all these toxic chemicals, which suppress our immune system and destroy immune system cell and that’s why then we get sick. It’s not because of the germs themselves.

One of the things that I’ve just learned recently is that the anti-microbials that are in a lot of products now and the germ killers, they’re actually killing microorganisms. And in our bodies, in our gut, all over our bodies, we have microorganisms. They’re not our own cells. It’s like a whole different body of…

Wendy Myers: We have several pounds of them.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yes, we do! I mean, there’s like millions of them.

Wendy Myers: We’re infested.

Debra Lynn Dadd: And they digest our food. You know what? There’s little stuff that gathers between your eyelashes and the microorganisms clean your eyelashes for you. They do! It’s just like they’re these little things that you can’t even see, but they’re making our bodies run and being our friends.

And then when you use these anti-microbials and take antibiotics, we kill them. We’ve lost up to a third of our microbials because of the chemicals that we’re using. We need to restore them. We need to not give ourselves kill more of them. We need to be restoring all those microorganisms that are helping us.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’ve actually stopped using soap on my skin because I don’t want to wash away all the little microbes on there. You have microbes on your skin that actually make nitrous oxide that’s healthy for your veins to be flexible and just all kinds of little things that they do. So maybe I’ll do a scrub-down once a week. I might do a little TMI for you listeners out there, my personal hygiene routine.

But I just only do it when I have to just to remove the dead skin cells, but I don’t soap down every day because it has consequences.

Debra Lynn Dadd: We don’t need to clean our bodies as much as we do. We really don’t. I mean, I take a shower every day, but I don’t always soap every day. Just rinsing does a lot. It’s fine.

We need to know that nature has a lot of wisdom and that before the industrial age came along, we were all living outdoors, eating foods right out of the ground and things like that. And now, we live in such an antiseptic environment that we’re not getting all those things that we should be having from our relationship with nature because we’re just not there. We’re not separated from it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I do not fear dirt. I don’t fear germs.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Me neither.

Wendy Myers: I am a dirty bird. It’s funny because my husband is actually a germ-o-phobe.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Uh-oh.

Wendy Myers: And so we argue constantly, “But have you read the latest studies that say that you need to get sick or that our child needs to get sick to have a healthy immune system?” and he’s just like, “Aaahhh…” He just will not listen to me.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Well, I will say with confidence that the toxic chemicals that are used to kill germs cause more illness than the germs themselves and that if we just let our bodies be in their natural healthy state, our immune systems will take care of it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! And I definitely am for reasonable measures like washing your hands when you’ve been touching on all kinds of public places. But beyond that, there’s no point in spending energy warning about germs, which a lot of people do.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I totally agree.

Wendy Myers: They spend a lot of energy.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I think so too, yeah.

Wendy Myers: Thinking about cleaning and worrying about that. It’s almost like you’d have to scrub your body with a toothbrush. Some of the people that are OCD, they get on their hands and knees and scrub the floor with a toothbrush to get all the germs and what-not. My point is that you can’t. You’d have to destroy your body to get rid of all the bacteria and germs in them.

22:54 Getting Started

Wendy Myers: So where do you start if you want to start to detox your cleaning products?

Debra Lynn Dadd: Well, I would just start by – just if you haven’t done anything before and you’re just buying everything at the supermarket, just take all of it out and don’t throw it in the garbage because it’s household hazardous waste.

I mean, that’s what you’re cleaning your house with. It’s legally classified as hazardous waste. And so you need to take it down to the proper household hazardous waste disposal place and find out what that is. Call your garbage man or whoever picks up your garbage and say, “What do I do with my household hazardous waste” and that’s what you do.

And then the next thing that I would do is get a book about how to make your cleaning products. It’s not even that difficult. I’ll just give you a few to start with. Vinegar and water, you just put it half and half in a squirt bottle (which costs a couple of dollars at the hardware store) and you can use that for windows. You can use that for countertops.

You just go down to the natural food store and buy some brand of a liquid soap (not liquid detergent, liquid soap). You can use that to wash dishes. You can use that to wash anything else.

