How to do a Food Elimination Diet
Most need to do a food elimination diet to lose weight, reduce inflammation and feel their best. Learn the steps to do a food elimination diet and download the free Modern Paleo Food Elimination Survival Guide to walk you through the process. READ MORE
#68 Perfect Health Diet for Weight Loss with Dr. Paul Jaminet
Dr. Paul Jaminet discusses how to do his Perfect Health Diet for weight loss. We go into detail about fats, carbs, fructose and metabolism. Learn about intermittent fasting, the kinds of carbs you should eat and much more! READ MORE
#57 Food Sensitivities Make you Fat with Wendy and Leigh
Wendy Myers reveals one of the major issues causing weight gain, not to mention making you sick! Learn the signs, causes, testing and how to do a food elimination diet to determine if you have Food Sensitivities. READ MORE
#55 Reboot your body with Kevin Geary
Kevin Geary talks to Wendy and Leigh about how one reboots their body with diet and fitness, focusing on the mindset and psychology of the process. His site helps men and women overcome the mental and emotional roadblocks preventing them from reaching their weight … READ MORE
#54 General Leigh’s Fitness Philosophy
General Leigh Lowery talks to Wendy this week on the Live to 110 Podcast about her fitness philosophy. She dicusses what you need to do to stay in shape and her beliefs about weight loss and diet. READ MORE
The Live It Plan Part 3 Leptin Resistance
Is your appetite out of control? Could it be leptin? Leptin is a hormone that essential in the regulation of appetite, food intake and weight. Research has shown that an absence or resistance can lead to uncontrollable eating, then weight gain. READ MORE
#42 Estrogen Dominance Syndrome with Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Dr. Lawrence Wilson of talks to Leigh and I about estrogen dominance, which contributes to countless health issues, including cancer and reproductive issues. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly exposed to estrogenic chemicals that are found in the air … READ MORE
Biohack Ghrelin and Leptin for Easy Weight Loss
At face value, it seems that losing weight is about eating right and getting plenty of exercise. Many don’t realize that our hormones play the most important role in determining whether we lose weight. Your weight loss efforts are doomed to fail if you are … READ MORE
Book Review: The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor
Microsoft executive my day, health writer by night, Jonathan Bailor hits upon a nerve in the weight loss paradigm with his second book, The Calorie Myth. He shows in study after study that we should be doing the exact opposite of what we’ve been taught … READ MORE
#37 Grace Fat Loss Method with Grace Suh
Grace Suh, a licenensed acupuncturist, talks to me about her incredibly interesting and unique eastern medicine approach to weight loss – Grace Fat Loss Method: Ancient Secrets to Burn Fat and Boost Energy. READ MORE
#34 Burn Fat with Abel James, the Fat Burning Man
Abel James, the Fat Burning Man, talks with me on his ideas about how to optimally burn fat! I also pick his big fat brain on his ideas about the Paleo diet and fitness for fat loss. READ MORE
The Dangers of Diet Soda
I was surprised that a client ended our session last week by asking me, “Do you have a diet soda in the studio? I am so thirsty, I’ve got to have one!” I smiled and told him I was sorry, that all I had was … READ MORE
#28 How to Lose 110 Pounds with Deanna DellaCioppa
Deanna DellaCioppa talks to us about her very inspiring weight loss of 110 pounds (actually 100 pounds, hehe)! We’re going to talk about how she did it and how you can do it, too. READ MORE
The Live it Plan Part 2
Apart from feeling bloated and uncomfortable and looking “5 months pregnant”, does it really matter whether we are more apple than pear shaped? READ MORE