Weight Loss

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Healthy diet and exercise are the first steps, but are merely one aspect of weight loss. Many eat healthy and and exercise, but fail to lose weight because they are missing a few key factors that could be sabotaging their weight loss efforts. A few of these weight loss roadblocks include optimizing their adrenal and thyroid function, hormonal imbalances, chemical toxicity, malnutrition, food sensitivities, stress, and intestinal infections. The only way you can find the best way to lose weight for you personally is through trial and error, with a few basic healthy guidelines.


15 Habits of Highly Effective Eaters

25 Tips for Big Weight Loss Results

How NanoVi Helps You Attain and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Biohack Ghrelin and Leptin for Easy Weight Loss

Book Review: The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor

Deadly Artificial Sweeteners

Detoxing for Long Term Weight Loss – A Harvard MD Weighs In

Eat by Listening to Your Body

Fats Only Make Your Brain Fat

Food Sensitivities Make You Fat and Sick

Gluten Sensitivity Affects 1 in 3

Hidden MSG

How to do a Food Elimination Diet

Kick your Craving’s Butt!

Learn About Healing The Thyroid Naturally

Live it Plan Part 1

Live it Plan Part 2

Live it plan Part 3

Live to 110 by Weighing Less FREE eGuide

Meet Your Thyroid

Meet Your Thyroid: A Cause of Weight Gain

Safe Natural Sweeteners

The Benefits of Green Tea

The Dangers of Diet Soda

Thyroid Disease and its Healing

Trouble Losing Weight? Balance your Body’s Biochemistry

Weight loss Summit! The Weigh You Do Food is the Weigh you Do Life!

When Diet and Exercise are Not Enough: Roadblocks to Weight Loss


Most Health Issues Stem from Copper Dysregulation Part 1 with Morley Robbins

Gut Bugs and Belly Fat Connection with Mike Mutzel

Perfect Health Diet for Weight Loss with Dr. Paul Jaminet

Food Sensitivities Make you Fat with Wendy and Leigh

Reboot your body with Kevin Geary

General Leigh’s Fitness Philosophy

The Calorie Myth with Jonathan Bailor

Estrogen Dominance Syndrome with Dr. Lawrence Wilson

Grace Fat Loss Method with Grace Suh

Burn Fat with Abel James, the Fat Burning Man

How to Lose 110 Pounds with Deanna DellaCioppa

Heal Your Thyroid with Mineral Power with Luke Pryor

The Smarter Science of Slim with Jonathan Bailor

Obesogens: Chemicals That Make You Fat with Lara Adler

Activate Your Fat Burning Pathway with Dr. Jack Kruse

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