Wendy Myers: Like Dr. Bronner’s?

Debra Lynn Dadd: Dr. Bronner’s is fine, Vermont Natural Soap. There’s several different brands. But Dr. Bronner’s has been around forever and they’re in every natural food stores. So you can certainly start with that one if you want. They have some organic ingredients. And baking soda is the other one.

When I wrote my very, very, very first self-published book in 1982, I had very little information, but it was a start. A friend of mine said, “You should just call this book Do Everything with Baking Soda” because at that time, all we had was vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda and Bon Ami. That was it! Nobody had done all the research that people have done now – tea tree oil and all these other things that you could use to wash with.

But baking soda will do a lot. You can use baking soda to scour your sink if you don’t have Bon Ami. I use it to clean the drain, to open the drains, all kinds of things. If you just start with vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda and get some instructions – even my book, Toxic Free has the instructions on how to use those three items. So you can just get started with that.

25:32 Good Cleaning Product Alternatives

Wendy Myers: So basically what are some good alternative brands that you really like? I know you mentioned Vermont Natural Soap, you mentioned Dr. Bronner’s. Are there any other ones that you like?

Debra Lynn Dadd: BioClean, I like. I use their dish soap actually and I really like it and 7th Generation. 7th Generation is doing an interesting thing. This is going into a different subject. When you look at if something is toxic, the first level of looking at it is to look at the ingredients on the label. And so they would be ingredients like when you’re making a recipe or cooking a recipe. It says milk, eggs, flour, et cetera. And so then the ingredients on the label would be like the milk, eggs and flour that is being put into the product.

But there’s a whole new level of people looking at the whole – what’s called the supply chain. And so 7th Generation is actually one of the leaders of people who are now looking throughout how all their ingredients are made. And sometimes, the ingredient is made – like if you were to put say mayonnaise in your salad dressing, mayonnaise has its own list of ingredient. It’s not a source ingredient. And so they’re looking at where are all these ingredients coming from, these industrial ingredients that are put together to make things like cleaning products, how toxic are they, are they creating toxic waste. There’s just this whole list of things that people are looking at.

And so, 7th Generation is one who has been very aware for many, many years of the toxic chemicals. And now they’re going on to the next level of looking at these things.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think that’s so important because that’s one problem with ingredients. Even like perfume, that’s an ingredient that is protected by patents. So the manufacturer can just list perfume, but there are going to be a hundred ingredients or more in that one ingredient label.

Debra Lynn Dadd: And perfume has many, many toxic ingredients in it. There’s actually a place that you can go. I have it on my website. There’s a website where you can go that list all the perfume ingredients. So it’s not by perfume, but these are the thousands of ingredients that may be in your perfume. And so then [inaudible 00:27:59], you could look at the health effects of those.

But I think that there’s one company that has been advertising. I don’t really know which one. One major company has been advertising, they’re disclosing what’s in their perfumes. FCJohnson I think. In fact, I think you can go to their website and it says what is in their perfumes. I think it’s great that they’re disclosing. But when I went and looked at their ingredients, they were still toxic ingredients. It’s just that they’re disclosing it.

Wendy Myers: And being open about it.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, which is better than not being open about it.

Wendy Myers: It makes people trust them more.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I guess so.

28:33 Health issues associated with routine products at home

Wendy Myers: So what are some of the health issues associated with using the typical bleaches and perfume detergents and other cleaners that are routinely used in millions of homes?

Debra Lynn Dadd: It can actually be anything. The way health issues are, toxic chemicals, you can look up a toxic chemical and you can look up the health effects and it’ll list, “It’ll do this and this and this…”

When I wrote my most recent book, Toxic Free, what I did was that I looked at all the different body systems like the immune system, the endocrine system, the gastrointestinal system. I started categorizing chemicals according to what system they affect.

And so if you look at something an endocrine disruptor like BPA, BPA will cause all kinds of things that range from making you gain weight to losing your sex drive to just adrenal malfunction. Anything that has to do with the endocrine system will be affected by that.

