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You can eat a healthy Modern Paleo diet, but you won’t Live to 110 without a healthy lifestyle! The longest lived cultures in the world eat a healthy diet, but the main secret to their longevity is a healthy lifestyle, including spirituality, feeling a sense of community and support, exercise, good sleeping habits and reducing stress. All of these aspects of a healthy lifestyle must be addressed to live a long healthy life.

In order to be healthy we must attempt to emulate the conditions under which our bodies have evolved for millions of years. Straying too far from the caveman lifestyle will inevitably result in health issues.

Many people’s lifestyle habits go against how their bodies were designed and, therefore, contribute to stress and a decline health. We are not designed to live on five hours of sleep a night for months on end. Or stare at bright computer and smartphone screens until we go to sleep. Nor are we designed to do intense exercise every single day or never feel sunshine on our skin. How we manage our stress, play, sleep and exercise have a profound impact on our health. You must get in sync with your body’s natural ancient rhythms and start livin’ the caveman lifestyle.

Living a healthy lifestyle encompasses:

  • Fitness
  • Sleep
  • Reducing stress
  • Spirituality
  • Healthy Cooking
  • Healthy home environment
  • Healthy beauty products
  • Play


Balancing a New Year

Chemicals in Cosmetics Put Junk in Your Trunk

Don’t Miss the Detox Summit!

Five Mistakes Robbing you of Amazing Sleep

Happy Self-Valentine’s Day

Introducing Wendy’s new book The Modern Paleo Survival Guide

It Takes a Village

Little Known Causes of Depression

Live to 110

Livin’ the Caveman Lifestyle

Top 3 Microwave Myths Debunked

Mineral Power with Hair Mineral Analysis

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Reduce your Exposure to Everyday Cancer Causing Agents

Slower Breath, Longer Life

Thanksgiving Challenge: Give Thanks a Chance

The Story of an Urban Mystic

Tips to Boost Your Immunity

Top 10 Tips to Reduce Stress

Wendy’s Favorite Beauty Products

Why Running Does Not Get You Healthy

Why Wendy Likes Endomet Supplements

Why You Need a Whole House Water Filter


Less Doing to Reduce Stress with Ari Meisel

Detox your Household Cleaners with Debra Lynn Dadd

Shocking Benefits of Ozone Therapy with Dr. Garry Gordon

How GMOs affect Gut Health with Tom Malterre

Living the Primal Lifestyle with Mark Sisson

Power Tips for Healthy Women in Leadership with Susan Leahy

Functional Body Workouts with Nick Iadonisi

Reboot your body with Kevin Geary

General Leigh’s Fitness Philosophy

REM Rehab with Evan Brand

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude with Danny Cohen

Take Control of Your Mind and Meditate with Roy Masters

The Kaizen Fitness Method with Tee Major

Paleo Organic Skincare with Trina Felber

Meet the new Live to 110 Podcast Co-host General Leigh Lowery!

Your Primal Body with Mikki Reilly

Grace Fat Loss Method with Grace Suh

The Sleep Solution with Ameer Rosic

Toxic Beauty with Wendy and Cate

Biological Dentistry with Carol Vander Steop

Nourishing Traditions of Baby and Child Care with Dr. Thomas Cowan

Optimize Your Feel Good Brain Chemicals with Beverly Meyer

Why Your Pet Should Eat a Primal Diet with Marc Ching

Ask a Pilates Master with Van Halsema

When to See a Physical Therapist with Lider Chan

Paleo Diet and Ancestral Fitness with Evan Brand

Nutritional Balancing with Hair Mineral Analysis with Nikki Moses

Blast Your Fear of Fat with Christine Cronau


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