Dr. Jack Kruse talks to me today about how to activate your fat burning pathway by optimizing your PPP. This pathway is crucial to understand how to lose weight simply by utilizing energy and water – and a Paleo diet.
Click here to view the full transcript for #17 Activate Your Fat Burning Pathway with Dr. Jack Kruse.
PPP stands for the Pentose Phosphate Pathway and is the biochemical pathway critical for longevity, life and ultimate performance.
About Dr. Kruse
Dr. Jack Kruse is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping parents avoid the healthcare burdens we typically encounter as we age. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurologic Surgeons and Management Medicine Group.
Books by Dr. Kruse
Dr. Kruse is a big proponent of the Paleo Diet. His book the Epi-paleo Rx is the result of Kruse’s abundant research and clinical application in his practice as a neurosurgeon. Kruse questions conventional wisdom about human metabolism and chronic disease, arguing science has incomplete information when it comes to insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, and their related illnesses. By examining the human body through the prism of our early beginnings and the science of epigenetics,
we find each of us already possesses the “owner’s manual” to reverse disease and live optimally. Nutrition is a vital part of Dr. Kruse’s protocols and regiments. He’s put together this great Cookbook with all kinds of recipes. Upon purchase, you will receive new recipes, seasonal ideas. He is working on a “sauces” book.
Special Offer ONLY for myersdetox.com™ Listeners
Dr. Kruse is offering a special package for myersdetox.com™ listeners. For only $49 you will receive 2 webinars on the PPP and Fat Loss in Women and a free month membership to Jack’s Silver Klub. Total value of $206 for only $49! Click here to take advantage of this offer.