And so it’s hard to say, “This chemical is going to affect this person in this way” because you and I could be exposed to the same chemicals and our bodies could react in very different ways.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Debra Lynn Dadd: And also, another important thing is it’s not about just being exposed to one chemical with one health effect because the synergy between two chemicals actually makes it worst.

I’ve seen studies where they have tested individual chemicals where there were no health effects and then they started combining them and by the end, the rats died. You may have heard that there’s more of a risk for cigarette smokers if they’ve been exposed to asbestos. The combination of cigarettes and asbestos is more likely to cause lung cancer than either of them separately. And that’s true for every single chemical.

When you start thinking about that we’re exposed to hundreds of chemicals every day, that they’re going in our bodies and they’re all combining, now how can you ever test that? You cannot test that.

Wendy Myers: That will never happen. That will never happen.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, because every day, we have a different mix. And so we can’t ever determine what is the ultimate harm from this and I don’t even want to consider that.

So in just looking at what the danger is for individual chemicals, I go, “That’s enough information. I’m just not going to be exposed to them” and I found over the years for myself (and other people that I’ve worked with to help them go through those) that everybody’s health improves when they remove toxic chemicals.

Wendy Myers: I mean, the EPA has established this. The EPA established that we have hundreds of chemicals in our bodies. Every person, on average, I’ve read that they have 700 chemicals in their body all synergistically combining and potentiating each other.

31:49 Detoxing

Wendy Myers: What do you do to detox? What do you do? You’re the detox expert. What do you do? I want to know what you’re doing to detox.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Well, actually, I detox on a continuous basis. My doctor says – he’s a natural-oriented doctor. He says that (and of course, this is true) the body is detoxing every moment of every day. It’s not about going on a detox every spring or for a week or whatever. We need to be detoxing every day.

I have done sauna detoxes, extensive saunda detoxes. I think that they work. There’s plenty of scientific evidence to show that they work. But I don’t think that I would do a sauna every day. it takes time and sweat.

Wendy Myers: I do it at a period of time every day and then after that, it’s just on a maintenance basis.

Debra Lynn Dadd: That’s exactly a good point. You do need to do something intensively for a period of time in order to reduce your body burden. And then we need to do things on a maintenance basis because we’re still getting new toxic chemicals in.

So what I do is I drink a lot of water, really pure water. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits because those flesh out your bodies. Things like garlic and cilantro will detox chemicals.

But I also take something called liquid zeolite. I take it every day and what it does is it circulates in your body, in your blood. When it encounters a heavy metal, it actually removes things in a certain order. So it starts with a heavy metal and then it’ll start removing other stuff later.

When it encounters it, then it’s like a magnet and it just pulls or binds to it. And then the particle of zeolite gets eliminated through the kidneys after about 4-6 hours and it just takes that heavy metal with it.

One of the reasons this works so well is you could do something like a kidney detox or liver detox to make those detox organs work better, but they still have to work. What this will do is remove those heavy metals from your body even if your body isn’t working.

One of the first people, when I first started recommending this and taking it myself, one of the first people who wrote to me said, “My father has been in bed for years. I gave him some of your liquid zeolite. After five days, he got up and walked into the kitchen and announced that he was going to the doughnut shop.”

Wendy Myers: Wow! To adjust toxins.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, but he got up out of bed. And that was the only change. That was the only change. And when I started taking it, after about ten days, I woke up in the morning and I went, “Oh, my God! I’ve never felt this good.”

Now, I’m a person who at this point, it had been like 25 years of no toxic exposure in my home and still, I took it and there was an effect because I used to think that if I just avoided the toxic chemicals, my body’s natural detox process would eliminate the chemicals that were in there. Well, it does that to a certain degree, but we’re so overloaded.

