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Nutrition is the foundation of your health. Every cell in your body is built upon the raw building materials you put in your body like fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and countless other nutrients even yet to be discovered. serves to teach you how to eat with longevity and optimum health in mind.

The Modern Paleo diet is what I believe to be the most nutrient dense diet on earth. Modern Paleo is my version of the Paleo diet based upon the latest research. I can only advocate the diet I believe to be the most nutrient dense and the diet that will work for most people – the Paleo diet. This is the diet that our body has evolutionarily been designed to thrive on. The human race has eaten this diet for millions of years, thus our bodies have evolved to require the nutrients in this diet to function optimally.

Many diets, like the vegetarian, vegan and raw food diets have become popular, but are full of serious nutritional deficiencies and I cannot recommend them for this reason. But no one diet works for everyone. You have to find, by trial and error, the diet tailored specifically to your own biochemistry. This is why you will find that a diet that works great for your friend or partner is not working for you at all. Paleo is a great place to start. I teach you how to find the Paleo diet that works best for you in my new book The Modern Paleo Survival Guide, coming soon.


10 Tips for Healthy and Affordable Food

15 Habits of Highly Effective Eaters

25 Tips for Big Weight Loss Results

Are You the Half that Should Avoid Dairy?

Avoid GMO’s by Decoding the PLU Code on Produce

Benefits of the Modern Paleo Diet

Biohack Ghrelin and Leptin for Easy Weight Loss

Book Review: The Calorie Myth

Book Review: The Perfect Health Diet

Brazil Nuts as a Selenium Supplement and Testosterone Enhancer

Complete List of Artificial Sweeteners

Dangers of Diet Soda

Deadly Artificial Sweeteners

Dietary Dangers

Dietary Guidelines

Eat by Listening to Your Body

Fats Only Make your Brain Fat

Food Sensitivities Make you Sick and Fat

Gluten Sensitivity

Healthy Vegetarianism

Hidden MSG

Homemade Nut Milk

How to do a Food Elimination Diet

Is Red Meat a Superfood?

Is too Much Fruit Unhealthy?

Join Me at the Women’s Gluten Free Summit!

Kick Your Craving’s Butt

Less Grains More Brains

Little Known Dangers of Soy

Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide

Marilyn Monroe was my Paleo Hero

Modern Paleo Diet

Present Day Problems in Our Food Supply

Potatoes and Spuds are so Paleo

Red Meat Does Not Cause Disease

Safe Natural Sweeteners

Sardines are the Safest Fish on the Planet

Saturated Fat: Vindicated

Seafood Survival Guide

Source Matters: A Paleo Guide to Buying Eggs and Poultry

Sugar 101

Ten Myths of the Paleo Diet

The Live It Plan

The Live It Plan Part 2

The Live It Plan Part 3 Leptin Resistance

The Healing Power of Bone Broth

Think Beans are Good for You? Think Again!

Top 5 Movies on Nutrition

Top 5 Tips to Go Gluten-Free!

Wendy is a guest on the Optimal Health Show with Ameer Rosic

Wendy’s New Book The Modern Paleo Survival Guide

We’ve Adapted to Foods Not on the Paleo Diet

What Grains are Safe to Eat?

What is Aspartame Poisoning?

Why is Nutrition So Confusing?

Why You Need a Whole House Water Filter


Benefits of Green Tea

Coffee: The Bitter Truth, The Rich Conclusion

The Good, the Bad, the Dark of Coffee

The Juice on Juicing

What Kind of Water Should I Drink?

Why You Should Avoid Alkaline Water


Bison and Kidney Bean Chili

Butternut Squash Soup with Fried Sage

Cauliflower Puree with Thyme

Chicken Bone Broth

Chicken Meatballs with Marinara

Coconut Creams

Egg in an Avocado

Fermented Cucumber Kimchi

Fermented Ginger Carrots

Flourless Banana Pancakes

French Scramble

Ginger Chicken Stir Fry

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie

Green Beans with Cranberries and Almonds

How to Make a Killer Frittata

Kale Salad

Leftover Turkey Soup

Lemon Rosemary Garlic Chicken and Potatoes

Paleo Green Goddess Dressing

Paleo Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Seed Pesto

Quinoa Stuffed Kombucha Squash

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

Roasted Cauliflower with Cilantro Vinaigrette 

Roasted Cipollini Onions with Balsamic Dressing

Roasted Fennel and Blood Orange Salad

Roasted Yams and Radicchio with Mustard Vinaigrette

Salmon with Avocado Salad

Sardine Toasts with Pickled Onion, Capers and Dill

Savory Split Pea Soup

Southern Collard Greens

Swiss Chard with Pancetta and Golden Raisins

Turkey and Mushroom Marinara with Spaghetti Squash

Truffle Baked Sweet Potato Fries


The Benefits of Organic Food Based Vitamins with Innate Response CEO Robert Craven

Blast Your Fear of Fat with Christine Cronau

Structured Water with Patrick Durkin

Keto-Adapted Diets with Maria Emmerich

Shocking Benefits of Ozone Therapy with Dr. Garry Gordon

Perfect Health Diet for Weight Loss with Dr. Paul Jaminet

Reboot your body with Kevin Geary

Gluten Free on a Budget with Jennifer Fugo

Why You Want to Eat the Yolks with Liz Wolfe

College Primal Challenge with Monica Bravo

The Calorie Myth with Jonathan Bailor

Your primal Body with Mikki Reilly

Recovering from Soy with Dr. Kaayla Daniels

Grace Fat loss method with Grace Suh

Bulletproof your coffee with Dave Asprey

The future of organic standards with Mark Kastel

Burn fat with the fat burning man Abel James

Is gluten the cause of your health problems with Dr. Tom O’bryan

How to Lose 110 Pounds with Deanna DellaCioppa

Damaged Vs. Real Food Podcast with Tracy Coe Part 2

Death by food pyramid Podcast with Denise Minger

Damaged Vs. Real Food Podcast with Tracy Coe Part 1

The Smarter Science of Slim Podcast with Jonathan Bailor

The Vegetarian Myth Podcast with Lierre Kieth

The Perfect Health Diet Podcast with Paul Jaminet

Paleo Diet and Primal Fitness Podcast with Evan Brand

Why is nutrition so confusing with Wendy Myers

Why it’s Safe to eat Mercury-Laden Fish with Nick Ralston


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