Detox Your Home, Part 4: Living Room


Detoxing your home environment is just as important as detoxing your body. Join me for the next part in my Detox Your Home series, where we go through some easy, actionable steps you can take today to detox your living room and other family areas!

You Need to Detox Your Home

Heavy metal and chemical toxicity + nutrient depletion and stress = disease.

Chronic exposure to toxic chemicals – including the the day in, day out small exposures from everyday living – leads to toxic build up in your body, which can lead to disease.

But I don’t want you to feel discouraged. We do live in a toxic world, but that doesn’t mean you have to live a toxic life! You can reach optimal health and vitality through detox – not only by detoxing your body, but also by detoxing your home, too!

So please join me for this quick and handy checklist to help you detox your living room (and other living areas)!

Looking for more info on why you need to detox your home? Read more here.

Detox Your Living Room

Remove Shoes Before Entering Your Home

Kick off your shoes before entering your home. That way you aren’t tracking allergens, dirt, heavy metals, and other pollutants into your home.

Let’s try to keep your home clean before even entering it!


Invest in an Air Purifier

Indoor is up to 5x more toxic than outdoor air. Indoor chemical odors in your home are potential allergy triggers.

In fact, formaldehyde is the most common indoor pollutant in homes today. Make surrey are purifying your indoor air by invest in a good air filter. I use the Fresh Air Surround System. I also love Breathe Safe from Creatrix Solutions, a portable and compact personal air purification system that generates millions of negative ions, balanced by a small number of positive ions, as soon as it’s connected, 


Detox with Plants

Plants are amazing at cleaning up your air, so add some to your home! Certain types of plants can suck pollutants from your indoor air.

These include the the Garden Mum, Peace Lily, and Aloe Vera, and the Spider Plant. The Peace Lily is my personal favorite.


▢ Check for Lead Paint 

Was Your Home Built Before 1978? If your answer is yes, you may be inhaling dust that contains lead from paint deterioration.

This is because lead was commonly used in house paint until the 1970s, before the U.S. banned it in 1978. Remove the lead paint using a wet sanding method with a HEPA filter vacuum.

Also make sure to keep your windows open for ventilation! Keep children away during this process until all the lead paint and chips are removed. Choose low VOC paints when repainting.


Eliminate Foam Furniture

Foam mattresses are treated with fire retardants and off-gas chemicals you breathe in all night. Choose mattresses made from natural latex and furniture made with leather, wood, cotton and wool. If you can’t eliminate the foam furniture just yet, cover it with natural fabrics.


▢ Ditch the Air Fresheners and Fragrances

When you see the term  “fragrance” or “parfum” on a product label, run the other way! Due to a loophole in US law, these terms can represent a number of undisclosed mix of toxic chemicals blended together to create the “pleasant”-smelling fragrance.

Many are documented carcinogens or hormone/endocrine disruptors, as well as respiratory irritants, neurotoxic chemicals and environmental pollutants.

▢ Toss Toxic Candles

Those scented candles are adding a lot more to your air besides fragrance. In fact, they are a major source of indoor air pollution in homes today!

Paraffin wax  – the wax that makes up most scented candles  – releases toxic benzene and toluene into the air when burned. Benzene and toluene are both cancer-causing agents! On top that, scented candles contain artificial fragrance (hence the “scented”), the dangers of which we discussed above.  Toss those  toxic chemical-laden candles out!


▢ Do a Radon Check


Radon is a radioactive gas that can lead to lung cancer. Hire a tester or purchase a testing kit to find out if it is in your home.


Looking for more ways to detox your home?

The body has a natural ability to detoxify toxins and heavy metals. But in today’s toxic world, this natural ability becomes severely compromised. Overexposure to toxins and high-stress levels result in weakened digestive/detox function allowing toxins to find their way into the fat cells and brain tissue.

But we can detox our bodies and our homes – it just takes little bit of awareness of exposure, attention to our health, and a change in our habits.

To get more of this Detox Your Home series – where I help you detox your bathroom, bedroom, garden, and more –  simply come back to! I will be posting the next article soon…

And if you missed early parts of this series, check them out below:


Katie the Wellness Mama. “Why I Don’t Use Scented Candles”. Jan. 23,2019.

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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