And so I found that when I took this, when I took this, after ten days, I went, “Oh, my God! I’ve never felt this good. What happened? What happened?” I said, “I feel euphoric.” And this is the word. People write to me and say, “I feel euphoric.” I’m not telling them this word. It’s just they write to me over and over and they say, “I took that zeolite and I feel euphoric.”

I mean, you don’t feel euphoric every day for the rest of your life. But it’s common, this feeling or euphoria when the heavy metals start clearing that I know refer to it as ‘zeolite euphoria’. I just expect people to have it. I’m not saying 100% of the people will have it, but it’s just such a night and day experience that you think you’re feeling until you don’t have the chemicals in your body.

And everybody has them. I think it would be impossible to live in this world today and not be exposed to them. So I feel comfortable in saying, if you’re listening to this show, you’ve got heavy metals in your body that need to be removed.

Wendy Myers: Oh, yeah. The question is just to what degree. How much do you have?

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, that’s the question.

Wendy Myers: That’s the only question.

Debra Lynn Dadd: That’s the only question. It’s not yes or no. It’s how are you going to get them out into a degree that you need to remove them.

And so I take this even though I’ve already gone through the clearing of the old heavy metals. I still take it every day because it does other things. Once you clear the heavy metals, it will actually keep viruses from replicating. And so I can be around people who are sick and I don’t get sick because the viruses go into my body and they don’t replicate because I’m taking zeolite.

Wendy Myers: What brand do you think of zeolite?

Debra Lynn Dadd: I take a brand called Touchstone Essentials. And so it’s called Pure Body Liquid Zeolite. You can go to my website, and all the information is there.

Wendy Myers: I’ve heard of them. They are a really good high-quality company.

Debra Lynn Dadd: They are.

Wendy Myers: I looked on their website. They have amazing products. Can you tell us a little bit about the company and the quality of their zeolite.

Debra Lynn Dadd: The company has been around for a little over two years. It’s about 2 ½ years. The thing about their zeolite is that it’s processed in a certain way. Zeolite is a natural mineral and it attracts, it has this very strong magnetic force. They used it in Chernobyl to – oh, it’s another thing that it takes out, radiation. So especially if you’re on the west coast of the United States and you’re getting radiation…

Wendy Myers: You’re eating sushi, Japan.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, all those things. So any concern you have about radiation, this takes out the radiation out of your body too.

But the thing is you have to clean the zeolite and not all zeolite products have been cleaned because in nature, it’s of course, attracting things. And so what they do is that they press it and they clean it. And so you have clean zeolite. So it’s there doing that.

It’s also processed to a certain particle size. They have two different particle sizes. One is basically for your blood and intestines and then a smaller one that actually goes into your cells because there are toxic chemicals in your cells and you can’t get the zeolite in, you’re not going to get the heavy metals out of your cells.

Wendy Myers: That’s what I have a lot with my clients. They’ve got really, really high calcium levels on their hair tests. And if you have high calcium levels from different adaptations of body mixed stressors or what-not, it causes this reduced cell permeability. The calcium is so high that toxins can’t get out and nutrients and hormones can’t get in.

So that’s one thing I do in my Mineral Power Program, we correct that. And that’s a big problem. Eighty percent of people have that problem.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Well, the whole basic premise of Touchstone is get the bad stuff out so the good stuff can go in because step two is that they have these incredible supplements where they grow all the plants themselves on their own farms. So it’s all regulated and it’s all cold-processed so there’s no heat. It goes into amber jars. It’s all the purest kind of whole food supplements that I’ve been able to find.

The integrity of the people I know – everybody there in the company, everybody on the staff. They have conferences once a year, so you can go visit. Their headquarters in Bali and you can talk to people. They’re going to answer your questions.

I take these supplements every day because it’s food. It’s not a supplement. It’s food nutrients. It’s just dehydrated food.

And I feel great! I see miraculous things. When I go to the conferences, I see people who couldn’t walk can now walk. I know this sounds raucous, but people who have been in bed are now walking around telling their stories.

It really is just the only – it’s not a miracle thing. It’s detox and enough nutrition.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s what I do. That’s what I do.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Nutrition! Good, quality nutrition.

