Heal Your Thyroid

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Learn how to heal your thyroid naturally. Your thyroid is vital for health and to prevent disease. Thyroid hormones are the spark plugs of the body.  They ignite the “fuel” in the mitochondria of each cell. This produces the biochemical energy needed for the body to perform all of its functions.

Any problem with the thyroid gland can cause weight gain, brain fog, fatigue, reduced immunity, a reduced ability to detox, etc. These consequences of reduced thyroid function lead to many diseases, including cancer.

You must be aware of how to take care of your thyroid if you want to be healthy!

I was a speaker at Sean Croxton’s The Thyroid sessions.

You can listen to my presentation by CLICKING HERE and purchasing the summit.

The second opinion


Thyroid patients are typically told that they must go on thyroid medication for life. This could not be further from the truth. You can heal your thyroid and get it working on its own no matter what the diagnosis.


Anyone with thyroid problems should read this blog. If you have trouble losing weight, or feel depressed or tired, it could be your thyroid. The thyroid sets your metabolism and energy level. Learn how to detect reduced thyroid function, the causes of thyroid problems, and how to heal your thyroid.


This is thyroid week! So, I thought I’d replay this classic Live to 110 podcast about the thyroid. Luke Pryor, a fellow Nutritional Balancing practitioner, talks to me this week about how a Nutritional Balancing program can heal your thyroid naturally and get you off your medication for good.



Anyone with thyroid problems should read this blog. If you have trouble losing weight, or feel depressed or tired, it could be your thyroid. The thyroid sets your metabolism and energy level. Learn how to detect reduced thyroid function, the causes of thyroid problems, and how to heal your thyroid.

Nutritional Balancing with Hair mIneral Analysis

Nikki Moses talks to me about Nutritional Balancing Science. She has many years experience successfully using hair mineral analysis to view a person’s unique body chemistry and determine the exact combinations of nutrients that are needed to bring balance so the body so it can heal itself.


Dr. Lawrence Wilson, an expert in Nutritional Balancing Science, discusses how to rid yourself of fatigue and brain fog. He will reveal the underlying causes of these epidemic problems in our society and how to address them by healing the whole body with Nutritional Balancing Science.


Dr. Lawrence Wilson, an expert in Nutritional Balancing Science, will compare different methods of healing and detox methods. He has been studying detoxification methods and healing methods for over 30 years and shares his wealth of knowledge on his website DrLWilson.com.


Soy is not a health food. It should be avoided completely or eaten only on rare occasions and in fermented forms. The soybean is now being linked to breast cancer, thyroid disease, menstrual and fertility issues, as well as severe allergies, compromised immunity and brain damage.


Is gluten the cause of your health problems? It very well could be. Gluten is the number one cause of health issues and food sensitivities. Find out why you should be eliminating it from you diet.


No matter how healthy you eat or take care of yourself, you CANNOT achieve true health unless you purge heavy metals, environmental chemicals, and toxic forms of minerals from your system and replace them with bioavailable minerals.


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