#61 Are you at Risk for Osteoporosis? with Dr. Kim Millman
Dr. Kim Millman talks to Wendy this week about how to detect calcium and how to stop osteoporosis dead in its tracks. She is a Stanford trained doctor with an exciting new program called Calcium Checkup that helps you determine your osteoporosis risk. READ MORE

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Medicine seems to be at a loss about how to approach Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), but there are many natural healing methods one can use to rid themselves of this diagnosis forever by healing the thyroid and adrenals. READ MORE

#58 Heal Your Thyroid with Nutritional Balancing with Luke Pryor
This is thyroid week! So, I thought I’d replay this classic Live to 110 podcast about the thyroid. Luke Pryor, a fellow Nutritional Balancing practitioner, talks to me this week about how a Nutritional Balancing program can heal your thyroid naturally and get you off … READ MORE

Thyroid Disease and its Healing
Thyroid patients are typically told that they must go on thyroid medication for life. This could not be further from the truth. You can heal your thyroid and get it working on its own no matter what the diagnosis. READ MORE

#42 Estrogen Dominance Syndrome with Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Dr. Lawrence Wilson of Drlwilson.com talks to Leigh and I about estrogen dominance, which contributes to countless health issues, including cancer and reproductive issues. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly exposed to estrogenic chemicals that are found in the air … READ MORE

#38 Heal Diabetes Naturally with Nutritional Balancing with Kristen Harper
Kristen Harper, a fellow Nutritional balancing practitioner, talks to me about how a Nutritional Balancing program can heal diabetes naturally and help people get off their medication. All types of diabetes, including Type 1 and 2, respond really well to Nutritional Balancing. Today, we’re going … READ MORE

#32 An Epidemic of Absence with Moises Velasquez-Manoff
Moises Velasquez-Manoff, author of An Epidemic of Absence, talks to me about how many of the health crises we face today are due to the degradation of our gut flora. His thoughts on the true underlying causes of disease and immune system malfunction are incredibly compelling. READ MORE

#27 Heal Your Thyroid with Nutritional Balancing with Luke Pryor
Luke Pryor, a fellow Nutritional Balancing practitioner, talks to us this week about how a Nutritional Balancing program can heal your thyroid naturally and get you off your medication for good. READ MORE

#21 Cholesterol Clarity with Jimmy Moore
Jimmy Moore of Livinlavidalowcarb.com talks to me today about his important new book Cholesterol Clarity. We are going to be giving you the latest up-to-date info on high cholesterol. It’s a lot different that what your doctor is telling you. If you are on statins – … READ MORE

Andropause: What is it really?
Are you grumpy before your time, irritable, angry or bad tempered? Has your get up go, got up and left? Fatigued, loss of energy, loss of concentration or feeling over-stressed? Have you lost your motivation? Had a decrease in job performance? Having problems in the … READ MORE

The Emotional Causes of Cancer
Cancer absolutely has emotional roots. There is a ton of evidence suggesting that repressed anger, hate and resentment play a crucial role in the development of cancer. Increased stress hormones caused by emotional triggers suppress the immune system, which can lead to cancer. READ MORE

10 Surprising Things Impacting Your Thyroid
Anyone with thyroid problems should read this article. If you have trouble losing weight or feel depressed or tired, it could be your thyroid. The thyroid sets your metabolism and energy level. Learn how to detect reduced thyroid function, the causes of thyroid problems, and … READ MORE

There is No Cure, but You Can Heal Cancer
What if cancer was the body’s final attempt to heal? This can happen when the body’s defense mechanisms become overwhelmed with toxins, detoxification has become ineffective and the body starts breaking down. When your environment becomes too toxic, cancer seems to be the body’s attempt to restore balance. READ MORE

Thyroid Conditions
Anyone with thyroid problems should read this blog. If you have trouble losing weight, or feel depressed or tired, it could be your thyroid. The thyroid sets your metabolism and energy level. Learn how to detect reduced thyroid function, the causes of thyroid problems, and … READ MORE