Wendy Myers: That’s my message. That’s what my program does.

Debra Lynn Dadd: That’s my message too. That’s my message too.

Wendy Myers: Detox and nutrition and you have been healed. It’s not a miracle.

Debra Lynn Dadd: It’s the answer. If it’s any miracle, it’s like nature’s miracle because that’s all we’re doing, we’re taking these nutrients from nature, we’re taking away the bad stuff and it’s amazing.

Wendy Myers: It’s a very simple formula and it works.

Debra Lynn Dadd: It is. It works.

Wendy Myers: It’s the missing link. The people aren’t getting it at their doctors’ because the doctors don’t pay attention to nutrition and they don’t pay attention to the detox. They’re missing the whole point. And so that’s why I urge people to really take responsibility for their own health and not always listen to their physicians even though they mean well and we do need medications and surgery at times. We need that. We need suppress symptoms sometimes. But the cornerstone of your health should be nutrition and detox.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I agree 100%, 100%

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I like you! I like you.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I like you too.

41:38 Toxic Free by Debra Lynn Dann

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell us about your book, Toxic Free.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yes, Toxic Free. Toxic Free, I think it was book number seven or eight. I lose track of it because I’ve written so many. What it is is it’s intended to be where do you start. And so half the book is about removing toxic chemicals from your home, half the book is about removing toxic chemicals from your body.

In the part about your home, it gives 50 things that you can do and basic instructions like using vinegar and water or what to look for, what kinds of toxic-free products to look for for the top 50 things. If you just do those top 50 things, you’ll have most of everything out of your house.

It’s an easy book to read. I’ve had people tell me it’s the best boo that I’ve written. It really was designed to just get everybody going to get the toxic chemicals out of their homes and out of their bodies.

Wendy Myers: And do you talk about beauty products in there as well?

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yes, yes.

Wendy Myers: …because that’s a big…

Debra Lynn Dadd: I talk about everything. I talk about everything. I mean, cleaning products, beauty products, carpets, clothing, everything that you would encounter in your home. And then I have so much more information on my website because you can go there (it’s and then across the top, there’s a menu. If you click on ‘Shop’, it’ll take you to my list of hundreds of websites that have toxic-free products.

And so there’s just really nothing. If you got on my website and you can’t find what you’re looking for, just email me and I will find it for you because there is no excuse for toxic living anymore. Everything that you need is available.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s what’s great about living in our day and age. There are so many companies that are sensitive to consumers’ needs and toxicity. There’s so many products available. It’s unbelievable.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Well, the thing really is (and why I still have a job) is that most consumers don’t know how to figure out what’s toxic and not toxic. And also, companies aren’t communicating very well if they’re toxic or not toxic. Even the ones that aren’t toxic don’t really know how to communicate.

And so I see the next step in my work is instead of just providing people with lists, I really need to educate consumers more, but also educate companies as to how to communicate, how to disclose. I’m already starting to work with a few companies like that. I’m not going to be alive forever. I’ve been doing this…

Wendy Myers: I am. No, I’m joking. I’m going to live to 110.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, you are. Well, even when I live to 110 (because I actually think I’m getting younger and healthier), even when I live until 110, still there will be some finite day when either my body won’t be here anymore or I won’t want to do this anymore. I can’t let everything that I’ve done, all the progress that I’ve made just disappear. And so I’m really looking at how am I going to continue whether I’m there or not. How is this work going to continue? I mean, not that I don’t have a terminal illness or anything like that, it’s just maybe I’d like to do something else with my life or go on a vacation.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. I know, I hear ya! No vacations in my future. I’m having too much fun though.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I’m having a lot of fun too. I really do love, I love what I do. I have a radio show every day. I don’t always do live every day, but I try to do at least three or four live shows every week.

Wendy Myers: Oh, wow!

Debra Lynn Dadd: And so I’m talking to the movers & shakers and people who are looking to make less toxic products and write about them or working on regulations. There’s a whole adopters who are doing natural treatments. There’s a whole toxic-free world going on and I’m just identifying it and communicating and helping people know about it. That’s how I see my job.

Wendy Myers: And back to making toxin-free products available, for a lot of people living in small towns and a lot of people that maybe they’re not so computer-savvy, the problem is, their only options are the toxic products, the drug store and the grocery store. That’s a problem I think that people have to – a lot of this world is happening online.

Debra Lynn Dadd: That’s exactly right.

Wendy Myers: In the big city, there’s lots of little specialty shops and what-not that sell products. You kind of have to know where to find. But people, they’ve got to get online and find this stuff.

Debra Lynn Dadd: They do. But I’m always looking around wherever I am whether I’m shopping locally at home or whether I’m traveling. I’m always looking for toxic-free products. It’s like I’m looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. I’m always looking at the world through toxic-free glasses.

Wendy Myers: I am too. It’s a burden.

Debra Lynn Dadd: I’m looking at a shelf of things and my mind is going, “Toxic… toxic… very toxic… toxic… toxic… toxic… toxic… toxic-free…” I can recognize things right away. I know what to look for now.

And I want all consumers to be like that. I want them to be able to. I just want to empower everybody to look at choosing toxic-free products as a challenge that’s interesting. But once you learn it, once you choose your brands, you can just keep buying them. You don’t have to keep looking and choosing every single time. Once you know that you’re going to buy Dr. Bronner’s soap instead of scented liquid detergents to wash your dishes, then you just go by your Dr. Bronner’s soap.

But I’m always looking because I want to see the new things that are happening. I want to see how the whole field is developing. But not everybody needs to do that. Just find out what you need, where you can get it that’s toxic-free and you’re set.

Wendy Myers: And the products are getting better and better too. When some of the natural products came out, I would try them and I had stains all over my dishes. I do not have sparkle-free, diamond shine on my glasses…

Debra Lynn Dadd: I know, I know.

Wendy Myers & Debra Lynn Dadd: …but they are getting better.

Wendy Myers: They are!

Debra Lynn Dadd: They are. And so you can really live in a toxic-free way that is – I was going to say every bit as enjoyable, but I think it’s more enjoyable because organic food tastes so much better than toxic food. It’s so wonderful to put those natural things on your skin and soft cotton sheets feel so good when you’re sleeping on them.

I can just go on and on and tell you what sensory delight there is in having organic and natural things that are toxic-free and not making you sick.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah! Well, hallelujah! I’m right there with you. Yeah, I cannot stand the artificial scents. As women, we have a more developed sense of smell than men. So we’re more sensitive to smells. I can’t stand those synthetic perfumes. I can tell the difference between essential oils and the synthetic scents that are in Cascade or Bath & Body Works products. It just repulses me on some level.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Me too, me too.

Wendy Myers: I know instantly if it’s a natural scent or artificial scent or a petroleum-based scent or what-not.

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yeah, yeah.

Wendy Myers: Well Debra, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Debra Lynn Dadd: You’re welcome. Thank you so much for asking me.

Wendy Myers: That was so informative. I know all the listeners are going to go right away and call the hazardous waste department in their area and get rid of all their toxic cleaners…

Debra Lynn Dadd: Yes, and they’re going to go to and find out what to use instead and see all the possibilities. It really is such a joy for me to be discovering and finding and communicating about all the wonderful things that people can use that are supporting their health instead of making them sick. I love doing it, so I hope everybody comes to see what they can use.

Wendy Myers: I highly recommend her site. It’s a fantastic website. I was learning stuff on it, so definitely, you’re going to learn something as well.

And everyone, if you want to learn more about detoxification and my version of the Paleo diet, the Modern Paleo Diet and healing your health conditions naturally, come on over to You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter, @iwillliveto110. You can see this video podcast on YouTube and on the blog post of the same name on

If you liked what you heard on the show today, please go and take a couple of minutes and give the Live to 110 Podcast a review on iTunes. I would appreciate that so much. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.


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